Update From Zimbabwe

A few of you have sent checks for a family in Zimbabwe. For those new to this the husband in this family holds a significant position in the Church in Zimbabwe. I attended Seminary with this man and his wife. We have stayed in contact over the years. About 17 years ago I spent some time in Zimbabwe learning about the Church there and doing just a little ministry while there.

As you will see from this letter your financial help contributed to literally keeping starvation at bay for this family. In the name of our mutual Lord Jesus Christ I thank you for your financial help.

If anybody desire to continue to contribute to this relief you can send checks to,

Charlotte Christian Reformed Church
421 State Street
Charlotte Michigan, 48813

Make sure and designate your checks “Zimbabwe.”

Dear Rev. McAtee

Special thanksgiving greetings from Zimbabwe.This note comes to you as a confirmation of our receipt of the special relief amount of $xxxx.xx.Indeed it was a true relief.You should have seen the joy on every face in the family at the breaking of the news.

May you please accept our deepest appreciation to the members of the church and also to your family in particular. May the Church’s efforts to share the love of Christ be greatly rewarded.

We received the funds with no problems at all.Personal funds are not generally scrutinized as would those for Non Governmental Organizations or such as may be deemed political in nature.As regards church funds for relief it is okay and Western Union has several outlets in the country.However I do understand and appreciate the church’s concern on the wisdom of transmitting funds to Zimbabwe and that must be respected.My advise would be that you continue to use your discretion every time you do it.As of now it is still safe.Our greatest challenge is on the economy.There is literary nothing in our grocery and clothing shops.So we do our shopping outside Zimbabwe such as Zambia, South Africa,Malawi, Botswana etc.A large chunk of the money is going towards food.We literally had nothing and have struggled the whole of this year.Then we will also commit some to family clothing as well. #1 daughter was supposed to go into 2nd year of college and she is doing Bachelor of Fine Art Honours Degree while Daughter #2 would have been freshman but to this day the universities have not opened yet.Only those in primary and Secondary school managed to attend some classes but mostly with no teachers Daughter # 3 girl wrote her levels this year and Daughter #4 wrote her Grade7 exams. But the prospects of the future look very dark.Thanks once again for raising our hope and faith in times like these.God bless you

your loving friends

Zimbabwe Family

Blessed In The Sight Of The Lord Is The Death Of His Saints — Funeral Bernice Schwaab

Call To Attention for the Funeral in memory of Bernice Schwaab and for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

25Jesus said…”I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, 26and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die.” John 11


Exalted and Condescending God of all comfort, we thank you, that for the sake of your and our beloved Jesus Christ, you come near to us in our time of grief. We confess that thou art the author of life and death and life beyond death. We are humbled that as Sovereign of all the universe you are still intimately concerned with the sorrow of thy people who you have put in Christ. We thank thee that thou hast not abandoned us to grieve as those without hope. We thank thee that in Jesus you have provided a Redeemer not only from our sins but also from our corruption. In this hour of bereavement cause us to be satisfied with your present comfort and sustain us by the Spirit of Christ. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray … AMEN.

* Scripture Reading

4″O LORD, make me know my end
and what is the measure of my days;
let me know how fleeting I am!
5Behold, you have made my days a few handbreadths,
and my lifetime is as nothing before you.
Surely all mankind stands as a mere breath!

15As for man, his days are like grass;
he flourishes like a flower of the field;
16for the wind passes over it, and it is gone,
and its place knows it no more.
17But the steadfast love of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him, and his righteousness to children’s children,
18to those who keep his covenant
and remember to do his commandments.
19The LORD has established his throne in the heavens,
and his kingdom rules over all.

3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. 5For as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too. 6 If we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation; and if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which you experience when you patiently endure the same sufferings that we suffer. 7Our hope for you is unshaken, for we know that as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in our comfort. (II Corinthians 1)

1God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble.
2Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way,
though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,
3though its waters roar and foam,
though the mountains tremble at its swelling. (Psalm 46)



The word ‘eulogy’ literally means ‘good saying.’ Its practice in funerals is the desire to accentuate the blessing that the departed was to those in this life because of their character. We speak eulogies not with the purpose of turning the deceased into an Angel but rather to recognize that as all men bear the image of God so there is in the character of all men that which can be esteemed and well spoken of. In speaking the eulogy we are extolling the one we love who has gone to sleep but more importantly we are praising the one who gave life, breath and character to all that have come from His Creative hand.

