The American Pravda media are having a meltdown over Sarah Palin the likes I’ve not ever seen since they destroyed the career of Dan Quayle. From the cover of Newsweek that clearly was seeking to trivialize Palin to David Brooks to Bob Schieffer to Chris Matthews the Fascist media are coming unglued over Palin. It has gotten so bad that one of the major media cable shows had a roving reporter attack a 13 year old Palin fan for not knowing why she supported Palin.
I’ve been turning this over in my head trying to understand why the media markets are turning inside out over Palin. Here is what I’ve come up with so far.
Race (Tribal thing)
At the link above at the 45 second mark Chris Matthews picks up on the racial aspect of Palin’s appeal. Matthews observes that the attendance to Palin’s book signing was “monochromatic.” In the mindset of elitist media figures if a political figure has appeal only to white people then there is certainly something wrong with that person. They don’t take the time to ask’ “why does Sarah Palin predominately attract white people?”
If they asked that question the answer would quickly be seen, by looking at election results, that the reason that people of color don’t turn out for Sarah Palin’s book signing tour is that they consistently vote for cultural Marixsts. Palin clearly isn’t a cultural Marxist, therefore very few non-white people attend.
This reality that people of color are voting for cultural Marxists in overwhelming majorities is something that people largely refuse to consider since such a consideration is not politically correct. What has happened is that minorities have, in Cultural Marxism (neo-Marxism if you prefer) largely filled the role that was filled by the proletariat (working class) in classical Marxism. Minorities are being used, the same way the proletariat was used in classical Marxism, to advance the agenda of the Marxist elite — a Marxist elite that includes major white media personalities like Chris Matthews. Sarah Palin is the anti-thesis of both the Marxist elite and of their rank and file and as such neither people of color, nor the white neo-Marxist elite class are interested in her.
So, perhaps in some sense, Matthews is right that Palin’s success is a Tribal thing but this Tribal thing can’t be explained merely by skin color apart from examining why the Tribes are separating the way they are.
This is really part of the mix above. One can hardly talk about race without at the same time talking about culture and one can’t talk about race or culture w/o talking about Faith. The reason that this is so is that culture is race (mentioned above) and faith (mentioned here) incarnated.
Some will disagree with this by noting that culture is only theology (faith) incarnated but I believe if one suggests that culture is only theology incarnated one implies that men are a blank slate that don’t come to cultural animation without theology being written on that blank slate. Clearly, our ethnicity along with our theology inclines us to incarnate our culture in a certain distinct way. No one would expect Reformed Hutu Christians to create the same culture as Reformed Japanese Christians. They both would be incarnating their theology into a culture but their cultures would remain distinct because their ethnicity is part of what their Reformed Christian theology would be poured over.
Anyway, Palin’s attraction to white people is an attraction that can be accounted for by the residual effects of the Christian faith that many white American are still influenced by. The major media hates the Christian faith that Sarah Palin, fortunately or unfortunately, (I think unfortunately) has come to represent. Palin believes in God and worse yet to the neo-Marxist media elite she believes in Jesus. Palin is pro-life. Palin has some sort of inkling of Federalism. Palin is seen as pro-family (though for the life of me I don’t know why). All of these are consistent with a Christian world view.
Try to see this in terms of the anti-thesis. Palin is the cultural Marxist anti-Christ, and the media must destroy her.
Now, it bedevils me to no end that Palin is becoming the poster child for Christianity in the public square. From what I’ve gleaned from her background her Christianity is of the Pentecostal variety. I’m not very comfortable with the thought of a President getting a “word from the Lord” about rather she should nuke Iran.
Palin has what all politicians desire and that is charisma. There has not been a political figure with the Charisma of Palin since Jack Kennedy. Not even Ronald Reagan had her charisma. She has a presence that defies explanation. A great deal could change between now and 2012 but if Palin’s Charisma holds until then no other Republican should waste his time running against Palin.
This is not to say that I think Palin is the most qualified Republican, though she certainly is as qualified as B. Hussein Obama to be President. There are several Republicans I would prefer over her. I could never vote for Sarah Palin. It is only to say that if her native ability to connect with middle America remains the way it currently is the nomination is hers to lose.
I observe the Palin phenomenon with a strange attachment. On the one hand I say to myself, “anybody who the major media hates this badly must be a good thing,” while on the other hand I say to myself, “whether she succeeds or fails she will largely define Christianity in the political square and I’m convinced that is a bad thing.”