Cultural Marxism Part II

In our last installment on Cultural Marxism we noted that the new proletariat for this version of Marxism would be culturally disenfranchised. In classical Marxism the proletariat working class was to over throw the oppressive bourgeois ownership class and seize for themselves their rightful place on top in the newly reconstituted cultural order. In Cultural Marxism the same dynamic is at work with the role of the bourgeois being played by those who are instrumental in perpetuating christian culture and the part of the proletariat played by those who find Christian culture to be oppressive.

The way that this has worked out concretely speaking is a pastiche of groups that work in an interlocking fashion to advance the overthrow of a culture that is informed by Christianity. For example, Feminism takes up the attack to overthrow Christian informed culture by insisting that male and female equality means that male and female roles are artificial and thus should be eliminated. Feminism attacks the Christian notion that families, churches, civil magistrates, and business owners should be normatively men. This is said to be sexist and results in the implication that Christianity is by its very nature sexist and so must be overthrown. Another movement that is a part of the cultural Marxist proletariat is the sexual perversion movement. This movement attacks the notion that there is such a thing as sexual mores and standards that a culture should abide by. It thus, along with Feminism, attacks the paradigm of the Christian family. The result is that in a culture where cultural Marxism is being successful there are attempts to redefine what constitutes the family. A third movement that is part of the cultural Marxist proletariat is extreme environmentalism. A Christianity informed culture has always insisted that we are to be good stewards of the earth, while at the same time insisting that man is to have dominion over the earth. The Cultural Marxist environmentalists instead have instead followed a kind of nature worship where man is to be brought down to the level of animal and is to be seen as just one more species among all the species that are to be seen as having equal rights and equal value.

A fourth movement that helps form the constellation of cultural Marxist proletariat organizations are the varied minority movements. This movement becomes a bit more ticklish to deal with because of how successful the cultural Marxists have been with the issue of race. Christianity has no problem including people from every tribe tongue and nation in a culture influenced by Christian categories, but what the cultural Marxist have been successful at achieving is convincing minorities that to be part of the Christian West is the same as rejecting who they are as minorities. Cultural Marxism has convinced a large percentage of minority people that what it means to be part of a minority people is the equivalent to being cultural Marxists. This is so true that many of the organizations that exist to represent minority interests in reality represent cultural Marxist interests. This would be true of organizations like NAACP or La Raza. These groups exist to continue to enlist their people to the cause of cultural Marxism.

High percentages of minorities have been convinced that to be part of Western culture is to embrace being “white.” Being “black” or being “Hispanic” has increasingly come to mean being culturally Marxist. This is unfortunate because the end results of such thinking is the continued enslavement of minorities to a victimization mindset that cultural Marxism nurses and inculcates. This victimization mindset is wonderful for the cultural Marxist agenda but it is horrid for minorities because such a mindset means never rising out of the societal and economic underclass. And the really sad thing is that even if cultural Marxism overthrows Christianity in the West the minorities that are used as the proletariat shock troops to accomplish such a thing will not be any better off then they currently are. They will remain part of the underclass as the leveling effect of cultural Marxism will only serve to spread their misery, not relieve it.

Cultural Marxism, being an attack on Christianity and Christian culture, seeks to rid those who embrace it of all the traditional virtues associated with Christianity and Christian culture. As such the minorities and other groups mentioned that are swayed by cultural Marxism tend to eschew industriousness, frugality, a being oriented to the future, independence, chastity, and other virtues. These are often seen as being traits of being “white,” or “straight” or “Christian” instead of traits that have historically been associated with building successful and prosperous cultures.

One thing in all this that must be kept in mind is that the chief tools that cultural Marxists use to create this proletariat are the tools of envy, resentment, and victimization. All the groups named thus far have a sense that they have been taken advantage of by those who have built Christian culture. They have been ill used and take advantage of. They have been told that they would have advanced if not for the evil Western culture. This creation of a sense of being unfairly kept down is the same tool that the Serpent used in the Garden to entice Eve to throw off God’s authority. This reminds us that a criminal class, which cultural Marxism creates, is a class that will excel at accusing the social order that opposes them of being criminal.

