Political Potporrrui

Arlen Specter has been a Democrat ever since he was elected in 1980. Why does anybody consider it news that he has finally admitted it? Now if we can only get the rest of the Republican party to admit it.

Hi, my name is the Republican party and I’ve been a Democrat for 50 years.

Don’t let the talking heads fool you. When they lament that the Republican party can’t keep their moderates what they really mean is that the Republican party can’t keep their Liberal Democrats who call themselves Republican. The whole fricking Republican party is moderate by any sane standard…. and that is being generous.

Why do I get the sense that the swine flu is a bunch of bull-crap? Why does anyone automatically give credence to anything that the government reports about anything? If the Government isn’t lying to the public it can only fall back on being totally incompetent. Giving the government responsibilities in the health realm is like putting a Witch doctor in charge of the University of Michigan Medical school. Here is some cheap advice. If we ever get to the point where things are really dire and the government says the citizenry should do “x” wise citizens will completely ignore these buffoons and do “y.”

I have a suggestion on the torture issue. We could try water-boarding on our politicians and if a few of them die then we can conclude that it really was torture…. or conversely we might conclude that poetic justice exists and that the ones who died were terrorists. If we are still unsure we could do it again until we find out for sure. Listen people, our political and bureaucratic class is much more dangerous to us then the terrorists out there. Unlike the political / bureaucratic class the terrorists haven’t killed 50 million unborn babies.

Today Congress passed more hate crimes legislation thus proving that crimes that are committed out of hate are to be punished more seriously then crimes that are committed out of love. Juries are now going to be asked not only to find people guilty beyond a reasonable doubt they are going to be asked to be soothsayers who can pretend to know what was on the criminals mind when he was committing the crime.

Take it to the bank … by the time that the Obama administration is finished the race relations in this country will be more tense then they have been since the 1960’s.

Bush Should Be Tried … But Not By Democrats

Recently it has been all over the news that B. Hussein Obama is toying with allowing his Attorney General to prosecute for crimes committed by Bush administration officials in relation to torture techniques pursued during the Bush administration.

Now, I have little doubt that the Bush administration is guilty of all kinds of crimes during their time in office, though I’m more concerned about the crimes committed in the run up to the war. I think that if there was such a thing as justice in Washington D.C. many of the Bush administration officials would end up behind bars.

However, the idea that Democrats are qualified to bring justice to the crimes of Republicans is like believing the Stalin communists were qualified to bring justice to the Nazi fascists. Bush administration officials may be guilty but their potential jurors are equally guilty. It would be a mockery of justice to see Democrats putting Republicans on trial.

Now, if we could have a trial were Democrats and Republicans alike would be put on trial I would be all for it. But we all know that is not going to happen.

However, in the end there will be no trials for the simple reason that Washington is a den of thieves and they honor the code of thieves. That code teaches that the group of thieves called the Democratic party does not go after the group of thieves called the Republican party in any significant large scale way, if only because everybody has the goods on everybody else. Significant large scale justice will never happen because everybody knows where all the bodies are buried and how to expose their accusers.

So what we get instead is a great deal of public self righteous pontificating about how despicable the guy in the other party is.

Georgetown Covers Jesus’ Name For Obama Speech At Obama’s Request

“Amidst all of the American flags and presidential seals, there was something missing when President Barack Obama gave an economic speech at Georgetown University this week — Jesus.

The best photos of President Obama and his family captured during the first few months in office.

The White House asked Georgetown to cover a monogram symbolizing Jesus’ name in Gaston Hall, which Obama used for his speech, according to CNSNews.com.

The gold “IHS” monogram inscribed on a pediment in the hall was covered over by a piece of black-painted plywood, and remained covered over the next day, CNSNews.com reported.”

“If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.”

-Mark 8:38

AIG — Think About This For A Second Folks

The US Federal Government owns 80% of AIG. As such AIG is a company that is majority owned by the US Government. As such all of the employees of AIG are government employees, including The CEO. If I work for a company that is majority owned by the US Government I am a government employee. Further the money that AIG, a company that is majority owned by the US government, is giving out in retention bonuses (to the tune of appx. 150 million dollars) is money that was given to this US government majority owned company by the US government. Finally, the loopholes in legislation that allows for these bonuses to be paid was a loophole placed in the legislation by Senator Chris Dodd — another US government employee.

So, what we have here is AIG, which is a subsidiary of the US government, and their employees receiving millions of dollars of bonuses.

So, given this reality, how could citizens ever be mad at the private sector in what is being played out? This is a US Government heist of the US taxpayers.

Hey folks, if you’re going to be angry and enraged point all that rage towards the US Government.