Obama’s NSA Speech … Welcome To The Burgeoning Police State

“It is therefore, because of ‘the deep deprivation’ of man’s nature due to original sin, most wholesome for magistrates and officers in church and commonwealth never to affect more liberty and authority than will do them good: for whatever transcendent power is given will certainly overrun those that give it and those that receive it. There is a strain in a man’s heart that will sometime or other run out to excess, unless, the Lord restrain it; but it is not good to venture it. It is necessary, therefore, that all power that is on earth be limited, church-power or other.”

John Cotton (1584-1652)
“Limitation on Government”
Quoted in “The Journal of Christian Reconstruction” Vol.III No.1

In light of Obama’s speech yesterday wherein he defended NSA mega spying and compared the NSA spying on Americans, per the collection of some 200 million text messages per day, to Paul Revere and the Sons of Liberty lads spying on British troop movements we need to remember the words of John Cotton. Obama, in essence, insisted that Americans should calm down over NSA spying since, after all, “NSA Agents Are ‘Our Neighbors and Friends’…” John Cotton on the other hand reminds us, in his own words, ‘that power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.’ Americans and Obama together need to keep in mind that once upon a time the men who comprised spy organizations like the NKVD, Gestapo, the Stasi, GRU and the Cheka were also just neighbors and friends to those that they spied upon. Police States are started by neighbors and friends spying on one another as sanctioned by despots, usurpers, and tyrannical heads of State.

The fourth amendment is supposed to mean something,

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Obama’s proposals continue to allow surveillance of Americans without requiring a Fourth Amendment determination of probable cause. As such, Obama continues to act in a high handed and unconstitutional manner. Obama promises he will implement safeguards against potential abuses but such promises are akin to Messr. Fox promising to implement safeguards to make sure the Hen-house will be safe. The Founders, in the 4th amendment, created the only safeguard we need. It would be nice if our current Tyrant in chief would be ruled by it.

With Obama’s Speech on the Police State you can write it down that we now live in a archipelago of oppression. The FEDS now effectively have a choke point on individual citizens whenever they desire to access it. What we are living through is a soft oppression whereby we are suffocated into silence by a Federal tyrannical apparatus that can turn on any citizen whenever it has need to do so.

According to former NSA official Bill Binney, who served 32 years as a spook,

“All of the information gained by the NSA through spying is then shared with federal, state and local agencies, and they are using that information to prosecute petty crimes such as drugs and taxes. The agencies are instructed to intentionally “launder” the information gained through spying, i.e. to pretend that they got the information in a more legitimate way … and to hide that from defense attorneys and judges.”

We should listen to John Cotton and rise up and constrain the transcendent Federal power for it certainly has overrun those who gave it, its power.

Calhoun & McAtee On Government

“For just in proportion as a people are ignorant, stupid, debased, corrupt, exposed to violence within and danger from without, the power necessary for government to possess, in order to preserve society against anarchy and destruction becomes greater and greater, and individual liberty less and less, until the lowest condition is reached, when absolute and despotic power becomes necessary on the part of government, and individual liberty extinct. So, on the contrary, just as a people rise in the scale of intelligence, virtue, and patriotism, and the more perfectly they become acquainted with the nature of government, the ends for which it was ordered, and how it ought to be administered, and the less the tendency to violence and disorder within, and danger from abroad, the power necessary for government becomes less and less, and individual liberty greater and greater. Instead, then, of all men having the same right to liberty and equality, as is claimed by those who hold that they are all born free and equal, liberty is the noble and highest reward bestowed on mental and moral development, combined with favorable circumstances. Instead, then, of liberty and equality being born with man; instead of all men and all classes and descriptions being equally entitled to them, they are prizes to be won, and are in their most perfect state, not only the highest reward that can be bestowed on our race, but the most difficult to be won—and when won, the most difficult to be preserved.”

John C. Calhoun

Apart from Christ people, at least on a civilizational wide scale, will be ignorant, stupid, debased, corrupt and exposed to violence. He could have lifted those descriptors right out of Ephesians 4,

17 So this I say, and affirm together with the Lord, that you walk no longer just as the Gentiles also walk, in the futility of their mind, 18 being darkened in their understanding, [m]excluded from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart; 19 and they, having become callous, have given themselves over to sensuality [n]for the practice of every kind of impurity with greediness.

