A Time For Anger

There is a time for everything
and a season for every activity under the sun

Chuck Baldwin penned a recent article probing the anger of Ron Paul supporters. No doubt anger permeates the air around Ron Paul supporters but perhaps it is better to note that it is American patriots who love their country who are angry, who also just so happen to be Ron Paul supporters.

Make no mistake about it, this anger that slowly but steadily leaks from patriots, like so much over abundant air in a over filled tire, leaks because their love of God and country is being violated at every turn. Their anger is no different and no more irrational than the anger one would expect one to find coming from a person who is witnessing a rape but who is practically powerless to intervene. Who is more irrational in such a scenario; the person bleeding anger or the person looking on, who for the life of them, can’t figure out why the person bleeding anger is angry?

Is there no place or time for anger?

We are watching our political elites replace this country’s citizenry with illegal immigration thus assuring the complete destruction of the remnants of a culture influenced by Christian categories and we shouldn’t be angry?

With the exporting of our manufacturing base as a result of NAFTA, GATT, and other like legislation we have witnessed the excision of the muscle and sinew that helped sustain a true middle class and which served as our backbone against those who would do us harm and we shouldn’t be angry?

Daily, millions of our children around the country attend what can only be called mental sewers (euphemistically called ‘public schools’) where they are programmed to be mindless cogs and spare parts in the socialistic machine we are building, with the consequence that those who are being programmed, because of that programming, will in turn program the next generation. We sit by and witness, in these State schools, the titillation of all things hormonal and the destruction of the life of the mind and we are not supposed to be angry?

Right now, another prison bar on our prison cell is being crafted with the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) skulduggery and very few US citizens are even agitated that their political leadership is selling out both their freedom and their national identity in the interest of a greedy mega-Corporate and political class and we are not supposed to be angry?

In the one place throughout Western History where we have consistently found some measure of resistance to tyranny, and some boldness to defend the Crown Rights of King Jesus against Statist usurpers we currently instead find shallowness, surrender, and complete and utter irrelevancy and we are not supposed to be angry? We are to have no anger that the Church out Statist the Statists? We are to have no anger that our ministerial corps can’t connect the dots between spiritual freedom in Christ and how that spiritual freedom longs to manifest itself concretely in cultural institutions that incarnate that freedom? No anger over the reality that the cadre who once were responsible for the cry, “No King but King Jesus,” now can’t bring themselves to admit that Jesus has anything authoritatively to say regarding cultural slavery, bondage and prison?

Creeping on to nigh 100 years we have had to live with organized theft with the presence of the Federal Reserve as it inflates the money supply and milks the citizenry of its financial resources, like so many Jersey Holsteins, in favor of the interest of the farmer central bankers and we are not supposed to be angry? No anger that we are being forced to contribute to an agenda that we are vociferously opposed to through both overt and covert taxation? The Federal Reserve system is a reverse Robin Hood story where the rich take from the poor and give it to themselves and we are not supposed to be angry? It’s acceptable to be angry when somebody points a gun at you and takes your money but it is not acceptable to be steaming when it is done legally?

No anger for a federal government that in my lifetime has legislated against the family with its welfare legislation, title IX and X programs, and abortion policy to name only a few. No anger for state school teachers who subtly and not so subtly undermine the authority of the family and Biblical religion in the classroom? No anger over State funded universities systematically pushing cultural Marxism upon the most impressionable?

We are to be calm and placid in the face of asinine Nanny State regulations that cover who we can hire, who we can rent to, how we speak, how we must compensate our employees in our businesses, and any number of other infinitesimal requirements that we apparently are to infantile to figure out for ourselves?

Where do the legitimate and rational reasons for our anger end? Our civil rights are in danger with such nonsense as the Patriot Act and the stealthy advent of National ID cards. We continue to spill the blood of American boys in pursuit of global Empire. Further is there to be no anger, when at times, it seems that virtually no channels currently exist that can free us from those who are preparing our chains for us?

For these and a million other reasons non-Statist patriotic Americans are angry. Further patriots believe that if people are not angry then the ‘non-angry ones’ have undergone the equivalence of a moral lobotomy. Only the condition of being a moral zombie could account for a rational and sane person not being angry right now.

So yes we are angry, but it is only because we love so deeply. Perhaps we should all be reminded that anger over the loss of liberty is no vice and equanimity in the face of tyranny is no virtue.

Martin Luther Roe

There is must be some kind of Cosmic Irony that finds the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade nestled up against the celebration of Martin Luther King’s anniversary. In King’s Birthday we celebrate King’s theoretical accomplishment of racial justice. In the anniversary of Roe vs.Wade we mark an event that can be characterized as nothing but a holocaust in the Black community.

