In a speech in Zanesville Ohio, Barack Hussein Obama continued to court the evangelical vote by promising increased cooperation from the federal government for faith based initiatives.
Obama noted how he came to realize that he could sit in Church and pray all he wanted he “wouldn’t be fulfilling God’s will unless I went out and did the Lord’s work.” Obama didn’t speak to the question of how it was possible to do “The Lord’s work” with money stolen from the taxpayer in confiscatory taxation and neither did he mention what the Lord would say about a policy that hooks people on the narcotic of government aid thus making them government addicts wedded to supporting big statist government in hopes of continuing to receive their “fix” from the State.
In his speech Obama mentioned several organizations that provide faith based assistance. Obama lauded them for their work but he didn’t mention the danger in these groups taking money from the state. He neglected to mention that “he who take the Kings coin is the kings man.” He didn’t mention the danger of these faith based organizations getting hooked on government aid and what that addiction might mean in way of compromise when the State comes along with directives to the organization if it wants to retain its cash flow from the State.
Obama mentioned that he believed that “change comes not from the top-down, but from the bottom-up” but he didn’t explain how that belief is consistent with his non wavering support of Big government which is a classic “change comes from the top down” kind of belief.
In perhaps the most telling quote of the speech Obama said,
That’s why Washington needs to draw on them. The fact is, the challenges we face today – from saving our planet to ending poverty – are simply too big for government to solve alone. We need all hands on deck.
The reason that this quote is so important is that it begs the question of who is the captain directing “all hands on deck.” This quote seems to imply that faith based organizations are going to be drafted by the Federal Government to aid its attempt to solve what it perceives to be the world’s problem. Government won’t be solving these things alone, but rather Government will enlist the aid of faith based organizations to help it solve these problems together, much as the Government enlists the aid of the private citizen to “help” fund their nanny state projects.
Obama went on to cite how the previous two administration have paved the way to absorbing faith based organizations into the maw of the Leviathan State. He also promised that he would streamline the process to get government aid to faith based organizations so that smaller organizations could more easily get at and suckle from the teat of the State. Obama insisted in his plan that faith based organizations who take advantage of the money that the state has stolen in confiscatory taxation will not be allowed to proselytize (evangelize) people nor will they be allowed not to discriminate against people for religious reasons. Clearly, this means that Christian faith based organizations will not be able to fire people whose beliefs are completely contradictory to their beliefs.
Obama’s plans clearly allow the possibility for gaming the system. Crafty “religionists” could put up front organizations in order to satisfy the requirement for Federal Aid and then funnel that money in different directions allowing a pittance of that money to keep the front organization running.
Obama also proposed using the faith based monies for education mentioning the liberal and socialist “Children’s defense fund” by name. The problem with these schools is the same problem that exists in public schools and that is they are religious committed to Religious Humanism.
Obama mentioned other programs with which his support for “Faith based organizations” could assist. What the reader needs to realize is that all of this is geared for churches or organizations that have bought into the lie of humanist based socialism. What aid to faith based organizations is, is merely a parallel movement to do for “religious organizations” what has been done for “public schools.” A faith based organization that is epistemologically self consciously Christian would never want one dime of this money because they would realize that to take the money is to support the whole socialist apparatus that supports it.