Toledo is only about two hours from Charlotte. Yesterday’s Toledo’s Mayor Carty Finkbeier lobbied Congressman Henry Waxman to implement the “Fairness Doctrine.” It seems that Mayor Finkface has had some problems with radio station WSBD actually exposing and opposing “His Honors policies.” Some time ago Speaker Pelosi indicated her support of re-instituting the Fairness doctrine. (If this “Fairness Doctrine” isn’t a classic example of government euphemism doublespeak I don’t know what is.) Many have opined that they will go after freedom of speech on the radio through the back door of what is called “localism” which invokes an arcane aspect of policy that encourages radio stations to be sensitive to local programming concerns.
Now, to be honest, I have a large problem with the depth of much of talk radio, but for all its depth problems it still remains a cut above the New York Times, L. A. Times, Washington Post, and most major newspapers. Talk radio for all its Hannity shallow cheer- leading is still above all the shallow cheer-leading of Katie Couric, Brian Williams, and all the other mindless talking heads of main stream media television.
This is all about State control. The State doesn’t like not being able to control the flow of information and it doesn’t like talk radio rallying the troops to melt phone lines down when significant mindless legislation is being pushed.
I heard Senator Shumer of New York recently try to make the case that if the FEDS are charged with making sure pornography doesn’t go into American homes then why is it so bad to think of the FEDS being in charge of what can and can’t be said on the radio. I will have to say that I would prefer pornography being an option for television viewing if that would mean the FEDS couldn’t control the flow of information on the radio.
You know this statist paternalism is getting suffocating. Shortly, you will be able to murder the unborn, born (remember Obama’s opposition the “Infant Born Alive Act”), and the elderly but not be able to choose to whom you can listen to on the radio. The State is working on total control.
Fellow Americans you better wake up. Fascist nationalization has already begun. The banks, the mortgage companies, the financial industry and the money supply are in government control. It won’t be long until our health care will be nationalized. Having nationalized the economy the next step will be the propaganda step. Talk radio, and the internet alone stand in the way of the total control of information and propaganda.
This is some serious reality we are living through.