Rushdoony & McAtee On One of Satan’s Oldest Tricks

“On the other side of the Euphrates were the two great enemies of the people of God, Assyria and Babylon. Now Assyria and Babylon were the two great powers that applied very literally and forcefully the dream of a one world empire without God. They moved populations, scattered them throughout the empire, in order to destroy linguistic differences and produce one language, to destroy national and racial differences, and produce one people.

This same dream was carried on with considerably more ability by Babylon….

The world is continually, constantly trying to destroy the boundary between Gods people and itself. Between the church and the world, between the kingdom of God and the world, by compromise, concession and invasion, it seeks to reduce the kingdom of God and make it captive to the kingdom of man, and then to obliterate it.”
Pocket College Lecture
The Plagues of Babylon
From Babel, to Babylon and Assyria, to Stalin’s great movement of peoples to our own “Virginia vs. Loving” to our contemporary culture that seeks to force all colors to bleed into one, pagan man has sought to erase racial, linguistic, and national differences so that Lucifer’s New World Order arises.

This is why Kinism is the issue of the day and should Kinists lose this battle Christianity will go back to the catacombs and the earth will be covered with dark chaos and old night. This is why the Kinists, few though our numbers be, are the one hope for ongoing resistance to the push both within the church coming from people like Sandlin, Wilson, Strachan, J. Ligon Duncan, etc. and outside of the church from nearly everybody. Kinists are the alone champions of Biblical Christianity and if and when Kinism has no champions then the Church is back to the Babylonian captivity where it was before the Reformation of the 16th century.

What my prayer is for 2024 is that the Kinists sharpen their arguments so that they cut even more deeply against the Alienists. My prayer is that more and more follow me as I follow Christ, and so become what our Fathers were for centuries before us.

Kinism… no hope without it.

Dr. Joe Boot Joins The Stupid Brigade … McAtee Defends Wolfe

The confusion on the relationship between man as both a spiritual being and a corporeal being continues to flex its muscle among those reputed to be pillars in the Church. If this confusion were a disease the fatalities among the inhabitants of the Evangelical/Reformed/Lutheran Church would be so catastrophic that people would be thinking the church would never recover from this pandemic.

The most recent example of someone showing all the symptoms of diapslama-ia is Dr Joe Boot. I find this most disappointing since I’ve profited by the writings and speaking of Boot. I’ve read many of the man’s works and though I’ve had a quibble here or there, (like being too influenced by the Amsterdam philosophy school) on the whole I have recommended his writings.

Now I will have to explain to people, to whom I recommending reading Boot, that he is not trustworthy on the issue of the man as a dichotomous being.

Before we get to the Boot quote, allow me to interject that I am no apologist for Dr. Stephen Wolfe. I offer that because the Boot quote comes as lodging a complaint against Wolfe. My problem with Wolfe is his reliance on Natural Law theory. However, this complaint by Boot as little to do with that aspect of Wolfe’s thinking.

So, here is the monstrously stupid quote from Dr. Joe Boot;

“Wolfe seems oblivious to the fact that, had his course of making a given country the absolute cultural possession of its people – simultaneously absolutizing a ‘natural right’ of ethnic and cultural particularity – been taken seriously by missionaries to the Anglo-Saxon world, none of us would be Christians today, but would still be drinking the blood of the dead! Nor would William Carey, the remarkable British missionary to India, have worked against his host culture to abolish the heinous custom of Sati (burning the living wife on the funeral pyre of her dead husband). In his enthusiasm to preserve the remnants of the Anglo-European Christian culture of America, Wolfe fails to grasp its religious, not ethnic root (incredible in itself, since America is a new nation of immigrants) and cuts a re-paganizing America off from the possibility of godly transformation by incoming Christian missionaries from around the world calling the nation to repentance.”

Joseph Boot
“Christianity Versus Racism”

1.) Boot’s accusation here, boiled down to its essence, is that Wolfe is a ethno-cultural particularist to such a degree that Wolfe is saying that if we really took seriously the necessity of every people to have its own cultural particularity then we would not take up the Great Commission in order to herald Christ to heathen anti-Christ cultures for fear of changing their cultural particularity.

The problems with that assertion by Boot against Wolfe are;

A.) Nowhere, have I read Wolfe propose any such nonsense.

