** This morning I was watching a round table discussion on the all things neo-con Fox News Network and I heard Charles Krauthammer say, in reference to the Van Jones resignation that,
“it was the (9-11) truther signature that did Van Jones in, you know you can have a Communist or two in the White house … but you can’t have somebody in the White House who believes in a Bush Conspiracy that the government was involved in 9-11.”
Nobody on the panel blinked at Krauthammer’s statement.
Friends, this shows us how far out of touch the inside the beltway crowd is with both History and middle America. You can have a Communist or two in the White House? You can have a person or two in the White House who embraces the ideology that is responsible for the death of over 100 million people in the 20th century? How insane is that?
What if Krauthammer had said instead,
“it was the (9-11) truther signature that did Van Jones in, you know you can have a Nazi or two in the White house … but you can’t have somebody in the White House who believes in a Bush Conspiracy that the government was involved in 9-11.” (?)
Obviously such a statement would never have been given a pass. This another indicator to me that the worldview warfare that happens in Washington is between two different expressions of the Left. Fox News represents the Trotskyite left wing of the conversation.
** The American Pravada press insists that the reason Van Jones was fired was because of his “9-11 Truther signature,” and due to publicly calling Republican “a**ho*es.” Don’t you believe it. The reason that this reason is given for Van Jones being fired is due to the fact that if Van Jones Marxism was given as the reason for being fired then Obama might have to resign since his Marxism makes Van Jones’ Marxism look like romper room stuff. In the end they got rid of Van Jones in order to keep people from connecting Van Jones’ Marxism to Obama’s Marxism.
** If you watch Obama’s speech tomorrow night keep in mind that the man embraces the Alinsky method that teaches that the means justifies the ends and if the means to socialized health care is violating antiquated notions of being honest then so much the worse for being honest. Keep in mind in the Obama Marxist worldview honesty is not defined as speaking in such a way that words correspond to reality. Rather Obama’s Marxists worldview teaches him that honesty is speaking in such a way that words create the reality that the Marxist is seeking to bring in.
** So what if Van Jones had to leave?
Big Whoop!
For every Van Jones that has to leave this administration there are 100 more waiting to take his place. The problem wasn’t Van Jones. The problem is the Marxist in Chief who is appointing fellow travelers like Van Jones, Carol Browner, Cass Sunstein, Mark Lloyd, Valerie Jarret, The Emmanuel Brothers — Zeke and Rahm, etc.
** Much of what we are seeing in Washington reminds me again that the problem behind our problem of Washington Doofuses is our University system. It is our Ivy League schools and other top line Universities that keep spitting out “our best and brightest” who are thorough going collectivists, statists, and tyrants. Republicans and Democrats alike, who have been marinated in our University system, are inevitably going to be people who are tainted with a large collectivist giddy-up in their thinking.
** Prediction — The Democrats will pass a socialized health care bill with a public option.