Ron Unz on Jewish Perfidy

“Back in those late Cold War days, the death toll of innocent civilians from the Bolshevik Revolution and the first two decades of the Soviet Regime were generally reckoned at running well into the tens of millions when we include the casualties of the Russian Civil War, the government-induced famines, the Gulag and the executions. I’ve heard that these numbers have been substantially revised downwards to perhaps as little as twenty million or so, but no matter. Although determined Soviet apologists may dispute such very large figures, they have always been part of the standard narrative history taught within the West.

Meanwhile, all historians know perfectly well that the Bolshevik leaders were overwhelming Jewish, with three of the five revolutionaries Lenin named as his plausible successors coming from that background. Although only 4% of Russia’s population was Jewish, a few years ago Vladimir Putin stated that Jews constituted perhaps 80-85% of the early Soviet government, and estimate fully consistent with the contemporaneous claims of Winston Churchill, Times of London correspondent Robert Wilton, and the officers of the American Military Intelligence. Recent books by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Yuri Slezkine, and others have all painted a very similar picture. And prior to WW II, Jews remained enormously over-represented in the Communist leadership, especially dominating the Gulag administration and the top ranks of the NKVD.

Both of these simple facts have been widely accepted in America throughout my entire lifetime. But combine them together with the relatively tiny size of worldwide Jewry, around 16 million prior to WW II, and the inescapable conclusion is that in per capita terms Jews were the greatest mass-murders of the 20th century, holding that unfortunate distinction by an enormous margin and with no other nationality coming even remotely close. And yet the astonishing alchemy of Hollywood, the greatest killers of the last one hundred years have somehow been transmuted into being seen as the greatest victims, a transformation so seemingly implausible that future generations will surely be left gasping in awe.”

Ron Unz
Understanding World War II — p. 203-204

Ron Unz is Jewish.

McAtee Interrogates Wilson Interview on Kinism

In a recent interview Rev. Doug Wilson blames the rise of evil Kinism on the progressive left. Doug reasons that “If the progressive left had not vilified White people for a generation white people would not have over-reacted by embracing Kinism (paraphrase).”

While Doug could be correct here Doug’s problem is Doug does not mention who comprises the progressive left. Who is it precisely who has comprised the progressive left to the end of vilifying white people?

 Doug won’t go here because the answer to that question is “the school of Cultural Marxism has been the animating force behind the progressive left,” that Dougie blames for the rise of evil evil Kinism. Now we ask, “Why won’t Doug name Cultural Marxism as the animating force for the rise of the progressive left which has in turn been met with the rise (in Dougie’s world) of evil Kinism)?”

The answer to that question is that it points to the Jewish Intellectuals. The intellectual fire power behind Cultural Marxism has been Jewish intellects and then from there Jewish intellects co-opted the non-Caucasian races in Western lands to be the foot soldiers who did the long march through white western Christian institutions. Now, before Doug or any of his imps protest, I quite concede that there have been white people who jumped on the progressive left/Cultural Marxist Jewish bandwagon, however that does not in the least negate my observations above. Likewise I freely and gladly admit that there are sundry non-Caucasians who are in adamant opposition to the Jewish program of the progressive left/cultural Marxist agenda. We are talking here in terms of real generalities and not in terms of universals.

But Doug won’t name the Jewish intellectuals as the animating power behind the progressive left/cultural Marxism because, after all, all his Grandchildren have Jews for grandparents. What’s more Doug’s wife is 13% Jewish and Doug is himself 3% Jewish. As such Doug dare not name Jewish intellectuals as the problem. Instead evil white Kinism is a excessive response to the bland vanilla progressive left. Doug has no problem attacking white people as white people but you will never hear him speak of the problem of Jewish intellectuals.

In such a way Dougie can rail against evil Kinism while only hammering “the progressive left,” meanwhile leaving unnamed Jewish intellectuals who are seeking to tear down Western Christian Civilization. For Doug then the problem is;

A.) Evil Progressives
B.) Wicked over-reacting white Kinists
C.) But not a word touching Jewish intellectuals

Further Doug Wilson offers in this interview that Kinism is an over-reacting to white people being vilified. This over-reaction is seen in the Kinist statement, in the face of progressive accusations denouncing white people that, “that white people are the best thing that has ever happened because their white.”

