A Counter Argument To The Coming Demographic Islamic Hegemony In Europe

I have mentioned several times on this blog the crisis of Europe in regard to its Muslim immigration problem. One book I highly recommend on this subject is Christopher Caldwell’s, “Reflections on the Revolution in Europe.” Also, if one desires to think through this subject one should be familiar with Serge Trifkovic as well as Robert Spencer. Finally, it doesn’t take that much effort to read or listen to Enoch Powell’s “Rivers of Blood speech from 1968. This speech was both prophetic and the end of Powell’s hope to be Prime Minister of Britain. Powell’s speech is a great example of someone being ostracized and destroyed for being right.

Anyway, I am a firm believer that unless Europe takes some actions to both stem the tide of its Islamic immigration and reverse the Islamic demographics Europe will become Eurabia (Islamistan) by the end of this century (Maybe sooner).

In the link below the author gives a brief account of how things could be turned around. I don’t know if the political will exists to do some of these things but it at least is a thought experiment on how the Islamification of Europe is not yet inevitable.

If found it to be a short and interesting read on how the West might still be preserved. It is not the whole answer. The whole answer is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But it at least posits some ways that the Muslim aspect of Europe’s paganization might be arrested.


Newspeak On The Word “Compassion”

“After being criticized over illegal immigrants getting health care, the president said, “It is very important that we have compassion as part of our national character.”

Wall Street Journal Article

1.) Compassion, in the way that it is being used here, is not infinite. The compassion that B. Hussein Obama wants to give to illegal immigrants in the way of “free” health care will be, to those who are being taxed to fund this compassion, a certain meanness, coldness and hardness. Compassion given to illegal immigrants in the way of “free” health care means a lack of compassion to American citizens in the way of lost employment opportunities, lost wages, and lost quality health care. Compassion given to illegal immigrants in the way of creating a government large enough to administer “free” health care means a concerted meanness, coldness, and hardness towards the private sector as it is constricted in order that the public sector (i.e. — Government) may expand. Compassion given to illegal immigrants in the way of “free” health care means a lack of compassion to American citizens in the way of death panels and restricted access to quality health care.

There is a great deal of talk about compassion on this subject. The theme of compassion was all the rage at the CRC synod I attended but it is the compassion of the muddleheaded who refuse to think through the coldness, hardness, and meanness that eventuates with the embrace of their addlepated compassion.

2.) Compassionate national character is expressed by citizens voluntarily giving their monies to help those who can not help themselves. Compassionate national character is not expressed by the Nation State’s centralized government being compassionate with money that must be stolen through confiscatory taxation in order for it to be compassionate.

3.) There is nothing compassionate in our character when our Government sets up death panels for our seniors and for the infirm in order that illegal immigrants might receive “free” health care. There is nothing compassionate in our character when we allow the Federal Government to create within the citizenry a dependence disposition where they learn to look to the Centralized state to meet all their needs. There is nothing compassionate in our national character when we provide for the alien and stranger while impoverishing our own citizenry.

If we pursue the compassionate national character that B. Hussein Obama desires we will become a people who are cold, hard and thoroughly mean.

Observing At Vanity Fair

I was in a pharmacy today where there was a cosmetic display. The cardboard cutout on the display had Ellen DeGeneres (Degenerate ?) as the spokesperson for the cosmetics. I thought to myself, … “How odd that you would market woman’s cosmetics using a Lesbian for your spokesperson.” I’m telling you… in America everyday is Halloween.

Of course all of this is about mainstreaming sexual deviancy. Lesbians are just like normal women also. Why they even purchase the same cosmetics as straight women.

Taking On Alan Keyes Nonsense



Moratorium on Muslim immigrants?
Radical solution to homeland insecurity stirs controversy at conference

A proposal on how to stop the spread of Islam in the U.S., suggested from the floor at WND’s “Taking America Back” conference in Miami, Fla., stirred a rousing response from the audience but received an even more impassioned reply from the platform.

