The Strangeness of Dr. Strange … A Movie Review

My Father was a man who had a hard time communicating affection. One way he was able to do so when I was a child, was by bringing me home comic books. My Mother wasn’t wild about me reading all these comic books. (My stash was significant.) She understood, properly, that I could be spending my time reading better subject matter. Of course, at that age I didn’t see that but looking back I realize how right she was.

Many have opined, and likely properly so, that the advent of super-heroes rose corresponding to a decline in the proper concrete estimation of the character of God. God is diminished and the vacuum is filled with God as man said loudly. Another observation is that with superhero comic books it’s as if the gods and the demigods of the Romans and Greeks made a sort of comeback. In all of this there is the idea of continuity of being. God and man are not that really different after all. The difference merely being that the gods have more being than mere mortals.

Still, comic books got me started in reading. These many years later the comic book world has been translated onto the Movie Screen in Hollyweird for the Baby Boomers, and I, like many others have viewed more than a few comic book films.

The latest comic book film to hit the silver screen is “Dr. Strange.” Dr. Strange belongs to the Marvel Comic Universe. Dr. Strange was the superhero for the paranormal and it is interesting that Dr. Strange as created in 1963 presaged the rise of interest in the paranormal and the occult that soon saw Universities across the nation offer programs in the Paranormal. (Stanford University, in 1911, was the first such university to offer such a  program to students in these US.)

Dr. Strange reflected that occult- paranormal interest perfectly. Modern man, in the 1960’s had become rationally bankrupt and had begun to turn in earnest to the Occult as a worldview option. That pursuit continues full-throated to this day. The Dr. Strange film taps into the modern fascination with the occult.

In the Dr. Strange film, one finds the usual contradictions that Worldview oneism provides. Oneism is a common denominator in all occultic worldviews and the Dr. Strange film is no exception. Oneism, communicates the idea that underneath what mortals see as differences there is an abiding sameness to everything. Hence the common mantra, “All is one.” We see this Oneism in the film when the guru “Ancient One,” says to Dr. Strange,

“At the root of existence, mind and matter meet.”

And again the villain Kaecilius offers in dialogue with Dr. Strange explaining what the conflict is all about,

“The many becoming the few, becoming the One.”

And again in that same exchange,

“This world doesn’t have to die, Doctor. This world can take its rightful place among so many others, as part of the One. The great and beautiful One.”

Dr. Peter Jones has done some excellent work on “Oneism.” I recommend his books to all who desire to see and understand the occult worldview expanding in our culture.

So, in the Dr. Strange film one finds this theme of oneism (All is one) and yet the contradictions continue to roll as there is a universe of different Universes. All is one and yet the film toys with the yin and yang theme which posits two equally opposite forces in the universe. Further, the film shifts from the idea that all is Material to all is non-material. In this sense, it is Western new-age. Now toss in Occult symbology here and there and you have a typical Hollyweird Kaballah film.

Another example of the embrace of contradiction is seen in this exchange,

Dr. Strange — “I control the river by surrendering control? That doesn’t make sense.”

Ancient — “Not everything does. Not everything has to. Your intellect has taken you far in life but it will take you no further. Surrender Stephen.”

This is not a great deal different from when assorted Roman Catholics, Arminians, and Open Theists tell me that “God is sovereign enough to not be sovereign.”

The appeal to the irrational is also part of the appeal to contradiction. Not everything has to make sense is an overt embrace of reasoning by contradiction. The call to surrender is the call to surrender rationality.

There was also a substantial amount of worldview inversion going on where good was being labeled “evil,” and evil was being called “good.”

The most blatant example of this was seen when the villain Kaecilius says,

“Dormammu gives freely. Life, everlasting.”

This is never denied in the film. Indeed the Ancient One lives long life by tapping into Dormammu.

Christianity, on the other hand teaches that it is Christ who came to give life and give it abundantly.

Another example is where we see the desire for eternal life as painted as being evil, and “the Ancient” who was one of the main “good guys” could only be good and have long life as long as she tapped into the evil. (Nevermind, that if all is one, good and evil are categories that can’t exist.) It is only in the Dark Dimension were the omnipotent Dormammu reigns where time does not exist and where all can have eternal life. In the Dr. Strange film, the only way to access eternal life was through concourse with the dark side.

