Rich Man … Poor Man … GOD

“The Churches too have adopted this doctrine of humanistic debt to the people. The Bible tells us that we are totally in debt to the Lord God, that we owe Him as our Lord the tithe as the minimum, and our lives as living sacrifice. The new humanistic doctrine of debt turns the moral universe upside down and the poor replace God as the focus of moral concern.”

R. J. Rushdoony
Roots of Reconstruction — pg. 320

The thought categories of Biblical Christianity have too often been refilled with Marxist content so that man is the center of our Christianity and not the Lord Christ. This is seen most clearly in the doctrine of social justice which is so bandied about today inside and outside the Church.

Clearly we should be concerned with the righteous poor in our communities but the Church shows this Marxist switch when it draws the antithesis between rich and poor instead of between the righteous and the unrighteous. Marxism is the only thing that can explain how much of the Church knee jerks about social justice for the poor, forgetting that God loves the Rich righteous and blessed many throughout Scripture to be rich (Job, Abraham, David, etc.). God has no more love for the wicked reprobate poor just because they are poor anymore than he has love for the wicked reprobate rich.

Our social justice, if we must use that term, should be for those in Christ first. However Marxism has allowed us to feel good about ourselves if we damn all rich and act as if the poor are automatically righteous just because they are poor.

“Remove far from me falsehood and lying; give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that is needful for me…”

Proverbs 30:8

One Characteristic Of Babel Humanistic Statism

Ironically, at the same time that humanistic statism de-personalizes life and man, it speaks often about ‘the Brotherhood of man’ a term from family life. This doctrine of brotherhood, however, is an intellectual concept and an abstraction. It has nothing to do with family life, even though the term ‘family of man’ is often used. This idea of the brotherhood refers to the statist integration of races, nationalities, and cultures to form a homogeneous blend in which all the distinctives of each are lost. The God given personal identities and ways of white, black Oriental, and other peoples are all offensive to these statists. They seek to create a humanity which has no personal identities but acts, responds, and functions in terms of social evolutionary plans. Theirs is a plan for death and they call it life.”

R. J. Rushdoony
The Roots of Reconstruction — pg. 323

What RJR is noting we might call “universal racism.” Universal racism would be that racism that treats people in an unloving way who do not agree that “integration of races, nationalities, and cultures to form a homogeneous blend in which all the distinctives of each are lost” is a good thing. Actually, the problem of Universal Racism is far more prevalent today then any other kind of racism

Dostoyevsky On The Goal Of Egalitarianism

Here is a classic description of the socialist concept of equality as described by Dostoyevsky in his “The Possessed.” It is referred to as “Shigalyovism.”

“The thirst for education is already an aristocratic thirst. As soon as there is family love, there is a desire for property. We shall throttle that desire: we shall unleash drunkenness, scandal, denunciations: we shall unleash unprecedented debauchery; we shall extinguish every genius in his infancy. Everything must be reduced to the common denominator, total equality.

Each belongs to all, and all to each. All are slaves and equal in slavery. In extreme cases it will mean defamation and murder, but the main thing is equality. First there will be a drop in the standard of education, in learning and talent. A high level of learning and talent is accessible only to the very brainy. We must abolish the brainy! The brainy couldn’t be anything other than despots and have always brought more debauchery than good. We will execute or exile them. We will cut out Cicero’s tongue, gouge out Copernicus’s eyes, stone Shakespeare to death — that Shigalyovism! Slaves must be equal: freedom and equality have never yet existed without despotism, but here must be equality in the herd, that Shigalyovism!

If after reading this quote one isn’t alarmed at how much we are seeing this come to fruition in our own communities there isn’t much hope to ever convince. The unleashing of debauchery is seen in the sexual agenda that is everywhere in the State schools. The desire to extinguish genius is seen in the policy that was “No Child Left Behind.” No one needs to be convinced regarding our drop in the standard of education. If we don’t see that, the only reason we can’t see that is because we have become part of the “drop.”