B.) The accusation that Wolfe would not be interested in Missions endeavors in no way follows the idea that Wolfe favors cultural particularity for people of a particular country,  who are the absolute possessors of its culture. It does not follow because when the Gospel works to redeem Christ-haters from their empty way of life as handed down to them from their ancestors it does not mean they lose their cultural particularity. What redeemed cultures lose, is the sinfulness that characterized their culture. Boot seems to forget that grace restores nature and the nature that grace restores is what makes for the particularity of any given people. Now, to be sure, there will be changes in those cultures but those changes that come from being redeemed will not eliminate the particularity of any given people. Wolfe can hold to cultural particularity of any given people and still believe in the necessity of the Great Commission, knowing that a redeemed people and so culture will still be unique vis-a-vis other redeemed people’s and cultures.

2.) Basically, Joe Boot is arguing that to believe ethno-cultural preservation and separation precludes receiving the Gospel and repenting as corporate national salvation would require giving up the sinful expressions of an ethnicity’s identity. Boot is saying that Wolfe so favors nature that Wolfe’s position requires the refusal of grace to restore nature.

So, this accusation despite 2000 years of Church history that teaches that the Gospel changes people, peoples, and cultures while still leaving them a particularly ethnic people. Does Boot think that if different people groups become Christian therefore all cultures lose their particularity and so are going to be the same across the board?

As my British friend Henry Plantagenet said in a conversation concerning this monstrously stupid Boot quote;

“It’s as insane as saying that if we believe gender is fundamental to being human that we are precluding the Gospel from redeeming men and women because to do so would change the particularity of their gendered expression.”

3.) Joe Boot’s presupposition here is that to believe that blood relations have inherent and defining characteristics upon the nature of man, as Wolfe and all sane people do, is to reject the spiritual power of the Gospel. Boot is accusing Wolfe of absolutizing the corporeal side of man so that it would be impossible to own spiritual impact. As such, Boot is accusing Wolfe of being a materialist in this accusation, which I find interesting because it is the kind of accusation one might expect to find a Gnostic make against someone who claims that man’s material (genetic) side is really real. Is Boot laced with Gnosticism?

4.) Boot’s accusation that Wolfe prioritizes a people’s ethnic over religious root is insane. Indeed, some of us have been saying that Wolfe prioritizes man’s religious root over his ethnic roots. Wolfe has gone out of his way to insist that his theory of “Nationalism” does not absolutize, nor even necessarily prioritize ethnicity/race.

5.) We need to realize here that culture is merely the outward manifestation of a people groups belief. Culture is theology poured over ethnicity as existing in a particular place. Given that definition of culture (theology made manifest) when Boot accuses of Wolfe of what Boot accuses him of, Boot is saying that Wolfe is not interested in seeing a people’s theology changed to be Christ honoring. This is a serious accusation to make against a fellow Christian. Does Boot really believe that Wolfe desires for the unconverted to remain unconverted?

6.) Boot raises the old canard, that just isn’t true, that America was a nation of immigrants as if it never had a ethno-racial base, but was solely founded on ideas (propositional nationhood). I have demonstrated so often here, with quotes from the founding fathers, that the founders would have said that Joe Boot was full of fertilizer when he insists that we are a nation which has not ethno-racial base. If anyone happens to be reading this and wants me to reproduce the quotes once again, I’ll be happy to do that.

Let’s here from Henry Plantagenet again;

“I don’t get why everyone today fails to recognize that the redemptive order is simply the original Creation order cleansed from the power of sin.”

So, unless Boot repents, count him as just another platformed Reformed scholar who is stupid when it comes to the issue of basic Christian anthropology.

Pope Doug Attempts To Gaslight on the Bagels… McAtee Demurs

Here we find a roundtable discussion w/ Pope Doug I of the CREC. His discussion partner is primarily Andrew Isker with a couple other guys thrown in for optics.

In this discussion Wilson is defending his unrelenting and indefatigable defense of the Bagels for which he is now becoming famous. There is no doubt that Wilson has become a bulldog for philo-Semitism.

Wilson defends the Bagels by arguing (and here I am paraphrasing);

“Well, you have to understand, that the Bagels are a high performance people and as high performance the Bagels are going to be very very bad and very very “good,” depending on which way they roll, and therefore the good Bagels cancel out all the evil Bagels so that we have a wash.” 

