Postmodernism & Fact Checking?

“The result of a consistent and total substitution of lies for factual truth is not that the lie will now be accepted as truth, and truth be defamed as lie, but that the sense by which we take our bearings in the real world – and the category of truth versus falsehood is among the mental means to this end – is being destroyed.”

Hannah Arendt

This morning I was watching an interview by a BBC reporter with Elon Musk The reporter was complaining to Musk about the misinformation that Musk allows on his social media platform X. Musk turned the tables and asked the interviewer about the misinformation that routinely occurs on the BBC. Suddenly, it hit me. The heavens opened. A sunbeam spotlighted me and angels sang.

We have all this massive carping about misinformation, misinformation and disinformation to the point where even Hillary Clinton worries that if we don’t do something about the social media platforms, “We are going to lose total control.”

Indeed, a whole cottage industry has sprung up of “fact checkers.”

However this is all one giant contradiction we have going on here because on the one hand we have these complaints about misinformation while on the other hand we live in a culture that touts the epistemological philosophy of postmodernism which teaches that there is no such thing as true truth. The current prevailing epistemology at the University level teaches that while sub-communities may have their little “t” truths, no macro “T” truth exists. Truth, for postmodernism is reduced to preferred narratives embraced by sundry different communities.

And yet despite that epistemology we are drowning in accusations of misinformation, disinformation, and mal-information. However if truth is reduced to merely preferred narratives that different social groups want to own then who is to say that something is misinformation? What might be true for the Lugenpresse might not be true for MAGA groupies and how dare anybody suggest otherwise.

In brief, were we rational, (and we most definitely are not) we would shut down the whole “fact checking” nonsense that is going on at every turn. What we see is that the elites want their cake and to eat it also. The elites don’t believe in true truth and yet they scream about “misinformation.”

Really, it is quite comical if you think about it.

However, what all this “fact checking” is all about is control as Hillary informed us above. Information is power and the ability to say what is and isn’t “fact” is power over people’s thinking, and so power over people. The elites don’t want anybody determining reality except for themselves. The elites want to keep selling us the false reality they have been feeding us for decades now. The access of counter information finds them trotting out the threat of misinformation, disinformation, and mal-information in order to shore up their power.

And this in spite of swearing allegiance to postmodernism at the same time.