The Connection Between The Second Amendment And Government Schools

“Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment,” Trump said to boos from the crowd.

“By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks,” he then added.

“Though the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know.”

Donald J. Trump

1.) Hillary Clinton does indeed support abolishing the Second Amendment. At a townhall meeting recently Clinton responded to a question regarding the desire to clamp down on gun ownership by saying,

“the [Australian] government was able to curtail the supply and set a different standard for gun purchases in the future.”

Clinton finished by saying,

“It would be worth considering doing it on the national level.”

Clinton wants to take your Second Amendment God given rights away. In such a context it is fitting and proper for her opponent to note that such an action may well lead to unfavorable consequences.

2.) Our Marxist media is hyperventilating over the fact that Trump noted that Americans in 2016 might take the same actions against a Government that seeks to seize their weapons as Americans in 1776 took when the Government sought to seize their weapons.

Trump is not calling for political assassination. He is merely saying that if the FEDS come for guns some people may not go quietly into the night. This is an objective fact.

Today’s media would have supported the British in 1776.

3.) People who are so exercised in protecting the Second Amendment are a curious lot. I say that because many many of them are so incredibly hostile to any idea of seizing their weapons and yet they turn right around and willingly give up their children to be brainwashed in Government schools. If all the people who are intensely pro-Second Amendment had not sent their children to Government schools to be propagandized into Cultural Marxist thinking no politician would ever dare bring up the idea of overturning the Second Amendment since there would not be the public support for such a policy.

4.) Clearly, rabid Second Amendment types, by their actions, demonstrate that keeping their weapons is more important than keeping their children. The same rabidness about protecting our guns from the clutches of the FEDS should be applied to protecting our children from the clutches of the FEDS. Indeed, keeping our children is more important than keeping our guns, if only because guns need trigger fingers to squeeze the trigger in order to be effective and if we keep our children there will be more children with more trigger fingers in order to fire back at the FEDS when they seek to exercise their tyranny. If you want your children to share your conviction about the Second Amendment and its importance then take them out of Government Schools.

5.) If people desire to be truly consistent about their opposition to gun control then they should be equally opposed to children control. If you really love your guns do your children a favor and get them out of Government schools.

Who Does the Shaping?

“This is what this election is about — who will have the power to shape our children for the next four to eight years of their lives.”

~Michelle Obama @ the DNC

Men had better be without education than be educated by their rulers
Thomas Hodgskin

1.) I’ll make the obvious but necessary observation that this is an example of the State thinking that it is the State’s role to shape our children. Parents are merely instruments of the State.

2.) Look folks, this culture has been cooked for decades. Anybody who has managed to get out of the statist Matrix and on to the good ship Nebuchadnezzar (Matrix reference) and so out of the State conditioned culture are already the exception. It simply is the case already that the State is shaping most Children. One way we know that is that the shaping process means adults remain intellectually children. Only a handful of people would have ever caught Michelle’s words as irregular.

SCOTUS Gives White Kids A Lift Up With Quota Requirements

White kids everywhere were rejoicing when it was announced today that the US Supreme Court decided that University of Texas admission official may legally consider the race of student applicants in a limited way in order to build a diverse student body on the UT campus.

Knowledgeable White students realize that the implication of this ruling is that their chances of making it into historically black schools like Grambling State University and Alcorn State University were now dramatically improved thanks to the SCOTUS ruling.

Wise Latina female Supreme Court Justice Sotomayer was quoted as saying, “It’s long past time that White children have the same opportunity at these prestigious Universities that others have had.”

 The decision was a surprising win for advocates of affirmative action, who say the benefits of diversity at the nation’s colleges and universities are worth completely ignoring the Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection that forbids and makes no provision for the government making decisions based on racial classifications.

Some Supreme Court watchers and legal experts believe that the implications of this decisions will mean more white point guards on NCAA division one teams as well as a influx of White and perhaps even Asian defensive lineman on University football teams.  Sports professionals insisted that one implication of this decision would be the diminution of quality at these positions in the future. One General Manager of an NBA team said, “I look for the output at the point guard position in the NBA to decline over the next 15 years.

The Obama Administration’s response to the SCOTUS decision was mixed. White bread White House Spokesman Josh Earnest said to reporters that, “I look forward to the day when a Kenyan can hold this position. Diversity is the strength in the Spokesperson business.”

Fanatics and Women’s Fashion

One kind of fanatic wants to compel all women to wear the burqa. Another kind of fanatic wants to make them bear their breasts.

