The Psychological Culture — A Few Thoughts

Imagine a core that radiates heat. Around that core are concentric circles that are conduits for the same heat that pulses at the core. Each succeeding concentric circles provides warmth for all living within the psychological culture. As each subsequent concentric circle is further away from the core the heat is less intense though remaining of the same nature. In their living people move closer to and further away from the core but nearly all of them are conditioned by the heat of the core.

This is the way the psychological functions in our culture. The core that is white hot is Psychology / Psychiatry proper. First developed by Wihlem Wundt but turned into a core of white hot influence by a combination of Wundt’s disciples and the heavy financing of the Robber Barons and / or their Foundations (Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford, etc.) this heat then radiated into almost every other discipline. In the States it begins with G. Stanley Hall who brought Wundt’s presuppositions and methodology to the States. From there Disciples of Hall such as Dewey and Thorndike arise, followed by many many others.

The main presupposition of the Psychological remains that man is a animal that is trained on the basis of stimulus and response. Wilhelm Wundt and his disciples believed that in a child there is nothing to begin with but a body, a brain, and a nervous system. As such, training must be achieved by inducing sensations into that nervous system. The Child is not thought capable of volitional control over his actions, or of deciding whether he will act or not act in a certain way. Wundt and his disciples believed the child’s actions were preconditioned and beyond his control precisely because the child was a stimulus response machine. Because this premise ruled stimulus used looked to create a certain experience for the child while seeking to draw out the proper emotions. The presence of the Psychological can be observed by the continued emphasis on the experience and the emotions. Men are not trained to think but are conditioned into the proper experience by just the right stimuli playing upon their emotions seeking to evoke certain proper emotions. People are trained and that training is reinforced at every turn.

You find the core in Academia especially but also wherever the Psychological is practiced as a trade or craft. The first concentric circle that is produced by the psychological and shares its now only slightly diminished heat is the Teaching profession. It is the case now that what you find in someone trained to be a Teacher is someone who has been saturated in a non-Biblical way of thinking. The whole premise of the teaching profession is the Psychological — Wundtian in one form or another. This is not to say that teachers cannot be Christians but it is to say that teachers, generally speaking, (and generally speaking allows for exceptions folks) don’t think Biblically because they have been saturated in the premises and presuppositions of the Psychological. So great as the Psychological been upon the teaching industry (Teaching Colleges) that the trade of “Teacher” and “Psychologist” and the mindset trained in those trades is nearly identical.

Of course another concentric circles is the whole Sociological. Here you find the social workers that we are besotted with as a people. From “Welfare worker,” to “Friend of the Court,” to those working as School Counselors, to those contracted to choose our Pastors and Missionaries, and in a thousand other capacities the Social Worker does their bit to continue to insure that our culture is defined by the Psychological.

Another concentric circle would be the Church where people are not taught their undoubted Catholic Christian faith so much as they are trained into a Faith that is naught but a baptism of the Psychological. Conversion is sought for by setting up just the right conditions that will produce the proper stimuli that will produce the necessary emotion to “get folks saved.” The is one reason why the Emergent Church (and the Church Growth movement before them) is so popular. The Emergent Church is predicated upon giving people the stimuli that they have been conditioned to covet 24-7.

The evidence of the success of the culture of the Psychological is seen in the way in which we are advertised to. The appeal is intended to be stimuli that is to evoke a certain trained response. There is no appeal to the mind. Advertising then is another concentric circle. In point of fact, most communication in our culture, from talk radio, to mainstream media, to print media, to television, to Movies, to many of the books printed, to the political speech, are nothing but glorified advertising. Propaganda via advertising is how the Psychological culture communicates. We have become the mob and the mob is communicated with via propaganda and propaganda is best delivered by advertising.

The culture of the Psychological results in a dumbed down citizenry as citizens are now manipulated by those elites who know what stimuli buttons to push to get a conditioned result that people have been trained into.

One consequence of all this is that those who have been educated, according to an earlier model where critical and analytical thinking are developed, are now those who are like the last remaining survivors in the Donald Sutherland movie, “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” There is no safe place for them that allows them from being attacked by the psychological pod people.

