What Do They Teach Those Kids At School

From a book written for teachers of preschoolers,


This is paraphrased,

Daycare staff should re-write children’s books. The story of the three pigs and the big bad wolf is racist. The story implies that European brick houses are superior to third world straw and stick houses. The way to eliminate this racist narrative is to change the story so that we have a elephant instead of a big bad wolf. (Of course everyone knows how delicious pork is to an elephant — but never-mind [BLM].)Instead of a big bad wolf blowing down a house thus revealing the inferiority of third world dwellings, you could have an elephant spraying water. The straw and stick houses are thus seen as superior because the Elephant can’t spray his water high enough to reach those houses which are built on stilts. The European house is seen as inferior because it floods with the Elephants torrential water spray.

Educating Hart


What I call attention to though is the contradiction between these pastors’ call for limited government regarding the family and their frequent requests for the state to uphold and defend the true religion. To put this matter graphically, would Bret and Tim be so willing to see a Wiccan family conduct home schooling? Maybe they would given their opposition to big government.

But how big a government would you have if the Westminster Assembly was right about the powers of the civil magistrate and Hilary Clinton as the next president of the United States had the power and duty to call and preside over the PCA General Assembly or the CRC Synod? At this point I believe Bret and Tim might finally come around to a 2k outlook (mind you, I no longer speak of worldviews).

Sigh … Dr. Hart should quit calling me “Rabbi,” and start calling me “Catnip,” for that is what I am to him. Our Hillsdale Scholar just can’t resist me.

First, we should note again, for Dr. Hart, that every government is in the business of upholding and defending a religion that they count as the “true one.” As there is no government from nowhere (i.e. — no government that isn’t animated by some religion) all governments always uphold and defend the religion that birthed them. Our current State upholds and defends the true religion of religious secularism. One wonders if Dr. Hart will get as exercised over the reality of our current government upholding and defending a pagan religion as he is over the currently remote possibility that some future government might defend and uphold the one true religion?

Second, with Darryl’s complaint about my call for Government officials to “Kiss the Son lest they perish in the way, by upholding and defending the one true catholic faith, he shows that it is his desire that Government officials not “Kiss the Son thus revealing a real lack of concern over the reality that government officials who will not kiss the Son will perish in the way.” Now, for a man who is both a Doctor and a Christian that is not very compassionate on his part.

Third, whether or not I would approve of a Wicca family homeschooling would depend upon whether or not they taught the finer arts of live human sacrifice (complete with a lab demonstration) in their curriculum. If they stay away from human sacrifice I’m sure Wiccans, with their solid family structures, should be allowed to home-school.

Fourth, Dr. Darryl reveals his worldview by insisting that he no longer speaks in terms of worldviews.

Fifth, what difference would it make if Hillary called and Presided over a Reformed Church general Synod? Much, if not most, of the Reformed institutional Church, as seen by Rev. Stein and Dr. Hart are simpatico, to one degree or another, with Hillary Clinton. Still, to answer Dr. Hart query I would say that if a pagan calls a convocation with the intent to violate the true religion it would be the responsibility of the Church to resist.

Dr. Hart’s profound insights was then followed up by a equally profound comment by another shining example of Christian intellectual depth,

Jolene Z. Commented,

I am shocked at the depth of “rage” (his words) and the tone of language used by “Rabbi Bret.” One thing missed in all his raging about the Pagan State intruding into families and education: the whole system of required education, with goals of universal literacy, educated citizens and community, is all a matter of law. Why not come out with a call to repeal mandatory education laws?

The key verb operating in Bret’s screed: “control” – He’s not interested in liberty but in control. If you can wrap schooling and education under ministerial/ecclesiastic control, so much the better for control-oriented ministers.

Jolene, obviously has never read much of Iron Ink because I do call for the repeal of mandatory education laws.

And certainly this lady must be kidding about the government schools providing universal literacy, educated citizens, and community or even having goals to that end? What planet does this lady live on?

