Obama Disavows Obvious Truth

While addressing Republicans in Baltimore MD. President Obama said, “I Am Not An Ideologue.”


Shortly afterward, President Obama went on to say to the assembled Republicans that, “I am not a Black man.”

I’m not making this up … well at least not the first part.

But both statements are equally believable and each statement leaves one equally incredulous.

What Are These People Smoking?


I realize that everyone is writing about Obama and his administrations attempt to spin their repudiation in Massachusetts as a happening which coincides with people’s support for Obama but I just can’t help putting my fork in here.

Massachusetts is so blue that its voters are descendants of smurfs. Massachusetts residents are so blue that they make the natives in the movie “Avatar” look peaked and sickly. Yet, in spite of this state’s coloring of a suffocating hypothermia victim the administration expects people to believe that these smurfs voted for a candidate that ran on an anti-Obama agenda platform in order to register their support for Obama? The mind boggles.

Now, I understand we live in a post-modern world where people do things that are completely irrational but if this analysis is accurate then I’m giving up trying to do any analysis of the social order.

Now, naturally, Obama and his administration don’t really believe their lies. All of their spin only reveals that these people are true believers. They are “damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead” on passing through their Marxist death care legislation and they are not going to allow one election give them pause. We must keep in mind that these people rightfully believe that they can push the nation irretrievably socialist if they can just pass their death care legislation. Such a legislative accomplishment will create a permanent constituency just as Social Security and the Great Society created permanent leftist constituencies one and two generations ago.

Also, I think we need to keep in mind that Obama, as a man on a mission from god, doesn’t give a rat’s left cheek about whether or not he is re-elected. I think that it is entirely possible that Obama is viewing his current 4 year presidency as his only 4 years. If he believes that why would he care to go temperate in the pursuit of his agenda?

At the below link Dick Morris offers an explanation how the Obama-ites intend to yet push through the death care socialist legislation,


Americans, in light of the Massachusetts election, must not cast off their vigilance. I write this because I have spoken to many people who have told me, with a sense of relief, that health care is dead with the Scott Brown election, as if the attempt to push the legislation by the Obama administration will cease. Don’t you believe it.

These people are both true believers and unparalleled narcissists. True believers and narcissists live in alternate realities and in their reality the nation is comprised of idiots who can be led by benighted elites who show their mettle by persevering against the tantrums of the idiots.

Or maybe they are just smoking some really good weed.

Observations On The Political Scene

Freshman Confgressman Mark Schauer Suffers In Polls From Obamaitis

“A Republican poll shows freshman Rep. Mark Schauer (D-Mich.) down by nine.

The National Research Inc. poll, conducted for former Rep. Tim Walberg’s (R-Mich.) campaign, has Walberg leading Schauer 46-37, and 50-40 with ‘leaners.’


This is of interest to me because Mark Schauer is my US Congressman.

Now, I’m no fan of former US Congressman Tim Walberg who is leading Schauer in the current polls (see


as he doesn’t really believe in strict constitutional restrictions upon the size of the Federal government. But if Walberg is for allowing the Federal Government to get kind of porky Schauer is for allowing the Federal government to get grossly obese. Schauer has voted for the Obama death care legislation and I am of the persuasion that Schauer must pay the price for aligning himself w/ this fascist socialist monstrosity. I also don’t think much of Schauer because he refuses to interact w/ his constituency face to face in live townhall meetings. Schauer has instead avoided the voting public but using controlled phone tele-conferences in order to limit the kind of visible interaction that might cast him in an unfavorable light.

I can not bring myself to vote for Tim Walberg but I won’t have any tears when Mark Schauer is defeated this fall.

Obama Senior Officials Promise That Obama Is Going To Go All Combative

President Barack Obama plans a combative response if, as White House aides fear, Democrats lose Tuesday’s special Senate election in Massachusetts, close advisers say.

“This is not a moment that causes the president or anybody who works for him to express any doubt,” a senior administration official said. “It more reinforces the conviction to fight hard.”


With all my being I hope that B. Hussein Obama follows through on these words. In 1994 when President Clinton was smacked up side the head with the midterm congressional Republican revolution he wised up and dumped his controversial Surgeon General, Jocelyn Elders, and ran to the political middle as was seen in his co-opting the Republicans by stealing some of their issues and claiming them for his own. It was a brilliant political move by Clinton that insured his re-election in 1996. Clinton, learning from the beating he had taken, even said, “The era of big government is over.”