When we think of Bernice we are mindful of a woman who was far more typical of another era then women of our era. Bernice’s life was largely characterized by what we might style as a homespun life.
Over the years during our conversations I learned that if something could be grown or slaughtered Bernice could and did can it. I learned about things I was genuinely interested in. Bernice explained how to can pork or beef and in the explanation she would regale me about the many hours she had spent in such projects. I learned that vegetables and fruits and meats could be canned that I never knew existed. I also learned of a woman who deeply cared for her family for whom she was exerted all this labor.

And of course before the produce could be canned it first had to be grown and Bernice and I had many conversations about the best wisdom for growing this or that vegetable. I learned she loved the simple things in life that one can get from a garden like a good tomato sandwich, a ear of corn and a portabella mushroom. The homespun life is the good life.

The homespun life of Bernice extended to her abilities in the home. Bernice was famous for her ability to knit and crochet and the general ability to create joy and warmth for people from one or two needles and some thread or yarn. Bernice knitted mountain of mittens and scarves and contributed them to organizations that would distribute them to those who were in need. It is difficult to believe that there were enough babies in the world for all the baby blankets Bernice crocheted in her life. She took this talent and ability and showered it upon her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

The homespun life of Bernice was simple and thus she liked the simple things, whether it was a moonflower or apple blossom-growing outsider her windows or whether it was a meal of macaroni, and tomato soup with just a touch of bacon grease. There is much to be praised in taking enjoyment in the simple things and living a simple homespun life.

The homespun life includes love of family and Bernice loved her family – not only her family that was living but also her family that had passed. I learned a great deal about Bernice’s teacher organist playing mother and her hard-working father. I learned a great deal of her husband. Indeed, I would say when we weren’t talking about gardening or canning we were talking about her family. She mentioned how faithful they were in visiting her. I must admit that her family is so large it took quite some time in our conversations before I could even begin to keep the many family member names straight in my head –but she had you all straight and she loved all of you as only a mother, grandmother, sister, or Aunt could love her family.

Like all of us here Bernice wasn’t perfect. Her fierce independence, occasional stubbornness and the ability to give someone a good piece of her mind when necessary were also a part of the portrait that God painted in the life of Bernice. In an age where we are suffocating from syrupy sentimental niceness I tend to think to highly of these kinds of character agitations.

There was something else that was a constant hum that provided the background ambiance for Bernice’s life and that was the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Like many from her generation her faith was a simple faith that wasn’t worn on her sleeve but that simple faith gave ballast and gravitas to all that she did. Bernice believed the simple basics of the Bible and having been called by Christ she died in the faith.

If we said nothing else in this eulogy then saying, “she died in the faith” we would be saying enough.



It is my earnest prayer that you will pause to listen to the next 10 minutes for it is entirely possible that you will hear something more important in the next 10 minutes then you will hear in the next 10 years.

Bernice was what Scripture calls a ‘Covenant child.’ In the Church that means a great deal, not least of which is the God of the Bible claimed Bernice as His own in Baptism.

And even though God’s people might neglect God’s covenant claim upon them by absenting themselves from the proclamation of the Word and from feasting upon Christ in the Sacrament that doesn’t negate God’s ownership claim upon his people who he has marked as His own in Baptism or by His general ownership claim upon all mankind.

In the few minutes that we have what shall we say of this God of the Bible that has a special claim upon those brought to the Baptismal font but also lays a general claim upon all who live and breathe?

First Scripture records that God is big and man is small. Of course our tendency is to turn around this truth so that man is big and God is small. Still, the Bible teaches that God sits upon the rim of the earth and that its inhabitants are as Grasshoppers.

Scripture further teaches us that this Great Big Transcendent God is so Pure, Holy, and Just that any creature that has any sliver of evil about them cannot be allowed into His presence, for to keep time with such sinfulness would call into question God’s Holy character.