“I propose a moratorium on Islamic immigration and mosque construction in the U.S.,” an unidentified attendee suggested during a panel discussion on Islam, “until the Quran is scrubbed of its passages that are incompatible with our Constitution.” (1)

The audience responded in spontaneous applause.

But the panel on stage gave a surprising response that quickly made the audience rethink its enthusiasm.

“The moratorium would be forever,” (2) stated William Murray, chairman of the Religious Freedom Coalition, warning the audience that asking Muslims to scrub their scriptures was unreasonable.

Keynote speaker Alan Keyes took admonition of the audience one step further.

“One word of caution,” Keyes said. “We get into a defensive position as Americans because we have forgotten our own roots.” (3)

Reminding those assembled for his speech the night before – in which he contended America owes its liberties, prosperity, rights and democratic republic government under the Constitution to dependence upon and submission to God as declared in the Declaration of Independence (4) – Keyes asserted that any immigrants of any faith who come to America’s shores should find a land brimming with irresistible, life-changing freedom, enabled by the principles of Christianity.(5)

“If we’re in a situation where we’re afraid to have Muslims come to our nation,” Keyes stated, “it is because we have forgotten that when they get here they’re supposed to find a society based upon God.” (6)

He continued, “The U.S. is not a fortress intended to put up battlements around a Christian enclave. Christianity’s message is to spread the gospel, not contain it. … We shouldn’t be afraid, we should be eager. It would save us the trouble of having to go over there to evangelize them. That’s the spirit that founded this country in the first place.” (7)

With the audience visibly stirred by his challenge, Keyes gave a final, impassioned point:

“I think we’ve become timid, cowards. We’ll hide faith under a bushel?” he asked. “I don’t think that’s the road I want to go down.” (8)

Applause erupted from his listeners again, this time even louder than before.

1.) In 1890 Mormons scrubbed their religion of polygamy so that they could gain statehood. If Mormons were required to drop the offending parts of their religion in order to be Americans why shouldn’t Muslims be required to do the same? If it was not unreasonable to require Mormons to conform to the Constitution why would it be unreasonable for Muslims to conform to the Constitution?

2.) If the moratorium ended up being forever, whose fault would that be?

3.) We have forgotten our own roots? We have forgotten that we came here from Muslim countries with forbears practicing the Muslim faith?

4.) The god that the Muslims submit to is a different god then the God who is mentioned in the US Declaration of Independence. The liberties, prosperity, rights and Federal republic government under the Constitution are what they are because of the God that Americans were submitting to when the Constitution was accepted. Muslims don’t submit to that God. Since Muslims don’t submit to that God, can they sustain and support the liberties that that God provided?

5.) Can America’s shores long support large and sustained influx of peoples who hate the principles of Christianity which brim the land with irresistible, life-changing freedom? People who have faiths that hate Christianity are likely to overthrow the principles of Christianity for the principles of their own pagan faiths.

6.) Who is Keyes kidding? It has been decades since our society has been based upon the God of the Bible. A society based upon God … Abortion? A society based upon God … Homosexual Marriage? A society based upon God … women in the military? A society based upon God … banning the God of the Bible from the public square?

7.) (a) If we put battlements around this country the result would not be a Christian enclave but a religious Humanist enclave.

(b) I am convinced that the purpose of open door immigration is to dilute the Christian influence in this country so that Christians are forbidden from spreading their gospel message.

(c) Eagerness is an odd emotion to have when envisioning one’s country being swamped with people of other faiths who are eager to stamp out Christianity.

(d) The Spirit that founded this country was the spirit of Christians fleeing from being surrounded by people who hated them in order to establish Christian commonwealths. The spirit of the early Puritans pushed out Quakers who desired to upset their established commonwealths.

(e) It would be one thing if we were absorbing insignificant numbers of people of other faiths that hate Christianity. It is the case instead that we are being asked to absorb large numbers of people while encouraging them to build their religious houses and insisting that the Christian faith can not be given any sanction higher than the Christian hating immigrant’s faith.

