10.) When you finish praying the imprecatory Psalms you finish with “In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, Amen.”
9.) On memorial day you wonder why folks honor the veterans who beat back totalitarian bad guys in WW II while the same folks currently embrace the same type of totalitarians as good guys.
8.) You see Obama at Notre Dame and you say to yourself … “I thought Notre Dame was Roman Catholic.”
7.) You believe Charles Murray’s Bell curve findings that race and ethnicity are an indicator for intelligence.
6.) You find it curious that people take seriously the call for a reasonable discourse on the issue of abortion from someone whose hands are dripping with the blood from infanticide and expanded abortion “rights.”
5.) You know the founders meant what they said when they wrote the 10th amendment.
4.) You can’t look at Hillary Clinton, Janet Napolitano, and Kathleen Sebelius at an Obama cabinet meeting and not wonder if they are involved in a menage a trois.
3.) You use a picture of Rahm Emmanuel for your dartboard.
2.) You’d love to see a Texas chain link fence wrestling match between Obama, Kim Jong Il, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Nuclear Weapons must be checked at the ring.
1.) You believe the present and coming Kingdom of Christ will crush the current pretense Kingdoms that are strutting on the stage now. You pray daily that you may live to see it.