On Those Reputed To Be Jews

“The Six Million constitute a lay religion with its own dogma, commandments, decrees, prophets, high priests and Saints: Saint Anne (Frank), Saint Simon (Wiesenthal), Saint Elie (Wiesel). It has its holy places, its rituals and its pilgrimages. It has its temples and its relics (bars of soap, piles of shoes, etc.), its martyrs, heroes, miracles and miraculous survivors (millions of them), its golden legend and its righteous people. Auschwitz is its Golgotha, Hitler is its Satan. It dictates its law to the nations. Its heart beats in Jerusalem, at the Yad Veshem monument … Although it is largely an avatar of the Hebraic religion, the new religion is quite recent and has exhibited meteoric growth … Paradoxically, the only religion to prosper today is the “Holocaust” religion, ruling, so to speak, supreme and having those sceptics who are openly active cast out from the rest of mankind: it labels them “deniers,” whilst they call themselves “revisionists.”

Robert Faurisson

Former French Professor of Literature at Lyon University
Statement regarding the religious implications of the Holocaust narrativeNow, immediately there will be those who will scream that Faurisson was a holocaust denier. This in spite of the fact that the uber-Leftist Jewish Academic Noam Chomsky once wrote; “I see no anti-Semitic implications in denial of the existence of gas chambers, or even denial of the Holocaust…I see no hint of anti-Semitic implications in Faurisson’s work.” One should also note that if even Auschwitz in the early 90s had to revise their originally grossly inflated death count total down from four million. The Chicago Tribune reported in 1992;

“Jewish and Polish scholars of the Holocaust now agree that the Auschwitz death toll was less than half the four million cited here for four decades. The actual number was probably between 1.1 million and 1.5 million-and at least 90 percent of the victims were Jews.”

It would seem to be reasonable to believe, that in light of this gross overestimation (a gross overestimation that lasted for almost 50 years) of death totals in Auschwitz that it is likely the case that gross overestimations were made in the numbers reported from other camps. The idea that the numbers were routinely grossly inflated has been reported not only by Faurisson but also by others such as David Irving and Ernst Zundel.

I, myself, do not have a concrete opinion on the matter of total deaths suffered by those reputed to be Jewish though I can easily see how it serves as an advantage for those reputed to be Jewish to continue to cling to these numbers. While, I do not have an established opinion on the total death toll on those reputed to be Jewish I do find it curious that so much is made of this death toll in comparison to the horrendous death toll of other tribal communities that receive comparatively little attention. For example, there was a horrendous holocaust of Christian Ukranians by Jewish Bolsheviks under Stalin. Also, there was a horrendous holocaust of Christian Armenians by the  Dönme (Jewish) “Muslim” Turks (members of the Sabbatai Zevi cult). We should also mention that holocaust of over 1 million German “disarmed enemy forces” (nomenclature used to skirt the Geneva Convention treatment requirement for POWs) inflicted by the Allies upon surrendering German troops after WW II, the holocaust visited upon the Khmer people by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia in the late 1970s, and the holocausts of Mao visited upon the Chinese in both his “great leap forward,” and during the later “cultural revolution.” Indeed, the 20th century could be labeled as the “Holocaust century” — especially were we to add the holocaust of the unborn.

And yet I’d be willing to bet the farm that 9 out of 10 Americans have heard only of the Holocaust visited upon those reputed to be Jews. One is left asking… “Why is that?” A cynic might say that the answer presents itself when one notices what people group it is that has been the guiding light of the Western media / Hollywood since its inception. Those who own the news/entertainment report the news.

Those reputed to be Jews have gotten a good deal of mileage out of their unique ownership of the trademarked word “Holocaust.” They have been able to play the global victim due to their trademark ownership. This is an insurmountable advantage when living in a WOKE global philosophy that prioritizes the oppressed victim over and above the evil oppressor class. Those reputed to be Jews have, because of their holocausted status, have become the greatest victims of them all. In the game of Cultural Marxist poker, where he who is the greatest victim hold the greatest hand, the reputed Jews who were holocausted hold the royal flush against all competing victimhood hands. The reputed Jews who were holocausted are the trump that trumps all trump. Nobody can out victim them.

Their victimhood card was played again just a couple days ago when their Prime minister Netanyahu, invoking the holocaust, said;

“No Nation Came to the Aid of Jews During the Holocaust.”

I think all those boys who died on the beaches of Normandy might argue otherwise.

But, all argumentation is irrelevant. When you hold the royal flush of victimhood nothing else matters, and that was the card, Netanyahu played when he said that.