J. Budziszewski
On the Meaning of Sex – pg. 96

With this quote, I wonder if those two seemingly opposite fanatics that Budziszewski sets before us have more in common with each other than one might initially think. Neither fanatic can control themselves. The former fanatic demonstrates his lack of self control regarding women by forcing them to wear blankets as fashion. The latter fanatic demonstrates his lack of self control regarding women by creating a bordello cultural climate.

The former fanatic handles his urges puritanically by attributing them entirely to the object of his lust. His slogan is, “Women are the problem. Let’s put horse blankets on them.” The latter handles his urges like a libertine by venting them with impunity. His slogan is, “There is no problem. The more whorish the better.”
Each make the woman his tool and both lie to the woman that each solution will provide “freedom” for the woman. Neither man considers the possibility that the problem lies within them and their lack of self control.

Republican Presumed Nominee Trump and Judge Curiel

I’m not voting for Donald Trump. I’ve made the reasons why clear on Iron Ink. Nothing has changed in that regard. However, since I don’t have a dog in the election fight, as it concerns the two major party candidates, it does give me a wee bit of dispassion when looking at the issues that are being tussled over in this election cycle.

The most recent caterwauling by the Media, the Democrats, The Republicans and the general Elite cognoscenti establishment has been Donald Trump’s daring to offer the politically incorrect statement that he doesn’t think he can get a fair hearing from a Obama appointed Judge of Mexican heritage who has remote but very real ties to THE LaRaza and has  served on a La Raza scholarship board that awarded scholarships to illegal immigrants, thus demonstrating his attitude towards U.S. law. I think this might be called, “Mestizo privilege.”

All of this phony outrage has been an attempt to stampede the electorate into discarding Trump as a vile evil racist. That the SJW media and SJW inside the beltway establishment are rather selective in their outrage against putative racists is seen by the way that other statements from cultural gate-keepers is met with a nonplussed and ho-hum response,

“If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon,”

Barack Obama
Identifying with a African-American against what was initially misreported as a black youth being slain by a White man.

“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

Sonya Sotomayer
Puerto Riccan Supreme Court Justice

“The Cambridge police acted stupidly … there is a long history in this country of Arican-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately.”

Barack Obama
White House Press Conference
Complaining about a White Cop Arresting a Black Professor

So, given that there was little to no consternation or outrage over these statements quite similar to Trump one has to wonder why Trump is being excoriated.

Then there is the observation by Ann Coulter on this subject,

“Two weeks ago …  the (New York) Times published an op-ed by a federal appeals judge stating: ‘All-white juries risk undermining the perception of justice in minority communities, even if a mixed-race jury would have reached the same verdict or imposed the same sentence.'”

For how many decades have we been told that minorities cannot get justice from White judges or white juries and that has been perfectly OK and even has become enshrined in our “law?” But now Trump accuses an Obama appointed and LaRaza connected Judge of Mexican heritage of the very same thing and suddenly everybody is all outraged? Me thinketh the lady doth protest too much.

These observations, combined, inform us that the only reason that Trump is being slammed by the cultural gatekeepers about his recent Obama appointed and LaRaza connected “Mexican judge” statement is that Trump is white.  None of the above quotes are unlike Trump’s statement. The “problem” with Trump is that he, as a White Man, is holding Cultural Marxist non-Caucasians to the same standard that cultural Marxist non-Caucasians and their self-hating white liberal lap dogs use against whites.  Since World War II the cultural Marxists have worked to turn these united States into a nation of Tribal interests and now the SJW cultural elites want to scream ruddy hell when Trump acknowledges that Tribal reality? Physician heal thyself.

Speaker of the House, Rep. Paul Ryan told us that what Trump said was a textbook case of racism when Trump spoke concerning the Obama appointed and LaRaza connected Judge of Mexican heritage . Just count Ryan as one more leftist worshiper genuflecting at the  altar of political correctness and white hatred. What does one expect from a pig but a grunt?

That white people are guilted into believing and buying into this double standard tripe suggests that the real goal of all of this hypocritical guilt mongering is the complete subjugation of white people under the heels of a neo-Marxist multicultural, politically correct, anti-Christian agenda.  All this propaganda guilting works to the same end that was arrived at in the French revolution. During that time the Jacobins bombarded France with saturation guilt propaganda so effectively that even the French nobility and monarchy were left unable to defend themselves to themselves against it. A date with madame guillotine was the consequence for many in the the French Aristocracy because of this propaganda to which no response was forthcoming.  If Christian white people do not resist this demonization propaganda I see a similar future for Christian white people.