Second, there is worldview inversion where death is seen as a positive good that gives meaning to everything.

Ancient One — “Death is what gives life meaning. To know your days are numbered. Your time is short. “

So, one can have eternal life by embracing evil Dormammu or one has to die to find meaning in living. Of course in Biblical Christianity death is the enemy… the last enemy to be defeated.

There are also hints of blood atonement in the film, but in the worldview inversion, the atonement is offered up to the Satan character in the film. Dr. Strange has to die over and over again in order to ransom earth. The ransom is paid to Dormammu (Satan). This is an inversion of Biblical Christianity where the blood ransom price in the atonement that is required is paid to God. Whereas in  Biblical Christianity the ransom as the atonement price means peace with God in Dr. Strange the ransom as the atonement price means that Dormammu (Satan character) leaves earth alone.

Top all this off with a clear teaching of a kind of ethical relativism and one has the perfect recipe for a film with an anti-Christian worldview. While in Christianity Christ comes to keep all of God’s law, in Hollyweird’s “Dr. Strange,” the Hero comes and saves the world by breaking all the unbreakable rules.

In the end, Mordo, a co-hero in the film, ends up turning disillusioned and embittered because the unbreakable laws were all broken. Dr. Strange as the hero is willing to do anything — to break any rule — in order to get the right result, while the perceived legalist Mordo won’t break the rules and is seen as lacking compassion. Is this a Hollyweird hint that Christians are legalistic and lack compassion because they are not relativists and won’t break the rules?

In the end, while Dr. Strange may be entertaining, it is fraught with Worldview ugliness.

Par for the course for Hollyweird.

The New York Times, Cultural Marxism, and the attack on the Christian Faith

In a Carlos Slim majority owned New York Times Editorial board op-ed piece the “Gray Lady,” demonstrated her resolve to be anything but a whiter shade of pale.

In a piece villainizing the Trump administration for enforcing the law as it pertains to illegal immigrants the “Paper of Record,” editorialized,

“Where could the demonizing and dehumanizing of the foreign born lead but to a whiter America?”

And all the Cultural Marxists said, “AMEN.”

By all that is just and true the last thing we can have is an America that was 90% white as it was when I was born.  A Whiter America? The Times seems to think that would be a descent into Dante’s Hell.

This comment demonstrates that the Times is owned by the Cultural Marxists and is pursuing the ideological pretensions of the Frankfurt School. The concern of the Times and the left is only about the foreign born inasmuch as the presence of the foreign-born here yields to them the capacity to pursue the browning of America and so the destruction of the white man. There is a goal here and that goal is to subjugate and perhaps even eliminate America’s founding White Anglo-Saxon Christian stock.

People have need to remember that in the ideology of Cultural Marxism there was the understanding that a new proletariat had to be built to replace the failed proletariat that was the “working class.” The working class, in the Marxist paradigm, had failed in bringing in the new Communist man because the working class had shown themselves corruptible to the bourgeoisie promise of upward mobility. A new proletariat must be built up in order to overthrow the Christian bourgeoisie and that new Cultural Marxist proletariat would be comprised of the feminists, the perverts, and the minority as each and all were propagandized into believing that the Christian white man had victimized and abused them.  This new proletariat would be the rank and file shock troops who would be the ones who would perform the “long march through the  institutions,” in order to defeat the Christian West.

The New York Times rightly understands that the Trump administration’s putative resolve to enforce the law against illegal immigrants is an attack on their new proletariat Marxist political base. If there are fewer minorities in America there are fewer people who have been propagandized into the Cultural Marxist cause to overturn what made the West, the West.

The goal in all of this is to be able to produce Tourist pamphlet guides for the new America that say, to paraphrase Garrison Keilor,

Welcome to America, where all the women are feminists, all the men are effeminate, and all the children are no longer white.

Chateau Heartiste, in an article on the same subject closed by offering this observation,

“As a White man, I sense that war has been declared on me and my kind. When my enemies bring war to my doorstep, what am I to do? Welcome their bayonets to my chest? Whine about how totally not racist I am as the enemy levels its guns at my head?”

I would only add to this that the goal for destruction is not primarily the white man. The white man is only secondarily in the sites of the Cultural Marxists. The primary target of the New York Times and all Cultural Marxists is the Christian faith. The White man merely becomes the primary target because the white man has been for centuries the Typhoid Mary of the Christian faith. Eliminate the White man and one eliminates, on a civilizational scale, the Christian faith.