The problem here is that the high performance Bagel Heart Surgeons, Violinists, and Commodity traders that Wilson alludes to can never balance out the high performance Bagels who have murdered, in the 20th century alone, upwards of a 100 million people.

We can’t stop there though, we must take into account the pornography industry in the West which was predominantly created and sustained by the Bagels. Following that we have the reality of the Morgans, Rothschilds, Warburgs, and Schiffs as the Bankster class who have funded wars and stolen property. We needs mention also Hollywood which was so bad in the Jews (Bagels) corrupting the morals of Americans that they were forced into complying with a moral code (Hays code) under the threat of being bankrupted by the Roman Catholic Church in its stance against the Bagel vileness on film. That lasted until the early 1960s when the Bagel was able to throw that yoke off of them, resulting in filth upon filth being hoisted on the silver screen.

We shouldn’t slow down on this score unless we mention the Bagel Philosophers who have done so much for the West. Consider that Marx, Red Rosa Luxemburg, Marcuse, Adorno, Simone Weil, Betty Friedan, and countless others whose anti-Christ “philosophy” has destroyed the West were Bagels.

Does Pope Doug really want to suggest that the high performance Bagels on the good side of the balance cancel out all the evil of the high performance Bagels who over centuries have done their flat level best to kill as many White Christians as they can?

Does Pope Doug really want to look at Church History and tell Augustine, Chrysostom, Luther, Calvin, etc. that they each and all had it wrong when it came to the Bagels? Is Wilson really going to try and tell those lads that “Jeepers guys, if only you had understood that the Bagels were high performance for good also.”


They would laugh in his face with Luther lobbing a choice epithet in Wilson’s direction.

As the conversation continues, Rev. Andrew Isker, who does not share Pope Doug’s convictions tries to throw in a “yeah, but” every so often but it is clear (at least to me) that Isker was invited to this conversation not to strongly put forth the counter point to Wilson’s philo-semitism but rather Isker is present to serve as a whipping boy in order for Wilson to blather his inanities and false dichotomies wherein he has become a legend.

As the conversation continues Pope Doug pauses to argue that genetics has nothing necessarily to do with being Bagel. Doug says, “no, it was about being covenantally bound, and that included shared customs, culture, language, etc.”


Now, if that is true then why was it so important that Jesus be able to trace His blood lineage to both David and Abraham? If Doug is right why in the world do we have all those genealogical tables in Scripture? If Doug is right then why all the prohibitions like;

Dt. 23:3 No Ammonite or Moabite or any of their descendants may enter the assembly of the Lord, not even in the tenth generation.

If being a Hebrew was only about being covenantally bound then why these prohibitions against blood descent coming into Israel? Could not Ammonites or Moabites choose to be covenantally bound?

If Doug is right then how do we explain the actions of Ezra and Nehemiah against not only foreign wives but the covenant children of Hebrew males birthed to those foreign wives?

Clearly Doug is engaged in  his “full on gaslighting mode.” A mode that is getting more and more common for Doug and his mindless CREC clergy blatherers.

As we continue fisking this “conversation” we next hear Doug asking, “Why do Bagels draw so much hatred?”


This prompts me to respond that if Pope Doug really doesn’t know the answer to that it only tells me that the man needs to take a few courses on Church History to learn that the Bagel is hated because of the way he has treated Christians throughout history. I might recommend that Doug starts his education on the matter by reading Maurice Pinay’s “The Plot Against the Church.” If Doug wants something more current he could flip the pages of Giles Corey’s “The Sword of Christ.” It’s all there of the ongoing war of the Bagel against Christians. Failing reading those books, if Doug wants an answer to his question as to why do Bagels draw so much hatred he might want to consider;

I Thessalonians 2:14 For you, brothers and sisters, became imitators of God’s churches in Judea, which are in Christ Jesus: You suffered from your own people the same things those churches suffered from the Jews 15 who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to everyone 16 in their effort to keep us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved. In this way they always heap up their sins to the limit. The wrath of God has come upon them at last.

However, I suspect Doug knows all this and in the asking of his question he is merely being Doug, which is to say he has an agenda and is merely being clever. Plus, we can’t ignore the fact that Doug has himself talked about the axe he is grinding here for the Bagels;

“My affection for Israel is personal, in addition to being theological and political. My wife’s great-great-grandfather was Rabbi Cohn, one of my co-grandfathers is a Christian Jew, my kids and grandkids have cousins who are Israeli, and according to AncestryDNA, I myself am 2% European Jewish. Nancy is 11% European Jew, her mother 26%. What all this amounts to is that our family would be much more involved on an active personal level if terrorists overran Israel than we would be if terrorists overran Vermont.”

