On Those Reputed To Be Jews

“The Six Million constitute a lay religion with its own dogma, commandments, decrees, prophets, high priests and Saints: Saint Anne (Frank), Saint Simon (Wiesenthal), Saint Elie (Wiesel). It has its holy places, its rituals and its pilgrimages. It has its temples and its relics (bars of soap, piles of shoes, etc.), its martyrs, heroes, miracles and miraculous survivors (millions of them), its golden legend and its righteous people. Auschwitz is its Golgotha, Hitler is its Satan. It dictates its law to the nations. Its heart beats in Jerusalem, at the Yad Veshem monument … Although it is largely an avatar of the Hebraic religion, the new religion is quite recent and has exhibited meteoric growth … Paradoxically, the only religion to prosper today is the “Holocaust” religion, ruling, so to speak, supreme and having those sceptics who are openly active cast out from the rest of mankind: it labels them “deniers,” whilst they call themselves “revisionists.”

Robert Faurisson

Former French Professor of Literature at Lyon University
Statement regarding the religious implications of the Holocaust narrativeNow, immediately there will be those who will scream that Faurisson was a holocaust denier. This in spite of the fact that the uber-Leftist Jewish Academic Noam Chomsky once wrote; “I see no anti-Semitic implications in denial of the existence of gas chambers, or even denial of the Holocaust…I see no hint of anti-Semitic implications in Faurisson’s work.” One should also note that if even Auschwitz in the early 90s had to revise their originally grossly inflated death count total down from four million. The Chicago Tribune reported in 1992;

“Jewish and Polish scholars of the Holocaust now agree that the Auschwitz death toll was less than half the four million cited here for four decades. The actual number was probably between 1.1 million and 1.5 million-and at least 90 percent of the victims were Jews.”

It would seem to be reasonable to believe, that in light of this gross overestimation (a gross overestimation that lasted for almost 50 years) of death totals in Auschwitz that it is likely the case that gross overestimations were made in the numbers reported from other camps. The idea that the numbers were routinely grossly inflated has been reported not only by Faurisson but also by others such as David Irving and Ernst Zundel.

I, myself, do not have a concrete opinion on the matter of total deaths suffered by those reputed to be Jewish though I can easily see how it serves as an advantage for those reputed to be Jewish to continue to cling to these numbers. While, I do not have an established opinion on the total death toll on those reputed to be Jewish I do find it curious that so much is made of this death toll in comparison to the horrendous death toll of other tribal communities that receive comparatively little attention. For example, there was a horrendous holocaust of Christian Ukranians by Jewish Bolsheviks under Stalin. Also, there was a horrendous holocaust of Christian Armenians by the  Dönme (Jewish) “Muslim” Turks (members of the Sabbatai Zevi cult). We should also mention that holocaust of over 1 million German “disarmed enemy forces” (nomenclature used to skirt the Geneva Convention treatment requirement for POWs) inflicted by the Allies upon surrendering German troops after WW II, the holocaust visited upon the Khmer people by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia in the late 1970s, and the holocausts of Mao visited upon the Chinese in both his “great leap forward,” and during the later “cultural revolution.” Indeed, the 20th century could be labeled as the “Holocaust century” — especially were we to add the holocaust of the unborn.

And yet I’d be willing to bet the farm that 9 out of 10 Americans have heard only of the Holocaust visited upon those reputed to be Jews. One is left asking… “Why is that?” A cynic might say that the answer presents itself when one notices what people group it is that has been the guiding light of the Western media / Hollywood since its inception. Those who own the news/entertainment report the news.

Those reputed to be Jews have gotten a good deal of mileage out of their unique ownership of the trademarked word “Holocaust.” They have been able to play the global victim due to their trademark ownership. This is an insurmountable advantage when living in a WOKE global philosophy that prioritizes the oppressed victim over and above the evil oppressor class. Those reputed to be Jews have, because of their holocausted status, have become the greatest victims of them all. In the game of Cultural Marxist poker, where he who is the greatest victim hold the greatest hand, the reputed Jews who were holocausted hold the royal flush against all competing victimhood hands. The reputed Jews who were holocausted are the trump that trumps all trump. Nobody can out victim them.

Their victimhood card was played again just a couple days ago when their Prime minister Netanyahu, invoking the holocaust, said;

“No Nation Came to the Aid of Jews During the Holocaust.”

I think all those boys who died on the beaches of Normandy might argue otherwise.

But, all argumentation is irrelevant. When you hold the royal flush of victimhood nothing else matters, and that was the card, Netanyahu played when he said that.