This returns us thus to the opening Farisson quote. The Holocaust has been turned into a religion. Some wags have taken to calling it “Holocaustianity.” Farisson fails to mention above that Holocaustianity also has its own unique Messiah and the Messiah of Holocaustianity are those who we routinely call “Jews.” They are their own saviors, and one of the means of saving themselves is this new religion wherein all have to bow before their very real tragic history, being required at the same time to ignore the very real tragic history of many other groups who have experienced attempted genocide. If other peoples are to be sympathized with then the sympathy with which those reputed to be Jews are sympathized with becomes diluted and reduced in its guilt invoking power.

Another advantage of Holocaustianity is that serves as a “get out of jail free” card. Any behavior by those reputed to be Jews can be overlooked because, “after all they are the greatest victims of all time.” Whether it is the Deir Yassin massacre, or the sinking of the USS Liberty, or the bombing of the King David Motel, or the ethnic cleansing of Christian Palestinians, it can all be washed away because “we were holocausted.”

Even if Faurisson was wrong about holocaust death totals, the point he makes about the creation of a new religion is spot on. That Faurisson is accurate on this point is seen by that Lawmakers in several U.S. states have recently pushed for laws defining antisemitism so as to censor wrong-speak. One sees the problem here when one considers that there has been no push for laws defining anti-Christian speech so as to censor wrong-speak against Christians. I would submit this is an example of holocaustianity at work. Especially, when living in a climate where antisemitism is defined as disagreeing with someone reputed to be Jewish.

These kinds of things need to be said with the coming of Trump. Trump has surrounded himself with Zionists (Hegseth, Stefanik, Huckabee to name just a few) and Trump has been labeled by Netanyahu as “the greatest friend Israel as ever had in the White House.” Radio Personality Mark Levin recently introduced Trump as “Our First Jewish President.”  In light of all this voices need to be raised warning, (paraphrasing Pat Buchanan here) about the continued increasing Israeli occupation of America.

I shouldn’t need the tag that finds me saying, “I am not pro-Arab or pro-Muslim.” I am not even “anti-those reputed to be Jews.” I am merely pro Christian and I don’t think that anybody but Christians should have special protection in a nation that was established on Christian principles and I am against politically correct poker.
































McAtee Contra The Baptist Rev. J. D. Hall On The Meaning Of The 2024 Election

J. D. Hall Wrote,

“If you’re confused why MAGA supports the nomination of Tulsi Gabbard or RFK Jr when “they’re not Republican” or “they’re not conservative,” please understand that the paradigm has shifted. These binary concepts are no longer relevant to us; their hours have passed.”

Bret responds,

If these binary concepts are not relevant it is testimony that people they are not relevant to are not wise.

The binary concepts remain relevant because true conservatives have always desired to dismantle the Leviathan beast. The fact that RFK Jr. or Tulsi Gabbard are being inconsistent with their stated Liberal beliefs only serves the agenda of the “Old Right.”

Secondly, people like RFK Jr. and Gabbard need to be watched closely because their leftist inclinations will eventually resurface and when that happens it will be the Old Right that has to put them down.

J. D. Hall writes,

We are beyond “conservative vs liberal.” We are beyond “Republican vs Democrat.” The only binary that matters is “Establishment vs Dissident.” This has become a post-partisan world.

Bret responds,

The thing here is though that if one is to honestly assess this one would have to conclude that “Establishment” has always been the position of the left, even when those on the left were calling themselves “conservative” and “Dissident” has always been the position of the genuine conservatives. Ever since I was old enough to vote, being conservative, I have been in favor of eviscerating the Establishment. This has always been the position of true conservatives.

So, it really is not a post-partisan world. It is rather merely that the lines between the partisans has now been more clearly drawn.

J. D. Hall writes,

We are not trying to save our institutions. We are not trying to reform our institutions. We have tried this, and failed; we are, instead, trying to dismantle them.

Bret responds,

Most of the people I run with gave up on trying to save our Institutions when it was clear in 1980 that Ronald Reagan wasn’t really serious.

But note… we are not anarchists. One can not tear down without at the same time building up. It is true that we are trying to dismantle but in the dismantling we have a vision of what the new institutions might look like. And we are doubtful that Trump is going to be the chap who leads us to that proper dismantling and rebuilding.

J. D. Hall writes,

MAGA recognizes that that there has become a Uniparty, supported by a sea of bureaucrats, in a system designed to suck the souls of men. We are tired of choosing between Eurasia and Eastasia, Republicans or Democrats, liberals or conservatives, in a system designed only to perpetuate an Establishment that persists in perpetual power regardless of nomenclatures of “left” or “right.”

