Returning to Churchill … Book Review of M. S. King’s “The British Mad Dog”

Last night I completed M. S. King’s “The British Mad Dog; Debunking the Myth of Winston Churchill.”
It should be noted at the outset that King is not the best person to first read as a contrarian historian. King tends to be a sensationalist and to often will go too far out on a limb to affirm a questionable point. However, having admitted that, if one is already somewhat familiar with the subject matter that King is writing on, from a non-Court Historian understanding then one has the ability to read King with profit as King has the ability to bring a large amount of information together in a very simple format.
King is no fan of Churchill and for that, I give him credit. However, when King starts off his book suggesting that Churchill’s father was not Lord Randolph Churchill and that Churchill’s Father was instead the offspring of the King of Serbia due to one of his mother’s countless flings one realizes that King has an ax to grind. (King on this questionable Churchill parentage quotes from a book by Dragoslava Koprivica.) One thing that does seem indisputable on this score is that Churchill’s mother was indeed a tramp who gave birth to Winnie 8 months after her marriage to Lord Randolph Churchill. As such anything is possible.
King’s sensationalism also informs us that Churchill was quite likely a bisexual. Churchill did have five children with his wife but King insists that Churchill’s time at the British Harrow boy’s school may have introduced Churchill to sodomy. It is without question true that Churchill was surrounded by men it would later be discovered were sodomites, but of course, that does not prove that Churchill himself was a sodomite. King’s evidence on Churchill’s homosexuality is merely circumstantial. It may be true but there is nothing that proves it is true.
One matter that King establishes beyond doubt that also agrees with other sources is that Churchill spent money like Lamashtu drank blood. Because of Churchill’s spendthrift ways, he was forever in money trouble and that money trouble allowed Churchill to sell his soul to those who delivered him from his money pit. King cites the Jewish financiers who bailed Churchill out. They include names like the well known Bernard Baruch, as well as the Jewish group of wealthy businessmen called ‘the Focus.’ The ‘Focus Group’ was headed by Jewish Corporatists named Sir Robert Mond and Sir Robert Waley-Cohen but was not limited to these two men.
David Irving in a speech supports King’s work,
“‘The Focus’ was financed by a slush fund set up by some of London’s wealthiest businessmen — principally, businessmen organized by the board of Jewish deputies in England, whose chairman was a man called Sir Bernard Waley Cohen. Sir Bernard Waley Cohen held a private dinner party at his apartment on July 29, 1936. This is in the Waley Cohen memoirs… The 29th of July, 1936m Waley Cohen set up a slush fund of 50,000 pounds for The Focus, the Churchill pressure group.”
50,000 pounds in 1936 is today’s equivalent of approximately 2 million dollars. Irving goes on to insist that the 50,000 pounds was for the purpose of saber-rattling against Hitler and Germany.
King also speaks of a wealthy Jewish South African Corporatist by the name of Sir Henry Strakosch who via his involvement in the payment of the private debts of Sir Winston Churchill, in 1938, has been cited as evidence of Jewish involvement in British politics in the run-up to World War Two. Strakosch also supplied Churchill with figures on German arms expenditure during Churchill’s political campaign for rearmament against the Nazi regime. Strakosch’s financial arrangement with Churchill enabled Churchill to withdraw his home Chartwell from sale at a time of financial pressures. The financial relationship between Strakosch and Churchill can be sourced not only in David Irving’s work but also in Martin Gilbert’s work on Churchill.
King also tells the tale of Churchill’s well-known failures in the Dardanelles, Gallipoli, Antwerp, in Northern Ireland with his Black & Tans, and the invasion of Norway. King gives us a glimpse of Churchill’s alcohol problem and informs us that as an author and speechwriter Churchill was often a plagiarizer as well as a man who put his name on the work accomplished by ghost-writers. From King, we learn that the BBC Children’s voice of the Winnie the Pooh books was the man who gave some of Churchill’s speeches over the radio. That was supposed to have never been known. King reminds us that Churchill as a painter signed the name of an impressionist artist named Charles Maurin to his paintings in order to sell his painting at a greater price. King goes out of his way repeatedly to inform the reader that Churchill was a manufactured and marketed product that was packaged and sold to a gullible public. In short, Churchill excelled only in blood and mayhem but in every other respect was a phony.
King colors Churchill as black as possible. We are told Churchill was a terrible Father, a man who examined the idea to invade Russia after defeating the Nazis in WW II, the man who started bombing German civilian population with the desperate hopes that Hitler would retaliate, the man who advanced the New World Order’s agenda to create a uni-global political structure, a sock puppet pursuing the agenda of those who were paying his debts. It is possible that King paints Churchill in colors darker than he really was.
I’m not inclined to think that is possible to do.

FDR’s Right to a Good Education … A Rebuttal

“We have accepted, so to speak, a second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established for all—regardless of station, race, or creed.
Among these are:
The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;
The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;
The right to a good education.

All of these rights spell security. And after this war is won we must be prepared to move forward, in the implementation of these rights, to new goals of human happiness and well-being.”

Franklin Delano Roosevelt 
US President – 1933-1945

So here Roosevelt promised one of the rights of Americans, the right to a good education.