Columbus Ohio’s Consideration of Conversion Therapy Band

Just read an account where the Columbus, Ohio city council, following Toledo and Cincinnati, is considering making conversion therapy illegal to engage upon within the city limits as applied to anyone under 18 years of age. Conversion therapy is therapy trying to help deliver someone from the insanity of identifying as LGBQT.…/city-council-considers-ordinance-bannin…/

1.) This is the criminalizing of Christianity among the professional class. Who else in the medical or psychological professional field except a Christian would pursue this kind of therapy as help for the mentally ill? Christians in these professional fields are being told that they must not seek to apply Biblical Christianity as a means of making the sick whole.

2.) This is sacralizing Sodomy and the whole LGBQT phenomena. If a law is passed forbidding medical professionals fromm seeking to convert the pervert then what else can that be except an action which sacralizes and makes untouchable the LGBQT individual?

3.) As such it goes a long way towards establishing a religion in Columbus. Adherents of LGBQT’ism may not be touched. They are Holy to the Columbus Lord. Perverts have special rights and having special rights their religion of LGBQT’ism has special rights. This kind of legislation, applied as it is to the professional class, is a banning of repentance as that might arise in the context of professional counseling.

4.) If the city council meeting that I viewed is any indication of what is going on in Columbus, the measure is being passed on the strength of emotional testimony. The pervert crowd testifies that the fences that Taboos provide are so mean and that their feelings are hurt. Tears flow in the audience. No one stops to consider that Taboos that build fences of social ostracization serve a purpose to protect the community.

One wonders if there is any perversion that can be named wherein it would be acceptable to shun someone with harsh words? Is it acceptable to say to a pederast, “You’re an abomination?” Is it within proprietary  bounds to tell someone who is a practitioner of Coprophilia that they “better repent or they will burn in hell?” Is it socially unacceptable to tell someone who keeps goats for bestiality purposes that they if “you get near my children you won’t need the goats anymore?”

And yet, all because people are putting verbal boundaries between themselves and mentally ill people (see the testimonies in the link) apparently we must have a law that protects pervert LGBQT’ism and so eliminates the associated and protective social order taboos.

5.) Of course, the accredited shrinks were on hand insisting that conversion therapy is of the devil.

“Opponents of conversion therapy, including many in the medical community, said the practice is not legitimate and cannot change one’s gender identity or sexual orientation.”

Yet we know that it is perfectly acceptable for medical professionals to do conversion therapy via sex change operations. We know that legion is the name of shrinks that seek to help people to adjust to the discovery of their new gender. This is more evidence that this is a faith-based decision that is prioritizing the religion of LGBQT’ism.

And again,

“There’s not a shred of evidence that shows that’s (gender conversion) even possible,” Dr. Jim Broyles, a psychologist, said.

Broyles, who is the former head of the Ohio Psychological Association, said the therapy can be “harmful and damaging” to patients.

This completely ignores that there is not a shred of objective evidence (tearful subjective testimonies don’t count as objective evidence) that gender fluidity exists. There is not a shred of objective evidence that people are born sodomite or were born female in male bodies.

6.) The star witness was a 14-year-old LGBQT person of one variety or another. The audience and council members fawned all over herm for herm bravery and eloquence. Evidence that we are no longer a Christian people as we give our sympathy to the wicked.

7.) In as much as we are protecting the criminally insane by legislation, it goes a long way towards proving that we as a people group are ourselves criminally insane.

8.)  “At the end of the day, this is about protecting people for who they are,” Zach Klein, president of the Columbus City Council.

Really? This is the only standard Zach? Then why not protect the pederast? The goat lover? The coprophiliac? The necrophiliac?  After all, if law is going to be based on protecting people for who they are how dare we not protect one and all for who they are?

9.) As this proposed law would apply to only those under 18 it seems clear that this is an attempt by the LBGQT community to sustain and grow their numbers. Obviously, if a confused child isn’t helped before they are 18 with sexual confusion then it makes it that much more likely that their sexual identity will be set in concrete once they are 18 and older. Every year that goes by wherein a child is allowed to be confused sexually makes it that much more unlikely that they will ever be unconfused. As such this proposed law would have the effect of swelling the numbers of the LBGQT pervert community.

