James Clark on Stephen Wolfe & Kinism … McAtee on Clark and Wolfe – Pt I

For this entry I’m reviewing a review of one James Clark’s review of Stephen Wolfe’s book, “The Case For Christian Nationalism.” Clark’s work here is a second bite at the Wolfe apple and is concerned solely with whether or not Wolfe advocates for Kinism. You can find Clark’s review at the link below.

Kinism and Wolfe’s Case for Christian Nationalism

I am reviewing this review because I am convinced that Clark gets Kinism wrong in such a way it can help us to see what is right, proper and Biblical about Kinism.

We first start with a quote from Clark that agrees with what I have said all along about Wolfe and that is the fact that Wolfe is not a kinist, though I am convinced that the man did try to have it both ways in his book. Here is Clark’s quote with which we begin;

“Since it is felt that the topic (Kinism) needs to be addressed, however, I will now make clear that Wolfe’s book does not promote kinism at all. In fact, his account of ethnicity positively excludes kinism.”

If people will remember, I have all along said that as it pertains to both Kinism and Nationalism Wolfe was trying to embrace both without embracing either. Wolfe’s book does not really advocate Nationalism, since the definition of Nationalism requires blood ties. Instead, Wolfe’s book is a Rorschach test on this issue and people see in it what they want to see. This explains why Wolfe has been accused of everything from a Nazi to a Kinist to a civic Nationalist who embraces the notion of propositional nationhood. Wolfe has been accused of all these because he has not been clear. Whether that lack of clarity is purposeful or not will have to be up to each of his readers. I think it is purposeful… but I’m a cynic.

As we continue examining Clark’s review he wanders into some interesting territory with his attempts at defining Kinism. This is the primary reason I wanted to interact with Clark. On this point Clark helps us to see what Kinism is by see what Kinism isn’t and that by noting Clark’s missteps in his definitions.

James Clark offers;

“The first step in understanding how this is so is to define the word “kinism.” Kathryn Joyce, an investigative reporter at Salon, writes that kinism is ‘a movement of anti-immigrant, ‘Southern heritage’ separatists who splintered off from Christian Reconstructionism to advocate that God’s intended order is ‘loving one’s own kind’ by separating people along ‘tribal and ethnic’ lines to live in large, extended-family groups.’”[1]

1.) One does not need to be a Southern heritage separatist in order to be a Kinist. As I have noted repeatedly, I have Kinist friends who are black, brown, yellow, and red. They are not Southerners. Indeed, most non-whites I know are Kinists. It is only white people who knee-jerk blanch at the idea of Kinism.

2.) It is true that we Christian White Kinists are no fans of our current immigration situation but any people group who are being invaded by aliens and strangers, who don’t have their heads up their southern most aperture, would be. Why should Christian White people countenance being replaced?

3.) While Christian Reconstructionism was based on a kind of proto-kinism one does not need to be a Christian Reconstructionist to be a Kinist.

4.) Finally that last bit from Kathryn Joyce and Salon that talks about God’s intended order would be the very definition of both Nationalism and Kinism, , though I would replace the word “tribal” with the word “racial.”

James Clark offers yet another definition of Kinism, this time from the Anti-Defamation league;

A report from the Anti-Defamation League says kinists “assert that whites have a ‘God-given right’ to preserve their own kind and live separately from other races in their own communities. Kinists declare that the social order for man is based on ‘tribal and ethnic’ (by which they mean racial) ties.”[2]

Bret responds,

Ironically enough,  coming from the ADL as it does, this one is pretty good. We would expect the ADL to give a really good definition of Kinism given how Kinists their own people are. I mean their people are building walls in Israel to separate the Palestinians from their people.

Again, James Clark offers,

The Southern Poverty Law Center defines kinism as “a new strain of racial separatism that wants America broken up into racial mini-states.”[3]

Bret responds,

1.) Kinism is only new because it is only in the last 40 years wherein Christian Whites find themselves no longer living in a predominantly separatist White nation influenced even yet by Christian categories.

2.) For myself, I would agree that the only sane way out of the current racial and ethnic balkanization in this country is by a breaking up into religio-racial States. I doubt though those states will be very “mini.”