This returns us thus to the opening Farisson quote. The Holocaust has been turned into a religion. Some wags have taken to calling it “Holocaustianity.” Farisson fails to mention above that Holocaustianity also has its own unique Messiah and the Messiah of Holocaustianity are those who we routinely call “Jews.” They are their own saviors, and one of the means of saving themselves is this new religion wherein all have to bow before their very real tragic history, being required at the same time to ignore the very real tragic history of many other groups who have experienced attempted genocide. If other peoples are to be sympathized with then the sympathy with which those reputed to be Jews are sympathized with becomes diluted and reduced in its guilt invoking power.

Another advantage of Holocaustianity is that serves as a “get out of jail free” card. Any behavior by those reputed to be Jews can be overlooked because, “after all they are the greatest victims of all time.” Whether it is the Deir Yassin massacre, or the sinking of the USS Liberty, or the bombing of the King David Motel, or the ethnic cleansing of Christian Palestinians, it can all be washed away because “we were holocausted.”

Even if Faurisson was wrong about holocaust death totals, the point he makes about the creation of a new religion is spot on. That Faurisson is accurate on this point is seen by that Lawmakers in several U.S. states have recently pushed for laws defining antisemitism so as to censor wrong-speak. One sees the problem here when one considers that there has been no push for laws defining anti-Christian speech so as to censor wrong-speak against Christians. I would submit this is an example of holocaustianity at work. Especially, when living in a climate where antisemitism is defined as disagreeing with someone reputed to be Jewish.

These kinds of things need to be said with the coming of Trump. Trump has surrounded himself with Zionists (Hegseth, Stefanik, Huckabee to name just a few) and Trump has been labeled by Netanyahu as “the greatest friend Israel as ever had in the White House.” Radio Personality Mark Levin recently introduced Trump as “Our First Jewish President.”  In light of all this voices need to be raised warning, (paraphrasing Pat Buchanan here) about the continued increasing Israeli occupation of America.

I shouldn’t need the tag that finds me saying, “I am not pro-Arab or pro-Muslim.” I am not even “anti-those reputed to be Jews.” I am merely pro Christian and I don’t think that anybody but Christians should have special protection in a nation that was established on Christian principles and I am against politically correct poker.
































The Difference Between Christian Beliefs And Popular “Christian”, Non-Christian Beliefs

If you’re clergy and you agree that the Christian faith needs to work diligently at hearing the voices of minorities because white Christians have been tone deaf on the “racism” issue chances are that you are a Marxist and not a Christian.

If you’re clergy and you think that women in the Church need to be given leadership positions in order to be “fair” chances are you are a feminist and not a Christian.

If you’re clergy and you are actively seeking out ways to get more minorities to attend your Church for the sole reason that they are minorities odds are that you are a cultural Marxist and not Christian.

If you’re clergy and can’t see the serious problem with the way the corporate lugenpresse as well as Hollyweird films, as well as politicians are force feeding us egalitarianism with the way that miscegenation is forced down our throats odds are you believe in the “Tower of Babel” project of Gen. 11 and so not Christian.

If you’re clergy and you think that Uncle Adolph is the worst person who has ever lived but you are clueless about the crimes of Lenin, Stalin, and Mao that make Uncle Addie look like a piker as well as being ignorant of the  2000 year historical conflict between Bagels and Christians I’m leaning towards the fact that you are either a member of the Communist party or are a member of the Synagogue of Satan and so are not Christian.

If you’re clergy and you “know” all about the 6 gazillion Bagels who allegedly had their fat made into soap, or their skin made into lampshades, or their bone made into fine bone china but you know nothing of the mass slaughter by the American forces of over a million unarmed Germans after WW II ended or nothing about the forced return of tens of thousands of Russian soldiers who fought against Stalin in WW II to be murdered by Stalin, (as well as civilians who had not lived in Russia for generations) you may still indeed be Christian but you’re also just downright stupid and no more belong in a pulpit than a puppy belongs in the middle of a four lane highway during rush hour.

A Bird’s Eye View On The History Of The Post-War Consensus And Some Implications

As of late the idea of “the post-war consensus” has been getting a good deal of air time. This has been a handy phrase but it really failed what it was trying to describe. Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy makes it clear in his book “Out of Revolution” that we are now calling the “Post war consensus” should properly be termed as the “post Enlightenment consensus” or, the “post-French Revolution consensus.” All that we are fighting now in our labeling of the “Post war consensus” was present in and after the French Revolution. This is due to the fact that it’s all the same consensus and that consensus is based on the idea of Revolutionary thinking. It really has been the case that at least since the French Revolution the West has been Trotskyite, inasmuch as we have been living in perpetual Revolution. All of this is what Rosenstock-Huessy labels, “The Autobiography of Western Man.” What we have now with what we label the “Post-war consensus” is merely the Revolution inaugurated in France all growing up into adult maturity.