The Purposes Of Mass Immigration

The common view of immigration on the Left is that Mass immigration is a useful weapon on four fronts

1.) The war against the ideal of limited government

The influx of third world immigrants that are being advocated will result in the burgeoning power of the State as these new immigrants vote for candidates who will take from the stolen monies of citizens, that are nested in the Government coffers, and redistribute those monies to the new race pimps representing the immigrant constituency. The consequence of this, of course, is to expand government in its stealing from Paul to give to Peter routine.

2.) The greater jihad against the historic American nation itself

Bertolt Brecht in a similar context where people had risen up against their government poetically asked,

Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?

Clearly a state apparatus that fancies that the best arrangement for a State is a Centralized top down State replete with a planned economy is going to do all it can to create a citizenry that agrees with them and will support the State. Traditional Americans who know their history and are familiar with their birthright will be, at the very least, diluted by the immigration influx.

3.) Enriching the Super Wealthy by swamping the market with low wage slaves.

Immigration redistributes the wealth into the pockets of the super-wealthy as wages are suppressed while the super rich get richer. High stock prices, rising home values and surging corporate profits have buoyed the recovery-era incomes of the most affluent Americans, with the incomes of the rest still weighed down by high unemployment and stagnant wages for many blue- and white-collar workers due to the labor surplus created by untrammeled immigration.

4.) And the Ultimate goal … To destroy the Historically Orthodox Christian Faith

Most of the type of Biblical Christianity that informed America for the first 75 years or so has long gone into eclipse but remnants remain. With continued immigration Christianity will be redefined just as the rest of the nation is redefined. Biblical Christianity accounts for the belief in limited Government, the belief if just wages and just prices, and the belief system of traditional Americans. As such, this ultimate goal of destroying the Historically Orthodox Christian faith, if accomplished, assures that the lesser proximate goals are achieved.

The Multi-ist Agenda

By seeking to build a multi-cultural, multi-creedal, multi-familial Globalist New World Order society in America we are seeking to do something that has seldom if ever been successfully done before in any time in human history. The history books do not show a civilization/society/nation that was multicultural, multi-creedal, multi-familial as able to sustain it self over the long haul. On the other hand history reveals countless examples of Multicultural / egalitarian failures whether one considers the Greeks, Romans, 1700’s-1800’s Poland, Yugoslavia, Soviet Union, Kosovo/Serbia, The Flemish and the Walloon of Belgium, or even the French Canadians in Quebec, etc. History does not support the idea that “multism” can work.

The dirty little secret however is that there really is no attempt to sustain the differences that come to the fore in a multi-istic culture. What is going on in the West is not the attempt to build a culture where all distinctions are honored. The differences, being hurled together, is only one phase on the way to a much grander project. The grander project, as pursued by the Internationalist Bankster elite, is to put all these differences they are slamming together into a New World Order blender to create a uni-culture, uni-creedal, uni-racial, New World Order. The goal is to move past the social construct that is mutliculturalism, multi-creedalism, and multi-familialism, to a socially engineered and arrived at cultural, creedal, and biological reality where all polarities of culture, creed, and race have been genocided precisely because they have been regenerated into a Universalistic slave melange.

The proximate purpose behind this attempt to create a Unitarian world where all cultures, beliefs, and colors bleed into one is accounted for by a pagan postmillennial desire to build a Utopian Kingdom of Man. Such Utopias are described in books like Huxley’s “Brave New World,” Zamyatin’s “We,” Muggeridge’s “Winter In Moscow,” and Orwell’s “1984.” The one unifying theme in these books is that pagan postmillennialist Utopia always creates Dystopian nightmare social orders. And so it already is, and will even more become, as the genocidal vision of the New World Order elite comes to the fore as driven by the current massive third world immigration into the West.