The fact that Miss Jolene probably wrote her comment while smoking peyote can be seen in her accusation that I’m all about control. “Psst … Jolene … I am the one who wants parents to have the opportunity, apart from statist management, to educate their children.” Further Jolene, honey, whenever children are educated they are under the control of some ministerial control even if that ministerial control is the ministerial control of the parents in the home.

Maybe it is good that Darryl, is calling me Rabbit Bret now because whenever I read his blog I sense that I’ve fallen down Alice’s “Rabbit Hole.

A Letter To The Editor From PCA Pastor Rev. Tom “Franken” Stein

What do we do with home-schoolers?


(1.)Some oversight seems reasonable compared to cost of lifetime dependency

(2.)Time to offend everyone. How can you write about education, and do otherwise?

(3.)The subject of the week is home-schooling. More and more people in Richmond are doing this — or claiming to do this. One result? Our graduation rate is improving, for when a student leaves the district for home-schooling, the departure does not count against the rate. Does this explain the whole increase? Maybe not. But it sure helps.

(4.) Let’s be real. Something is happening here, and one doubts it is a citywide divine revelation about the glories of home-schooling.

(5.)Are our local administrators quietly encouraging parents of troubled and troublesome kids to sign the form that promises home-schooling?

(6.) Are parents claiming to home-school, so they can dodge the law that now requires kids to be in school until they are 18?

(7.) I don’t know and I don’t know. But we do have a way of finding and using loopholes in laws, and this one is a mile wide.

(8.)Yet behind all that, is this: What do we do with home schools?

(9.)Leave them alone? Regulate them? Ban them?

(10.)I run in circles where home-schooling is often present, and sometimes popular. Home schools are like anything else: Some are good, and some are bad. Some parents are passionate, diligent and competent. Other parents are lukewarm, negligent and unqualified.

(11.)I admire those who do it well. My kids surpassed my home-schooling skills somewhere around first grade.

(12.)So I ask: is it in the interests of the state, to keep an eye on this? I say yes.

(13.) Let’s say the schools do happily say goodbye to frustrating and failing kids through this home-school loophole, and never see them again. Or let’s say exasperated parents do sign the form, then allow their children to enjoy a curriculum of potato chips and ESPN. What is the result? Uneducated, unskilled, unmotivated people who will barely survive in the work force and might eventually drop out altogether. Then, since we are so generous with our social programs, we will have another group of people who take far more than they give.

(14.)Is this what we want? I hope not. Some oversight and regulation seems reasonable. This might include submission of a curriculum, occasional visits and participation in the standardized tests. Yes, this addition to our bureaucracy will cost money, but how does that compare to what we pay for a lifetime of dependency?

(15.)As with many issues these days, we tend to run to the extremes.

(16.) One side might say, “Do not touch my home-schooling!” The other side might say, “Just outlaw it!”

(17.) But can we do better than that? Home-schooling is an excellent path for some. But it is not for everyone — especially those who merely sign a form to evade a law.

(18.)If we believe we need to help people who need help, we need to help them when they are kids, so we do not need to help them when they are adults.

(19.) Let’s not stick our heads in the sand about what is happening or what could happen. We can value freedom and urge responsibility.

(20.)Hello, legislators. Anybody … home?

Tom Stein is senior pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Richmond Indiana
Letter To The Editor

You need to understand that as I write this response I am working on all cylinders to keep the river of rage between the banks of coherency. As such, I’m just going to bullet point my response.

1a.) Children have oversight Dr. T. Franken Stein. That oversight is called parents. You might have bumped into these folks occasionally Tom. God has given them the responsibility of oversight of their children in the realm of the family.

1b.) This lifetime of dependency your concerned about resulting from neglected home schooled children … is that the kind of dependency that currently finds 1 in 7 public school educated Americans on food stamps Tom? Is it the kind of life time dependency that finds millions of government educated adults voting for a party that is committed to creating a dependency under-class? I want to tell you Tom that even if parents of home schooled children assiduously schemed to enstupidfy their children into a life time of dependency they could not, labor as they might, match the enstupidification process that the Government schools have made a science. In short Tom, even if the larger percentage of home schooled children became life time dependents upon the government that percentage could not match the life time of dependents that are created by government schools.