Bret responds,

The problem was never w/ the nomenclature. The problem was with the fact that conservatives were never really conservative. However, there has always existed genuine conservatives who wanted to see the Federal Government chained down with the chains of the Constitution — as Jefferson noted 200 years ago.

J. D. Hall writes,

The system has become a cheap facade, to give the multitudes only a counterfeit feeling that our support for one or the other makes any difference at all. Both sides are Controlled Opposition for a permanent Federal power base that is fully non-idealist, consisting of professional politicians and unelected civil overlords.

Bret responds,

I completely agree with this.

J. D. Hall writes,

Trump’s picks are picked, based not upon their towing of a party line, but because they tow no line at all. They’re not chosen to apply makeup to the pig, but to butcher it.

Bret responds,

It is not possible to tow no line at all. Impossible. If they butcher the pig they have a different pig they want to ensconce. Is anybody even now really talking about devolving real power back to the States?

J. D. Hall writes,

Americans no longer want to tame Leviathan. We want to kill it. It is not the time to build up. It is time to tear down.

Bret responds

I am not sure it is true that Americans no longer want to tame Leviathan. We will only know that is true when Americans demand the end of things like the Great Society, Standing Armies, and a return to hard money. Until then, I’ll place my bets on the fact that Americans still envision taming Leviathan.

Party Politics & The Pervert Vote

As people are increasingly defined and controlled by their sexual lusts it will be the political party that caters to the fulfillment of those perverted lusts who will come to control the apparatus of the State. Politicians who offer to make perversion consequence free will be the Politicians elected to run the immorality state BUT as they offer sexual freedom as the promissory bait in exchange for votes what they are really selling is the hook of Political tyrannical control.

Constituents who can not control their passions are Constituents who will need to be controlled by the State as passions, once set free in the sexual domain, will not be able to stay within their boundaries in other domains.

Another reality that arises out of this political yielding to those controlled by their sexual lusts is the moving to the left of the Overton window. Sodomy, for example, is now openly embraced by both major parties. In my lifetime, a candidate who was outed for being sexually unfaithful to his wife, having gotten divorced could never be elected to any significant seat. However, now, with the political yielding to those controlled by their sexual lusts adultery and divorce are “ho-hum.” Sodomy among conservative Republicans is also “ho-hum” as seen in the fact that nobody arched an eyebrow by Trump’s nomination of a sodomite who has kidnapped children to be Secretary of the Treasury. And while Republicans aren’t yet ready to start nominating open Trannies to posts (like Biden did) it is just a matter of time before Trannieism is mainstreamed in Republican politics. It won’t be long before you see Republicans saying; “Oh, you can vote for her(m). She/He is a conservative Trannie.”

The fact that I am correct in all this is seen in recent Presidential politics. It was fairly well known that Barry Sotero (Barack Obama) was light in the loafers. They didn’t call him “Bathhouse Barry” for no reason. Still, all this was denied and it was realized that if it were true he could never be open about it and still be elected. However, with the coming of Donald Trump, the deal was sealed. Here was a man who had children by three different women and whose current wife’s porn shots were prominently displayed on the N.Y. Post front page and yet Trump was elected not once, but twice — and that on the back of Evangelicals voting for him. (In fairness to Evangelicals, all they had to vote for were criminals …. so better the criminal you like then the criminal you don’t like.) The point here is that perverted sexuality or sexual habits just don’t make much of a difference in presidential electoral politics. That is a vast shift occurring in my short lifetime.

Really, we are entering a time that could rightly be called a “Sexocracy.” It is a time where sexual normalcy, as defined by biblical standards, will be considered prudish and intolerant. It will be a time whereupon the sexual perverts having been let out of the closet, the sexually normal will be pushed into the closet so that heterosexuality will eventually become that “love that dare not name its name.”

All this to say that the arc of history, protestations to the contrary, are not working in the direction of traditional Western mores. We can expect a continued expansion of our perverted Sexocracy.

But… God is not mocked. Whatsoever a nation seweth, that it shall also reap.

Reading List On Christian Political Theory

Rev. Bret L. McAtee,

I did a quick perusal on your blog but didn’t see anything, do you have anywhere a reading list for Christian political theory?