10.) This proposed law takes parental responsibility away from the parent and places it in the hands of the state. The state will not allow parents to seek out professional help in Columbus to find help for their child. Of course, parents can still go to a religious counselor, per the law’s proposed content, but if the “professional” community is not allowed to pursue this then what is communicated is only fringe nutcase religious people try this kind of “nutty” therapy.

In the end, we have become a social order that is so inclusive that we have lost the ability to name anything as taboo, except the naming of having taboos as being taboo.  As a people, we desire to so include everyone that the only people we will exclude are people who own the standards that were once considered the essence of being civilized. The only abominations, the only ones who can be damned to hell, the only ones that we must protect our children from, the only ones who must be shoved in the closet and so socially ostracized are those who insist this is all insane fecal reasoning.



Multiculturalism as the New Religion in Town

Religion — Any system of faith and worship. In this sense, religion comprehends the belief and worship of pagans and Mohammedans, as well as of Christians; any religion consisting in the belief of a superior power or powers governing the world, and in the worship of such power or powers. Thus we speak of the religion of the Turks, of the Hindoos, of the Indians, etc. as well as of the Christian religion We speak of false religion as well as of true religion.

1828 Webster’s Dictionary

“The State is the Divine Idea as it exists on earth. . . . We must, therefore, worship the State as the manifestation of the Divine on earth, and consider that if it is difficult to comprehend Nature, it is harder to grasp the Essence of the State. . . .[T]he State is the march of God through the world.”

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

It is my conviction that Religion is an inescapable category. All men organize their social order in subservience to, as Webster tells us, “belief of a superior power or powers governing the world.” Thus, all cultures are naught but the expression of the religion of the people who comprise that culture. Culture then is the religion of a people put into real life social order animation.

One thing we should immediately note is how ridiculous it is to make blanket condemnations as “all religion being bad.” Christians often do this by saying things like, “I don’t have a religion. I have a relationship.” Religion is an inescapable category and so while some religions are worse than others (and all are worse than Biblical Christianity) the reality is that all people and peoples are religious. This is true also of those (usually the atheist crowd) who say “I don’t have a religion.”  That this is true is explained by the fact that it is the religion of people who condemn religion that accounts for their condemnation of religion. The idea of something (in this case “religion”) being “bad” requires a moral foundation upon which to make such a pronouncement and that moral foundation is nothing else but an expression of a religion. In their statement, “I don’t have a religion,” or “Religion is wicked and accounts for all the evil of the world,” they are their own superior power that is governing the world (see Webster’s definition) and so their egoism is their religion. 

For most moderns the State is their god and so provides their religion as the Hegel quote indicates. For those non-Christians who haven’t taken the state as their god, the result usually is that they are their own gods, determining good and evil. As such their individual egos are their own religion. Religion is an inescapable category.

Given all that the above is true we might ask ourselves what is the religion of our culture. Below provides just a bit of a teasing out of the answer to that question.

I.) The Religion of Modernism

Multiculturalist Diversity

The irony here is lodged in the fact that the pursuit of multiculturalism finally arrives in the embrace of a monoculture as everybody is straitjacketed into the singular embrace of a uniform multicultural social order where the equality of all cultures create and reflect the monolithic religion behind multiculturalism.

II.) The Temple / Church of Modernism

US Government outlets (Civic bldgs., Schools, etc.)

All religions have a Temple or gathering place where the worshipers come to worship and be catechized. In the West, the Government facility has replaced the Temple as the Church of Modernism. In Church facilities, we educate our young into the state religion.  We send our tithes and offerings to the Church every year. We place our dead heroes in Temple like structures (think of the Lincoln Memorial). It is all really quite religious as in the State we live and move and have our being.

III.) Priest Class

Bureaucrats / Teachers / Ministers / Professional Class

All religions have a Preistcraft. Modernism as a religion is no different. The Priest class serves to guide the people in how to satisfy the god and how to practice the religion. The Priestcraft have a self-interest in perpetuating the religion since their lifestyle is dependent upon the religion being kept stoked. In the West, the God state is served by a Preistcraft that now includes almost the whole white collar professional class. Because of the totalitarian presence of the State nearly all the white collar professional class is beholden to the religion of multiculturalism and so supports it and inculcates it in all their doings. From Shrinks, to Shysters, to Ministers, to Teachers, to Businessmen, to Medial Doctors, to Academia, they all are tasked with serving multiculturalism as the religion and the State as God.

