Postmodernism — Just one more option in the meta-narrative buffet

“But it is hard to discuss ‘post-modernism’ theory in any general way without recourse to the matter of historical deafness, an exasperating condition (provided you are aware of it) that determine a series of spasmodic and intermittent, but desperate, attempts at recuperation. Postmodernism theory is one of those attempts: the effort to take the temperature of the age without instruments and in a situation we are not even sure there is so coherent things as an “age,” or zeitgeist, or “system,” or “current situation” any longer.”

Fredric Jameson
Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Captialism

Postmodernism keeps decrying that no such coherent of a thing as an “age,” or zeitgeist, or “system,” or “current situation” when all the while it is providing the coherence, of an age, system and current situation.

Here is the way it works. Post-modernism putatively calls into question all meta-narratives (i.e. — age, system, zeitgeist, etc.) into question. But all the while it is doing so it is providing a meta-narrative to replace the meta-narratives that it is destroying. As we consider post-modernism’s project we have to realize that meta-narratives just can’t go away. If post-modernism is successful at being a meta-narrative destroying virus it is only because it is providing its own meta-narrative to function as a substitute for those it has destroyed.

This post-modern meta-narrative that is creating an age, system, and zeitgeist is a meta-narrative that teaches that all of reality is person variable. It is a meta-narrative of philosophical anarchy but all the same it is a narrative. It provides cultural unity by allowing all people to think they are eschewing meta-narratives when in point of fact the meta-narrative they are embracing is the one meta-narrative that teaches that all meta-narratives are fiction. Post-modernism while it negates all meta-narratives in the same move affirms the meta-narrative of negation and offers it as a means to positively construct cultural perceptions of reality — something which all successful meta-narratives are responsible to do.

So, post-modernism is only a meta-narrative virus in the sense that it eats up all other competing meta-narratives. It is not a meta-narrative virus in the sense that in its success if leaves us without an “age,” zeitgeist, system or meta-narrative.

People tend to think that post-modernism is much more sophisticated then it really is. If one keeps their eye on the fact that it is only using it meta-narrative destroying ability to subtly inject its own meta-narrative it becomes far less easier to be fooled by post-modern pretensions offered by guys like Jameson.

Reduce your sentence … Commit a love crime

The State of Michigan, not wanting to fall behind the times, has decided that it wants to pass hate crimes legislation. Now here is something I just can’t get my mind around. I mean, I always grew up believing that the motive behind just about any crime was hate. I have never heard of the idea that there could be such a thing as a “love crime.”

It really does boggle the mind. Here we have a criminal who beats the snot out of some guy and we throw the book at him, not primarily because he beat the snot out of the guy, but rather because he hated him? What genius thinks up these laws? Do they really think that criminals sit around thinking about killing someone only to be brought up short of such intent because they think, “Damn it, I’d kill the guy but I know I’d get booked for a hate crime.”(?)

Then there is the whole issue of the message it sends to potential victims. Two victims on the same night both get mugged in separate instances two blocks apart. Lamont got mugged by Leroy but Han Lee got mugged by Reggie. Lamont had two knife wounds and a bullet in his leg. Han Lee walked away with a black and blue eye. But because both Lamont and Leroy were black Lamont only gets 3-5 years. However, because Han Lee was Asian Reggie gets 10-20 years because it was a hate crime. I guess Han Lee is more important then Leroy.

Yep, that makes sense.

Here is the moral of the story. If you’re going to commit a crime, make sure that you tell your victim, “Honey, I love you.”

If this culture gets any stranger I’m going to have to start sizing myself up for straight jackets.

Repenting Of Christianity And Converting Again

“The institutional Christianity that flourishes today is no longer the same religion as that practiced by Charlemagne and his successors, and it can no longer support the civilization they formed. Indeed, organized Christianity today is the enemy of the West and the race that created it.”

Sam Francis
Deceased American Man Of Letters

Not only would it be the case that the institutional Christianity that flourishes today be unrecognizable to Charlemagne but it also would be unrecognizable to Gregory the Great, Augustine of Hippo, Charles “The Hammer” Martel, The Christian King Louis IX, Godfrey of Bouillon, Baldwin I, and any number of Christian leaders you might care to name.

Our leaders today are frightened of Christianity. The Prince Of Wales desires to change his eventual title from “Defender of the Faith” to “Defender of the Faiths.” American leaders with a marginal leaning towards Christianity are cowed by the worldview materialism of reporters and competitors, and well they should be since most of them who lean Christian are some strain of Pentecostal and so no have no idea of what they believe and why they believe it and what they don’t believe and why they don’t believe it. American political leaders who lean Christian do so with the most pious, sentimental and shallow Christianity imaginable. The Christianity they embrace is a extraordinarily weak variant of that Christianity which those men named above embraced, and as such it can only wither in the face of the onslaught of materialism.

Cultural Marxism, to date, has triumphed in the West. The hour is late, though not to late, for Christianity to keep the sun from setting on the West. But in order for that to happen we have a need to embrace the Christianity that made the West and be forever done with the thin gruel Christianity that is our sickness. Cultural Marxism laughs in the opposition that emasculated Christianity offers, and when these two combatants meet the result is that Christianity is captured to serve as yet one more vehicle for the means of triumph by the Cultural Marxists.

We have need to repent of our Christianity and pray God that he will convert us to the 100 proof variety.