The New World Order And The War Against God Ordained Distinctions

“The age of boundaries is closing, and we are approaching a nobler era when nations shall be no more; when the lines of race and caste shall be wiped out; when the whole earth shall be under one order, one government, one administrative body.”

~Manly P. Hall
“Lectures on Ancient Philosophy,” published by the Philosophical Research Society Inc, Los Angeles (1970)

“God’s plan is dedicated to the unification of all races, religions, and creeds. This plan, dedicated to the new order of things, is to make all things new — a new nation, a new race, a new civilization, and a new religion, a nonsectarian religion that has already been recognized and called the religion of “The Great Light.”

~C. William Smith
“God’s Plan in America”, The New Age – Sept. 1950, Official journal of the Supreme Mother Council, 33 degree, of the Scottish Rite

From the French Revolution, to the War of Northern Aggression, to the Communist Revolution in Russia, and everywhere in between where you find various expressions of ontological Revolution against the God of the Bible, there you find the desire to erase God ordained distinctions as one of the methods used to attack the God of the Bible.

Building A Lemming Culture

“As the level of incompetency increases, so does the dependence on the rules. Non thinkers are totally dependent on procedures and the oligarchy depend on it and work to create a world culture comprised of that type of people (i.e. depersonalized non-thinking robots who can be relied on to act according to procedure). Dull, non threatening and replaceable, like any tool when it stops working, it is discarded and replaced. Health care was one of the last steps to this end in that it opens the door for the legalized elimination not only of the non-productive but the non-compliant who will be defined as psychologically unfit for society. State controlled health care is the bookends of the system. The state brings you into the world, catechizes and trains you in the state school, assigns your place in the machine through school to work programs in the propaganda centers, monitors your value as a useful part and in the end discards you when your useful years have passed. It is conceivable, if God delays, that society will become like “Logan’s Run” where men are given a set number of years doing away with any evaluative process and simplifying the system.”

Mark Chambers

That this is seen as reality is found in the fact that people are no longer educated so much as they are trained. Even the professional positions (Lawyers, Doctors, Ministers, Academics) are staffed with people who have no idea how to think critically but are people who merely spin the dials, calibrate the machinery, and count the beans. We have become cogs in the machine of the State and we all understand ourselves only as against the backdrop of a society that is naught but an emanation of the State.

Think about our dependence upon rules and following procedure. A little boy at school points his finger at someone and yells “Bang” and the school district must expel him because that violates documented procedure. A worker in a business meeting uses the word “niggardly” in his report and he is fired because policy does not allow that kind of language in the workplace. We pass a Health Care bill that is thousands of pages long in order to describe procedures and process so that all the good little apparatchiks can follow the rules.

And in becoming so process and procedure oriented we assure that we can, at any time, be arrested for not following some rule we had no idea existed.

Dalyrmple’s Take On Being A Hater

I am a Hate-Filled Christian

Some observations on this piece

Dalrymple uses the word “hate” a great deal, but never attaches it to evil men. Just evil in the abstract. Dalrymple is passive in his hatred. Biblical hatred hates the sin and the sinner precisely because it is operating from love to God and His glory. Dalyrimple’s predilection for this passivity and abstraction is throughout the article.

By abstracting hate so that it is located on a sin (Sodomy) that does not include a concrete sinner (Dalyrimple’s friends) Dalyrimple creates a contradictory division. After all, in the end, it is not sin in the abstract, that is cast into hell but sinners. Our love for our sodomite friends must include a clear enough opposition to them personally that they know that we are against them precisely because we are for them.

In the linked article Dalyrimple can write,

” I hate that we have sometimes made it seem as though God will have nothing to do with gays until they leave their homosexual behavior behind, as though God redeems us after we are no longer sinners.”

This is problematic for the following reasons,

1.) The fact that God does have something to do with sodomites before they leave their homosexual behavior is seen by the fact that sodomites are willing to leave their sodomite behavior.

Psalm 7:11 God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day.

2.) God is only a judge to the wicked (regardless what their flavor of wickedness is).

3.) While we were still sinners Christ died for us is written to the elect covenant community. It was not written for those who hate Christ. We can not take that statement and apply it to those who hate Christ as the sentence above seems to imply.