IV.)  Catechism Motifs

All religions have their catch phrases and pithy motifs that the Preistcraft must teach. In Christianity one might use as just one example, “the chief end of man is to glorify God and fully enjoy Him forever.” In the religion of multiculturalism, we get mindless pithy motifs that all are to embrace such as, “Diversity is our strength,” and, “White people are evil,” and “All people and all cultures are equal.” These and like simple-minded motifs constitute the lubricant that oils the thinking of the whole social order.

V.) Mission’s Agency

United Nations,  Evangelical Church Sending Agencies, US Military

Every religion has an agency whereby the religion is spread to others who are deprived of the great religion. In the social order of the West that Missions agency ranges from the United Nations publishing arm to the most Missionary agencies of most of the Denominations that constitute modern Christianity. Christianity has been reinterpreted through the grid of multiculturalism so that much of what is pushed as Christianity by missionaries (both home and abroad) is just another expression of multiculturalism. When nations are particularly resistant to being convinced of the truth of multiculturalism then we turn to the US Military to convert by the sword.

VI.) Criminal Code

Hate Crimes / homophobia / Sexist / Racist

Every religion develops a criminal code as to what is allowed and what is not allowed. Multiculturalism, as a religion, seeks to criminalize behavior that does not support the zeitgeist. As such multiculturalism creates hate crimes that punish with extra zeal those guilty of hating beyond the normal hate that comes with every crime. Further, homophobia, sexism, racism, while not yet criminal, are so deeply taboo that to violate them puts one outside the company of “civilized” people.

VII.) Propaganda Wing

Hollywood / Top 40 / Government schools / Media Outlets

Every religion has a propaganda wing. The propaganda wing of multiculturalism is Hollywood, Top 40 music of almost all genres, and Government schools, and newspapers, magazines, radio talk show, etc. All of these are not concerned with teaching people to think critically. All are concerned with teaching people what to think. All teach people the virtues of multiculturalism. We are bombarded with messaging that informs us that all relationships are equal. That all sexuality is equal. Christian white people are evil. Patriarchy is despicable. Heirarchy is bias.

VIII.) Main Goal

Overthrow Christianity

Samuel Francis, in his “Leviathan and Its Enemies,” captured this when he wrote,

“The persistence of traditional institutions and systems of belief constrains and impedes the continuing growth of mass organizations and their operations, and it is imperative for the emerging elites to challenge, discredit, and erode the moral, intellectual, and institutional fabric of traditional society that sustains the older elites and the systems of beliefs, or ideologies, on which their rule is based.”

The goal of multiculturalism is to completely destroy Christianity as the religion of the West. It has been largely successful to that end. The emerging multicultural elites are doing all in their powers to overthrow Christ and Christianity in favor of the cultural marxism that drives multiculturalism.

VIII.) Chief method to that end

The use of Critical theory to destroy White people

Critical theory was a means developed to viciously attack any aspect of thinking that had Christianity as its origin. It presupposed that Christian thinking was responsible for social orders that enslaved. It was leveraged as upon the foundation of Cultural Marxism and so all the criticism as run through the prism of Cultural Marxism in order to smash Christianity as evil. The reason that it especially is pointed on White people is that the Cultural Marxist understood that White people have been, historically speaking, the main carriers of Christianity and the builders of Christian civilizations. The Cultural Marxists of the Frankfurt school (the origin of movement multiculturalism) understood that if white people are destroyed the consequence is that Christianity will be destroyed.

This also explains the push for amnesty and the immigration crisis that the West is facing.

IX.) High Holy Days

Martin Luther King Day / 4th of July / Veterans day

Every religion has its own high holy days. Multiculturalism is no different. This explains why multiculturalism so intensely makes “war on Christmas.” Multiculturalism understands that Christmas is a high, holy day in competition with its own high holy days. The high holy days of multiculturalism celebrates egalitarianism and diversity, or the god-state and those who have died for it. (Why anybody can’t see the contradiction in praising, at the same time, both diversity and egalitarianism is quite beyond me.)