So, Pope Doug identifying as Bagel, is all the explanation we need in order to understand his massive gaslighting.

As we continue with the youtube conversation we hear Doug saying again;

“Being a Bagel did not have to be about blood.”

Perhaps it did not have to be but that it predominantly was is seen by the Bagels not saying; “May His blood be upon us and those who are covenantally bound to us?”

Instead what we hear is the Bagel self-understanding that being a Bagel was a blood relationship;  “May His blood be upon us and our children?

Also we should mention in the immediate quote above Doug himself talks about how Bagel blood flows through the veins of his wife and children. Contradict yourself much Doug?

Wilson complains about Isker’s Partial Preterist interpretation of Romans 11 and Gal. 4 since that means that the “covenant w/ Hagar” only lasted 30 years before God cut Bagels off.

In this complaint is Pope Doug somehow complaining that God was being unfair to the Bagels to only give them 30 years. Does Doug think that God wasn’t giving the Bagels a deserved break?

Not very Reformed Doug.

In the course of the interview Wilson again asks, all astonished, as to why people get up in arms about the Bagels. He notes that Jehovah Witnesses being Arians deny the deity of Christ (like the Bagels) but nobody gets whacked out about them and yet when Dougie brings up the Bagels “all the kittens and puppies come out to play.”

Honestly, this man either has no business being in the pulpit since he apparently knows zero Church history about the Bagels constant warfare against the Church and Christians or else he is being purposely clever and counting on the fact that people don’t know how the Bagels have consistently pursued and persecuted Christians. For Pete’s sake, does he not even know how many nations and people’s in history have tossed out the Bagels from their midst? Was it always all the time done because the Christian nations envied the Bagels?

We might want to keep in mind that Jehovah’s witness never murdered Christians and European peoples by the hundreds of millions or caused the collapse of innumerable nations through subversion, sexual degeneracy and usury.

Further, we ask if the Federal Reserve owned by Jehovah Witnesses (JWs)? Did Jehovah Witnesses murder the Tsar and usher in a communist revolution that enslaved half of Europe? Did JWs cause the Holodomor in the 1930s or advocate for abortion in the 1970sff? Did JWs attack the USS Liberty? Did JWs morally corrupt Germany in the 1920s and provoke a radical backlash?

You see, Wilson is just gaslighting. I refuse to believe that Pope Doug is so stupid as to not understand why all the kittens and puppies come out to play when he mentions the Bagels.

Next Doug invokes Woodrow Wilson as a Anglo-Saxon;

“Woodrow Wilson ruined the 20th century and he’s was Anglo-Saxon and what does that have to do it with it.”

Here Doug tries to suggest that Bagel ethnicity should have nothing to do with thinking about their behavior because after all, since Woodrow Wilson ruined the 20th century nobody indicts all Anglo-Saxons for that. The idea here that Wilson continues to gaslight upon, is that the Bagel blood is irrelevant to the fact of their ruinous behavior.

However, here Doug plays with US History. Very few people doubt the utter worthlessness of Woodrow Wilson as a President but lo and behold we learn that Wilson was Shabazz goy (a front man/ a puppet) worked by the Bagels;

Some historians will even tell you that the Bagels made a quid pro quo with the British during WW I. That quid pro quo was “you promise us a homeland (Balfour Declaration signed in 1917) and we will move Wilson to come into the European war on your side.”  Diverse documentary evidence shows that Zionists pushed for the U.S. to enter the war on Britain’s side as part of a deal to gain British support for their colonization of Palestine.

So, Wilson’s appeal to Woodrow Wilson fails because Wilson was a tool for the Bagels.

Pope Doug Wilson complains next that people are negatively preoccupied with the Bagels, but one has to ask, “Why is Dougie positively preoccupied with the Bagels?” We actually know the answer to that question as Doug, as seen in the quote above, makes it clear that he is defending his Kin. Seems Doug really is a Kinist at heart.

Next Wilson tries to draw some kind of equation between the nefarious behavior of the WASP establishment during the beginning of the 20th century and the BAGELS today.