Another part of the reason that the cultural Marxists have been so successful at creating a proletariat and at destroying the fabric of Christian social order is that Christians have lost both their nerve and the ability to overthrow the way cultural Marxist characterize Western culture. Until the West can find its voice in order to defend its culture, and until the West can find people who really do believe in the West the cultural Marxist and their proletariat will continue to own the field of discourse.

Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, Transgender Muslim’s Have It Made

When you combine this Presidential pronouncement,

With this Presidential Observation,

“if you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we’d be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world”.

And keep in mind this comes only a couple months after the man who is sitting as President said that,

“Whatever we once were, we’re no longer a Christian nation.

So, if you combine all these presidential observations one would have to conclude that while we were once a Christian country we now are a Muslim LGBT country.

Potato Diversity

Recently I learned that every member of the Supreme Court save one graduated either Harvard or Yale. This means that the categories of “left” vs. “right” is nonsense. There are no judges sitting on the Supreme Court that are “on the right.” Instead the way this should be understood as is some Supreme Court justices who sit on the “left side of the left spectrum” vs. some Supreme Court justices that sit on the “right side of the left spectrum.” All of these idiots have been trained into basic pagan judiciary principles. The disagreements between someone like Scalia and Kennedy and Sotomayor are the kind of disagreements that would have existed between Stalin, Trotsky and Antonio Gramsci. The differences of conviction between a Thomas and a Ruth Bader Ginsburg and a Souter are the kind of disagreements that existed between the Montagnards vs. the Girondists.

All this is to say that I wonder sometimes how exercised we should get over whoever sits on the Supreme Court since they are all being manufactured by the same pagan legal training. Sure, there may be some that are less objectionable then others but in the end all of them are operating out of the same basic World and life view.

What is ironic is that we bleat and cry about diversity but all of our justices are trained in the same basic mold. Getting all of our Justices from ivy league schools and insisting that we must have diversity is like eating nothing but potatoes yet insisting we are getting a diverse diet if we have some potatoes baked, some boiled, some fried, some scalloped, some grilled, some as chips, some in potato salad, some broiled and some in potato soup. In the end it is potatoes for every meal. And in the end we are getting absolutely no diversity on the Supreme Court when all of these people are educated in the same ivy league schools.

Our real problem on this score is our ivy league institutions of “higher learning.” When is the last time that a Christian view of Law and jurisprudence was taught at an ivy league school? As long as we keep pulling rubes from Harvard and Yale to sit on the Supreme Court we are going to get sociological legal positivism of some sort for legal policy.

Some will miss the point and insist that I am being anti-intellectual. Not true. I am anti pagan trained intellectualism. The large Universities are anti-Christian to the core. The large Universities train people to think autonomously. All I’m asking for is for Christians to realize that if you train a jurist in a pagan legal educational model then what you’re going to get is a pagan Judge. The kind of judicial appointees that Christians should advocate for (if such men exist) are appointees who have been trained to begin and end their thinking with the God of the Bible.

Christians must begin to realize how radical their agenda is. We keep trying to save the day by rallying around men who have been trained to think like pagans at our flagship educational institutions. If it means building new Harvards and new Yales in order to produce men that don’t think like pagans then we should get on with that chore.

Tillered In Kansas

Somehow when the end came for Dr. George “Mengle” Tiller the setting of his death was altogether appropriate. Tiller had spent his life serving as the high priest in the sanctuary of humanism for decades, bringing murder, death and torture to tens of thousands in his abortuary. In turn, when Tiller was murdered Sunday, God returned him the favor as Tiller was murdered as he stood in God’s house. The irony shouldn’t be lost on us — it seems that even God operates with an eye for an eye ethic.

The first response we should have over the news of the Tiller murder is sympathy, quickly followed by joy. We should have sympathy and compassion for any man who was as gladly captive to sin as Tiller was. We should have sympathy and compassion due to what might have been if this man had not rejected the good life that can only be found in Christ. We should have sympathy and compassion because each of us, except for the grace of God, could have easily spent our lives as George Tillers. Every time I see a wicked man die, I feel a note of sympathy, compassion and pity. George Tiller was made for better things then what George Tiller embraced and the fact that he embraced the demons of unreality should cause all of us to be sympathetic.