Obviously what we have said already is not good news for people like you and I have more then just a sliver of evil to contend with. Indeed the Bible teaches that we were born with a human nature that is evil. We were born not able to commune with God due to God’s awesome purity and our ugly sinfulness. Indeed Scripture teaches that we increase our debt to God every day.

So, how does God resolve this dilemma?

On the one hand we have God who has a claim on us that if we fail to take seriously will result in eternal separation from the good life that only He can give – the good life that any sane person would desire.

While on the other hand, because of our moral impurity, it is impossible for God to even hear any of our appeals for help.

The answer that the Church offers to this dilemma, in submission to God’s revelation in Scripture, is the person and work of Jesus Christ.
God, with regard to His mercy and the need of fallen men, out of love, sent forth Christ to be the means by which His Just anger against our moral impurity would be extinguished through the punishment of His Son on the Cross. In Christ He who knew no sin became sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ.

During the Christmas season that is upcoming we celebrate this coming of Christ to save His people from their sins. During the Easter season we celebrate that Christ triumphed over the death that we deserved insuring that we likewise triumph with Him.

You see my friends Scripture teaches that the soul that sins shall surely die. Every sin must be visited with its proper penalty or God stands being accused of being unjust. Scripture further teaches that in what happened in the death of Christ on the Cross, God out of regard for His own merciful character, decided that He would lay the penalty of the sin of His people, people like you and I, upon the God-Man Jesus. On the Cross-Jesus takes the sin of His people and in Spirit given repentance He covers us with His obedience – an obedience that makes us a delight to the Father.

The result of this work of the Cross where God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself is that people like you and I can know what it means to live the good life in fellowship with the God who created us. The rejection of this God who sacrifices Himself to restore us to our full humanity results in an increasingly inhumane life that is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.

And then God having taken us out of our contrived, cruel, and pretend reality puts us into His real reality. In this new creation Kingdom we are made joint heirs with Christ and are adopted into a close knit family that gathers Sunday after Sunday where God reminds us that despite our ongoing sin we really are forgiven and to be fed and nourished with the King’s Word and the King’s Food & Drink. We call this Church and our absenting ourselves from gathering to hear God’s gracious Word week in and week out is to the peril of our souls.

This is the God who laid claim on Bernice in Baptism. And this is the God who even now offers Himself to those who recognize themselves to be living on the wrong end of a life that is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.

Lord’s Prayer

Our Father Who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil
For thine are the Kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. AMEN

Prayer For Family

Benediction / Dismissal – Numbers 6:24-26

News From Zimbabwe


While I was in Seminary I developed a solid and close friendship with a family from Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia). Amos and I took classes together, studied together, and were next door neighbors in our living arrangements for a couple years. Our first born children (both girls) were born within 6 months of each other. Once I took my first ministry his family and my family shared a very large garden together on the land that the Manse sat on. We shared in the labors and we shared in the harvest. A few years later I visited Zimbabwe and did a wee bit of missionary work while staying in Harrare (formerly Salisbury). It was quite the eye opener to say the least.

Amos and I have continued to stay in touch through the years. We have continued to support the family and the Church work that they are involved in. We are a small Church and so our support is just a drop in the bucket in comparison to the need.

As many of you might know Zimbabwe currently is in desperate throes as a Nation.

Below I have reproduced a recent letter from the family.

Dear Friends

We take this opportunity to update you of our situation here in Zimbabwe. We can not say much but enough to just say our situation here continues to deteriorate very rapidly. Actually we have moved from three meals a day to one. There is literally no food in our shops, no sugar, no mealie meal, no rice, no noodles, no meat, no milk, the list is endless. We were excited when we received news of your desire to assist our family financially. It is our hope that God will enable you by his grace to do so. We explored several ways of sending money and the only way to do currently is through the Western Union, They are able to pass on the money without any difficult.

Our prayer is that is we would get some hard currency, ie. US$ or South African rands than we we can go to South Africa or Botswana to purchase food stocks for the family. Our thanksgiving and Christmas prospects look very gloomy but who knows what God can do in such a time as this?

Yesterday we had a very exciting Sunday service.It was a Bring A Friend Sunday.Quite a number of new faces visited our church and 3 of them gave their lives to the Lord. So despite of other hardships the Lord is at work.