To this we note;

1.) The WASP establishment was a utter failure but let us forget that the P in the WASP was leftist. It was not Christian in the least.

2.) It doesn’t take into account the burgeoning influence of the Bagels upon the WASP. See, for example, the history of the run up to the Balfour Declaration. Indeed, the fact that the FEDS were protecting Bagels can be seen as far back as Lincoln’s revocation of Gen. U. S. Grant’s general order #11.

3.) Theoretically the WASP could argue that the West was their land to destroy. The Bagel has no claim on Western lands to justify their destruction of those lands.

However, I will agree with Pope Doug that the WASP establishment by the turn of the 2oth was disastrous for the White Anglo Saxon Protestant people. However, as the WASP had surrendered Christ we should not be surprised.

Wilson’s next line of note is a real knee slapper;

“On the one hand, Wilson says, “Most Evangelicals are semi-Gnostic.”

On the other hand, he argues that genetics has nothing to do with identity. Speaking of Jews, Wilson says that being a Jew is not about genetics, but instead “was about being covenantally bound, and that included shared customs, culture, language, etc.” Speaking of ‘Gnosticism.'”

This is  a case of Gnosticism for me but not for thee.

As Pope Doug continues he insists that the reason Americans hate Bagels is because we envy Bagels.

I suppose that might be true in some cases, however, for Christians the reason we hate Bagels is because of how they have killed our ancestors, sacrificed our children for their Passovers (see Ariel Toaff’s work) and raped and pillaged our lands. Could it not be the reason that Christians want to keep Bagels at arms length is the same reason that nobody goes around trying to get intestinal parasites? If a person hates a parasite is it because they envy the parasite or is it because they’d prefer to be healthy?

Allow me to close out with a general observation. I do not blame the Bagels for the situation that the West is now in. I hold Christian responsible for abandoning and rebelling against Christ. If Christians in America has kept their first love the Bagels could have achieved no successful in roads in the business they have pursued. We are to blame and nobody else. However, part of waking up means we own our responsibility in rebelling against Christ and resolve to no longer be played the fool.


One Implication of Egalitarianism

The 1st rule of Majority-Minority relations in a Egalitarian Liberal Culture

1.) The worse the behavior of a protected racial or sexual minority is the greater must be the cover up of that behavior in order to continue to preserve the egalitarian illusion. Further, this cover up will normally be pursued by the racial majority in the culture who have a vested interest in sustaining the hegemony of egalitarianism.

This rule has a necessary implication?

1a.) The more egregious any non-Western, non-White, and non-Christian behaves, the more evil the Christian Western White man must be reported to be for merely noticing and then drawing valid and rational conclusions about general truths regarding racial and/or sexual minority groups.

This means the more wicked minorities are, as against the Christian Western White man, the even more wicked the Christian Western white man must be envisioned as being so that it can be maintained that “the minorities are not any worse than the Christian Western White man.”

This is the inevitable logic of egalitarianism, for once the equality of all races and peoples is a driving presupposition, then the wickedness of any minority group must find the majority Christian Wester white group being seen as every bit as wicked if not more wicked than the wickedness of the guilty minority group.

Of course this only works in the direction of Whites as ever being seen as increasingly wicked in order to avoid any conclusion that Christian Western White behave in superior ways to any other minority group — sexual or racial.

The only way this is avoided is if, instead of the wickedness of racial or sexual minority groups being exposed, what happens is that behavior is covered up. This is what we are currently now seeing in the whole Nashville private school shooting from last summer where a sexual minority member shot up a Christian school. The manifesto of the tranny is not being released because the QGBTL minority is being protected from being seen as evil. Ask yourself this; “Do you really think that if the shooter in Buffalo had written a manifesto that it would have been buried the way the tranny’s manifesto has been buried in Nashville?”

This also explains why the FEDS are forever prating that White Supremacist groups are now the #1 terror threat in these united States. In doing this the FEDS are maintaining the illusion that White are not any better than racial or sexual minorities when the FEDS own documentation on crime screams to the contrary.

Dr. Own Strachan Dunking Tank Part II

A little good natured humor at Moanin’ Owen Strachan’s expense;

Owen Strachan’s favorite bible story as a little boy?
Joseph & the coat of many colors.
Owen Strachan’s favorite bible story as an “adult?”
Joseph and the coat of many colors.