Edwin Viera points out the reality that has come about,

The reality: the biggest and cruelest hoax of all, because it affects the future more than everything else. America’s elementary and secondary schools cannot teach children to read, write, and figure, let alone to think critically—but they can fill their heads with every form of sexual perversion imaginable. Colleges and universities are the last bastions of unadulterated, unreconstructed, unapologetic Marxism, radical feminism (a variety of Marxism in which the gender struggle substitutes for the class struggle), apocalyptic environmentalism, blatant racism, Keynesianism, and every other socially destructive “ism” known to modern man. In any event, even graduates who have mastered some useful discipline cannot find jobs in their areas of specialization but are saddled with tens of thousands of dollars of debt for student loans.

In all actuality, American education since this speech (and even before it) has never been about Education. Instead what American education is about is teaching children about how to be good little cogs for the American Corporatist, and Statist system. The last thing the Amercian educational system desires to produce are students who have the capacity for critical thinking.  Those kinds of students would foment counter-revolution overnight.

Instead what American education is, is cultural Marxist social engineering at its finest. It is about teaching 7-year-olds to come home and lecture Mommy and Daddy about not letting the water run lest the Mississippi river run dry. It is about teaching 9-year-olds about their white guilt against non-Caucasians.  It is about teaching 4th graders about how to put condoms on cucumbers or bananas. It is about a 3rd grader learning about who Harriet Tubman was before he learns about who George Washington, Thomas Chalmers, or Christopher Columbus was. (These are all true stories of which I have first-hand knowledge.)

American educators use mottos like, “No Child Left Behind,” but what they don’t tell you is that the necessary corollary to that statement is that “No Child Gets Ahead.” The reason that no child is left behind is that those who excel are slowed down and forced to mentor the dim bulbs. What “No Child Left Behind,” did was to yoke thoroughbred racehorses to plow horses. This is socialism in education that results in everyone being equally dumb.

Now, some might appeal to the American University, but in all truth, the American University is to our secondary education what the finishing school is for turning out ladies of etiquette. With precious few exceptions the American University system, as well as the American Seminary system, churn out graduates with an underlying commitment to recoil against anything that smells of historic Christianity.  Patriarchy? Revolting! 5th commandment unique love for one’s kith and kin? Racist! Disgust for sodomy? Homophobe! All of this is learned behavior as taught by the best Luciferian social engineers that money can buy. 

 In the end, if children can be taught at any level without seeing the connection between the God of the Bible and His Christ and what they are “learning” then they are being catechized into a false religion, as headed by a false god, with the consequence that the knowledge they are gaining is false.

Contrary FDR, there is no right to a good education and when the government takes upon itself to guarantee such a false right you can be sure that the result will be what we currently have; to wit, the enstupidification of Americans. If you have your children in public schools, from secondary schools to University and Seminary, you can be sure your children are destined to be dullards apart from a remarkable work of Grace.  Do not put God to the test.

Research it for yourself,

The Cloning of the American Mind — B. K. Eakman
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America — Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
The Leipzig Connection (Basics in Education) — Paolo Lioni
Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling — John Taylor Gatto



College Course on WW II

Main Texts

1.) Antony Sutton

Read these two texts. Why do you think I would make these required reading on this subject. Who do you think this points towards in terms of having a financial interest in the War. What does it suggest that the same entities funded both sides of the war? Write a paper detailing the financial origins and funding of WW II and the players behind the funding.

2.) Hebert Hoover

Read this text. How responsible does Hoover believe FDR was for WW II? Write a paper exhausting the failures of FDR in keeping the USA out of war. Include in your paper the policies FDR pursued the inevitable inspired war. Answer the questions … “Did FDR know the Japs were coming to Pearl Harbor?” Did FDR want the Japs to bomb Pearl Harbor?” “What convinced the Japs to go after Pearl Harbor as opposed to Russia?”

3.) Thomas Mahl

Propaganda is always the first battlefield in war and Truth is always the first casualty of war. Summarize Mahl’s arguments on how the Brits, in conjunction with the White House, lied us into WW II.

II.) Supplementary Texts

1.) Vikto Suvorov

On the Easter Front Suvorov argues that Hitler struck Stalin because he knew that Stalin was going to strike him.

Give a chapter by chapter summary of Suvorov’s arguments.

2.) Pat Buchanan

Covers some of the same ground as Hoover’s book. Repetition bears memory. Give a chapter by chapter summary of the book. One paper for each chapter.

3.) M. Stanton Evans

Evans chronicles that the Communists were running not only the Soviet Russian end of the war but were also severely manipulating our end of the war as well.

Be prepared for an oral exam on this book.

4,) Burton Folsom

How did these united States change because of WW II? Folsom examines the myth behind WW II getting us out of the Depression. Write a 3 page summary on each chapter.

4.) David Irving — Volumes 1 & 2

Give a 45 minute presentation to the class on what you learned about Churchill and WW II because of this read.

5.) James Bacque

6.) Julius Epstein

7.) Nikolai Tolstoy

These three books tell of the brutality of the Allies during WW II and go a long way towards addressing the question, of whether or not in WW II, it was possible to be on the side of the angels. 3-5 page summaries of each chapter of each book.