God bless you,

Zimbabwe Family

If on the off chance you would like to support this family in their physical need and in their ministry you can make a check out to the Charlotte Christian Reformed Church. In the notation space in the left hand corner of the check designate it as Zimbabwe.

The Church’s mailing address is

Charlotte Christian Reformed Church
421 State Street
Charlotte, Michigan 48813

Dr. Tim Keller & Evangelism

Tim Keller is a big name in Pop Christianity. He Pastors a large Church in NYC. With popularity, comes influence. Keller recently wrote something on evangelism that I think merits a close look.

Tim Bayly brought this to my attention and he took his own shot at this but in reading his insights I decided to have a go at this myself.

Dr. Keller was asked,

“Religion-less Spirituality” (How do you reach people who think church is the problem, not the answer?)

In the blockquotes below I will give part of Dr. Keller’s response. Keller’s full response can be accessed here,

Click to access Religionless%20Spirituality.pdf

I want to make it clear that some of what Keller says is thoughtful and commendable. However, some aspects of what Keller says is quite bad.

Second, we must demonstrate the difference between religion and the gospel in our deeds—how we embody the gospel in our community and service. Even more than Marx, Jesus condemned religion as a pretext for oppression: “If you only greet your brothers, what do ye more than others?” (Matt. 5:47). Lesslie Newbigin makes the bold case that Christianity is a better basis for true tolerance of opposing beliefs than any other religion or even secularism. Saved only by grace, Christians true to the gospel will not feel superior to those with whom they differ. This must be more than rhetoric. Only
when Christians non-condescendingly serve the poor, only when Christians are more firm yet open to their opponents will the world understand the difference between religion and the gospel.

First, Keller tries to make the case that religion is bad while the Gospel is good. This is an unfortunate distinction because religion is an inevitable category. Keller would have been better served by make the distinction between true religion and false religion. True religion is the outgrowth of the true gospel. False religion is the outgrowth of false religions. Keller’s emphasis on the Gospel is good, but to suggest that the true gospel doesn’t create true religion is misguided.

Second, Keller is correct in saying that “Christians true to the gospel will not feel superior to those with whom they differ.” However, that is not the same as saying that Christians will not believe that Christianity is superior to the faith systems of those with whom they differ. This is a necessary observation since we must steer away from the idea that all faiths are equally good. While Christians understand they are but sinners saved by grace, they also understand that unless those who are not Christians convert they will be eternally lost. Our whole desire to see people converted communicates the idea that Christians do believe that Christianity is superior to whatever faith system the unbeliever is involved in.

Therefore we must say that Newbigin’s observation is not completely correct. I think it would be better to say that Christianity is a better basis for true sympathy of opposing beliefs than any other religion. However, it is precisely because Christians are sympathetic to opposing beliefs, having lived under the oppression of false faith systems, that they are so intolerant of opposing faith systems. This opposition is not based on a sense of superiority, as if Christians believe they are made out of better dirt then non-Christians, but rather their intolerance is born of love for God and love for people caught in the slavery and bondage of false belief systems.

Finally, on this score Christians should serve the poor, as Keller suggests, but never at the expense of calling those who are poor, because of their wicked faith system to repentance. Impoverishment is not always the result of false faith system but there are many times that it is.

While Christians are not superior to other, Christianity is superior and being superior it should be intolerant of all faith systems that seek to overthrow Christianity.

We will be careful with the order in which we communicate the parts of the faith. Pushing moral behaviors before we lift up Christ is religion.

Keller needs to be asked here exactly what he means by this statement.

First, if he means that one can’t be saved by becoming moral he is exactly correct.

Second, when Keller speaks of the order in which we communicate the parts of the faith, it has been often understood that communicating the faith begins with the Character of God. The Gospel starts with the Character of God with the hopes that people will see their sin in light of God’s holiness so that they may repair to Christ. So, while we would never push moral behavior, in the sense that of telling people that if they become morally better God will accept them, we do realize that before we lift up Christ, we must articulate the character of God and this often leads to people seeing their moral turpitude.