And the sad news here, is that unless this is reversed the French Revolution consensus will continue to expand its monstrous nature so that 50 years from now we will be calling it the “Post new century consensus,” or something like that. This consensus thing is never going to quit growing until the life is choked out of it.

And the only way that happens is by a return to Biblical Christianity. What we call “the Post War Consensus” might be more properly called “The Anti-Christ consensus.” The French Revolution was all about overthrowing God, King and Church — the Ancien Regime that was based on that. Remember the motto of the French Revolution was “We will not be satisfied until the last King is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.” Their rally cry was “No God … No King.” All that we see now is just the working out of that principle as subsequent to the latest great leap forward in this Revolution — what we call WW II.

The cure to all this is what Kinism is all about. People think Kinism is merely about marriage, adoption, and the proper order of natural love. Kinism is about that but it is about much more than that. Kinism is and always has been about overturning what we call the post-war consensus, and inasmuch as one can’t have consistent Kinism without theonomy so it is the case also that theonomy has always been primarily a counter-revolutionary movement against the post-war consensus and its greater Father, “the post French Revolution consensus.”

This is why the work done against Doug Wilson is so important. Wilson, White, Boot, Sandlin, etc. all would drag us back to continue to live under this Revolutionary autobiography of man. Oh, sure, they would sanctify it and make it “more tolerable” but at the end of the day these chaps want to smoke a peace pipe with the age of Revolution. The work being done by Kinists and others who have not yet the consistency of the Kinist movement is instrumental in overthrowing this 200 plus march of Trotskyite social order revolution. This is not primarily about marriage, nations, Natural law vs. God’s law, etc. This is about whether we will have civilization as defined theocentrically or whether we will have civilization as defined anthropocentrically. The question reduces down to whether we will be governed by our Christian confessions or will we be governed by the Humanist Manifestos.

There are good men out there right now who are being mowed down by other men that people want to think are good. Keep in mind that not all that glitters is gold. Many Christian men atop many Christian organization are pulling an Esau on us and are selling our birthrights as White Anglo Saxon Christians.

This is a time of dividing. As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Writings Of The Ghost Of Christmas Past

I have a wee bit of a diary I keep. These are some of my scribblings from Christmases past.

Whatever 2012 may bring we have a Messiah who was given to us as he was born of the Virgin Mary. We have been delivered from our sins by the Sin Bearer. Whatever may come we, of all people, have reason to be Merry.

Merry Christmas 2011. Christ is King.

My young adult Catechism / Worldview class gave me a wonderful Christmas gift. They have me a grey hooded sweatshirt that says on the front, “McAtee University,” with the two words separated by a University insignia.

So very cool!

On this Christmas, we have had once again the reminder of the comfort of Christ. Now let us be a warrior assembly and risk all for the Great King in light of that comfort.

He by whom all things were made was made one of all things. The Son of God by the Father without a mother became the Son of man by a mother without a father. The Word Who is God before all time became flesh at the appointed time. The maker of the sun was made under the sun. He Who fills the world lay in a manger, great in the form of God but tiny in the form of a servant; this was in such a way that neither was His greatness diminished by His tininess nor was His tininess overcome by His greatness.

(St. Augustine, Sermon 187)

There is the same hope this Christmas day, and the same reason to be encouraged as there was the day before the Birth of Christ. God has not forgotten His people and He still intends to “Holpen His People, Israel.” God still intends to pull down the wicked mighty and to raise up His people. We still live in a time of “Glad tidings and Great joy.”

Christmas 2013
God reigns… let the earth be silent.


It’s Eggnog and Booty
And time with my Cutie
This festive time of the year
What I am after
Is grandchildren laughter
And Steins full of dark beer

Christmas is the proclamation that the old gods have been shown the door.

“Maker of the sun, He is made under the sun. In the Father, He remains, from His mother He goes forth. Creator of heaven and earth, He was born on earth under heaven. Unspeakably wise, He is wisely speechless. Filling the world, He lies in a manger. Ruler of the stars, He nurses at His mother’s bosom. He is both great in the nature of God and small in the form of a servant.”

Augustine of Hippo
Merry Christmas — 2014


National Lampoon Christmas — 2015

And so wanes Christmas 2015
survived with amphetamines
And ample strong liquoring
to ward off the bickering
Sobering now with caffeine

Christmas @ 0300. 2015

May we, as a people, always have a reason to argue with each other (Covenanters vs. non-Covenanters) over whether we should celebrate Christmas. May there always be enough of us on each side of the question to make the discussion interesting. May our grandchildren not grow up wondering what it would mean to celebrate the birth of Christ.