At this point James Clark gives us a couple definitions from actual self-avowed Kinists and being myself a self-avowed Kinist I completely concur with these definitions as follows;

According to a statement written by avowed kinists (quoted in the ADL report), kinism is “the belief that the love of racial or ethnic kin is similar to that of family ties,” and that “God has divided humanity into ‘nations,’ which may be properly translated as races or ethnicities.”[4] Finally, Tribal Theocrat, a kinist website, says one of the tenets of kinism is that “a nation is a large group of people of common patrilineal descent, living in a common geographical location, and having a shared religion, history, language, and civil government (a religio-ethnostate).”[5]

James Clark goes on;

There are two key features of kinism mentioned in these definitions: first, each tribe, people, or nation consists of a single extended-family group. This means that in a kinist society every single member would be related by blood—that is to say, they would be “kin”—to every other member, hence the name “kinist.” Second, each people is composed of a single ethnicity or race, and ethnicity and race are treated as synonymous. Part of the reason Wolfe has been so widely taken for a kinist is that he talks a great deal about the importance of kin in his conception of ethnicity. However, to speak well of “kin” does not make one a kinist, as we shall see shortly. But first, some general remarks on Wolfe’s understanding of ethnicity.

Bret responds,

Here we need to tighten up some of Mr. Clark’s observations.

1.) Mr. Clark is in error in saying that Kinists hold that ethnicity and race are synonyms. Rather Kinists hold that ethnicities are sub-peoples under one umbrella of race. An example of this is  Israel who found their nation comprised of one race as constituted by 12 ethnic groups (tribes). This is a significant error as we shall see later.

2.) When considering the relation of races to ethnicities it is helpful to keep the Christian doctrine of “the One and the Many” before us. In the relation of race to ethnicities we have “the One and the Many,” — unity in diversity.

Clark next examines Wolfe’s account of ethnicity;

“Wolfe defines “ethnicity” phenomenologically as “familiarity with others based in common language, manners, customs, stories, taboos, rituals, calendars, social expectations, duties, loves, and religion.” In other words, what makes a people-group a people-group is that they “have the same world—sharing the same or very similar topography of experience—which makes possible the full range of human cooperation, activities, and achievements, and a collective sense of homeland” (136). The centrality of “shared experience” in Wolfe’s conception of ethnicity can be seen when he talks about how one can discern one’s own ethnicity:

Bret responds,

Clark, I believe properly interprets Wolfe here.

1.) The problem here is that the whole idea of phenomenology contains the idea of philosophical nominalism, and nominalism and phenomenology alike presupposes that there is nothing (like race) that is independent of human consciousness whereby analysis can be done. So, obviously, if Wolfe is operating phenomenologically then bad conclusions can only follow bad methodologies.

2.)I will say this though… If Wolfe’s phenomenological template for ethnicity were to be followed, the result would be nations that were 90%  Kin as among the people living in his ideal geographic Christian nation. Because of that Wolfe might be said to be a crypto-Kinist.

James Clark next gives us this quoting from Dr. Stephen Wolfe;

“Reflecting on familiarity and foreignness helps us to see our true ethnicity and who belongs to it. Think of the people with whom you feel at ease conducting your daily life; with whom you share similar expectations of conduct, aesthetic judgments (viz., beauty, taste, decorum), and recreational activities; whom you can effectively rebuke or offer sufficient justification for your actions to; and with whom you can join in a common life that achieves the highest ends of man. Think of those people. With such people, you can cooperate in things above mere material exchange and consumption and common defense—above a mere alliance of households or individuals. There is mutual trust, not based in some procedural, social contract, but in a shared sense of we, centered around particularities that elevate the people. (136‒37, italics original)

Bret responds,

Again, in the community that Wolfe imagines, given this description, is a community that is going to be comprised overwhelmingly, though perhaps not completely, of people whom will be sharing a common genetic and patrilineal inheritance. Hence, Wolfe’s crypto-Kinism.