Second, if people don’t see their sin — something connected with the realization in the awakened sinner of their moral failure — why would they be interested in the lifting up of Christ? Dr. Keller must answer the question as to why people would desire a lifted up Christ if they do not see themselves as sinners full of moral failures? Indeed, so clearly must this moral failure of sinners in light of God’s justice and holiness be communicated that we shut the door to the idea that the moral failure of our listeners can be eliminated in any way but the fleeing of sinners to a lifted up Christ.

Now, certainly we must lift up Christ as the answer to people’s awakened conscience, but it is difficult to see how consciences are awakened apart from people seeing their moral failures. Now, we can certainly speak in generics about how sin is offense and rebellion against God’s majesty, but when we start getting into the concrete it is not just generic sin that people are guilty of. People are guilty of violating God’s moral law, and part of Gospel preaching is concretely exposing sin.

So, I agree that moral failure rectified by moral improvement would be the improper order of communicating the faith, but I do not agree that the proclamation of the moral failure of the sinner, in light of the grandness of God, is something that is to be communicated after Christ is lifted up in our proclamation. Such an approach would be obtuse.

The church today is calling people to God with a tone of voice that seems to confirm their worst fears. Religion has always been outside-in-“if I behave out here in all these ways, then I will have God’s blessing and love inside.” But the gospel is inside-out-“if I know the blessing and grace of God inside, then I can behave out here in all these ways.”

I guess Keller and I are listening to different voices. I don’t hear the Church speaking with any tone that confirm people’s worst fears. The tone I hear the Church speaking with is a tone that communicates to aliens and strangers to the covenant is that all is well and there is no reason to fear God. I hear the Church using the tone of recruitment and not the tone of repentance.

Now, I agree with Keller that the Church would be in grave error if it was communicating to people that if they just clean themselves up God will accept them. But is that really what is happening?

I’m sorry I just can’t help but hear Keller saying that he doesn’t want to deal with the problem of people as sinners until they are Christians. Keller seems to be saying that once people become Christian then we can begin to deal with their sin nature and sin behavior. Does this make sense? Now certainly, once people flee to Christ we have need to continue to deal with the sin nature and sinful behavior, just as we have to deal with it in ourselves every day of our lives, but to suggest that moral behavior is something that is only dealt with after we lift up Christ is curious, to say the least. However, such an approach does have the distinct advantage of offering a Gospel that has no offense.

A woman who had been attending our church for several months came to see me. “Do you think abortion is wrong?” she asked. I said that I did. “I’m coming now to see that maybe there is something wrong with it,” she replied, “now that I have become a Christian here and have started studying the faith in the classes.” As we spoke, I discovered that she was an Ivy League graduate, a lawyer, a long-time Manhattan resident, and an active member of the ACLU. She volunteered that she had experienced three abortions. “I want you to know,” she said, “that if I had seen any literature or reference to the ‘pro-life’ movement, I would not have stayed through the first service. But I did stay, and I found faith in Christ. If abortion is wrong, you should certainly speak out against it, but I’m glad about the order in which you do it.”

First, note Keller’s use of euphemisms. The woman in this story, “experienced three abortions” as if she was the victim. Someone experiences ‘rape’ or experiences being beaten but one doesn’t normally experience abortion apart from self infliction.

Second, opposition to abortion as communicated by sitting out pro-life literature can hardly be thought to be an insistence that people have to become moral before God will accept them. In my estimation it sounds as if Keller is using conversion stories in order to defend his methodology. This is never a good idea for by such reasoning any methodology can be justified. This is the same type of reasoning that Charles Grandison Finney used to justify his methodology. It basically reduces down to, “people have gotten saved by how we do things therefore how we do thing must be correct.” Now, Keller’s reasoning is wrapped up in a much more urbane and sophisticated language but it is the same reasoning that Finney used to justify the anxious bench, that Moody used to singing sentimental altar call hymns, and that Graham used to dimming the lights right before the altar call. Keller is merely saying above … “My method works therefore my method is biblical.” Only time will tell if Keller’s methods are any more superior to Finney’s, Moody’s and Grahams.