Of course the simple idea contained in the Calhoun quote is that people can only have liberty to the extent that they are Biblical Christians. Apart from Biblical Christianity, where self-government, in keeping with God’s law word, is the foundational block for all other government (Civil, Church, Family, etc.), what must be introduced to keep a people in line is force. And all civil Government is, in a pagan context, is organized force.

There is no liberty for social orders where Christ is hated. In such social orders the organizing principle will always be slavery as a people enslaved to their own sin and to the devil will not be a people who can create cultural Institutions that are characterized by liberty. People who are in bondage to their sin create social orders where the theme is bondage and slavery.

This is true regardless of their political organization be it Libertarian, Democratic Socialist, Labor, Whig, Republican, or Democrat. People enslaved to sin can not create social orders that are characterized by Liberty.

Slightly disagreeing with Calhoun, I would say that Liberty is not only a prize to be won but a grace to be given. Sure enough that Liberty must be protected once obtained but I would insist that Liberty is a grace given because it always begins with men set free from the dominion of darkness.

Thus, in the end, this quote reminds us that political or economic liberty can never be obtained apart from a people who are spiritually free. We, as Americans, have lost our political and economic liberty and those will never be re-claimed until we rediscover the truths of God’s majesty and our sin and His provision of Christ to release us from our spiritual bondage. Only a people set free from themselves can build a civilization that is characterized by Governments with boundaries and social orders characterized by Liberty.

As long as we are given over to our sin we will have powerful enslaving Governments.

The Purposes Of Mass Immigration

The common view of immigration on the Left is that Mass immigration is a useful weapon on four fronts

1.) The war against the ideal of limited government

The influx of third world immigrants that are being advocated will result in the burgeoning power of the State as these new immigrants vote for candidates who will take from the stolen monies of citizens, that are nested in the Government coffers, and redistribute those monies to the new race pimps representing the immigrant constituency. The consequence of this, of course, is to expand government in its stealing from Paul to give to Peter routine.

2.) The greater jihad against the historic American nation itself

Bertolt Brecht in a similar context where people had risen up against their government poetically asked,

Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?

Clearly a state apparatus that fancies that the best arrangement for a State is a Centralized top down State replete with a planned economy is going to do all it can to create a citizenry that agrees with them and will support the State. Traditional Americans who know their history and are familiar with their birthright will be, at the very least, diluted by the immigration influx.

3.) Enriching the Super Wealthy by swamping the market with low wage slaves.

Immigration redistributes the wealth into the pockets of the super-wealthy as wages are suppressed while the super rich get richer. High stock prices, rising home values and surging corporate profits have buoyed the recovery-era incomes of the most affluent Americans, with the incomes of the rest still weighed down by high unemployment and stagnant wages for many blue- and white-collar workers due to the labor surplus created by untrammeled immigration.

4.) And the Ultimate goal … To destroy the Historically Orthodox Christian Faith

Most of the type of Biblical Christianity that informed America for the first 75 years or so has long gone into eclipse but remnants remain. With continued immigration Christianity will be redefined just as the rest of the nation is redefined. Biblical Christianity accounts for the belief in limited Government, the belief if just wages and just prices, and the belief system of traditional Americans. As such, this ultimate goal of destroying the Historically Orthodox Christian faith, if accomplished, assures that the lesser proximate goals are achieved.

False Flags & War


1.) Lincoln forcing the Fort Sumter crisis = War for Southern Independence

Book that explains that Lincoln desired the war and manipulated the Southerners into the conflict


2.) The sinking of the Maine — Spanish American War

Book that explains that the Spaniards did not blow up the Maine


3.) The sinking of the Lusitania — World War I

Book that explains that the Lusitania was purposefully set up to be sunk and that it was violating international agreements in terms of carrying ordinance for Britain’s war effort.


4.) Pearl Harbor — World War II

Book that explains that FDR knew that the Japanese were coming.


5.) Gulf of Tonkin — Vietnam

All of this to say that the Federal Government has a very long record of lying to the American populace in order to rally them into a war frenzy. Any catastrophic event that propels us to war should be examined with a extremely jaundiced eye.

Obama and the “Morning After Pill.”

“Exquisite little creature!” said the Director, looking after her. Then, turning to his students, “What I’m going to tell you now,” he said, “may sound incredible. But then, when you’re not accustomed to history, most facts about the past do sound incredible.”