But I also know joy. Not the shallow type of joy but a deep resonating joy. I feel joy that no longer will this wicked man slay the judicially innocent. I feel joy because justice, albeit of a rough variety, was visited on someone who so thoroughly opposed a culture of life and who worked so assiduously to spread the culture of death. I know joy because the truth of Scripture that those who take up the sword shall die by the sword is seen as authoritative. I know joy because I know that no longer will Dr. Tiller be sucking out the brains of people, or torturing people with saline or dismembering people in utero. How could a sane person not feel joy at the death of a mass murderer and a terrorist?

Inevitably the questions arise as to how we should view the murderer of such a wicked murderer. A few observations here,

1.) Vigilantism is justice as it is found on the black market. If the State will not use the sword to exercise just justice then the state should not be surprised when justice shows its face as vigilantism on the black market. People will only put up with the State using the sword to protect injustice for so long. Eventually, when the State will not use the sword properly the black market will use it improperly. Whoever the murderer of George Tiller is, the State should be charged as an accessory to the murder of George Tiller just as it was an accessory to all the murders that Tiller committed.

2.) I don’t know who the murderer is but I do know that you can’t kill the King’s policy by killing the King’s executioner. The King pays his executioners a handsome sum. For every George Tiller you kill five more will grow up to replace him in pursuit of all the money that can be made in the executioner business. Still, we must admit that if enough executioners find themselves “Tillered” it is going to make future executioner wannabees think long and hard about going into the executioner business.

3.) There are those who want to be outraged by this murderers act. I can’t bring myself to be outraged. Let’s pretend that instead of in uterine babies being murdered George Tiller was making a career out of the State sanctioned murder of five year old children, or even … let’s say … Jews. Would any of us be outraged and insist that it is not Christian to kill the killer of tens of thousands of five year olds or hundreds of thousands of Jews? I don’t think we would be. Does the fact that we are outraged by the murder of this murderer indicate that perhaps we really don’t see these in uterine victims as human ourselves anymore?

4.) Still, I am Reformed and Reformed people have consistently taught that we bear God’s judgments against us patiently until God raises up other magistrates that we might follow to throw off the yoke of oppression inflicted by the existing reigning magistrates. If each man took the law into his own hands, thus becoming vigilantes, anarchy and civil war would result and this would be a judgment against us even greater than the judgment of ethnocide that we are currently experiencing. If you doubt this visit Beirut.

5.) Scripture is full of examples of God raising up one wicked party to punish a second wicked party while still holding his instrument of punishment responsible for their wickedness. Assyria destroying wicked Israel doesn’t get a pass for its own wickedness. George Tiller spent a life sowing the wind and his life ended by reaping the whirlwind. The murderer of Tiller has now sown his own wind and he likewise shall reap his whirlwind.

If you’ve read this far and are thinking … “this sounds conflicted.” It is only because I am conflicted. I hate abortion and abortionists. While I am sympathetic for the reasons I stated above in the end I shed absolutely no tears over their demise. I completely understand why a person would murder a murderer in order to defend the yet unborn. And yet, I can’t bring myself to justify such anarchy that would be let loose upon us as a people if each man began to do what is right in his own eyes in a frenzied fit of vigilantism.

We must bear God’s judgments against us until God raises up other magistrates to throw off the yoke of torture and murder of the unborn. We must pray that God would either grant repentance to the wicked or that he would hear the blood of the unborn crying out from the ground for justice and send the unborn lawful relief.

And perhaps in the end we need to tell ourselves that if the wicked desire to destroy their seed … then let them.

