Progressivism and Chaos

As the Progressive is a hater of the God of the Bible, he, by necessity, constantly advocates a return to chaos as the means of societal regeneration. If there is no God to introduce His legislated order then all that is left is chaos as a means to achieve order. The belief of epistemologically self conscious leftists is that from chaos order comes, and so in order to pursue a golden age what is required is chaos and destruction.

All of this explains the pursuit of economic chaos with all the bailouts and stimulus programs. We must destroy the country economically so that a brighter economic future might be born. This explains the attempt at marriage chaos with the sanctioning sodomite marriage. This explains the attempt to overturn the 2nd amendment since weapons in the hands of the citizenry frustrate the revolutionists pursuit of order by means of chaos.

The progressive (Revolutionists) are committed to chaos at every turn and this is so because they are at war with a God who is a God of order. When they can introduce chaos into the temporal realm, it is an attempt to overturn the eternal realm.

For the Marxist progressive Revolutionists out of chaos order comes. For the Biblical Christian, the God of the Bible brings order out of chaos. Because of this antithesis the Progressive must destroy the Christian and the Christian must frustrate the progressive at every turn.

Satan came to kill, steal and destroy and the Progressive does his Lord’s work when he seeks to return to chaos.

When Men Forget God

“More than half a century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of older people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.

Since then I have spent well-nigh fifty years working on the history of our Revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies, and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval. But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous Revolution that swallowed up some sixty million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Templeton Address

Do you want to know why this nation is considering legalizing Sodomy? Why we have fallen prey to the chimera that is Statist Death care? Why are we even discussing the seizing of our guns?

The answer is simple. Men have forgotten God. When men forget God then a vacuum is created that is filled by godless man. Godless man, by definition, is a demon and he will seek to destroy all social order that is related to the social order of the true God.

Men have forgotten God and in doing so have become beasts. Man can not forget God without losing his own humanity, and yet fallen man would rather embrace living in the ugly environs of the beasts, where nature is red in tooth and claw, then remember God and His Christ.

Men have forgotten God and so they enter into the war of all against all as each individual man seeks to exercise his godhood as over against the godhood of his neighbor. When men forget God it becomes me against my brother; me and my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the clan; the clan against the tribe; and the tribe against the world and all of us against the infidel. When men forget God, all men seek to be god and so all men seek to destroy one another. Gods cannot abide competition.

Men have forgotten God and so they shred all God ordained design and distinction in favor of a world where all colors bleed into one. In forgetting God, man seeks to integrate himself downward into the void since integrating upwards into God’s design is no longer an option since men have forgotten God.

Men have forgotten God and so they lose even the idea of the author in literature. The idea of an author who must be considered in understanding a given piece of literature must be rejected since such an understanding hints to much at the idea that there is an Author whose intent must be considered when it comes to life. When men forget God, there is not only no God and no God intent, there are no authors and no authorial intent. The disappearance of God requires the disappearance of the Author.

When men forget God all is chaos and we return to old chaos and dark night. When men forget God they turn to chaos to find order. Order can no more be birthed from chaos then beauty can be birthed out of Cultural Marxism.

When men forget God, life has no value, sex has no intimacy, death has no solution, thought has no meaning, joy has no reference point, and meaning is illusory.

When men forget God, sexually transmitted diseases become as common as abortion, integrity becomes as rare as a virgin on her wedding night, and the bodies start piling up.

When men forget God.

Random Thoughts On Rebuilding Christian Culture

What can be done, then, to form a new generation, immune to the multiculturalism produced by the anti-Christ faith of Cultural Marxism? What can be done to form a new generation that is immersed in the fresh springs of a culture which reflects our undoubted catholic Christian faith? (Which, by the way, is the authentic form of “Western” culture.)

The first thing to remember in this regard is the most fundamental. True “culture” is, in its origins, that which surrounds and reflects the “cult.” The true “cult,” of course, has at its core the work of God in Christ redeeming the world unto Himself. An organic culture then — one not artificially engendered — is one which develops out of man’s response to the reality of this act of sacrifice. The most primordial forms of culture, then, are those actions, behaviors, attitudes, and art forms which surround and constitute our union with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection and ascension.

Take the cult of Christ out of culture and all you have left is fiat culture and humanist illusion culture of one form or another.