However, if Obama is really intent on being combative and in a mule headed fashion decides to press ahead with his agenda despite a possible Scott Brown victory in Massachusetts it will be like manna falling from heaven for the Republicans. Such a combative attitude in Obama will literally destroy the Democratic party in the mid-term 2010 elections. If Obama refuses to try to include Republican involvement due to a combative turn on his part that combativeness will snap back so hard in 2010 he will be headed towards becoming a one term lame duck president.

It is quite amazing how tone deaf the Democratic party has become. It is almost as if they are living in an alternate universe. Obama promises to be combative. Pelosi promises that regardless of a Brown victory Health Care is going to pass. Barney Frank argues that the Senate should lift its filibuster rules so Health Care legislation will pass. These people are incredible. But let them keep on living in their alternate universe, for the “Gods of the copybook headings with terror and slaughter will return.”

Famous Moments With Martha Coakley

Martha Coakley is the Democrat in Massachusetts who is running for the US Senate in the seat vacated by Ted “Kopechene” Kennedy’s death. It is encouraging to me to know that Coakley is seeking to keep alive the Kennedy tradition of saying off the wall irrational things.


In the one above, Martha, obviously clueless about Major league Baseball, notes that the Boston Red Sox hero of the 2004 ALCS against the Yankees was in reality always a Yankees fan.


In the one above Marvelous Martha the Mouth says that devout Catholics “Probably Shouldn’t Work in Emergency Rooms since their faith might come in conflict with proposed health care legislation that will not allow people to not participate in medical procedures that violate their faith convictions.

Finally there is Coakley’s reporter incident where one of her Democratic campaign operatives muscled a pesky reporter who was asking to many questions of Coakley to the ground. There are photos of Coakley staring at the incident and yet she has said on record,

“I know there were people following, including two from the Brown campaign who have been very aggressive in their stalking,” Coakley told reporters during an appearance at Kit Clark Senior Services in Dorchester. “I’m not sure what happened. I know something occurred, but I’m not privy to the facts. I’m sure it will come out, but I’m not aware of that.”


1.) Martha Coakley is brain dead and thus the perfect person to sit in Ted Kennedy’s old seat.

2.) The Democrats, when operating in Mordor, don’t believe they have to run legitimate candidates because they believe that it is a given that whatever brain dead thuggish Democrat they put forward will be elected.

3.) Democrats believe that freedom is the citizenry being free to do exactly what they tell the citizenry to do.

20% Return to Combat To Kill Americans

“One in five terror suspects released from the Guantanamo Bay prison has returned to the fight, according to a classified Pentagon report expected to stoke an already fierce debate over President Barack Obama’s plan to close the military prison.”

AP News Report

The mind boggles at this news. Would have our grandparents have tolerated a 1943 news report that came out saying that One in five unsuccessful Kamikaze pilots returned to the cockpit after the US Commander in Chief released them? Would the English have been content to have heard that One in Ten German pilots responsible for dropping ordinance on London during the Battle of Britain returned to their roles as bombardiers upon release by Winston Churchill? Would the Russian population been content to know that Stalin had released German tank Captains who had been captured in the Battle of Kursk — one in Twenty of whom returned to fight again on the Russian front?

What else can it be called but insanity to capture enemy combatants on the field of battle only to turn around and release them so that they can kill more Americans?

A country that does this is not serious about its war effort and does not care about its servicemen. If this report is true this is all we need to insist that the troops be brought back home. Why would we support a war effort when the Commander-in-chief is championing a policy that increases enemy troop numbers so as to better kill American service personnel?

This is insanity! As far as I’m concerned this is grounds for impeachment. Is this not a high crime and misdemeanor? Is this not treason against America?

I can’t believe there is not outrage across the country. There should be burning effigies in Capitals all across America at this news.

And if we can’t get this much, at least some Republicans ought to run some Willie Horton type adds against their Democratic opponents this fall. Instead of the face of Willie Horton the face of Mohammad Ahmed could be superimposed.

I’ll even provide the language that could be used in such an ad.

As the face of the candidate rises on the screen the voice over says,

“(Republican Candidates name) ________ supports not giving Muslim combatants a second chance to kill more sons and daughters of America than they did the first time when they were captured on the battlefield.”

Go to a screen showing a coffin draped with an American flag with a Islamic Crescent Moon and Scimitar in the background.

Slowly cue up the face of the Democratic opponent.

“(Democratic Candidates name) ___________ supports releasing Muslim combatants fully knowing that 20% of Muslim combatants will return to the battle field with the purpose of killing American son’s and daughters.”

Vote for the life of your Son and Daughter

Vote Republican