XVIII.) That envy is a desire for equality taking the form of hatred of the superior. That the envious man begrudges others of their advantages, and rather than seeking to acquire those advantages for himself, instead seeks to destroy them so that all will be equal in their poverty of advantages. That envy motivates many minorities, and that separation is the only effective way to deal with it.
Envy desires to pull down the superior quite without desiring to become the superior itself. It is satisfied just with seeing the superior in the same squalor and dust in which it dwells. Further, the envy of the inferior can not be quenched even with the aid and assistance of the superior because all that aid and assistance does for the inferior is to remind them that they are inferior. Consequently, only the destruction of the house of the superior will satisfy the envy of the superior.
Marxist ideology has made a career of inflaming a not insignificant number of minorities with envy as well as many lower-class whites. As no lifting up of that minority class and their white brethren who are infected with envy is possible, given that envy only grows with being helped by the superior the only answer seems to be some kind of separation.
The idea of advancing social-order separation should come as a well-received prospect from many who are afflicted with envy since the white man is now considered a pariah by much of the minority community as seen in just one quote. Many more could be duplicated that reveals how evil the white man is per the minority community who live within our shared borders.
“The Reformed and evangelical tradition(s) has repeatedly, across centuries, found itself in collusion with the worst embodiments of white supremacy in America even while presuming its orthodoxy at each juncture.”
Rev. Duke Kwon
PCA Minister
What could be better news for minorities inflamed with the Marxist ethic and their white Marxist brethren than arrangements that would find them finally done with the racist white man? Separation seems to be an answer that would be well-greeted by all parties.
XIX.) That man, as a creature, is necessarily limited. That because he is limited, his responsibility to others is also limited. That human responsibility is Biblically regulated by relationship, such that we have a greater responsibility to our own family, race, town, state, region, and country, than we do to “the other”. That Christians should favor the native and the normal over the alien and the novel.
Equal universal love for everybody is at the same time a lack of unique particular love for anybody. Even the Pixar animated film “The Incredibles” understood that simple concept. Scripture calls us to Honor our Father and Mother and in doing so teaches that we are to prioritize them over other adults who are not our Father and Mother. The idea that I am to prioritize my own Father and Mother does not mean I hate every other adult who is not my Father and Mother. The idea that I am responsible to love everyone the same is an idea only a Marxist could love.
The implication of this is the truth that by helping everybody equally I may be hurting those I am called to help specifically. If I earn a paycheck week by week and spend it on the needy neighborhood children the consequence is that the children of my household who I am called to be specifically responsible for will become needy. Similarly, the elimination of borders here in the name of loving the world ends up being a bolus of hatred for our own people as seen in the economic impact, the breakdown of social infrastructure, and the increase of crime. This kind of love is a knife at the throat of our own children and our own countrymen –black, red, white, or brown.
That this has become so controversial is suggestive that are further down the road of Marxism than any of us would like to admit.