(f) I would say that Dr. Keyes words are indicative that Dr. Keyes has a need to be evangelized.

8.) (a) Actually, I think it is Dr. Keyes who is the timid coward. Dr. Keyes is so timid that he is not willing to say that hyper-pluralism has been an absolute disaster for this country. Dr. Keyes is such a coward he will not tear down the idol of multi-culturalism. The people who disagree with Keyes have such great faith that they are willing to say that we need to evangelize our fellow countrymen first before we take on even more Christ haters who will work to overthrow the Christian faith.

(b) Keyes accuses people who disagree with him of “hiding their faith under a bushel.” It is hiding faith under a bushel by insisting that those who hate Christianity shouldn’t be allowed to swamp this country? That is a funny definition of hiding faith under a bushel.

Masquerading Words

I once came across an idea, long ago, that I thought very profound at the time. I still think it is very profound. That idea is that language and words are, and the communication process is often intended to conceal meaning as much as they are intended to reveal meaning. People, who have an agenda, will often use words to communicate with the explicit intent to misdirect people or to make people think they, as the communicator, are meaning things they do not in reality mean.

For example, if you check out what is concealed as opposed to what is revealed — if you do not rely on masquerading words, you will discover that the language of “gun control” once implemented is not intended to control guns, or that the language of “rent control” once implemented does not control rent, or that government’s “stimulus” does not stimulate the economy. Once you learn how language conceals as well as reveals you also eventually learn that many policies that are sold as “compassionate” inflict cruel results. However, in order to get to gun control that doesn’t control guns, rent control that doesn’t control rent, government stimulus, that doesn’t stimulate or compassionate conservatism that is beyond cruel you have to conceal your thoughts.

If you check out the facts, instead of relying on masquerading words, you will discover that Comprehensive immigration reform means amnesty, planned parenthood means abortion, health-care reform means mismanaged death care, and political correctness means reality incorrectness. One phrase I really liked in the 90’s was “invest in America,” which concealed the meaning of “forced increased taxation.”

Then there are biggies. “Social justice” is all the rage these days and has been for quite some time. What does it mean? Nobody knows for sure but if it is invoked, well then, Katy bar the door. Usually what it means is something like “that’s not fair,” and usually fair is defined as some arrangement that doesn’t fit some twisted and uninformed idiosyncratic view of reality. The pursuit of social justice has led to policies that have increased the out of wedlock births, the destruction of the family, the creation of a citizenry that has a dependent mindset, and the glorification of victimization. This is “social justice?”

The whole “rights” language has excelled at concealing. The glory of “Women’s rights” have led to the enslavement of women in their pursuit to be men, the death of many women by abortion before they were born, the objectification of women in sex by the peeling away of sex from marriage, the depriving of women of their children as the children are cast aside for daycare or government schools so mom can pursue equality, and the overall diminution of women in their import and significance to family. Women’s rights, as it turns out, means Women’s drudgery.

These kinds of masquerading words exist often in the Church as well. Often times Churches will talk about “Church growth,” when what they really mean is “redefining the message of the Church.” Churches will talk about “free grace” when what they really mean is “license to sin.” Churches will say that “the Bible contains the word of God” when what they really mean is “the bible only becomes the word of God when you have an existential encounter with the word.” Churches will say, “Jesus died for your sins,” and what they really mean is that you can find favor with God if you follow Jesus’ example and be a good doobie. Churches talk about “repentance” when what they really mean is “recruitment.”

Now you take the reality that I have set forth where people are purposefully deceiving with their language and compound with the reality that language is always going to conceal when person “A” speaking to person “B” has a different worldview from one another. In this situation even if person “A” does not intend any deception, deception will occur as the words “A” uses mean differently in their autonomous worldview than what they mean to person “B” who is hearing those same words in their theocentric worldview.

We are so awash in masquerading words that one would have to be a simpleton to not practice some form of hermeneutic by suspicion.