“Relax, ” said the night man,
“We are programmed to receive.
You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave! ”Eagles
Hotel California
Communist Manifesto
Plank #4 — Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
Let’s assume that you live in a State with a onerous tax burden. Further let’s assume that the legislators of the State that you live in don’t want to see you leave without paying your “fair” share of the said State’s tax burden? I mean, after all, you can’t escape any other debt just by moving across state lines. Why should you be able to escape what you owe to the state in terms of your share for the State debt simply by moving to another state?
States are in a desperate straight for for revenue and it just doesn’t make any sense for states to allow their producers and taxpayers to leave the state (California — a particularly troubled death spiral state — averages 200,000 citizen departures annually) with the consequence that only the takers remain? After all, where do citizens get off thinking that they have the liberty to protect their money by moving to States where the tax bite is less painful?
The idea to tax departing citizens is not new but is merely an application of the 4th plank of the Communist manifesto. Both Stalin and Hitler didn’t allow people to leave their friendly boundaries without first fleecing them of most of their money. I mean, it is reasonable that if the State has cared for you, educated you, and made you the person you are, that you owe them a significant amount of your property should they decide to allow you to leave their gentle ministrations, right? Is it really so onerous to pony up a exit fee for moving across State borders when one already has to pony up a exit fee to the state when one moves across the borders from life to death. I mean if we are going to pay estate and inheritance taxes what is the big deal about paying moving taxes?
Of course another way to make sure that States don’t lose valued cash cows is to go all East Germany and place a barbed wire fence around the borders. The only problem with that is if states like California placed a barbed wire fence around their borders to keep tax-payers in, how could illegal aliens ever creep in order to profit as recipients of tax payer largess? Don’t you just hate the conundrum that progressive State legislators have to resolve? I guess that is why they get paid the big money.
Keep in mind as we advance the idea that States need to implement a expatriate shake down er, I mean, tax, that states would merely be following the example of the FEDS who already practice such a shake down. Currently the FEDS seize the monies of emigrants through the means of capital gains tax that includes taxation on unrealized gains, across all their holdings marked to market as of the day of their departure. However, we mustn’t stop there. Currently expatriates are responsible for gift taxes on amounts above $12,000 a year given to anyone in the U.S., for the rest of their lives, even though they are no longer citizens themselves. SCOTUS has no problem with this.
Somewhere Marx is gloating.
Look, those few of us who are awake need to start admitting some hard truths to ourselves if we haven’t already.
1.) This is not your Founding Father’s America
2.) If we are not a Marxist nation we at least have a Marxist Government
3.) Protesting against this Marxist treatment will eventually find the protester receiving Marxist Gulag treatment
4.) Both Democrats and Republicans alike are all Jacobins. The difference is merely one of degree
5.) There is no sense in trying to wrap this social order in any kind of Christian garb. We are a anti-Christ State.
Of course, one could always just embrace R2K theology and just completely ignore this anti-Christ social order.
Hat Tip — Bill Frezza