James Clark then analyzes Wolfe’s statement;

Conspicuously absent from this passage is any mention whatsoever of physical features as being indicative of one’s people-group. This is all the more striking when compared to the statements of an actual self-identified kinist, who says the belief that “the basis for camaraderie and nationhood is…not physical” is a marker of “disagreement with Kinism.”[6] Wolfe’s lack of concern for physical characteristics is also apparent when he comments on the things that make us realize the importance of ethnic familiarity:

Bret responds,

It is true that Wolfe (unfortunately) does not include a shared patrilineal descent in his definition of Christian Nationalism and it is true that explicit Kinism faults Wolfe for that, but do keep in mind that given Wolfe’s phenomenological definition of ethnicity the end result of Wolfe’s “Christian Nationalism” would be a nation comprised primarily of White Christians.  Do keep in mind that it is largely minorities, animated by Critical Race Theories who are seeking to overturn the very social-order categories of the kind of nation that Christian White people would inhabit. Minorities, generally speaking, are not interested in a Christian nation and so Wolfe’s definitions for ethnicity leaves him largely in the same place as epistemologically self-conscious Kinists.

James Clark next quotes once again from Wolfe;

Language barriers, spatial disorientation, and confusions over laws, manners, and how to complete basic activities reveal to us the importance of familiarity for life and that each of us belongs to a bounded “we,” a people, who do things differently. Reflecting on this should demonstrate that everyone has a people, an ethnicity. Everyone has “ethnic” distinctives. (138, italics original)

Bret responds,

Note here how Wolfe puts the word “ethnic,” in scare quotes above. This is important because it clues us in that Wolfe is not using the word “ethnic” in its usual sense. Wolfe is redefining the word away from a normative understanding that includes blood relation.

We should note here that Kinists understand that in the “we” of a people there might be, by way of exception, those from non blood-related relations who are part of the “We, precisely because they are living in a way that is not consistent with the majority of their own blood “We.”

An example of this kind of thing is found in the film, “The Missing,” where Tommy Lee Jones plays a White farmer who takes his family to live out on the New Mexico frontier only to abandon his white wife and children in order to bond with the Apache Indians. Clearly, the Jones character could be said to be culturally Apache but by blood he remains racially white.  Interesting enough in this film, Jones’ blood finally outs and though culturally Indian he ends up returning and dying in order to protect his blood child and grandchildren from rogue Apache Indians.

James Clark continues citing Wolfe;
Given my friendships and associations with people of different ancestry, I can say that being “white” is unnecessary both to recognize themselves in what I describe and to cooperate with someone like me in a common national project. This is not a “white nationalist” argument, for in my view the designation “white,” as it is used today, hinders and distracts people from recognizing and acting for their people-groups, many of which (to be sure) are majority “white” but are so not on the basis of a modern racialist principle. (119n3)

Bret responds;

Wolfe says this is “not a white nationalist project” but in the end given the miniscule numbers of what are now called “adjacent-whites” compared to the total number of whites that share his redefined “ethnicity” the end product might as well be a “white nationalist project.” Wolfe sees that there are exceptions out there — he sees that there are non-white people who share his culture (as well as white people who do not) and he wants to take those honored exceptions and deny the reality of race and ethnicity as necessarily normative to have stable homogenous cultures.

Indeed, oddly enough, given Critical Race Theories if white is to be defined ideologically and not racially then clearly Wolfe is championing a “white nationalist project.”

End Part I

McAtee Helps Wilson with some Context

“But who co-opted these minorities in the first place? Who enlisted them to do this awful thing? Who is using them as a cat’s paw? White people, that’s who. Woodrow Wilson was white. FDR was white. LBJ was white. Earl Warren was white. Margaret Sanger was white. King Charles III is white. Out of the six justices who voted for Roe, only one was black. Elizabeth Warren is white. Ted Kennedy was white. Nelson Rockefeller was white. John Roberts is white. Jimmy Carter is white. Nancy Pelosi is white. Hillary Clinton is white, ditto Bill. John Dewey was white. Richard Rorty is white. Keith Olbermann is white. The overwhelming number of Ivy League grads are white. Shall I go on?

Doug Wilson
Blog & Meh-Blog
Sin, Skin and Kin

First can we admit that among the political players that Doug mentions that they themselves are often likewise merely cat’s paws of a much bigger interest. In other words, those white people among the political players are being moved and animated by another whole level of Malthusian chicanery that often is peopled by a minority that is white when convenient and not white when not convenient?