Sotomayor, Cultural Marxism, & The Old Narnians

I am captivated by the Sonia Sotomayor nomination for Supreme Court Justice because along with the election of B. Hussein Obama as President it is emblematic of what might be called the official recasting of America. For decades now there has been a push among the cultural elites to re-make America. From the 1965 immigration act to the attempt to pass the equal rights amendment to the constitution to government programs like Title IX and Title X to the continued attempts to restructure the concept of family through the normalization of sexual perversion and by the promises of politicians to adopt the UN Convention on the rights of children there has existed a push from all cultural corners to re-make America. This push to remake America has become part and parcel of the curriculum of government schools and it is romanticized and glorified in the elite media centers in America. The trained eye see’s this attempt to re-make America to be omnipresent.

Sonia Sotomayer’s nomination to the Supreme Court is but one more nail in the coffin of old America as it was built upon the tripod foundation of Christianity, European heritage, and Male leadership. Like C. S. Lewis’ contrast between the Old Narnians and the interloper Calormenes America is a nation riven by two warring parties who each desire to take to themselves the title of “true American” as well as a cast of millions who have a foot in each camp.

Sotomayor, along with Obama, can be seen as the poster child for those cultural Marxists who are attempting to re-make America in their own image. Sotomayor shares a vision of America that views the Old Narnians (Americans) as being hopelessly European. We know this because when Sotomayor was a student at Princeton she lodged a formal complaint with the Federal department of Health Education and Welfare (HEW) protesting both the lack of inclusion of Hispanic or Chicano studies at Princeton as well as the under-representation of Hispanics in the student body and the faculty at Princeton. This appeal to “fairness” and “diversity” is the guise that cultural Marxist have used for decades in order to re-make America into a nation that is no longer European or Western or Christian in its heritage. The plea is for “fairness,” and “diversity,” but underneath that plea is the play for a cultural hegemony that is non-European, non-Christian, and non-male.

It must be understood that Sotomayor was nominated for this position on the court because she shares Obama’s cultural Marxism and distaste for the Old Narnians. Sotomayor reveals her prototypical cultural Marxist bent as she exults in the preferred wisdom of a female Latina as opposed to some white guy. Remember cultural Marxism is characterized by minority ideologies (feminism, homosexuality, racial minority supremacy) and by its insistence that all people must be understood in terms of which group they belong to. Sotomayor reveals her cultural Marxist pedigree here by her membership in La Raza. For both La Raza and for all Cultural Marxists, straight White Males are the most egregious of the Old Narnians and so if America is to be re-made straight white males must be pushed aside so that “wise” Latina women, half blood Prince Presidents, and assorted perverts can take their place.

The cultural Marxism of Obama and Sotomayor requires all minorities and perverts to be part of the rank and file proletariat that pushes the Old Narnians into hiding. Whereas classical Marxism envisioned the working class to be the rank and file that would be used to crush the bourgeois the cultural Marxist creates a new proletariat comprised of a coalition of Minorities, feminists, perverts and the welfare class. Any member of this coalition that sides with the Old Narnians will be officially stripped of their minority status and be told that they are “to white.” Hence, for Cultural Marxism whiteness has become synonymous with a certain ideological stance. If a minority refuses to embrace the tenets of Cultural Marxism that minority, even though they are black or Hispanic, will be considered “whitey.” If you doubt that just ask Clarence Thomas.

Another aspect of Cultural Marxism that Sotomayor embraces is the precept of a deconstructionist hermeneutic. Sotomayor’s claim of empathy is really code language for an affirmation that she intends to deconstruct the text of the constitution in order to read it in a way that is favorable to her cultural Marxist brethren. Sotomayor’s articulated desire for diversity is code language in cultural Marxist speak that she will be an activist judge in Obama’s pursuit to re-make America.

The whole cultural Marxist agenda is to scrub clean America of her Old Narnians. All those who believe in or who have been deeply affected by Christian categories must go in the New America of the cultural Marxist. All those who are to white, whether by actual skin color or whether by ideological / theological persuasion, must be put into a ghetto where their views can be ignored. All men who are not perverts and who believe in male leadership and who will not be emasculated to believe that women are just at good at being men as men are must be ostracized in the new America.

Sotomayor’s nomination is so fascinating because what we are witnessing is Obama’s dream of remaking America. Some people see this for what it is while other people keep screaming about fairness.