8.)  Cornelius Ryan

No report required. Assigned to give you a feel for the combat.

9.) A Third of the Holocaust

The longest lasting effect of WW II was the impact of the “Holocaust” on the West.  Is it possible to answer the questions raised by this documentary?

10.) Operation Hell Storm


Class discussions on the last two videos.

Propaganda … A College Course

Main Texts

1.) Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes — Jacques Ellul

2.)  The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America — Daniel Boorstin

Required Texts

1.)  The Father of Spin – Larry Tye

Intent — Biography of one of the most influential Propagandist in the 20th century

2.) Propaganda — Edward Bernays

Intent — The technique and “how to” of how Bernays did Propaganda

3.) The Crowd — Gustav LaBon

Intent — How the public mind works in the context of large gatherings. How propaganda can manipulate the public mind in the context of large gatherings.

4.) Rules For Radical — Saul Alinsky

Intent — Alinsky’s propaganda methodology in order to manipulate Organizations and Public Opinion of Organizations. Community Organization 101.

5.) Confrontational Politics — H. L. Richardson

Intent — “How to” book on how to use propaganda in confrontational settings. Gives tips on how to organize with propaganda.

6.) The News Twisters — Edith Efron

Intent — Demonstrates the subtle presence and success of Propaganda by the Mainstream media upon the American voting public. Dated book. Still highly relevant.

7.) Why Johnny Can’t Think — Robert Whitaker

Intent — Demonstrates the bias and propaganda in the University system. Insists that every message received must be received by examining the presuppositions of the person or vehicle sending the message. Begins to give a outline on how to be immune to Propaganda.

8.) Amusing Ourselves To Death

Intent — Reveals that Americans are a Propagandized people and explains how Television is a propaganda machine. Television makes people immune to Truth and creates a society that requires a constant diet of propaganda.

9.) The Medium is the Massage — Marshal McLuhan

Intent — How the vehicle of the Message affects the Message sent. Propaganda, to be effective, has to be married to the right vehicle.

Note — See the course curriculum offered on Worldview Thinking and Presuppositionalism to provide the answer how one immunizes themselves to propaganda. This course will make you aware of Propaganda but it will not by itself make you immune to Propaganda.

Required Video

1.) The Century of the Self

Intent — 4 hour video that demonstrates the vast and deep role of propaganda in the 20th century. Should be viewed at least twice.


Basic Weekly Assignments:

Unlike previous courses this course insists on the importance of each and every book and the video for a complete understanding of Propaganda. As such each and every book requires Chapter summaries.

A final 30 page paper is required that explains what Propaganda is, how it works, the relation it bears to truth, if any. The paper will also require a demonstration and brief explanation of the techniques of successful Propaganda.


Thumbnail Sketch of Jones’ “Monsters from the Id”

Finished “Monsters from the Id,” by E. Michael Jones.

Jones works too hard to make connections between various Horror film genres and the Revolutions that inspired them with the result that his connections come across as unnatural and contrived. Jones want’s to link Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” to the French Revolution, Dracula to the Weimar Republic, “The Forbidden Planet” to the rise of the 60’s sexual revolution in America and “Alien” to the rise in America of sex withoutprogeny. Though the exactitude of the connections are a bit forced there remains a good deal of fantastic connections which Jones makes as he explores the horror genre when understood in connection with social and sexual revolution.

For Jones, the Monster of the Horror genre is the return of the repressed. Jones’s theory is that what is repressed is sexual morality as social revolution brings about sexual perversity. What the horror genre does is that it provides a release mechanism whereby what has been repressed can find expression again. The Monster in the Horror genre is a killer of those who have sublimated the inescapable knowledge that sex outside of matrimony is verboten. The Monster thus is the suppressed conscience as God’s executioner against those who have tried unsuccessfully to sear their conscience.

The greater the perversion, the uglier and more vile the returning Monster. Jones argues that the Monster is both known and unknown by those who create them. Known because their creators can’t escape what they have done (Here Jones’ concentrates heavily on Mary Godwin Shelley’ Frankenstein) and yet unknown because their creators can’t admit to themselves the genesis of their Monsters.

Along the way Jones richly quotes from the Marquis de Sade, from Jacques Barruel’s “History of Jacobinism,” from Mary Wollenstonecraft,. from Stroker’s “Dracula,” from Quetel’s “History of Syphilis,” from Magnus Hirschfield and Christopher Isherwood, from Edward Bernay’s “Propaganda,” from Ren’e Wormser’s “Foundations; their Power and Influence,” from Linda Lovelace’s autobiography, and others. Jones weaves all of this into a wonderful tapestry that exposes Modernity and the forces that have sustained it.

There are wonderful sections that set forth the control mechanism of Modernity and how sexual perversion is linked to that. Likewise fantastic insights into mega Foundations and how they have supported the social revolution of sexual perversion. And finally, glimpses into how the Illuminati, via Jacobinism has been a partner in all this work to overthrow Christ.

It is a splendid read. It does start slow but it really picks up steam as it goes.