Yes, and Herbert Marcuse was white, and so is David Axelrod, and Max Horkheimer, and Janet Yellin, and Timothy Geitner, and Chuck Todd and Spielberg, Katzenberg and Geffin, and George Soros, and Louis Brandeis and Felix Frankfurter, Felix Weil and FDR’s handler Bernard Baruch, and Nixon’s handler Henry Kissinger, and Samuel Untermeyer, and George Lukacs, and Wilhem Reich and Sigmund Freud, and Leon Bronstein, and the overwhelmingly considerable percentage of Harvard graduates are “white.” Shall I go on?

But per Doug, this noticing is likely all just so much people group malice.

AJ Drexson vs. McAtee on the Bible and Christian Nations / Nationalism

AJ Derxson writes;

Romans 11 has precisely /nothing/ to do with how believers should legislate and govern if they are in positions of power – which is the normal subject matter of “Christian nationalism.”

BLMc Responds,

Remember, AJ, in all that follows, you started this by calling me a “Cultist.”

I am now all confounded AJ because the great theologian Gerharrdus Vos said that Romans 11 was about Christian Nationalism. Now I have to decide if I am supposed to believe you or believe Vos. Here is what Vos had to say on the relation of Romans 11 to Christian Nationalism;

“Romans 11:17, 19, with its “branches broken off” metaphor has frequently been viewed as proof of the relativity and changeability of election, and it is pointed out that at the end of vs. 23, the Gentile Christians are threatened with being cut off in case they do not continue in the kindness of God. But wrongly. Already this image of engrafting should have restrained such an explanation. This image is nowhere and never used of the implanting of an individual Christian, into the mystical body of Christ by regeneration. Rather, it signifies the reception of a racial line or national line into the dispensation of the covenant or their exclusion from it. This reception, of course, occurs by faith in the preached word, and to that extent, with this engrafting of a race or a nation, there is also connected the implanting of individuals into the body of Christ. The cutting off, of course, occurs by unbelief; not, however, by the unbelief of person who first believed, but solely by the remaining in unbelief of those who, by virtue of their belonging to the racial line, should have believed and were reckoned as believers. So, a rejection ( = multiple rejections) of an elect race is possible, without it being connected to a reprobation of elect believers. Certainly, however, the rejection of a race or nation involves at the same time the personal reprobation of a sequence of people. Nearly all the Israelites who are born and die between the rejection of Israel as a nation and the reception of Israel at the end times appear to belong to those reprobated. And the thread of Romans 11:22 (of being broken off) is not directed to the Gentile Christians as individual believers but to them considered racially.”

Geerhardus Vos
Dogmatic Theology Vol. 1 — 118

Now, AJ, I know this might be difficult for you but let’s connect the dots here. If God is electing nations that means those nations are Christian and if those elect nations are Christian then it seems past obvious that those Christian nations are going to be ruled in a Christian manner and the only way to rule in a Christian manner is to have an eye on God’s gracious legislative Law-Word however that might express itself in those various and sundry elect Christian nations.

I do apologize though AJ. I just assumed that a normally rational person could connect those dots without me holding their hand and tracing out the connection. It was stupid of me to assume that.

AJ Drexson wrote

Secondly, separate nations (including Israel) exist because of what happened at the Tower of Babel. It doesn’t follow that the current arrangement is God’s ideal or is permanent. Indeed, God’s intent in the Babel separation “is that they should seek after God, and perhaps feel their way toward Him and find Him” (Acts 17:27).

BLMc responds,

It may be the case that the separate nations arose because of Babel but we see in Acts 2 that God sanctifies Babel on the day of Pentecost as each nation heard the Gospel in their own tongue.

Second, God’s mystery long hidden was that the nations in their nations would come into the Kingdom (Eph. 3:6).

Third, we see in Revelation 21-22 that the Nations as Nations come into the new Jerusalem thus teaching that Nations even exist in the new Heavens and Earth.

Fourth, we have the OT teaching (Isaiah 2 and Micah 4) that the nations in their nations will come unto the Mountain of the Lord to be taught God’s Law.