Merry Christmas.

Christmas 2016

Merry Christmas to you Old Narnians out there. We remember the old ways before the Calomarines (Cultural Marxists) took over.

All will be set right.

Christmas 2017

Merry Christmas.

I always wonder what my Grand sires were thinking on Christmas day when they were my age … say 100 years ago?

And I wonder what my great Grandchildren will be thinking about on Christmas day 100 years from now.

Time … keeps rolling like a river

To the Sea.

The Enemy Are The Luciferian Elites

Yesterday I received a phone call from a friend whose career takes him into high finance. My friend was dining with a colleague in a major capital not in North America working on a deal. This colleague is well connected in the world of the elites as you can imagine many people are who run in these kinds of circles. The colleague related to my friend how he had come up through the ranks and how he had been mentored by Nobel prize winner during his graduate years. The colleague noted that the Nobel prize winner who mentored him was a ruthless SOB and this mentor believed that that Lucifer had been wronged and that God should have shared His glory with Lucifer. Apparently this belief drove much of his mentor’s scientific research. The colleague communicated that many of the physicists working on particle physics at the CERN particle collider in Switzerland share the same belief and their work is an attempt to usurp God’s glory as Creator.

(If you’ve read anything about the CERN super particle collider you’ll now that the whole project is dripping with the occult including a huge statue of the Hindu god “Shiva — the god of destruction.”)

For opening ceremonies of CERN in 2017 laced with occult imagery see;

It seems the minds behind the CERN project  want to bring demons into the world and harnessing their knowledge via quantum technology. Charlie Rose spoke about this explicitly, describing them as Lovecraftian beings or entities or something. Elon Musk has warned about “summoning the demon” via AI, and then the Large Hadron Collider seems to be more about ushering demons into the world than it is about dispassionate scientific discovery.
Those who start to understand the demonic component of the world they’re seeking to construct around us, have a useful tool of knowledge.

As the dinner conversation continued between my friend and his colleague, the colleague communicated, upon inquiry, that this belief of Lucifer being cheated out of the glory that was properly due him is shared by many of the global elites. He especially noted that the President of France (Macron) held this same belief as well as many highly placed people in the European Union.

My friend said he was shocked by this casual dinner conversation. I can imagine many of us would be.

All of this is consistent with what we already know about the character of our elites being Luciferian. From the Pizza-gate episode that was tied by coded language to Hillary Clinton and the Obamas to the tightly connected with the Clintons Anthony Wiener’s sexting with minors scandal to the spirit-cooking revelations to the Epstein Lolita express and trafficking children for sex servicing the highly placed elites to the growing testimony of the whole P. Diddy scandal it is now well past obvious that, generally speaking our elites are indeed Luciferians. This reality is underscored by anybody who has read at all on the occultic rituals the young elites go through at Yale’s famous “Skull & Bones” club. These young elites end up being Presidents (William Howard Taft and both Bush Presidents) Senators and leading elites in numerous fields. If you want to read on this I recommend Antony Sutton’s “America’s Secret Establishment;  An Introduction to The Order of Skull and Bones.”

Remember this exchange from 2020? It is an example of “Me thinketh the lady doth protest too much. This was during a time when the elites were still trying to belittle and mock the idea that there was an intimate connection between the elites and Luciferian behavior;

None of this is new for those who have had eyes to see. Luciferian rituals were rife at Los Alamos (Trinity Site) during the Manhattan project as Michael Hoffman’s book, “Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare” chronicles.

This has even been in our literature as C. S. Lewis pointed towards this connection between the elites and the Luciferians in his theological science fiction Space Trilogy.  Who can ever forget Lewis’ N.I.C.E National Institute of Coordinated Experiments? This was Lewis’ “Scientific” organization — an organization that we later learn in the novel is manned by Luciferians. Clearly, Lewis was trying to warn us here.

It is my conviction that it is well past obvious that the global elite — the types who attend gala events like the World Economic Forum — are generally speaking, Luciferians. The battle we are fighting against the NWO is not merely one of ideas, though ideology is certainly a component. The battle we as Christians are fighting is against an ideology that is animated by  principalities and powers and against people who are animated by Lucifer. Our fight is against very real organizations which are manned by people who are worshiping and serving Lucifer. These people hate the God of the Bible more than they love life, and they hate Christians with that same hatred.

Nobody who isn’t in Christ should get anywhere near this fight because if one is not clothed with Christ and indwelt by the Spirit of the living God they are going to get eaten alive.