Nationalization & Propaganda

Toledo is only about two hours from Charlotte. Yesterday’s Toledo’s Mayor Carty Finkbeier lobbied Congressman Henry Waxman to implement the “Fairness Doctrine.” It seems that Mayor Finkface has had some problems with radio station WSBD actually exposing and opposing “His Honors policies.” Some time ago Speaker Pelosi indicated her support of re-instituting the Fairness doctrine. (If this “Fairness Doctrine” isn’t a classic example of government euphemism doublespeak I don’t know what is.) Many have opined that they will go after freedom of speech on the radio through the back door of what is called “localism” which invokes an arcane aspect of policy that encourages radio stations to be sensitive to local programming concerns.

Now, to be honest, I have a large problem with the depth of much of talk radio, but for all its depth problems it still remains a cut above the New York Times, L. A. Times, Washington Post, and most major newspapers. Talk radio for all its Hannity shallow cheer- leading is still above all the shallow cheer-leading of Katie Couric, Brian Williams, and all the other mindless talking heads of main stream media television.

This is all about State control. The State doesn’t like not being able to control the flow of information and it doesn’t like talk radio rallying the troops to melt phone lines down when significant mindless legislation is being pushed.

I heard Senator Shumer of New York recently try to make the case that if the FEDS are charged with making sure pornography doesn’t go into American homes then why is it so bad to think of the FEDS being in charge of what can and can’t be said on the radio. I will have to say that I would prefer pornography being an option for television viewing if that would mean the FEDS couldn’t control the flow of information on the radio.

You know this statist paternalism is getting suffocating. Shortly, you will be able to murder the unborn, born (remember Obama’s opposition the “Infant Born Alive Act”), and the elderly but not be able to choose to whom you can listen to on the radio. The State is working on total control.

Fellow Americans you better wake up. Fascist nationalization has already begun. The banks, the mortgage companies, the financial industry and the money supply are in government control. It won’t be long until our health care will be nationalized. Having nationalized the economy the next step will be the propaganda step. Talk radio, and the internet alone stand in the way of the total control of information and propaganda.

This is some serious reality we are living through.

What’s Britain Up To?

“Oxford University Press has removed words like “aisle”, “bishop”, “chapel”, “empire” and “monarch” from its Junior Dictionary and replaced them with words like “blog”, “broadband” and “celebrity”. Dozens of words related to the countryside have also been culled.

The publisher claims the changes have been made to reflect the fact that Britain is a modern, multicultural, multifaith society.”

I know people may be bored with hearing it but no country can survive as a multicultural, multifaith society. Cultures can not survive by being radically heterogeneous. The idea that Britain is moving from the singular culture of Christendom based upon the singular faith of Christianity to a multi-culture of Pluralisdom based upon a multiplicity of faiths is rubbish. What is happening is that Britain is moving from the singular culture of Christendom based upon the singular faith of Christianity to the singular Unitarian culture of Humanismdom based upon the singular faith of humanism.

There is something we need to see here. Christian culture insists that the Christian faith alone is true. Multiculturalism insists that many faiths are true. However, each are claiming that their way alone is true. Thus we see that pluralism isn’t really very pluralistic. Multiculturalism is every bit as mono-cultural as Christianity is. In reality multiculturalism is a singular faith that is built up from a Unitarian religion where people live move and have their being in the State. All faiths are welcome in multiculturalism as long as no faith takes their God more seriously then the State-God who polices to make sure all the gods stay equal and don’t go beyond their boundaries.

Britain is not moving to a culture of one faith to a culture of many faiths. Britain is moving from the one faith of Christianity to the one faith of Statism.

Sorry, I know I’ve said this before.

Some Random Thoughts On The Movie Hancock

1.) The lead white male is a complete doofus in the movie. He is weak, idiotic, socialistic, idealistic, and manages images for a living.

2.) Businessmen are seen as greedy corporate captains of industry selfishly refusing to share their gains with the people.

3.) The white female lead is a blond Aryan type goddess who hides her immortal super-human ability from her husband while treating him the way that a owner would treat a prized pet.

4.) The black male lead is a god who is a derelict who learns from the white man how to function in civilized society. Come to find out the white Aryan female goddess and the black god are husband and wife who were created from time immemorial to be a matched pair. They belong together (as seen in a near kissing scene) and yet when together they destroy each other as well as the white man’s world.

5.) The black male god and the white female goddess eventually work together to save the day, though this results in them realizing that they have to go their separate ways in order for each of them to survive individually.

6.) The white doofus takes his white female goddess back as a wife even after he realizes that she had an intimate past with the black god.

7.) The Black god is the hero of the movie and rescues the male lead from his disastrous publicity career by emblazoning his add logo, intended to bring the world together, on the moon.

8.)A Black guy is the central cop and a white guy is the central criminal in the bank heist in the movie.

9.) The Black God, the White Goddess and the doofus white guy all work together to make sure the White criminal can’t “get his power back.” They end up making a double amputee of him.

10.) The white Goddess tells the white doofus husband that there is no such thing as fate and people have choices.

Please don’t think that any of these observations are me reading to much into the film. There is definitely a racial / gender agenda in this movie and it isn’t favorable to white males who aren’t weak doofuses.

Postmodernism — Just one more option in the meta-narrative buffet

“But it is hard to discuss ‘post-modernism’ theory in any general way without recourse to the matter of historical deafness, an exasperating condition (provided you are aware of it) that determine a series of spasmodic and intermittent, but desperate, attempts at recuperation. Postmodernism theory is one of those attempts: the effort to take the temperature of the age without instruments and in a situation we are not even sure there is so coherent things as an “age,” or zeitgeist, or “system,” or “current situation” any longer.”

Fredric Jameson
Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Captialism

Postmodernism keeps decrying that no such coherent of a thing as an “age,” or zeitgeist, or “system,” or “current situation” when all the while it is providing the coherence, of an age, system and current situation.

Here is the way it works. Post-modernism putatively calls into question all meta-narratives (i.e. — age, system, zeitgeist, etc.) into question. But all the while it is doing so it is providing a meta-narrative to replace the meta-narratives that it is destroying. As we consider post-modernism’s project we have to realize that meta-narratives just can’t go away. If post-modernism is successful at being a meta-narrative destroying virus it is only because it is providing its own meta-narrative to function as a substitute for those it has destroyed.

This post-modern meta-narrative that is creating an age, system, and zeitgeist is a meta-narrative that teaches that all of reality is person variable. It is a meta-narrative of philosophical anarchy but all the same it is a narrative. It provides cultural unity by allowing all people to think they are eschewing meta-narratives when in point of fact the meta-narrative they are embracing is the one meta-narrative that teaches that all meta-narratives are fiction. Post-modernism while it negates all meta-narratives in the same move affirms the meta-narrative of negation and offers it as a means to positively construct cultural perceptions of reality — something which all successful meta-narratives are responsible to do.

So, post-modernism is only a meta-narrative virus in the sense that it eats up all other competing meta-narratives. It is not a meta-narrative virus in the sense that in its success if leaves us without an “age,” zeitgeist, system or meta-narrative.

People tend to think that post-modernism is much more sophisticated then it really is. If one keeps their eye on the fact that it is only using it meta-narrative destroying ability to subtly inject its own meta-narrative it becomes far less easier to be fooled by post-modern pretensions offered by guys like Jameson.