Fifth, we have not only Vos’s take on Christian Nationalism, but another Theologian, Martin Wyngaarden, taught that the Nations would never disappear, contrary to your dumbass assertion;

“More than a dozen excellent commentaries could be mentioned that all interpret Israel as thus inclusive of Jew and Gentile, in this verse, — the Gentile adherents thus being merged with the covenant people of Israel, though each nationality remains distinct.”

“For, though Israel is frequently called Jehovah’s People, the work of his hands, his inheritance, yet these three epithets severally are applied not only to Israel, but also to Assyria and to Egypt: “Blessed be Egypt, my people, and Assyria, the work of my hands, and Israel, mine inheritance.” 19:25.

Thus the highest description of Jehovah’s covenant people is applied to Egypt, — “my people,” — showing that the Gentiles will share the covenant blessings, not less than Israel. Yet the several nationalities are here kept distinct, even when Gentiles share, in the covenant blessing, on a level of equality with Israel. Egypt, Assyria, and Israel are not nationally merged. And the same principles, that nationalities are not obliterated, by membership in the covenant, applies, of course, also in the New Testament dispensation.”

Martin Wyngaarden
The Future of the Kingdom in Prophecy and Fulfillment: A Study of the Scope of “Spiritualization” in Scripture — pp. 101-102.

And when it comes to Acts 17, you might consider also reading vs. 26 AJ;

26 And He has made from one [j]blood EVERY NATION of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings

Did you catch that AJ? God is the one who appointed the existence of Nations and NOTHING in Scripture suggests that they will eventually all bleed into one. In order for that idea to be accepted one has to go to U2’s Bono.

AJ Derxsen writes;

Which presupposes that ultimately, in a fully restored universe, there will no longer be nation-states. Because everyone in the New Cosmos will have “found” God – and thus the purpose of the Babel separation will have been fulfilled.

BLMc responds,

Do you read the Bible much AJ?

The Glory of the New Jerusalem

Revelation 21:22 But I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. 23 The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine [l]in it, for the [m]glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light. 24 And the NATIONS of those who are saved shall walk in its light, and the KINGS of the earth bring their glory and honor [o]into it. 25 Its gates shall not be shut at all by day (there shall be no night there). 26 And they (the KINGS of the various NATIONS ) shall bring the glory and the honor of the NATIONS to it.

22 And he showed me a [r]pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. 2 In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the NATIONS.

AJ Derxson tells us that with the eschaton there will be no more nation-states. God’s Word tells us that there will be Nations-States and even Kings in the eschaton.

Now, who should we believe?

Scruton on the Relation Between the Living & the Dead; McAtee on Scruton

“The dead and the unborn are as much members of society as the living. To dishonor the dead is to reject the relation of obligation between generations.”

Roger Scruton
On Rousseau

Let us proceed to tease out some implications here;

1.) Of course this is nothing but the cream that rises to the surface from the doctrine called “Kinism,” which is itself merely Christianity as applied to social order functioning. There is not only a relation between kin who are living but also a relation between kin living, kin who have gone before and kin who are yet unborn. Without a honored continuity across the generations man becomes hyper-individualized with no sense of belonging to something greater than himself.

2.) Those who deny this truism are violators of the fifth commandment as Scruton’s second sentence clearly communicates. One simply can not deny Kinism and claim Christ.

3.) The only place left to go if one denies Scruton’s channeling of Edmund Burke is some form of cosmopolitanism. The eschew this wisdom is to embrace the life of the rootless nomad, and the wandering Jew.

4.) Without this principle what evolves is an ugly generational selfishness embraced by each succeeding generation. Without this principle living is only about me, myself, and I. Again, the sense of belonging is almost impossible to re-create.

5.) The only time we have authority to walk away from our forebears our walk away from our children is when our forebears were unfaithful to Christ in their traditions or when our children are unfaithful to Christ and His gracious Law-Word. To have to walk away from either of them for the sake of the King would be gladly done but done as with great tears and heaviness of heart. We would weep over their loss and our loss while rejoicing in gaining the Kingdom.

6.) In order to make this concrete keep in mind that all those “Christians” out there who are decrying Christian Nationalism, or Kinism, or even often-times “Racism” are in point of fact functionally denying the essence of this proverb. Those who deny this have to be considered at the very least “alienists” and at the worse, Enlightenment Liberals or Communists.