Dear Casey,

Here are a few books I’ve read that come immediately to mind;

Institutes of Biblical Law –Rushdoony
Law & Revolution (Two Volumes) — Harold Berman
Fountainhead of Federalism: Heinrich Bullinger & the Covenantal Tradition – McCoy/Baker
Lex Rex — Samuel Rutherford
The Law — Frederic Bastiat
The Hebrew Republic: The Matrix for America’s Civil Government — E. C. Wines
Reflections on the Revolution in France – Edmund Burke
Democracy in America — Alexis de Tocqueville
The One & The Many — Rushdoony
The One, the Three and the Many — Colin Gunton
Considerations on France — Joseph de Maistre
The Dispossessed Majority — Wilmot Robertson
Suicide of the West: An Essay on the Meaning & Destiny of Liberalism — James Burnham

Leviathan & It’s Enemies — Samuel T. Francis
Christianity & Civilization (III Volumes) — James Jordan / Gary North
Millennialism and Social Theory — Dr. Gary North

I would also add something on how Bagels are a canker that eat away at Christian political order.

Election 2024 — A Brief Reprieve?

Do you suppose the Democratic party has learned anything from their defeat in 2024?Do you think that they will now reverse themselves touching their conviction that the planet is going to implode from climate change? Do you think that they will give up on the whole utter nonsense of “The Green New Deal?” Do you think that Democratic Governors will cease appointing sexual freaks like Rachel Levine to key posts in their administrations? Do you think that some Democrat will now arise who will say loudly and boldly, “Sex change operations for children at hospitals receiving state funding will no longer be a thing?” or “We are no longer housing males who pretend to be females with the female population in our prisons?” Will some Democrat say, “The whole concept of required DEI hiring as policy was not well thought out from the beginning.” Will Democrats give up on the policy of equity where they discriminate against able bodies cis-gendered whites in favor of crippled, lesbian, minorities?” Will some prominent white Democrat come out and say; “I love white people,” or “we must pursue policy that will strengthen and advantage our core population so that the whole country can prosper?” Will some Democrat apologize for the statement that “white supremacy groups are the greatest extant domestic terrorist threat to our country?” Will any Democrat, after the drubbing of 2024, now pursue a policy that finds the health of the traditional family as a cornerstone?” Will some Democrat come out and say, “Our push for sodomite marriage was not beneficial to our country?”

To the contrary, I suspect that the Democratic party is now so much the vehicle of the New World Order Cultural Marxist left that it will double down on the agenda that Democrats have been pursuing since the rise of the Clintons and the Obamas. I think this radical Cultural Marxism is in their bloodstream and as a party they will not be able to shift. Instead, what I anticipate is that they will now try to cloak their extremism. 2028 front running candidates like Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer will still run from the left while still desperately seeking to present themselves as moderate.

What has happened is that the Democrats have become Darth Vader’s embodiment of “The Empire” and we should be certain that they are even now plotting to “strike back.” The unfortunate reality here is that the coalition that defeated the Democratic Empire in 2024 may well not be stable enough to consistently defeat the Empire. This is due to the fact that in way of principle many of the Rebel forces hold to the same ideas of the Empire, even if those principles have not worked themselves out to their logical conclusions. For example, Rick Grenfell and Peter Thiel who are both part of the rebel forces are themselves sodomites. Tulsi Gabbard is Buddhist. Vivek Ramaswamy is Hindu. RFK Jr., Trump, and Matt Gaetz are all sexual Draculas. The Rebel forces are littered with Zionists from the new Sec. Def. to Huckabee as the new Ambassador to Israel. Still, we can continue to hope that God still draws straight lines with crooked sticks. But we shouldn’t count on in this case.

All of this reminds us that the Church must continue to be salt and light – and that to the Rebel forces as much as the Empire stormtroopers. The Church must lift up Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords who alone can deliver men from those sins that they are so tenaciously clinging to thinking that in those sins they will find meaning and fulfillment when in point of fact those very sins explains their unbearable guilt, their constant misery and continuing alienation from themselves, others, and from God.

Having said that we must admit that the Church itself, in many if not most of its expressions, is the Church of the Empire. It will not be a reforming agent until it is first Reformed. I have concluded that will not likely happen without abandoning the current infrastructure of conservative denominations. These denominations are maintained by men who have embraced Cultural Marxist leftist principles and so is of no use in terms of being salt and light. It is not a certainty but it is a pretty safe bet that our political parties will not reform the Church until the Church becomes again Reformed itself so it can be an agent of Reformation.

So, it looks we have been given a window of opportunity to get our house in order before we could see the Empire striking back.

Let us pray that we put the time we have to good use.