What’s the difference between Robespierre denouncing Lafayette and Owen Strachan denouncing  Bret L. McAtee?

Oh, about 230 years.

Owen Strachan … inveighing against preferring all beef hotdogs since 1983.

Owen Strachan… Insisted, even as a child, that those who don’t like PB and J sandwiches preferring instead only Peanut Butter or Jelly are exhibiting their sinful fallenness.

“Not so sure about that ‘only one way to heaven’ stuff. There is a lot of partiality in that idea.”

Owen Strachan

“It is egregious sin to say it is normative to wear matching shoes every day.”

Owen Strachan

Marriage has found me sleeping with my wife only. Pray for me Dr. Moanin’ Owen Strachan that I might be released from this preference bondage so that I might sleep with other women.


Owen Strachan calls on all Christians to pray for Amanda Gentry who has been making meals for her own kids before making them for anyone else’s kids.

Amanda being convicted cries out… “Pray for me.”

Amanda Gentry also confesses

“Father forgive me.

I packed my husband lunch without even thinking about other husbands’ lunch, that’s the depths of my depravity.”

Amanda Gentry
“In the Confessional Booth w/ Father Owen Strachan”
New on Paramount Online Streaming

File Under: Can you find the contradiction? I bet you can.

“Kinism is the partial (thus sinful) preferring of your own people over others.”

Owen Strachan
Substack Article

“It is not wrong to enjoy your own heritage, culture, and background. Neither is it wrong to prefer your family’s or country’s customs, habits, and traditions, or even—to flip this around—to enjoy them and preserve them at some level.”

Owen Strachan

Same Substack Article a few paragraphs later

“Put positively, (Kinism teaches that) marrying inside your ethnicity is a moral duty or a moral good.”

Owen Strachan
Substack Article

Yes, and we also teach that God is Holy, men and women are distinct, and the sacraments can only be found in the Church.

So shoot us already.

“I mean that the entire (Wolfe) project, unlike the NT, has little to do with the biblical gospel that unites believers & forms the one true holy nation of God (1 Peter 2:9).”

Owen Strachan

This presupposes that the one true holy nation (Church) of God isn’t a nation comprised of many nations. Strachan presupposes that the Church is going to be a globalist NWO body. In Strachan’s vision the way the Church opposes Sauron is by going all Saruman.

The Bible teaches that the Church is going to be a confederated Nation of nations. I know this because the Bible unequivocally teaches that the nations as nations continue to exist in the new Jerusalem.

“The argument made by this group (Kinists) is that failing to build the nation along ethnic lines will lead to societal chaos and even destruction.”

Owen Strachan

Ummm… Owen… Babe… Dude …  have you looked out your window recently?

“(This system of thought [Kinism] strenuously opposes the Western liberal tradition and its attempt to create nations around core ideas, not family & heritage.)”

Owen Strachan

Clearly Owen has not read our founding Fathers. Again, the man is a giant idiot. The Founding of America with its Western liberal tradition was never about creating a propositional nation such as Owen Strychnine suggests here.

“Against what the world tells us today from polar-opposite ideologies, we are not divided by blood as believers.”

Owen Strachan

I suppose we likewise are not divided by genitalia as believers either Owen?

“He (Wolfe) makes gospel identity secondary and ethno-cultural identity primary. This is a reversal of the biblical framework, which recognizes our status as Jew or Gentile (covenantal categories first, ethnic categories second), but puts our shared identity in Christ at the foreground. We are “one new man” in Christ (Ephesians 2:15); we are not tribalists or ethno-preservationists.”

Owen “The Idiot” Strachan

Similarly, following “The Idiot’s” example we could write;

“We are one new man in Christ (Eph. 2:15); we are not men or women or gender-preservationists.”


On behalf of all Kinists everywhere I would like to offer gratitude with all sincerity to Owen Strachan, Doug Wilson, Toby Sumpter, Jon Harris, Stephen Wolfe and numerous others who have done Kinist the favor of either so hyper-ventilating about how dangerous we are or having written and spoken in such a way that you are accused of the Kinism that you yourself say you loathe that more and more people are becoming aware of who we are. You folks alone, have raised the Kinist brand and profile in ways that we could have only dreamt. So, from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you and we want you to know what a deep affection we have for you given all your kindness to us.

Love to all,

Pastor Bret