The ultimate purpose behind this attempt to create a Unitarian world where all cultures beliefs, and colors bleed into one is to create a mega-slave class for the 1 percent. This whole egalitarian internationalist New World Order project looks to genocide — especially of the West — and the subsequent creation of a Borg cattle people in order to be unto them what the Hebrews were unto the Pharaohs in building their pyramids and great cities. Included in this ultimate purpose is the rebuilding of a Babel that will glorify the god of sulfur and brimstone who is the one who has forever sought to turn God’s Eden into His Mordor.

The means by which this is all attempted is the social engineering of the league of Globalists, Socialists, Corporatists, Finance & International Capitalists as well as assorted Communists, Fascists and Fabians who have worked together, via the Hegelian dialectic, to bring all this about. By the means of welfare, housing allowances, mass immigration, affirmative action, redistribution programs, monopoly power, diversity programs, money printing ability, debt creation, etc. as combined with the threat of force the social engineering of this league has allowed their multi-ism to advance. However, should the day come when the money ceases to flow, or when the dollar crashes the untangling of this socially engineered knot will not be a pleasant sight to behold.

Contributing to all this has been much of contemporary Christianity of the West. One form of Christianity, having been long captured by this agenda, merely baptizes this Globalist agenda and wraps it all in the Cross. It insists that egalitarianism is taught by passages like Galatians 3:28 and insist that Jesus taught re-distributive Marxism. This school will appeal to passages like the Sermon on the Mount as proving that Jesus loves the poor only because they are poor. Whereas Scripture places the antithesis between the righteous and the wicked these Zombie Ministers place the antithesis between the poor and the rich and then label the poor as “righteous” and the rich as “wicked” regardless of their confession of Christ. Whereas Scripture explicitly defends the notion of Hierarchy these brain dead Ministers are at the front of the parade thumping for egalitarianism as taught in the Bible. Whereas Scripture defends the right of private property and personal ownership these dead walking Ministers insists the Bible teaches that because the early believers had all things in common therefore Government top down forced communalism is the social order taught in Scripture. This kind of Christianity is forever prattling about social justice quite without realizing or caring that the whole idea of “social justice” comes to us from the bowels of Marx and not the bowels of Scripture. This Zombie Christianity was funded by Rockefeller, preached by Fosdick, and embraced and slightly amended by the Liberation Theologians.

However, there is another form of Christianity that contributes to the success of multi-ists and that is the branch of Christianity that insists that God doesn’t care about all these issues, having left them to be ruled by Natural law. According to these co-laborers with the Zombies above, these Hyphenated Men insist that God doesn’t care if the family is destroyed in the name of egalitarianism. God doesn’t care if private property is attacked so that a classless society can be built. God doesn’t care about mutli-culturalism, multi-creedalism, and multi-familialism in the public square because God has determined that all of that is going to burn anyway and the Churches job is to get people saved. What this group of Hyphenatied Christians do is that they immanentize their eschaton. Believing that Christianity will be defeated in the end and that all is going to burn in the end anyway, they operate in such a way as to insure that all will burn and that Christianity will be defeated. As such they insist that God doesn’t have a clear word to speak against the Globalists.

And so Christianity is one of the chief vehicles that is working to bring about the agenda of the multi-ists, either by way of overtly assisting the project by wrapping it in the Cross or by refusing to fight against it by removing the Robes of Christianity from the conflict out of fear those robes will be polluted by the conflict. All such Christianities are to be denounced.

Finally, we can account for this Multi-ism has it is a reflection of Humanist theology. Humanism has made man, in his corporate expression, to be god. One thing that is characteristic of all gods is that they are unified in their person. As such the god of Humanism must have a Unitarian reality to reflect back to itself. The Unitarian God state must work to destroy all distinctions — all cultural distinctions, all creedal distinctions, all ethnic distinctions, all class distinctions. As the God of Humanism is Unitarian, so must be the God’s people. The way to arrive at this uniformity Unitarianism is by pushing the multi-cultural, multi-creedal, and multi-racial agenda so that uni-culturalism, uni-creedalism, and uni-familialism is arrived at.