The Racist Inaugural Benediction

The benediction of the Obama Inauguration was given by Civil Rights leader Rev. Joseph Lowery. I’m not going to look at the whole prayer as I did with Warren because Lowery makes no pretension at being a Evangelical as Warren does. I do however want to note the racist way that Lowery ended the prayer,

“Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get back, when brown can stick around — (laughter) — when yellow will be mellow — (laughter) — when the red man can get ahead, man — (laughter) — and when white will embrace what is right.”

Let’s switch this around a little in order to see its racist flavor.

“Lord … we ask you to help us work for that day when white won’t be seen as night … and when black will no longer car-jack.”

Lowery’s prayer plays the victim card for all minorities suggesting that it is the evil white man, who, by not embracing what is right, has been victimizing them.

You people who think that Barack Obama was a post-racial candidate or that we are living in a post-racial culture are in for a rude awakening. I predict that with the Obama administration racial tensions will become more taut then they’ve been in decades.

America’s Progress On Marx’s Agenda

“Let’s not forget how much of the Communist Manifesto has been implemented in America. Marx’s goals included abolition of the family, free education for all children in public schools, the graduated income tax, abolition of all rights of inheritance, centralization of credit in the hands of the state, a national bank with state capital, and centralization of the means of communication. His goal of combining education with industrial productivity was manifested in the drive, fortunately unsuccessful, for the ‘School to Work’ program.”

Howard Phillips
President — The Conservative Caucus

1.) Abolition of the family — Not there yet, but progress continues to be made. Consider with the new radically left Democratic D.C. that we could see the UN treaty that includes children rights become US law, which would be the next devastating step in the abolition of the family. Another interesting fact I just learned about this subject that I just recently learned is that government schools are now in the day care business. Now, this may be old news to many of you but I’m just learning. Working women drop their children off at government day care centers where the children get a early start in being raised by the State as opposed to being raised by the family.

2.) Free education for all children in public schools — The public schools do not exist to educate but to condition children to fit into the state created society.

3.) Graduated income tax — The graduate income tax allows the state to buy votes and bribe voters. As long as voters can vote themselves other peoples money the incentive to be productive will evaporate.

4.)Abolition of all rights of inheritance — The State has not quite accomplished this yet but with its death (inheritance) tax it is very close.

5.) Centralization of credit in the hands of the State — The Federal Reserve went a long ways toward accomplishing this but with the bailout mania that we are seeing the result could very likely be that the State determines where all credit flows.

6.)National Bank with State capital — Again, the banks are on the verge of undergoing full Nationalization.

7.)Centralization of means of communication — This is the one that is eluding the Marxist agenda right now. As long as the internet remains uncontrolled by the State there is hope that information can circulate. The problem with the internet though is that there is so much information that it is difficult for people to wade through and determine what is true from what is propaganda. It takes a very discerning eye and a good amount of time and effort to determine the difference. Most Americans don’t have a discerning eye, and do not care to spend the time and effort to distinguish between truth and propaganda.

Note that each of the seven listed above ends the control of the State. When the family is abolished the State becomes the surrogate family. When the State controls education it determines what the citizenry will think. When the State implements a graduated income tax it has the ability to create a class of slaves. When the State can centralize credit in its hands and can Nationalize Banks the consequence is that Americans are held as economic hostages to the State. Any resistance can be extinguished by drying up the economic livelihood of those who resist. And of course the ability to control information is the ability to shape public opinion. If the State ever achieves complete control of information freedom is toast given how much the State dominates in the other six categories.

Sundry Observations On The Regnant Follies

1.) Rev. Rick Warren has given his imprimatur to the Rt. Rev. Gene “The Sodomite” Robinson praying at one of Obama’s more important soirees. It seems that the reasoning goes something like this;

a.)Obama is President of all the people — (Perhaps better put, Obama is President over all the people.)

b.)Therefore all the people ought to have a representative of theirs praying

Honestly, this is what we should expect in a country controlled by religious pluralism. In this pluralistic country the God is the State and it is up to the God to determine how many of the representatives of the lesser gods will be praying for the coronation service where the elected President is invested with the Messianic right to ascend to the god’s throne. As many gods as the people may want may exist in the nation’s pluralistic pantheon as long as each newcomer knows his or her place at the foot of the God of the State. If a God exists who insist that he is God above all the other gods including the God that is the State that God will never be tolerated.

2.) Timothy Geithner failed to pay his taxes for several years and now he is set to become the boss of the Department that is charged with making sure everyone pays their taxes. Geithner also didn’t realize a housekeeper he paid in 2004 and 2005 did not have current employment documentation as an immigrant for the final three months she worked for him.

We must also keep in mind that Geithner was at the heart of the failure of the Banking industry which resulted in their needing to be bailed out.

Now everyone keeps insisting that Geithner is one of those smart guys we just can’t live without. Personally, I’m tired of smart people who get to play by a different set of rules as everybody else. Do you think that if you or I are ever in a position where we’ve been caught cheating on our taxes that we could make the problems all go away but saying, “I forgot”?

And please … we are all adults here. Don’t give me this bushwah that Geithner forgot to pay his taxes. He was attempting to swindle the State. He ought to be rejected for coming up with the same lame excuse for not paying taxes as 5th graders come up with for not bringing their homework to class. If he would only say, “The State steals to much of my income so I was trying to keep some of my money from the thief,” I could understand. But instead as one of the smartest people in the room he tries to sell the line that “he forgot.”

