7.) Embrace of all different peoples (illegal immigration) as under their umbrella thus reaching for the Unity of the Godhead since the FEDS are the expression of all peoples.
Category: Government
Readers Return Holiday Greetings to the FBI

have no one to blame but yourselves.”
“How happy are all those J6 citizens you entrapped this holiday season?”
“Hell’s going to be a lot hotter than that, when you finally arrive.”
Fly over America no longer trusts, likes, or wants the FEDS, in any of its incarnations, least of all a Federal Police unit that has no sanction for its continued existence in the US Constitution.
Christian Nationalism & The Use of Force
God’s law is to be applied and upheld in every sphere of man’s endeavor. It is not meant to convert but to control the lawless and when necessary remove them from society. The state wields the sword and enforces the law but it must do so in submission to Christ the King.
The failure of the church to operate as described above is testimony to effeminacy. It is anti Christ.”
To the contrary CN can and should use force upon people in order to be installed. People have to realize that the force that CN must and should us is not intended to convert people, but rather force is intended to make the lawless respect the King’s law. Whether they will convert or not is the work of the Holy Spirit in the context of the preaching of the Gospel. That people will be forced to obey is the work of the Christian magistrates sword.
They may secretly desire to disobey that which they are being forced to obey but they don’t and they don’t for the fear of force used against them if they do. That is a good thing.
The usage of force in the rise of CN is no different than the usage of force in a Christian family. 12 y/o Johnny may not like any number of the family rules but force will make sure that Johnny complies. Now, to be sure, the hope is that Johnny will one day enjoy and own the family rules but until that day arrives little Johnny is kept in line by the promises of consequences (force) if he does not comply.
“Christians” who bring up the canard about how the prospect of force in CN make CN a non-starter are not really complaining about the prospect of force. What they are complaining about are laws in God’s gracious Law-Word that they don’t want enforced. If they could force their law on the world (whatever that might be) they would be perfectly fine with force.
Think about it a second…. the Baptists are some of the Christians who are screaming the loudest about how the usage of force is not consistent with Christianity. These Baptists are therefore against CN. However, keep in mind that the pluralism that we have now that is kept as expressive of our social order by force is a pluralism that is an expression of Baptist theology. Pluralism is the child of Anabaptist thinking, so naturally many Baptists oppose a CN coupled with the usage of force because that would mean the end of their preferred social order (pluralism) which is maintained by force.
In the end, force is an inescapable concept when it comes to how social orders operation. That force will either be put into the service of God’s law or it will be put into the service of some other god’s law (like polytheistic pluralism).
Dr. Strange and the Multicult of Madness — Part II
We find a Mid-America sponsored podcast featuring Dr. Alan Strange inveighing against Dr. Stephen Wolfe’s vision of Christian Nationalism. This is the second podcast wherein Dr. Strange deals with this subject and so subsequently my second blog post interrogating Dr. Strange.
Dr. Alan Strange in his podcast against Christian Nationalism marches out the old canard that “Pentecost was the reversal of Babel,” when in point of fact Pentecost was the sanctification of Babel. If Pentecost had been the reversal of Babel then all the peoples from various nations would have heard the Gospel in Esperanto. Instead each peoples heard the Gospel in their own tongue, thus sanctioning nations and by extension Nationalism.
Wolfe, contra Strange does not negate the importance of the church’s proper jurisdictional role. Indeed, I have no doubt that Dr. Wolfe would agree that the Church needs to be about properly handling the keys of the Kingdom. Dr. Wolfe’s point remains though. If a social-order doesn’t embrace Christianity… if the Magistrates are not nursing fathers for the Church — then Christianity most certainly will not have the far reaching impact that it otherwise would and so indeed has not come to its fullest expression.
It is true that both Rushdoony and Bahnsen spoke against the use of force but we are living in quite different times from when RJR and Bahnsen lived. Maybe they would still insist that force is not an option. If they were still alive and did insist that, I would counter with the conviction that they were in error.
Obedience to tyrants is disobedience to God.