He let out the amazing truth. For a very long period before the time of Our Ford, and even for some generations afterwards, erotic play between children had been regarded as abnormal (there was a roar of laughter); and not only abnormal, actually immoral (no!): and had therefore been rigorously suppressed.

A look of astonished incredulity appeared on the faces of his listeners. Poor little kids not allowed to amuse themselves? They could not believe it.

“Even adolescents,” the D.H.C. was saying, “even adolescents like yourselves …”

“Not possible!”

“Barring a little surreptitious auto-erotism and homosexuality–absolutely nothing.”


“In most cases, till they were over twenty years old.”

“Twenty years old?” echoed the students in a chorus of loud disbelief.

“Twenty,” the Director repeated. “I told you that you’d find it incredible.”

Aldous Huxley
Brave New World
Chapter 3

With Obama’s decision to allow the “morning after pill” to be available over the counter for all ages without question or Identification we find ourselves pushed one step closer to Huxley’s “Brave New World,” where sex is a indiscriminate past-time and casual recreation.


Random thoughts on the Obama administration allowing children to access the “morning after” pill.

1.) The State pushes indiscriminate sex because such sex destroys the ability of young people to properly bond and form familial loyalties. It is in the interest of the Totalitarian State to destroy all loyalties that might compete with loyalty to the State. By pushing casual sex the Progressive Marxists ensure that no interpersonal loyalties will be formed that will challenge their ability to rule.

2.) The end effect of encouraging meaningless sex is to destroys the whole idea of attached intimacy and dehumanizes the participants by reducing sex to a physical and animal act. The spiritual component of sex being destroyed, the destruction of man’s spirituality is significantly advanced. Man himself begins to think of himself only in terms of his physical lusts and desires. Men who have lost the sense of their spiritual significance are men who think of themselves as no more than cattle. Cattle are easily herded and controlled by the Elite Farmers.

3.) When sex becomes meaningless, and emotion drained out of the act by virtue of the impersonal nature and randomness of the sex act the sense of moral oughtness is seared so that the State can advance other immoralities that will go un-protested by those whose emotional life is barren. It does not take much to convince those, for whom unattached serial sex is morally inconsequential, that any number of other moral outrages as endorsed by the State are acceptable.

4.) The casualness of sex that is being pushed communicates the idea that everyone belongs to everyone. There is a strong strain of communalism in all this. But of course if everybody belongs to everybody then nobody belongs uniquely to anybody. The sense of belongingness is not accentuated but is diminished in the pursuit of sex as a meaningless function of reductionistic human physicality.

5.) Keep your eyes peeled for an increase of rape in our culture because of these kinds of actions. We are already seeing rape on the rise in our military,


If it really is the case that everybody belongs to everybody then it can hardly be considered a crime or even unusual if some begin to take that idea seriously.

6.) The advocacy of normalizing random, regular, and routine sex has the advantage of keeping the Goyim’s mind preoccupied with where he or she will find their next sex opportunity. Minds that are preoccupied with sex are minds that are not preoccupied with thought that is not approved by the State. Fixating the minds of the citizenry on sex is part of the bread and circuses routine that insure independent thought does not arise.

7.) Of course this is all about the Transvaluation of values. The time is coming when being monogamous or perhaps even heterosexual will be seen as pornographic and obscene. Taboos will be reversed so that a young lady who holds her virtue will be mocked and a man who respects women will be lampooned.

8.) A significant part of what makes for Christian categories of Male and Female gender roles is the idea that men are to respect women and women are to be protected by men. When sex is a random commodity men have no incentive to either respect or protect women. Protect them from what? Respect them for what reason? Indiscriminate sex thus goes a long way towards destroying gender roles thus again ensuring the destruction of Christian culture in favor of the unitary Marxist God State.

9.) All of this is suggestive of the anarcho-tyranny that Samuel Francis warned about years ago. In anarcho-tyranny states the FEDS encourage anarchy for libertine and criminal behavior while punishing the law abiding for non-criminal actions. As such we live under the rule of an anarcho-tyrannical Government that desires to, and in some cases has successfully criminalize(d) the ownership of guns, hemp, raw milk, and eggs, while at the same time encouraging and making provision for Mothers killing their babies by a pill and a glass of water.

Of course if your religion is R2K you can’t speak to this as a minister because these kinds of matters are not within the bailiwick of the ministers calling. Instead, you must tell your people that the Christian faith was never intended to transform or impact culture.