This woman had had her faith incubated into birth our Sunday services. In worship, we center on the question “what is truth?” and the one who had the audacity to say, “I am the truth.” That is the big issue for postmodern people, and it’s hard to swallow. Nothing is more subversive and prophetic than to say Truth has become a real person! Jesus calls both younger brothers and elder brothers to come into the Father’s arms. He calls the church to grasp the gospel for ourselves and share it with those who are desperately seeking true spirituality. We, of all people, ought to understand and agree with fears about religion, for Jesus himself warned us to be wary of it, and not to mistake a call for moral virtue for the good news of God’s salvation provided in Christ.”

I would love to know how this woman’s faith was incubated apart from seeing her moral failure which raised against her the wrath of God and could only be quenched in the lifted up Christ. How was her faith incubated apart from a deep sense of her own unworthiness?

How can Truth be communicated apart from the notion that Jesus came to die for idolaters, blasphemers, sabbath breakers, parent haters, child killers, adulterers, thieves, liars, and the covetous? Did Keller’s woman flee to Christ on the basis that only in Christ could she find the truth that He alone could undertake the wrath of God that she deserved?

I think Keller’s approach leaves a great deal to be desired.

Quixote & The Gospel

“Apart from the power and promise of God, the preaching of such a religion as Christianity, to such a population as that of paganism, is the sheerest Quixotism. It crosses all the inclinations, and condemns all the pleasures of guilty man. The preaching of the Gospel finds its justification, its wisdom, and its triumph, only in the attitude and relation, which the infinite and almighty God sustains to it. It is His religion, and therefore it must ultimately become a universal religion.”

W.G.T. Shedd
19th Century Reformed Theologian
Sermons to the Spiritual Man, page 421

Large and influential segments of the Church no longer believe that Christianity is God’s religion. This can be seen in the reality that the much of the Church has abandoned the notion that the success of the Gospel is dependent upon the power and promise of God of which Shedd speaks. Instead what we find is that the success of the Gospel is dependent upon etymological legerdemain. What we are doing, with increasing rapidity, is maintaining the accidentals of the Christian language and faith while filling them with new meaning. It is as if we have emptied a bottle of wine and refilled it with vinegar all the while insisting that it is still a bottle of wine.

This can be most clearly seen recently in the Emergent Church movement, but before the Emergent Church the same thing was done with the whole Seeker Sensitive movement. This phenomenon is not unique to our times though. If one goes back to the rise of Unitarianism or Transcendentalism in this country one can find large sections of the Church retaining Christianity only by this etymological legerdemain. Similarly if one reads the Sermons or hymns of the Social Gospelers early in the 20th century or examines the same work of the Existentialists later in the same century one can find that while the language of the Gospel has been retained the meaning of the Gospel has been changed. It matters little whether we are talking about the Christianity of the Unitarian Chauncy or the Transcendentalist Parker or the Social Gospeler Gladden, or the Existentialist Niebuhr, or the Seeker Sensitive Hybels or the Emergent Rob Bell. The one thing they all have in common is this refusal to practice what Shedd calls Quixotism. All of them redefined the Gospel so as to mirror the zeitgeist in which they lived.

In considering history one finds only periodic conviction that the Gospel is supposed to be an adventure in Quixotism. Occasionally one will stumble across the Quixote’s. Occasionally one will find a Boniface with an axe in his hand or a Latimer with burning green wood at his feet or a Solzhenitsyn in a Gulag or a Machen on trial or a Lull preaching to hostile Muslims, but more often it seems what we get is ministers redefining the faith according to the prevailing zeitgeist.

Ministers today are more like Derrida then they are Cervantes. We ministers today have little intent to tilt at windmills by preaching a Gospel that “crosses all the inclinations and condemns all the pleasures of guilty man.” Instead we aim to deconstruct (my etymological legerdemain) the message so our listeners can go with the flow of the prevailing culture. After all we have market share to worry about, not to mention our 401k.

With the Church’s constant adaptation to the times it is easy to begin to wonder if there is any there, ‘there’ to the Christian faith. Does the Christian faith have a essence that is supposed to be handed down from generation to generation or are we to understand that it is just so much ideological morphism, dependent on whatever wind happens to be blowing in any given generation? May our Lord Jesus Christ raise again a generation of Quixote’s who rely on the power and promise of God.

Shoot, I’d be pleased with a few Sancho Panzas.