As people are increasingly defined and controlled by their sexual lusts it will be the political party that caters to the fulfillment of those perverted lusts who will come to control the apparatus of the State. Politicians who offer to make perversion consequence free will be the Politicians elected to run the immorality state BUT as they offer sexual freedom as the promissory bait in exchange for votes what they are really selling is the hook of Political tyrannical control.
Another reality that arises out of this political yielding to those controlled by their sexual lusts is the moving to the left of the Overton window. Sodomy, for example, is now openly embraced by both major parties. In my lifetime, a candidate who was outed for being sexually unfaithful to his wife, having gotten divorced could never be elected to any significant seat. However, now, with the political yielding to those controlled by their sexual lusts adultery and divorce are “ho-hum.” Sodomy among conservative Republicans is also “ho-hum” as seen in the fact that nobody arched an eyebrow by Trump’s nomination of a sodomite who has kidnapped children to be Secretary of the Treasury. And while Republicans aren’t yet ready to start nominating open Trannies to posts (like Biden did) it is just a matter of time before Trannieism is mainstreamed in Republican politics. It won’t be long before you see Republicans saying; “Oh, you can vote for her(m). She/He is a conservative Trannie.”
The fact that I am correct in all this is seen in recent Presidential politics. It was fairly well known that Barry Sotero (Barack Obama) was light in the loafers. They didn’t call him “Bathhouse Barry” for no reason. Still, all this was denied and it was realized that if it were true he could never be open about it and still be elected. However, with the coming of Donald Trump, the deal was sealed. Here was a man who had children by three different women and whose current wife’s porn shots were prominently displayed on the N.Y. Post front page and yet Trump was elected not once, but twice — and that on the back of Evangelicals voting for him. (In fairness to Evangelicals, all they had to vote for were criminals …. so better the criminal you like then the criminal you don’t like.) The point here is that perverted sexuality or sexual habits just don’t make much of a difference in presidential electoral politics. That is a vast shift occurring in my short lifetime.
Really, we are entering a time that could rightly be called a “Sexocracy.” It is a time where sexual normalcy, as defined by biblical standards, will be considered prudish and intolerant. It will be a time whereupon the sexual perverts having been let out of the closet, the sexually normal will be pushed into the closet so that heterosexuality will eventually become that “love that dare not name its name.”
All this to say that the arc of history, protestations to the contrary, are not working in the direction of traditional Western mores. We can expect a continued expansion of our perverted Sexocracy.
But… God is not mocked. Whatsoever a nation seweth, that it shall also reap.