1c.) You speak of the necessity for being reasonable. By what standard are you measuring “reasonable,” Tom? If we are looking to God’s word for the definition of reasonable I see no justification for advocating for the increased oversight by the state over home educators. The Scriptures nowhere allows the State to intrude upon the family realm, where education lies, except in the necessity of interposition. Are you really arguing Tom that things are so bad that there is a need for the State to do interposition into the Family sphere on this issue?

2.) Tom, the chief person you’ve offended is Jesus Christ in heaven above. You have advocated the State to usurp the prerogatives that God has given to the parents in order that the State might play God to the family. Your advocacy for increased State control is an advocacy that leads to the deterioration of the family and the enhancement of the State. A State, I might remind you, which is hostile to Biblical Christianity.

3a.) Who cares if the government schools graduation rate is increasing or decreasing? The government schools produce illiterate mindless slaves. The government schools raise generations to be anti-Christ in their thinking. Who cares anything about what these people do except to care that government education is destroying the citizenry? In terms of the government schools, “let the dead bury the dead.”

3b.) Why should it bother you if home schoolers only “claim” to educate? Why should it bother you since the government schools likewise only claim to educate? What difference does it make if a child is not really educated at home or if they are not really educated at government school? Why do you assume that all because a child attends a government school they are really being educated?

4a.) Yes indeed something doubtless is happening here, and what is happening is that people are increasingly awakening to the fact that they can’t screw up their own children any worse than the government schools are screwing up their children. Good night, even the pagans are realizing that the government schools are making morons out of their children and you write to suggest the morons should have oversight?

5.) I pray to God that school administrators are encouraging parents to home educate their children. Dear Jesus, let that be true please.

6.) Why shouldn’t parents try to dodge stupid laws that require their children to be in government schools until they are 18? Who is the State that it should dictate to parents how long it takes in order for their children to be adequately educated?

7.) Any loophole that can be found in current laws regarding education of our children should be taken full advantage of. The State has no Biblically ordained role to dictate to the family what it does with their God given children.

Remember Tom, this is a pagan State and pagan government schools we are talking about here. These are schools that are thoroughly anti-Christ from top to bottom. Shouldn’t this reality make you want to cheer whenever loopholes are taken advantage of?

8.) You ask, “What do we do with Homeschools.”

First, I wonder who is the “we” to which you make reference in that question. Is the “we” that have to do something with home-schools the “we” of the Christian church, or is the “we” the “we” of a pagan anti-Christ culture? I suspect that the “we” is the latter “we.”

You do realize, of course, that your concern as a Pastor should not be with those anti-Christ pagans who want to regulate the education of home schoolers.

9.) I have an answer to your question though, and my answer is leave them alone. It is none of your damn business as a lackey for the State on how parents raise their children. Keep in mind Tom that children belong to the parents and not the State.

10.) I agree that not all home schools are equally adept at home schooling? So what? A bad Christian home school is better than a “good” pagan government school. You don’t seem to have any comprehension Tom on how bad the government schools are. The government schools are so bad that even if a child were to grow up ignorant in a home schooled setting that child would be better served than attending government schools. You don’t seem to realize Tom that government schools are the engine of socialism in this country. You don’t seem to realize that government schools are not interested in educating but in creating a slave class. You don’t seem to realize that putting hundreds and thousands of adolescents in one setting with minimal adult oversight creates a “Lord of the flies” sub youth culture. You don’t seem to realize that government schools are committed to turning children into moral zombies. You don’t seem to realize that given the emphasis of egalitarianism in the government schools that the result is an even low intelligence that is produced. You don’t seem to realize that the average home school scores on standardized college tests blow the average government school scores out of the water. You don’t seem to realize that the government schools, with their dismissal of the Lordship of Christ in education are raising a generation of anti-Christs. You don’t seem to realize Tom that by sending our children to government schools we are destroying the family. 8 hours of school combined with 8 hours of sleep doesn’t leave much time for family life.

What kind of a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ can you be if you are this totally unaware and stupid Tom?