Ligonier, Indiana & America’s Diversity

“Well, I’m a standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona And such a fine sight to see It’s a girl, my lord In a flatbed Ford Slowin’ down to take a look at me.”

Take It Easy

Last week found me standing on a corner in Ligonier, Indiana while visiting kin.

Ligonier, you must understand is about as rural Indiana as one can get. It was, when I was growing up, the epitome of small town rural Indiana. At about 4000 residents Ligonier once upon a time claimed to be the Marshmallow capital of the world. That industry has long been absent from Ligonier, Indiana. When I was a boy, I would attend Ligonier’s West Noble High School basketball games against whom a uncle competed in Basketball games. I am here to testify that Uncle Kevin did not compete against any Hispanics in 1972 when he was competing against West Noble High School.

A funny thing has happened to Ligonier in the last 25 years or so. A funny thing connected to the surreal reality that upwards of 30 million illegal aliens now live in the USA. That number is so huge it is hard for one to really get their mind around it. However, visiting Ligonier, Indiana (or my hometown of Sturgis, Michigan) begins to make the number concrete.

When I was a boy, and even a young man Ligonier, Indiana and Sturgis, Michigan and many more small towns like them were as white bread as one can possibly imagine. However, with the US policy of porous borders small town America now looks increasingly like what small town Mexico must have looked like in 1975.

For example in Ligonier in the 2010 census Hispanic or Latino of any race were 51.5% of the population. That was an increase of almost 20% form the 2000 census. Further, as of 2020, 23.6% of Ligonier, IN residents were born outside of the country (1.06k people). Also of 2020, 81.2% of Ligonier, In residents were US citizens, which is lower than the national average of 93.4%. In 2019, the percentage of US citizens in Ligonier, IN was 82.6%, meaning that the rate of American citizenship has been decreasing.

Ligonier, I submit, provides a window into what is happening in small town America in these formerly united States. These two links sustain that observation;

The 10 Indiana Cities With The Largest Latino Population For 2023

The 10 Michigan Cities With The Largest Latino Population For 2023

While I stood on the corner of Ligonier, Indiana awaiting my Kin’s shopping I found myself observing the surrounding as it were from outside of myself. In the 20 minutes I waited for my Kin to finish her shopping I saw, as in a strange dream the following;

I saw sundry Hispanics walking up and down the sidewalk and it was obvious as to why. From where I stood I could see more than one Mexican Restaurant and several other Hispanic business devoted to bring in the Hispanic clientele. I saw a bakery, dedicated to Eastern European baked goods immediately next door to a bakery dedicated to Mexican baked goods. I saw three ample young ladies walking with a black young gentleman. I saw sundry white chaps passing by in their pick up trucks who had beards right out of Duck Dynasty or ZZ Top. I saw the average joe white person walking the sidewalks. And to add to the bizarre and surreal there I first heard the clopping of horse hooves and then saw sundry Amish buggies go traveling by me containing the Amish folk replete with the distinct attire that the Amish wear. Now toss in the requisite tatts and piercings that has become such a fixture in modern American culture and I found myself humming,

Picture yourself in a boat on a river
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies
Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly
A girl with kaleidoscope eyes

Cellophane flowers of yellow and green
Towering over your head
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes
And she’s gone

Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds, ahh

But for me it was;

Picture yourself on a street in a city
Where American towns are now bastardized
Somebody walks by, you’re staring quite boldly
A community now balkanized

Restaurants selling Mexican black beans
Amish coverings on heads
Look for the girl with white in her skin
And she’s gone

Diversity is our strength we’re now dyin’
Diversity is our strength we’re now dyin’
Diversity is our strength we’re now dyin’

Because of my visit to Ligonier, Indiana, as well as previous trips to my hometown of Sturgis, Michigan I can now more easily get my head around 30 million illegal aliens now living in these formerly united States. I can see the havoc that the Biden border policy is playing with the former homogeneity of America. I can visibly see that America is now being ruled by an occupying force that is resolved on destroying America.

And I can most clearly see that the only hope of historic Americans is the rise of peaceful secession movements so that this now balkanized country might become several nations.