So, while on one hand people gather together in public places in order to toast the great emancipation work of King, on the other hand the reality is that in America today, almost as many African-American children are aborted as are born. One might almost wonder how much progress has been accomplished when a black baby has less chance of survival then the black slaves had being transported from Africa to enslavement at different points around the world. On one hand people raise a toast to the great progress of the American Black community, on the other hand a black baby is three times more likely to be murdered in the womb than a white baby. Yes sir, now that’s racial progress. On one hand the blacks have made the Supreme Court, the Presidents cabinet, and have become mega CEO’s in corporate America. On the other hand since 1973, abortion has reduced the black population by over 25 percent.

It might just be me but if I were Black I might wonder how much King really accomplished in light of the reality that every three days, more African-Americans are killed by abortion than have been killed by the Ku Klux Klan in its entire history. I might reconsider just how much Rosa Parks accomplished when I realized that about 13 percent of American women are black, but they submit to over 35 percent of the abortions. If I were black and were convinced that my people had made progress in the realm of civil rights I might begin to wonder why
Planned Parenthood which operates the nation’s largest chain of abortion clinics has almost 80 percent of its facilities located in minority neighborhoods.

But then, I’m not African-American, and not being African-American, I probably don’t get it since it could very well be a ‘Black thing.’ Still, all this death in my community might make me wonder why we are celebrating all this ‘progress.’

Law Shapes or Law Reflects?

“The divorce laws (in the 1970’s)…were reformed by unrepresentative groups with very particular agendas of their own and which were not in step with public opinion.” (Changes in the law preceded the cultural shift, as) “Public attitudes were gradually dragged along behind laws that were generally understood at the time to mean something very different from what they subsequently came to represent.”

Melanie Phillips
The Sex Change Society

A culled this quote from the January issue of Chronicles magazine. (A magazine by the way that I highly recommend for those who want to be able to rightly interpret cultural phenomena.) The reason I am posting it here is for a couple reason. First, in the article in which it appears the author is using the quote to support that a far greater problem in our culture than homosexuality, pornography, and abortion is the advent of the culture of divorce. The case is made that if we were really serious about protecting the family we would spend some time reviewing how divorce laws were changed so as to make divorce more acceptable and easier to attain. Naturally, we spend more time talking about other issues because we dare not talk about the problem of divorce since so many people we know are divorced. Now, naturally we need to be sensitive to the many people who have been wrongly injured by divorce but we are doing them no favors by not seeking to create a culture where monogamy is esteemed and divorce is once again seen as taboo.

But there is another reason I cite this quote and that is how it reveals that often law shapes a people. The reason I want to make that point is that I was having a conversation with a good friend who insisted that law only reflects the conviction of a culture. In other words he was arguing that law never shapes a people but rather is the consequence of a people who have already been shaped in a particular direction. Now, there is a strong argument for this position but I am still inclined to think that law is both a reflection of a people who have been shaped in a particular direction and is a tool by which a people are shaped. Note in the quote that some elites got out ahead of the public opinion and using positions of influence (whether from Think Tanks, University chairs, or well financed Foundation positions) they were able to seize the levers of the legislative apparatus and pass laws that were contrary to the Majority consensus of the citizenry. These laws in turned shaped a succeeding generation to willingly accept as normal the policy that they put in concrete. Now, certainly the laws passed were a reflection of the elite gatekeepers convictions but only after the laws were passed, over the course of time, did the policy in those laws become reflective of the conviction of the citizenry. Thus, I would submit that we see that law is both a reflection of a people’s conviction and a tool to create a people’s conviction.

I would submit the implication of this is that should we desire to see Reformation in our culture we must likewise do, in reverse, what the elites have done in using law as a tool to change people’s minds in the direction of cultural Marxism. In doing so we will be using law to reflect how we have been shaped by God’s Law-Word and we will be attempting to use the legislative apparatus as a means to see people shaped in a God-ward direction.

Culture Defined

Culture is the outward manifestation of a people’s inward beliefs.

Culture is Theology incarnated.

Because the above is true culture is never neutral. Culture descends from and is reflecting some God or god concept. Cultures are hopelessly religious. Christians thus living in cultures that are not particularly Christian will therefore have a difficult time fitting into their culture.

Dueling Ministers

There are at least two kinds of ministers.

One kind ministers in such a way so as to help his people fit their Christianity into the culture in which they live. The thrust here is to help people fit in and navigate their culture while being Christian.

Another kind of minister ministers in such a way so as to help his people understand that Christianity can’t fit into the culture in which they live. The thrust here is to encourage people not to let the world around them squeeze them into its mold.

These two ministers won’t typically understand one another very well.