X.) Enemy of “The People”

a.) Epistemologically self-conscious Christians
b.) Trustee Family
c.) Property

Multiculturalism understands that it has enemies that it must snuff out. We noted above that Multiculturalism, as a religion, understands that its greatest threat is Christian white people. This category just refines that a wee bit further. Multiculturalism understands that the “enemy of the multiculturalist people” are especially those who are epistemologically self-conscious Christians. Epistemologically self-conscious Christians see through the three-card monte con of multiculturalism and so are understood as a threat and so must be professionally destroyed.

The Trustee family is such a distinct enemy of the adherents of multiculturalism because the Trustee family embraces hierarchy and patriarchy, and so eschews egalitarianism.

Property also is seen as an enemy of multiculturalism because property introduces a “mine, not yours” mentality which wages wars on everyone being and having the same.

So, this is a brief description of the new religion of the West. It is a description that seeks at the same time to reinforce that religion is an inescapable category that can’t be avoided. Either we will return to Christ and so have abundant life again or we will embrace some other religion of death.

Theology & The University

“War is the continuation of politics by other means.”

General Carl Von Clausewitz
German war theoretician 

As RJR notes in the quote below the same is true of Theology and all other disciplines. Every other discipline that can be named among the Humanities is just the continuation of theology by other means. This is why Theology was once understood to be the Queen of the Sciences. Our forbears understood that conclusions arrived at in the other humanities were only as good as the theology from which they were drawing.

Indeed, this understanding of Theology as the “Queen of the Sciences” is where we get our whole idea of “University.” The word “University” etymologically derives from the idea of “the whole,” or “the aggregate.” The idea was, in the midst of the various multifaceted disciplines offered and studied at a University there was a “Uni” that bound all the disciplines together. That “Uni” in “University” is Theology. Without theology as “Queen of the Sciences,” one no longer has a “University” but only a “Multiversity.”

The fact that we have given up Christian theology as “The Queen of the Sciences” goes a long way towards explaining the irrational age which we inhabit. Since we have no unifying glue to hold us together all that is left is the bizarre and the irrational.

Consider also, how modern Western man’s habit of compartmentalized thinking also is derivative of the refusal to have Christian theology be the “Queen of the Sciences.” Modern man is schizophrenic. He is a centripetal being. There is nothing that keeps him from the most strange and queer contradictions in his life. For example, modern man will, at one and the same time, espouse evolution and then turn around and attend church on Sunday. Modern man will complain about the Government and then keep on voting as if his vote will change what it has not changed for over a century. Modern man will see the modern woman for the feminist being she currently is and yet will still propose marriage. Modern man is a contradictory mess and that is largely accounted for, by the fact that he refuses to take Christian theology as the “Queen of the Sciences.”

What is interesting, though despite all the above being true, is that theology is an inescapable category, which means, that when man flushes Christian theology as the “Uni” in his “University” he doesn’t by doing so get rid of theology. Instead, he embraces something else has his theology. Marxists embrace Economics as their theology. Many moderns embrace “Science” as their theology, not realizing that that Science is only as good as the theology it is pinned upon. Cultural Marxists have, perhaps more insightfully than the rest, chosen culture as their theology. (More insightfully, I offer, because of the tight nexus that exists between culture and theology.) The point is that one never completely evacuates some kind of theology as the adhesive that is the sticking agency for something that passes as a pastiche of coherence for all the particulars.

As an aside all of this underscores again why R2K is such a stupid incoherent theology, arguing as it does, that there is no such thing as Christian law, or Christian Education, or Christian culture, etc. R2K strips Christianity of its fixative social order functioning and replaces it with the irrationality of a social order based on a “natural theology” that has only successfully existed when Christianity has dominated the culture.

Sociology, Literature, Psychology, Anthropology, Economics, Law, … all of it is just so much the continuation of theology by other means. If and when people ever come to grips with that truth, it will make conversation a good deal easier.

We end with the great Rushdoony making the same point.

“An abstract theology is only formally or technically systematic. Systematic theology must of necessity deny because God is sovereign, that there are any neutral facts or any areas of neutrality. All factuality is God-created and God-governed and interpreted. All facts are therefore theological facts, and every area of life, thought, study, and action is a theological concern.

Education, politics, science, the arts, the vocations, the family, and all things else, are theological concerns. A theology which does not involve itself in every area in terms of the sovereign God and His infallible law-word cannot be systematic: it is only abstract.”