11.) Given this letter I find this statement altogether believable. Still, if you are no smarter than a 6 year old, I might ask, “What in the world are you doing serving as a Pastor? If you are no more bright than your 6 year old, I advise you to turn your congregation over to your child when they turn 7.

12.) The interests of the State? What about the interests of the God you are supposed to be serving Tom? You say it is in the interests of the State to keep an eye on homeschooling. Who, might I ask, in your twisted world, is keeping an eye on the State who is keeping an eye on the homeschoolers? Given the magnificent ability of the State to screw up every thing it touches why would you want to charge the state with keeping an eye on Homeschoolers? This is like asking the Fox to keep an eye on the chicken coop.

Please tell me that you’ve never read a book on this subject Tom. Please tell me that you wrote out of complete and utter ignorance of this subject. Please tell me that you are unaware of the writings of Neil Postmen, or John Taylor Gatto, or Doug Wilson, or Peter Brimelow, or Samuel L Blumenfeld, or Thomas Sowell, or B. K. Eakman, or R. J. Rushdoony, or Gordon Clark, or Cornelius Van Til or Neal McCluskey, or Dorthy Sayers, or any number of other worthies who have written on the banality of our current government schools to whom you want to give oversight power. It boggles the mind that a Christian minister desires to give oversight of Christian children to people who are committed to training those children in the ways of a pagan christ-less covenant.

13.) This paragraph of yours and the question in it are laughable but if one must have an answer to your question concerning the result of a generation of home-schooled children growing up with a curriculum of potato chips and ESPN I would suggest the most likely result of a generation of home schooled children growing up on a curriculum of potato chips and ESPN is that we’ll have more people qualified to fill the pulpits of the PCA.

You’re wasting all the energy on the potential of home schooled children to become scofflaws while ignoring the actuality that millions and millions of those who were government schooled are scofflaws precisely because they were educated into their worthless societal contributions by the government schools they attended. Shouldn’t your effort, Tom, be more fruitful if you were to try and do something about the abysmal state of our government schools? Maybe you should advocate that home-schooler being given the responsibility to keep an eye on the government schools? Maybe home-schoolers should be empowered to regulate the government schools?

14.) You do realize that you are advocating here that those with a Christ hating worldview be in charge over those with a Christ loving worldview? You do realize that no curriculum that honors Christ will be accepted by those who hate Christ don’t you? Let’s say, I, as a home school parent, turn in a curriculum program that has as a class, “The failures of the American educational system,” do you think that such a worthy course would be approved by those you want to bring into the home to do oversight? Have you lost your mind man?

15.) Psst .. Tom … don’t tell anybody but you are the one advocating an extreme.

I would remind you Tom that even if those of us who desire to tell the State to butt out are extreme that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice!

16.) And one side might rightly say … The pagan State has not been given by God the commission to dictate to Christian parents how they raise and educate their children.

17.) I would contend that a law should be passed that makes it illegal for parents to send their children to government schools Tom. Yes … that is how bad it really is. I would also contend that parents be allowed to escape government schools by any loophole they can find.

18.) The most help you can be Tom is to understand how education is part of a Christian world and life view. You are advocating in your letter for something that is completely contrary to what you confess to believe is true. You are contradicting your confession of the Lordship of Jesus Christ by suggesting that the pagan State be in the position of Lord over children.

If we want to help children Tom we will pray God will destroy the government schools that are destroying our children. If we help them as children in this way our task will be less Herculean in helping them when they are adults. Your solution Rev. Stein in giving oversight abilities to the Pagan State serves as the final nails in the coffin of this culture.

19.) Your invoking of freedom and responsibility at the end of your letter is a joke given the reality that if we follow your advice it will lead to slavery and dependency on the State.

Become a Christian Tom and contend for the Crown Rights of King Jesus and not the Crown rights of the State.

Hello … Tom … Rev. Stein … are you listening.

Interested and outraged readers might want to continue exploring commentary on Tom’s idiocy by reading,

A Clueless Pastor Wants More State Control of Education

Render the Home-Schools unto Caesar? A Critique of Pastor Stein’s State-Worship

Education Analogy

If you want to flavor Kobe Beef Tenderloin you marinate it letting it soak up the flavor of the marinade in which you place it. Everybody knows this. What people seem to have trouble understanding is that when a child is put in government schools for 13 years you are marinating that child in a humanistic marinade and like your Kobe Beef Tenderloin marinated in an orange and onion marinade that child is going to graduate exuding the humanistic marination with which he or she was saturated.

