1.) Co-opt the Christian church and faith so that it teaches a faith system that is still called Christianity that is inimical to a freedom loving people maintaining the desire to remain free.
2.) View the Constitution as a living document and in doing so completely eviscerate the 9th and 10th amendments as well as the whole notion of separation of powers. This is achieved via Judicial and Bureaucratic fiat.
3.)Eliminate all competing zones of societal sovereignty. Rid family, church, academia, and other parallel institutions of their ability to legislate their respective realms independent of the State.
4.) Criminalize the individual who has been taught critical thinking skills. Attack this individual and his inalienable rights through fiat laws (see #2) that lead to perpetual harassment.
5.) Attack and eliminate the whole notion of private property through confiscatory taxation, inflation of the money supply, and excessive regulation. Consistent w/ this wage unremitting war against small businesses and grassroots entrepreneurs.
6.) Seize complete control of the education apparatus of society and turn them into temples that indoctrinate the state religion in the pupils.
7.) Elect a new citizenry by encouraging illegal immigration and by so reducing the bar for qualifying for Citizenship that the nation is populated by easily controlled illiterate and the uneducated aliens. This also has the salutary effect of diluting the influence of the native born educated Americans and aids w/ achieving #1.
8.) Destroy, by the devaluing of the currency the private financial institutions that have funded the greatest production and accumulation of prosperity the world has ever known. Destruction of the financial institutions can also come be direct seizure or by forcing upon them money policies at which they would have naturally recoiled.
9.) Embrace some form of socialism by putting in place command and control economic policies which yield redistribution (and so destruction) of wealth. This is achieved by destroying the currency and replacing it w/ a new currency or by revaluing the existing currency.
10.) By way of embracing international law, international treaty and executive fiat destroy national sovereignty.
11.) Steer foreign policy and military might away from National interest, putting them at the service of international interests and globalism instead.
12.) Seize ownership of weaponry from the citizen, or make their ownership of weaponry a non-factor, or so dispirit the citizenry that they are not willing to use their weaponry to resist tyranny.
13.) Place people in bondage to their hedonistic lifestyle so that in order to maintain their hedonistic lifestyle they will acquiesce to the promise of the State that it will augment their hedonistic lifestyles through governmental fiat. If successful people will then call their government augmented hedonistic lifestyle “freedom.”
14.) Keep the citizenry in debt. A people in debt will not resist a government that gives false promises to relieve debt.