Darwin & Lincoln

In one of those strange Providences Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin were born on the same day in the same year. Perhaps it is fitting that they both celebrate their 200th birthday this year.

Darwin developed a system of thought that did away with God, while Lincoln developed the modern centralized state to fill the vacuum of the missing God. Darwin, having made God unnecessary, Lincoln took it upon himself to make the centralized state necessary. Perhaps, with a touch of celestial irony, Darwin claimed that man came from the ape and Lincoln was often referred to by his political enemies as “the great ape.”

Darwin, used science to deny God while Lincoln used politics to usurp God. Each, in their own way, and in their own fields, launched concentrated assaults on the foundations of the prevailing social order of Christendom. In the days since Lincoln and Darwin the state as God has supported the “scientific” worldview of Darwin, while the followers of Darwin have feverishly worked to support the putative notion of a non-religious state. The relationship between the intellectual descendants of Lincoln and Darwin have worked hand and glove to keep Christianity and Christians ghettoized.

If Reformation is to come again to the West both Lincoln’s centralized state and Darwin’s materialism will have to go. If that ever happens we can finally bury both of them.


“There is no God who condones taking the life of an innocent human being. This much we know.”

President B. Hussein Obama
National Prayer Breakfast

Given Obama’s record on abortion one doesn’t know whether or not one should laugh, cry, or cough up a primal scream. That a man with Obama’s voting record on abortion can stand before God and heaven and make this statement w/ a straight face is suggestive that there is no lie that Obama won’t be able to speak w/o being perfectly serious. That an audience of Christians can sit there and listen to such a lie w/o raising some kind of protest, catcall, or guffaw, is suggestive that when the word “Christian” is used in connection to Washington insiders that it means completely nothing.

Noonan On Faith

“I said a great stress is here and coming, and people are going to be reminded of what’s important, and the greatest of these will be our faith, it’s what is going to hold us together as a country.”

Peggy Noonan
Wall Street Journal Op Ed piece

Peggy couldn’t be more wrong here. If the great stress is indeed as great as many people are suggesting then it will be our sundry faiths that are going to drive us apart. Indeed, I would even go so far as to say that the only thing that could possibly hold this country together if the coming stress is as great as many people are hinting at is unmitigated brute force as engaged in by the state. We are a balkanized people and we do not share the kind of common faith that might be able to hold us together in the midst of great stress.

Two Truth’s At The Heart Of The West’s Social Order

You can always arrive at the truths (or myths) that a social order is built on by finding the taboos in a culture. The taboos are those issues that can’t be spoken upon or brought up in polite company without causing somebody to faint or freak. Violation of the assault on the social order by violating the received wisdom surrounding the taboo will cause you either to be ostracized from society or will get you arrested. All social orders protect the foundational truths they are built upon and the closer you get to the core truth that the social order is built upon, the more harrowing will be your experience if you mess with it or call it into question. This is especially true if you are able to make a convincing case that the core truth is utter nonsense, or if you are able to make people believe you have a convincing case.

Now, I am convinced that the core myth that our social order is based upon is the myth that all people, all faiths, and all cultures are equal, and I submit that is proven by the response that is visited upon someone who begins to mess with that core truth and who thus begins to violate cultural taboo. Allow me to introduce as evidence the response of people when the idea is raised that ethnic groups have different strengths and weaknesses that make them more or less inclined to achieve and prosper in certain tasks. To raise such a notion, which was taken for granted as truth for centuries, is a statement that will immediately raise hackles. You see if everyone and every faith and every culture is equal then it is heresy in our social order to suggest that some members of a set ethnic group might be inherently superior to members of another ethnic group for a given task or calling. The fact that our social order has been based upon the myth that all people, all cultures, and all faiths are equal demands that we dare not think that some cultures, faiths, or peoples, might be better suited for some task, calling or mission then others. And so if you suggest, in the presence of polite company who have imbibed the multi-cultural social order myth, the notion that all peoples, cultures, and faiths are not equal in value for all tasks you will be met by individuals either freaking or fainting. This is because the guiding myths that propel social orders come to be seen as self-evident by the weight of ongoing and perpetual repetition.

Now, out of fear of being misunderstood, allow me to insist that it is Christian to believe that all men are created equal in the sense of having equal value before God and in the sense of none being privileged over others in being adjudicated by God’s law. Equality does not mean that all peoples have all the same ability or even the same propensity in ability in sundry categories. Equality does not mean that all cultures or all faiths are to be equally esteemed.

The fact that all faiths are seen as equal is demonstrated in something recently said by the Prince Of Wales. It is a well known fact that the monarch of England carries with it the title, “The Defender of the Faith.” The faith referenced there is the Christian faith. Charles has recently said that he would prefer it if that title was changed so that the Monarch of England would be called “The Defender of the faithS.” Obviously for Charles no faith is to be preferred over any other faith since all faithS are equally valid.

A second indicator that I am correct in this assessment is another “truth” that has received official “do not touch” sanction and that is the idea that 6 million Jews died in the holocaust. Now, the moral behind the 6 million Jews dying in the holocaust is the moral that teaches, according to the multi-culturalists, that no society should be allowed to become uni-cultural in its organization because in the death of 6 million Jews we see what happens to minorities in those places that have not embraced the multi-cultural ethic and social order. The Germans sin was to believe that the Aryan was superior. The German sin is most clearly seen in their killing 6 million Jews. The way to avoid the German sin of Aryan superiority, therefore, is to embrace the social order idea that only multi-cultural superiority is allowed for social order arrangements. People who question whether or not 6 million Jews were killed are obviously people, so the multi-cultural story goes, who desire that 6 million more be killed and so must be socially ostracized for playing with the taboo. The reason that the number 6 million must be so adamantly defended is because that number becomes the bulwark against social orders that are not arranged multi-culturally. If people question the 6 million number the larger reality that is being questioned, in the multi-culturalist’s mind, is the foundation of multi-cultural social orders.

These two “truths” — (1) The absolute equality of all faiths, cultures, and ethnic groups, and (2) The number of 6 million Jewish dead who testify against cultures that are not organized multi-culturally — are at the organizational heart of the West’s social order. Challenge these truths and you can be put on trial (as Mark Steyn was in Canada or as Geert Wilders is in Europe) or put in jail as David Irving was.

But the problem with these two “truths” as a Christian is that (1) Christian do not and can not believe all faiths, and cultures are equally valid or that the evidence suggests that all ethnic groups function all societal tasks with equal proficiency, and (2) Christians do not believe that the death of any number of people at the hands of those who imbibed an anti-Christ world view (Nazi paganism) proves that we need to embrace another anti-Christ worldview (multi-culturalism) that is responsible for the deaths of tens of millions upon tens of millions of the unborn. Even if 6 million Jews died in the holocaust that does not justify supporting the multi-cultural social order that is responsible for the deaths of over 50 million unborn.