The second thing is consistent with the first thing to remember and it is that since genuine culture is Objective in orientation (it depends upon and reflects truths that are outside of it) the whole notion of culture as a “social construct” can only be embraced at the price of giving up belief in the Objective nature of cult and culture. Culture that is seen as subjective in nature is culture that is not worth either living for or fighting to maintain, for if culture is merely subjective then why should anyone, beyond the vagaries of personal preference, wish to maintain culture? In keeping with this we need to realize that if we are going to embrace the whole idea of culture as “social construct” we also have to embrace the idea of truth as relative. Obviously, no one can consistently embrace either culture as “social construct” or truth as relative.

The third thing that we must remember in order to build up our immune system against the anti-culture that is the culture of the Cultural Marxists is the necessity to train our children well. In Deuteronomy 6 God calls upon His people to keep His truth before them at all times.

4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.[a] 5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

The Cultural Marxists get Deuteronomy 6. They have created a culture where their truth is before all the people all the time in a myriad of ways. They have impressed their truths on the hearts of the children of the West through the media outlets, through the secondary Schools and the Universities, through the “Churches,” and through the career world. And If you step outside the cultural marxist anti-culture you will be slapped down. They talk about their commandments all the time in novels, top 40, and Broadway plays.

Christians, on the other hand, going all pietistic, have given up on the culture or have adopted the Cultural Marxist culture and have sought to call it “Christian.” We do not obey God’s command in Deuteronomy 6 to keep His word before us at all times. Because of that we are all cultural Marxists now.

The only way to undo this is to be willing to un-train ourselves and then train our children. A new culture to fight the culture of death offered by Cultural Marxists will not be built until we become extraordinarily intentional in the raising of our children. We must train them, that at least until God gives Reformation, that living in this anti-culture culture requires them to have a “us against them” mentality.

The fourth thing we must try and do is build community. It is difficult to do that because there are so few of us who understand how besieged we really are. However, try we must. As much as possible we need to find kindred spirits, who we can ally with. As a three stranded cord is not easily broken, so a worldview and culture embraced in community by several families is not easily broken.

Now Is The Appointed Time Of Salvation

The Serpent’s words flowing over lips
That are painted with Cultural Marxist drips
speak the common lie
that to live is to die

To keep the lies, tight and clean
The Marxist employs the old routine
of blowing smoke and ready bribes
to destroy the Christian tribes

To keep them dumb, they suck out the brains
via school and Hollywood stains
they come with news to “save”
by making us all slaves

The media whispers in our ears
“pleasure and sex will replace Jesus fears
if you’ll only listen to me
We’ll set your libido free”

The ministers warble a carefree song
“Be at peace there’s nothing wrong”
Smoothing out the bumps
for the rank and file chumps

Then raises the voice of R2K
“This isn’t our fight anyway”
And the faith lies there inert
While the male girls lift their skirts

At a distance stands a baphomet
Who chuckles with no regret
eyes sparkling with joy
at a culture now his toy

he thinks, “circus and bread is all it took
the lust of flesh, and lust of look
And now I hold all sway
And their passion is now my play”

But there’s a voice on the air
In Marxist Vanity Fair
“The King is ending the Frankfort play
Kiss the Son or perish in the way
There’s time yet to escape”

No clever talk, nor a gift to bring
requires our lowly, lovely king
Surrender is the only thing
He looks for you to sing

Now is the appointed time to plea
Now the bound can be set free
Of the sneaking snake coiled about their feet
Plying with deceit

The lies of Marx, lie like mist
they warp, spoil, and finally twist
But the Sovereign God is a Hurricane
Who blows away Marxist chains

Christianity is Worth Fighting For … Rushdoony

Chrysostom, in dealing also with the conflict w/ Caesar warned his people in his sermon “Concerning the Statutes” Homily III 19

“This certainly I foretell and testify, that although this cloud should pass away, and we yet remain in the same condition of listlessness, we shall again have to suffer much heavier evils than those we are not dreading; for I do not so much fear the wrath of the Emperor, as your own listlessness.”

“Here Chrysostom put his finger on the heart of the matter: the threat was less the Emperor and more a listless and indifferent church. The same problem confronts us today. The greater majority of church members do not feel that Christianity is worth fighting for, let alone dying for. They only want the freedom to be irrelevant, and to emit pious gush as a substitute for faithfulness and obedience. In soap opera religion, life is w/o dominion; instead, it is a forever-abounding mess, met with a sensitive and bleeding heart. Soap opera religion is the faith of the castrated, of the impotent, and the irrelevant. The devotees of soap opera religion are full of impotent self pity and rage over the human predicament, but are devoid of any constructive action; only destruction and negation become them.”

R. J. Rushdoony
Roots of Reconstruction — pg 27