It has become apparent, with the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor, that empathy has become the virtue dujour in order to be seriously considered for a job as a Supreme court justice. Apparently a judge having empathy gives them the ability to be sensitive to those who appear before them and perhaps even vicariously experience the feelings, thoughts and experiences of the plaintiffs in their courtroom.
And yet one wonders, given Sotomayor’s treatment of white Fireman Ricci in the Ricci vs. DeStefano case, whether or not Ms. Sotomayor’s empathy is racially and ideologically conditioned. In that case Sotomayor had no empathy for Ricci who had been denied a promotion at his job due to New Haven’s desire to have a rainbow fire department. In other words, what we have here is what might be called selective empathy. All the empathy of Jesus for the cultural Marxist proletariat but only the empathy of Scrooge for those who are not part of the cultural Marxist rank and file.
I have no doubt that empathy is a great individual virtue to have but it is a positive albatross around the neck for someone who is a sitting judge. There is a reason that lady justice is blind and part of that reason is so that she won’t suffer the pains of empathy. Adjudicating and interpreting the law is supposed to be, by definition, non-prejudicial and non empathetic. When empathy is allowed sway in our Judges what happens is that law is used to discriminate in favor of whoever can come up with the best sob story. Justice then becomes not about applying the objective constitutional and case law to petitioners who come before the court but rather justice becomes about the vagaries and instability of emotions. Give me the coldness of Judge Solomon ordering a baby split in half over the empathy that gave us Roe vs. Wade.
But this desire to appoint someone with empathy to the High court on the part of Obama confirms something I’ve said for some time now and that is that with the election of Obama racial tensions in this country are only going to increase. Due to the vetting process that happens before these kinds of appointments we can be sure that the President made this appointment with full knowledge both of Sotomayor’s membership in a racist organizations like La Raza and of Sotomayor’s controversial comments on race. The problem that Sotomayor is suddenly having with her racist comments are serving to open a window on the soul of Barack Hussein Obama. Obama is a man who is committed to continuing the cultural Marxist long march through the institutions of this country with the intent of remaking the character of this country. For Obama America is too white, too Christian, and too privileged and Obama will use people like Sotomayor, who share his worldview, to overthrow that America. We really should not be surprised that a man who sat under the “ministry” of white hating Jeremiah Wright would appoint a woman who has said derogatory things about white men in comparison to Latina women. With Sotomayor the cultural Marxist unholy trinity of Wright, Obama, and Sotomayor is complete and with the appeal to empathy we have the sentimental means by which justice will be corrupted.
There are many people who are uncomfortable with the whole racial aspect of this discussion. These people need to remember that it is the cultural Marxist who are the ones who are playing the “race card.” Now, we can either respond to that or we can just ignore the glaring contradictions of a people who at one time chide white America for being to racist while at the another time pursue an agenda that is laden with racial assumptions. It must be kept in mind not to fault the people who are merely responding to the hypocrisy of the cultural Marxists.