It Was All Said Hundreds Of Years Ago — Dangers Of Government Schools

“To commit our children to the care of irreligious people is to commit lambs to the superintendency of wolves.”

Timothy Dwight
President of Yale University (1795-1817)
Grandson of Jonathan Edwards

“…where the Holy Scriptures do not rule, there I advise no one to send his son. Everyone not unceasingly busy with the Word of God must become corrupt; that is why t…he people who are in the universities and who are trained there are the kind of people they are. For this no one is to blame with the training of the youth. For the universities ought to turn out only men who are experts in the Holy Scriptures, who can become bishops and priests, leaders in the fight against heretics, the devil and all the world. But where do you find this true? I greatly fear that the universities are wide gates of hell, if they do not diligently teach the Holy Scriptures and impress them on the youth.”

— Martin Luther

“Keep your children as much as may be from ill company, especially of ungodly playfellows. It is one of the greatest dangers for the undoing of children in the world; especially when they are sent to common schools: for there is scarce any of those schools so good, but hath many rude and ungodly ill-taught children in it.”

~Richard Baxter (1615-1691)
Puritan Minister / Theologian
Author — “The Reformed Pastor”

“If I demanded you give up your television to an anonymous, itinerant repairman who needed work you’d think I was crazy; if I came with a policeman who forced you to pay that repairman even after he broke your set, you would be outraged. Why are you so docile when you give up your child to a government agent called a teacher?”

John Taylor Gatto
The Underground History Of American Education

“The statist school is a citizen-producing factory designed to manufacture people whose every loyalty is eroded. No family ties bind the well-taught statist school product…. Thus, all competing institutions… or loyalties of family, faith, and heritage are eliminated. The result is a mass man; such a man is easily a rebel, a malcontent, or a drone, but he is not capable of anything but a statist answer to problems, because for him no other agency has any stature or viability. He is a factory product with standardized reactions and responses.”

R. J. Rushdoony
American Reformed Theologian

“We who are engaged in the sacred cause of education are entitled to look upon all parents as having given hostages to our cause.” ~ Horace Mann

“The purpose of state schooling is not intellectual training but the conditioning of children ‘to Obedience, Subordination, and collective life.’” ~ John Taylor Gatto

“We must focus on creating citizens for the good of society. Public schools promote civic rather than individual pursuits. Each child belongs to the state.” ~ William H. Seawell, Professor of Education at the University of Virginia, 1981

“Plans are underway to replace family, community and church with propaganda, mass-media and education. People are only little lumps of dough”. ~ John Dewey

“We want one class of persons to have a liberal education and we want another class of persons, a very much larger class of necessity in every society, to forgo the privilege of a liberal education and fit themselves to perform specific difficult manual tasks.”

~ Woodrow Wilson at the address to the Federation of High School Teachers.

“”The aim of public education is not ‘to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence. … Nothing could be further from the truth. The aim … is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. That is its aim in the United States.'” -H.L. Mencken

“It is the teaching of the Bible and of sound Political ethics that the education of children belongs to the sphere of the family and is the duty of the parents. The theory that the children of the Commonwealth are the charge of the Commonwealth is a pagan one, derived from heathen Sparta and Plato’s heathen republic”

– Robert L. Dabney

Of course we must take slight issue with Dr. Dwight for it is literally impossible to commit the care of our children to irreligious people since all people are by definition hopelessly religious. So, whenever we commit the care of our children to strangers we are at the same time committing our children to the religious. Dr. Dwight’s point was the dangers of committing our children to those who embrace a pagan wolf religion. To commit our children to those who practice a pagan religion is to commit lambs to the superintendency of wolves. Yet, American Christian Parents do so every day — day after day, year after year — until their children, because their belief system has been shaped by the wolves, no longer belong to them and are strangers to God.