3.) You do realize don’t you that this stimulus plan is going to largely be about social engineering? There will be incentives for this or that behavior. There will be disincentives for this or that other behavior. This is all about the Government manipulating you with your money. Also keep in mind that for every dollar that is poured into make work jobs that is one dollar that won’t be used for jobs that actually produce something that people want.

4.) Carol Browner, incoming President Barack Obama’s freshly appointed Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change – the so-called White House “Climate Czar” – is a Socialist, and there is no question about the socialism. Browner is a member of the Commission for a Sustainable World Society (CSWS), which is a formal organ of the Socialist International. Now, as Global Warming was invented for the express purpose of redistributing wealth throughout the World from these United States to the rest of the World can there be any doubt that Carol will make the US Browner with her policies?

5.) It’s become vogue to say that we wish the President elect success. Count me out of that sentiment. B. Hussein Obama will take office as a man who is further left then any other person who has ever occupied the office of President. Why would I want him to succeed?

Coulter Strikes Again

Why can’t we get more people who are willing to shove it up the pie hole of the “never met a lie I wouldn’t tell” Main stream media?

Why is it that a white Female is the last person you can find that

a.) Isn’t scared
b.) Understands her worldview enough to not be intimated by attacks
3.) Is willing to give as good as she gets


1865 & 2009

“Madam, do not train up your children in hostility to the government of the United States. Remember, we are all one country now. Dismiss from your mind all sectional feelings, and bring them up to be Americans.”

Robert E. Lee
Letter To Confederate Widow

Robert E. Lee had spent four years leading a Army in hostility to the government of the United States but upon defeat he realized that what the war had largely been about was the destruction of regional identities in favor of the creation of monolithic nation-state America that demanded that all of its citizens find their identities as Americans. Lee understood that loyalties that had once been regional and sectional were now to be loyalties that were national. Whereas a child in the 1840’s might be raised to think of himself as first and foremost Virginian, a child raised in the 1870’s must be raised to think of himself as first and foremost American. And so Lee, seeking to help his beloved South integrate into the new national reality, urged his people to accept and live in light of the consequences of the War of Northern aggression.

This might be simply interesting history if it were not the case that I believe we are living in similar times where there is a vast push in place to reorient people into how they think about sovereignty. Whereas in the 19th century the shift was accomplished where people moved from thinking about the sovereignty they lived under and were loyal to from regional or sectional considerations to National considerations, now in the 21st century I believe we are being pushed into thinking about sovereignty we live under and are loyal to from National considerations to international considerations. If the War of Northern aggression accomplished destroying regional sovereignty (and so regional citizen identity) thinking for National sovereignty thinking what is being pursued in our lifetime is the pursuit of destroying concepts of National sovereignty (and so national citizen identity) in favor of One world sovereignty where people think of themselves as citizens of the planet.

It is interesting that in both pursuits race has been used as a fulcrum on the part of those who desire to increasingly centralize power. Whereas in the 1860’s the issue was ostensibly slavery, the issue today is illegal immigration. The putative sin of slavery was used by those who desired a federalized nation state to give excuse for destroying the concept of regionalism and sectionalism. Similarly today the ill defined sin of racism is being used by those who desire America to become part of a centralized world state. As the elimination of slavery was used as the moral excuse to achieve great heights of immorality in the name of the State conquering all, so the need to eliminate immoral racism against illegal immigration becomes the excuse for erasing borders in pursuit of the building of a world wide Babel.

In both cases traditional understandings of family and ethnicity were and must be demolished in order for new understandings of family and ethnicity to take root. The reason for this is that any organizational unit (familial or ecclesiastical) that can possibly create and demand a loyalty that rivals loyalty to the ever expanding State is a loyalty that must be exterminated by those seeking to create a world state. Just as a nation cannot have a citizenry that thinks of itself primarily according to its regional roots so a state that is seeking to be one world cannot have a citizenry that thinks of itself primarily in terms of ethnic or familial or faith terms. Just as the North crushed Southern identity in order to build a new centralized nation state, so the one worlders will have to crush any who hold on to an American identity in order to build a new centralized World state. What is interesting to observe here is that both in the 1860’s and today it is people with a shared mindset and ethos who were and will be crushed.

The evidence of the push to one world government is everywhere. From the North American Union to the current financial crisis to the education that is pursued in the government schools, to the multicultural and politically correct agenda what is being attacked is not only American sovereignty but also the idea that America means something that should not be allowed to be put in a one world blender.

If you love your children you will first investigate what America means. You can hardly defend them from the ubiquitous one world clap trap if you don’t realize what America means. In order to find that out you will have to go behind the recreation in America in 1865 to original sources — Federalist papers, anti-federalists papers, speeches by Patrick Henry, Kentucky and Virginia resolutions, Fairfax resolves, original state constitutions, etc. — and read for yourself what our founders were doing when they made America.

Unfortunately, I can see another day coming when somebody writes a letter to a widow of somebody who died defending America saying,

“Madam, do not train up your children in hostility to the government of the New World order. Remember, we are all one country now. Dismiss from your mind all Nationalistic feelings, and bring them up to be Worlders.”