I am a Kinist. I know lots of Kinists. I don’t know of any one Kinist who doesn’t understand and embrace that white people suffer from total depravity. This is the classic fallacy of red herring on Dougie’s part.

Then there is the issue that in this interview Rev. Wilson assumes throughout that only white people are Kinists. This is another bone-headed premise. I know plenty of non-Caucasian people who are Kinist.

It is clear here that Wilson really is out of his depths on this question.

Elsewhere Wilson says,

“Kinism teaches that if the progressive left, are going to accuse Kinists of being a thief then Kinists conclude, I might as well steal something.”

Doug Wilson

In reality what Kinism teaches, at least among white Kinists, is that we are no longer going to wallow in a false guilt and since we are not going to wallow in a false guilt we are going to praise our forefathers instead of being ashamed of them or apologizing for them. White Kinists teach that we are no longer going to put up with the slander and libel that comes from Alienists. White Kinists teach that there is nothing wrong with being grateful for our heritage recognizing that part of being grateful for our heritage is defending that heritage against the guilt mongers in our midst.

Doug Wilson teaches that Gospel prohibits both all racial malice and all racial vainglory.

Someone please get a memo to the Holy Spirit who said;

Titus 1:12As one of their own prophets has said, “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.” 13This testimony is true.

Now if this isn’t racial malice, inspired by the Holy Spirit, I don’t know what racial malice is.

And in terms of racial vainglory St. Paul can say of the Jews;

Israelites, to whom pertain the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the service of God, and the promises; of whom are the fathers and from whom, according to the flesh, Christ came, who is over all, the eternally blessed God. Amen.

Wilson, in the interview, by affirming a love for one’s grandmother, great-grandmother, etc. gives us a tribalism and goes on to say things that most Kinists would salute. But then he turns around and seeks to push outside the camp those people who say the very same thing he says in generically defining what is good about loving one’s own people. In doing so Doug sets himself up as the gatekeeper and throws everyone else under the bus. From there Wilson having fleshed out the generic statement of what he has given  contradicts much of his own general outline in other statements.

For example in the past Wilson has argued against a Kinist like policy of protectionism that would favor nearby producers (Kin) versus producers in Peking. Per Wilson, in a particularly cringe moment, Free Grace leads to Free Markets which leads to free trade. Wilson has argued for a immigration policy that finds the US seeking to assimilate those who are not assimilable.

So, per Doug’s usual modus operandi, Doug speaks out of both sides (maybe even several sides) of his mouth. Doug says general principles that kinists would salute. That is good. However when talking about details Doug often advances Alienists (opposite of Kinist) arguments. That is bad.

Doug Wilson & His Negative Obsession with Kinists

Recently, Rev. Doug “nobody is to my right” Wilson did a interview where he spends time denouncing Kinims for its putative racial malice and racial vainglory. You can find it here;

Start at 31 minutes.

In typical Wilson fashion, Wilson speaks out of both sides of his mouth on this issue. It is as if Wilson wants to be a half a Kinist, while getting to decide where the half is the he occupies at any given time while condemning those who don’t occupy his half.

The problem is that throughout Church history the fathers have said things that by Wilson’s definition, Wilson would have to consider as “racial vainglory,” and/or “racial malice.”

Today we give just one example. We will hope to give more as time passes.

Here we quote from the Early Church Father John Chrysostom to demonstrate that Wilson, were he consistent, (and he seldom is … just consider how he tap danced all over the place on the FV issue) would have to accuse Chrysostom of “racial malice,” and “racial vainglory.”

“Remember the eunuch of the queen of Ethiopia. Being a man of
a barbarous nation, occupied with numerous cares, and surrounded on all sides by manifold business, he was unable to understand that which he read.”

