Well, we are coming up on a week since the Glen Beck “American Rorschach Rally,” held in Washington DC last week. I offer a few observations below.
1.) I call Beck’s rally the “American Rorschach Rally” because like the Rorschach test it is a ink blot that has not objective meaning. No one knows what the rally really means — not even Beck — but each and every member of the punditocracy is convinced that it means whatever they see in it.
2.) So, what I am about to say, does not presume to suggest that I have the inside skinny on what the ink blot rally objectively means. I’m just one more patient telling what I see in the ink blot rally.
3.) What I see first is classical Americans — those Americans who still retain a shadow of a remnant of a memory of original Americanism — coming together to articulate some primeval instinct that something is wrong with their nation. However, though the primeval instinct remains, it is a instinct that is both unformed and uninformed, and as such, is easily led astray by the vacuous Beck and the silly Palin.
4.) The fact that the instinct of many of these rally goers is unformed is seen in the ridiculous contradictions. Here we have people gathered who have been energized largely by the passage of socialized health care who would and so are demanding their “country back.” And yet … many of those attending doubtless would be outraged if their socialized Medicare, or Social Security were deleted in order to remove the stain of socialism from their country. Doubtless many of them with the deepest desire to have their country back would have kittens if it were suggested that government schools be abolished since government schools are the very essence of state socialism.
5.) The fact that the instincts of many of Beck rally cheerleaders is uninformed is seen in the people they keep cheer leading and voting into office. These rally goers want their nation back and yet this November all indications are that they are going to vote into office a party that is pro-war, pro-Empire, pro-mega Corporations, and pro New World Order. The American electorate wants their country back and yet they do not realize that the very people they are looking to in order to get their country back are the people who are in bed with the people they hate. The current contest in American party politics is between two parties who desire to sustain the incestuous relationship between the Big Money interest (Corportism) and the Big Government interest (State run socialism). The only disagreement between these two interests is who gets to be on top. Neither of these interests gives a tinker’s damn about America as a unique sovereign nation. Beck is a cheer-leader for the Big Money interest and he is serving to channel the frustrations of many Americans in a direction that is against their interests.
6.) The Rally was, at its heart, a rally to support multiculturalism, which is the very cultural philosophy that is killing America. There are a couple ways in which this reality could be clearly seen. First, that the rally was given to the advance of multiculturalism could be seen by the countless numbers of Faith leaders that Beck paraded before the rally. Beck’s message was clearly the necessity to turn to god, regardless of which god one turns to. Clearly this is an example of multi-faithism. Now, as faith is one major component that creates culture, it simply is not possible to throw your passion behind multi-faithism without at the same time throwing your support behind the multi-cutluralism that multi-faithism always inevitably creates. As long as Americans continue to believe the elite created myth that there is something uniquely Christian about allowing other faiths to have equal standing in the public square the whole notion of “getting their country back” will be just an inconvenient fiction.
The second indicator that the rally was in support of multiculturalism was the “in your face” support of multiculturalism. First there was the unthinking homage to Martin Luther King who was a man who was instrumental in continuing the work of moving America’s cultural identity from an already diluted Christian base to a country torn between cultures that would forever be at war with itself. The success of King, both in life and in death, guaranteed that America would struggle with multiculturalism. Only the removal of King from the American pantheon of heroes will make it possible for Americans to take their country back. Second, there was the unthinking homage of Abraham Lincoln, the man who is responsible for beginning the work that King continued. The problem with Lincoln and King is not their advocacy for black people but their advocacy against black people. Both of them, guaranteed that a parasite culture, characterized by socialism, supported by the belief system necessary for socialism to thrive, and employing and abusing American blacks as the pawns to overthrow classical Americanism, would become part of the American identity that the original American identity would be at war with. Lincoln, like King, must be removed from the American Pantheon of heroes before anybody living gets their country back, for Lincoln marks the beginning of multiculturalism just as King represents the most recent successful purveyor of multiculturalism.
Until the well intentioned, but misled, minions of Beck completely turn their backs on multiculturalism, and the multi-fiathism that drives it, as well as the heroes of multiculturalism, the flag waving, “God” fearing, country loving Rorschach rally roadies will die wondering what happened to America.
And as a kind of post-script lets be clear and say that the God of the Bible does not honor a movement that desires that He be only one of the gods of the people. God is a jealous God and does not take kindly to sharing a pantheon or platform with any other god. I don’t doubt that there are many Christ loving Christians who were a part of the Beck rally, but I can promise them that no long term good thing will come in any success of this movement.