Dalrymple also writes,

‎”I hate that Christians have not always made it clear that God loves them and seeks them just as passionately as God seeks everyone else.”

If God sought everyone, as the sentence implies, then God would find everyone since no one can hide from God. Clearly God does not seek everyone. This sentence is latent Arminianism.

When Dalrymple says,

“I hate that my convictions on this issue comes between us (me and my gay friends),”

I find myself thinking that I would rejoice that my convictions come between us, for it is only my convictions, based as they are on God’s revealed Word, that are coming between myself and continued misery for those outside of Christ. I mean I understand the desire to have a friendship without friction but in the end the conviction of the Christian is the only hope of our sodomite friends.

Dalyrymple writes,

‎”I hate that gays are bullied.”

Like it or not societal taboos are reinforced through negative behavior towards those breaking the taboos.

Also there is the reality that if sodomites are not opposed then what is communicated is that sodomy is accepted. I would contend that the refusal to oppose sodomy is the a embracing of opposing Christian virtue.

Oh My Akin Body

“If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down,” Akin said on KTVI-TV. “But let’s assume that maybe that didn’t work or something: I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be of the rapist, and not attacking the child.”

Todd Akin
Missouri Republican Candidate for US Senate

“No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury…”

US Constitution
5th Amendment

A great deal of buzz has been created by the first quote above. Akin, the Republican candidate for the US Senate in Missouri has had calls from Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney to vacate his position as GOP standard bearer for the Missouri US Senate race.

A few observations from someone who votes neither Republican or Democrat

1.) Republicans have to meet a double standard. Joe Biden accuses Republicans of wanting to put blacks back and chains and the hub bub is a mere blip. Nancy Pelosi says that “we have to pass the Obama-care bill in order to see what is int it,” and there is a few guffaws but she doesn’t have to spend any political capital for such asinine statements. But let a George Allen make a “Macaca” comment and suddenly the press descends upon him like piranhas. Similarly with Todd Akin. At the very worst Akin was misinformed on his facts. At the very best he simply made a blunder in his communication.

However, having said that, the fact that the Democrats don’t get what they deserve when they make verbal gaffes (and Obango has made tons of verbal gaffes …e.g., — “You did not build that …”) does not mean that it is wrong for Republicans to get what they deserve when they make verbal gaffes. Yes, it is a double standard, but if gaffes are really stupid (and Akin’s was monumentally stupid) then they should be lampooned.

2.) Of course the reason that Republicans get slapped harder by the media is that their gaffes tend more to violate the narrative of political correctness and cultural Marxism. The major media outlets agree with Obango’s socialism and so try to cover for the man we call President by excusing his “you didn’t build that” comment. However, when Akin talks about “the female body having ways to shut down the whole (impregnation by rape) thing” then the media howls since abortion is one of the sacraments of a key constituent (feminism) supporting Cultural Marxism.

This is one way by which the major media outlets control conversation, and so thought, in our politically correct paradise.

3.) Akin, despite his in-artful way of phrasing matters, is on the right side of the life of the child issue. To be sure if a woman is impregnated as a result of a rape that is a burden of a consequence that has to be born by that woman. However, why should the baby the raped woman is carrying, be tortured and punished all because the baby’s mother was tortured by rape? Why should we kill the baby as opposed to bring capital charges against the rapist? Why shouldn’t the genuine criminal be visited with the death penalty as opposed to the judicially innocent baby?

4.) There was a time in history that families of criminals would be held liable for a individual family member who committed a crime. In recent history even, Communist countries would let people travel in other countries knowing that the communist traveler would know that if he sought asylum to escape Communism his family back in the old country would be murdered. The West has always thought that such blood ransoming of family as incentive for individuals to keep laws was pagan. And yet, that is exactly what is done when we abort babies conceived in rape scenarios. We murder them because of the criminal guilt of their rapist Father.

5.) Akin should have replied to the question that was asked of him,

“I believe that at conception we have a person. In believing that, the fifth amendment to the constitution forbids me from holding any person to answer for a capital crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury. When a Grand Jury begins indicting the unborn persons for capital crimes then I will have to consider again my position but until then I must honor the US Constitution’s 5th amendment by not supporting ending the life of any person not indicted by a Grand Jury.”