Four discourses Of Chrysostom
Chiefly on the parable of Lazarus And The Rich Man – p. 66

In Doug Wilson’s world Chrysostom has to be condemned as a Kinist practicing racial malice and racial vainglory since Chrysostom dared to say that the Ethiopian eunuch came from a “barbarous nation.” I mean, really, the malice expressed in that sentiment is off the charts. Also, one would have to be vainglorious here since barbarous is being defined by the standard of Nations that are not barbarous, no doubt one of which Chrysostom belonged.

Wilson’s problem in this whole Kinist thing is akin to the chap who concludes that all Christians are wicked because his first exposure to Christianity was witnessing Christians burning witches. Similarly, Wilson’s first exposure to Kinism was a Kinism that many times was unhinged and Wilson then concluded that all Kinism is like the unhinged Kinism he encountered 20 years ago. The man does not have enough discernment to realize that his generic statements about Kinism are not universally held by all Kinists just as all Christians don’t unjustly burn women who really are not witches.

Really, the fact of the matter boils down to just this. If you don’t agree with Doug Wilson precisely on the issue of race he is going to try to read you out of being Christian.

I don’t think he is going to succeed.


McAtee Interacts with Old Toby & His “Having No Legs” Blog — Part II

“… What it sounds like you’re saying is that since the color of your skin is from God, you must preserve it. But would you say the same about the color of your hair? The shape of your nose or ears? The color of your eyes? And I suppose the come-back would be, well, what if they were trying to exterminate your color of eyes or color of hair? But that’s where I refer you back to my previous point: despite some generalizations along those lines, it turns out that isn’t really what they are trying to exterminate. What they are really trying to exterminate is Christianity, and in America, a whole bunch of Christians have had lighter color skin. But there’s nothing inherently white about Christianity, as is likely to continue becoming obvious in the coming decades.”

Old Toby Sumpter
Having No Legs Blog

1.) This repeats the Gnostic error that race is only about the melanin level that a person has, as if race isn’t about every aspect of a person. It is a ignorant statement.

2.) Yes, we get that ultimately the Cultural Marxist crowd are not going after whites but rather are trying to roll Jesus Christ off his throne. Still, Old Tobe we have to ask, “why would they go after white people as proxies for going after Jesus Christ and His dominion?” And the answer to that is that the Cultural Marxist crowd understands something that you are absolutely clueless about (and it is cluelessness that finds you fighting on their side for all practical purposes) and that something is the fact that white people have been, by God’s providence and grace alone, the civilizational carriers of Christianity. Get rid of white people and the goal of rolling Jesus Christ off the throne is now merely a mopping up exercise.

So, to be sure, there is “inherently white about Christianity,” but there is something providentially white about Christianity and the Cultural Marxist gets that while you are busy making “No Duh”  arguments.

3.) The way you are arguing reminds me of a hypothetical situation in the frontier West. The Indians are galloping around a fort that is about to fall. However, in that band of Indians there are also a couple of white Braves who were captured in their youth and are now part of the Indian tribe about to scalp and rape the inhabitants of the Fort. People in the fort are lamenting and crying about the fact that the Indians are about to savage them. But not to fear… Captain Old Tobe is going around correcting those on the cusp of dying, “Hey, you shouldn’t be talking about those Indians out there because I saw a few white Braves out there also.”

Old Tobe Sumpter writes,

“But I’m also grateful for King Alfred and John Knox and George Washington. But the amount of pigment in their skin, the color of our hair, and shape of our noses had nothing to do with that heritage.”

Bret responds,

More Gnosticism. More reducing whom God has made us racially/ethnically to being about merely physical features as if race/ethnicity is dis-connected with the reality of who we are. Understand that Old Tobe here is arguing that genetics has nothing to do with our heritage. Understand also that the genetics that all of us have, regardless of our race/ethnicity is about God’s favor and providence. And while genetics can never save us, it doesn’t therefore mean that genetics have nothing to do with our heritage. If Old Tobe denies this he is denying that whole idea of “Christian families,” and covenant theology. Grace does tend to run in familiar lines and while that grace is not connected to regeneration it is connected to being baptized into the family of God.

McAtee Interacts with Old Toby & His “Having No Legs” Blog — Part I

What they (CRT) are really trying to exterminate is Christianity, and in America, a whole bunch of Christians have had lighter color skin. But there’s nothing inherently white about Christianity, as is likely to continue becoming obvious in the coming decades.

