I realize that everyone is writing about Obama and his administrations attempt to spin their repudiation in Massachusetts as a happening which coincides with people’s support for Obama but I just can’t help putting my fork in here.
Massachusetts is so blue that its voters are descendants of smurfs. Massachusetts residents are so blue that they make the natives in the movie “Avatar” look peaked and sickly. Yet, in spite of this state’s coloring of a suffocating hypothermia victim the administration expects people to believe that these smurfs voted for a candidate that ran on an anti-Obama agenda platform in order to register their support for Obama? The mind boggles.
Now, I understand we live in a post-modern world where people do things that are completely irrational but if this analysis is accurate then I’m giving up trying to do any analysis of the social order.
Now, naturally, Obama and his administration don’t really believe their lies. All of their spin only reveals that these people are true believers. They are “damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead” on passing through their Marxist death care legislation and they are not going to allow one election give them pause. We must keep in mind that these people rightfully believe that they can push the nation irretrievably socialist if they can just pass their death care legislation. Such a legislative accomplishment will create a permanent constituency just as Social Security and the Great Society created permanent leftist constituencies one and two generations ago.
Also, I think we need to keep in mind that Obama, as a man on a mission from god, doesn’t give a rat’s left cheek about whether or not he is re-elected. I think that it is entirely possible that Obama is viewing his current 4 year presidency as his only 4 years. If he believes that why would he care to go temperate in the pursuit of his agenda?
At the below link Dick Morris offers an explanation how the Obama-ites intend to yet push through the death care socialist legislation,
Americans, in light of the Massachusetts election, must not cast off their vigilance. I write this because I have spoken to many people who have told me, with a sense of relief, that health care is dead with the Scott Brown election, as if the attempt to push the legislation by the Obama administration will cease. Don’t you believe it.
These people are both true believers and unparalleled narcissists. True believers and narcissists live in alternate realities and in their reality the nation is comprised of idiots who can be led by benighted elites who show their mettle by persevering against the tantrums of the idiots.
Or maybe they are just smoking some really good weed.