Rev. Old Toby Sumpter
Having No Legs BlogBret responds,

While it is true that there is nothing inherently white about Christianity to say what Old Toby says above is to reveal a tone-deafness on how God, by His grace and providence alone, has chosen to use White people to be the civilizational carrier of Christianity, generally speaking.

Old Toby writes,

“One friend replied in defense of Torba arguing that no one is arguing that ethnicities are totally fixed or hermetically sealed. But as I said in my reply, a whole bunch of his followers aren’t getting the memo.”

Old Toby Sumpter

Having No Legs Blog

Bret responds,

Implicitly this is the charge that many of the followers of Torba and Christian Nationalism are Nazis. Old Toby is saying here that many followers of Torba are hankering for the rise of the super Aryan race again.

And while there may be a miniscule number out there like that I call piffle on Old Toby’s putative point. Old Toby needs this point in order to justify his rabid opposition to Christian Nationalism and the necessity of preserving our ethnic boundaries and so Old Toby makes a mural out of this accusation that many of Torba’s followers secret Himmler fans.

Here’s a memo for Old Toby and his CREC comrades. How about finding some hard evidence that Torba’s fan base are strewn with Nazis before you begin insinuating that is the case?

“And my basic objection is that to allow “whiteness” and “Christian West” to be reduced to the same thing is to allow the categories of critical race theory to win.”

Old Toby Sumpter

Having No Legs Blog

Bret responds,

More utter tripe from Old Toby.

Do we need to remind Old Toby again that things can be generally true without being universally true? Do we have to, every time we talk about something say, “this is generally true” so that people like Old Toby won’t hear as saying “this is universally true.”

It is simply the case that it is generally true, exceptions notwithstanding (are you satisfied Tobe) that “whiteness” and the “Christian West” can be reduced to the same thing. Furthermore, acknowledging that reality does not, despite your lamebrained accusation, mean that the categories of Critical Race theory have won. It merely means that the categories of the white Christian West have won.

I’m telling you folks, the clergy corps of the CREC is not our friend in the battle royale to save the West and to save the people who made the West the West. With chaps like Wilson, Foster, Brito, Sumpter, and Hemmke it is clear that the CREC clergy is on the side of the devil in all this. They should be manfully resisted.

Old Toby writes,

“For example, Larry Elder is the new black face of “white supremacy,” according to the LA Times, and Rep. Ayanna Pressley isn’t interested in any “brown faces” that don’t want to be “brown voices.” Related would be the Supreme Court decision striking down at least some Affirmative Action legislation this last summer, and the full court conservative press against DEI policies in corporate America.”

Old Toby Sumpter

Having No Legs Blog

Bret responds,

So, when we look at the demographic voting patterns for Democratic candidates we see that the black vote is somewhere in the 90 plus percentile. So obviously there is a small minority of blacks, like Larry Elder, Clarence Thomas, Candace Owen, @Keon Garraway, etc. of whom we can say, “see it is not universally the case that whites are alone in this struggle against Cultural Marxism in the West.” So raise a Bronx cheer for Old Toby who has gone all Captain Obvious on us here. But again, none of these example disprove what is generally true and that is as it pertains to the West Christianity and white people while not exact synonyms are more involved than even kissing cousins.

And Old Tobey and the CREC knows this.

Old Tobey writes,

I would also like to point out that a majority of our anti-white elites are, well, whiter than leprous wonder bread. For all of their talk of deferring and empowering and uplifting “people of color”, the leprous whites are still in office, still in power. It’s more complicated than just skin color and ethnicity, and it’s foolish to merely accept some of their superficial claims.

Bret responds,

1.) Since this country is still somewhere around 67% white this observation is not shocking.

2.) Still, it would interesting to look at all these whites Old Tobe is telling us are “whiter than wonder bread” and ask, “how many of these wonder bread whites belong to the 2% of our population who like to pass off as wonder bread white people? I bet that number would shock old Toby.

3.) Still, I’m glad to agree that we have many Judas-goats among us. More than a few of them are in the CREC arguing the way Old Toby is arguing here.