Cuban Missle Crisis Redux?

“Russia could use bases for its strategic bombers on the doorstep of the United States in Cuba and Venezuela to underpin long-distance patrols in the region, a senior air force officer said Saturday.

“This is possible in Cuba,” General Anatoly Zhikharev, chief of the Russian air force’s strategic aviation staff, told the Interfax-AVN military news agency.

Last July a top US air force officer warned that Russia would cross “a red line” if it were to base nuclear capable bombers in Cuba.

“If they did, I think we should stand strong and indicate that is something that crosses a threshold, crosses a red line for the United States of America,” said General Norton Schwartz said on July 23.

Obama wants to move towards normalizing relations with Cuba while Cuba wants to move toward hosting Russian nuclear capable bombers.

Dissent Is Patriotic … Wish They Had Thought Of That Eight Years Ago

Periodically I read which is a big forum for a form of conservatism as well as a big supporter of most things Reagan Republican. Today I got a kick out of billboards they are financing and putting up around the country in support of Rush Limbaugh.

The billboards read,

“Dissent Is The Highest Form Of Patriotism.”

Now, this made me chuckle because for 8 years I have been dissenting against the absolute bone-headedness of all things Republican during the Bush administration. I dissented against the extension of Empire in the Iraq war. I dissented against the Bush policy on immigration. I dissented on the Bush “no child left behind” legislation crafted with Teddy Kennedy’s approval. I dissented in the Bush “prescription drug entitlement for senior citizens.” I dissented when Bush campaigned against Pat Toomey in the Republican Pennsylvania primary in favor of that foul liberal Arlen Spectre. I spent 8 years dissenting from the Bush administration and I can’t tell you how many times people from my own tribe (Christians) accused me of being unpatriotic.

Now, that a Democrat is in the White House dissent is fashionable again.

Part of the reason that Republicans are in the mess that they are in is that instead of being patriots and dissenting during the Bush years they wilted under pressure. As such it’s hard to take them seriously now in their dissent of all things Obama.

Still, we patriotic dissenters are glad for the company and after having dwelt in the waters of dissent for a very long time now we can say … “Come on in boys, the water is fine.”

Oh, and while we are on the whole Rush Limbaugh vs. the White House matter let me make just a few points.

1.) There is a proverb that says, “one shouldn’t get in an argument with someone who buys ink by the barrel.” As such, I’m not sure how wise the White House war room was in trying to intimidate a guy who has 13,000,000 listeners for three hours every day.

2.) Limbaugh is good at what he does. If he were not such a war-hawk, Lincoln lover, and knee jerk Republican I might be able to actually appreciate him even more. Still, for all his mistaken convictions I think people need to realize that in this Limbaugh vs. White House war Limbaugh needs to win. Remember the end game in all this for the White House is the destruction of talk radio. Now, “Talk Radio” has its problems but without “Talk Radio” there will not be even a mildly alternative opinion out there accessible to the average American in competition with what the major media lies about.

Now, again, I realize that “Talk Radio” is hardly ideologically ideal but again if the White House succeeds in shutting town “Talk Radio” they and their major media market lap dogs will own the American mind. Yes, it is a crying shame that we have gotten to the point in this country where we must depend upon the simple bromides that are tossed to the citizenry by those on “Talk Radio” in order to build resistance but the situation is what it is and right now “Talk Radio” is the only game in town when it comes to large scale popular dissent and resistance.

3.) I am old enough to remember when Nixon went after the journalist Jack Anderson. The media was outraged by the idea that the Nixon White House had a journalist “enemies list.” Now Obama is doing the same thing and the lying dog major media doesn’t care? The White House is going after the first amendment and (through back door methodologies that will bring about the results of “fairness doctrine” legislation) very few people care?

Not A Member Of The Obama Is A Great Speaker Club

Obama is not a good speaker. I’ll say it again …. B. Hussein Obama is not a good speaker. His cadence is sing song. His phraseology is cliche. The height of his rhetoric is constrained by his Marxism. Obama’s content is vapid and void. Obama’s speeches are perfectly crafted in order to allow anyone of a dozen interpretations as to his meaning, and as such his purpose in speaking is more to conceal his mind than it is to reveal his mind. If Obama’s speech pattern takes on any quality it takes on the quality of “mesmerizing.” Obama’s speeches are perfectly crafted for a people who can not think but who instead are looking for the quality of the experience. The result of an Obama speech is not to make his listener’s think but rather to make them swoon, in the same way that women swooned over Elvis or the Beatles, or in the same way that Germans swooned over Hitler. Obama’s speeches are like the Green Witch’s song in C. S. Lewis’ “The Silver Chair.” Like the Green Witch’s song, Obama’s speech’s are intended to put people, who would otherwise resist, to sleep. Finally, in my book anyone who can’t speak effectively without a teleprompter is not a communicator. Like so much of Obama, the whole “great communicator” thing is smoke and mirrors.

The first advantage that Obama has is that as President he followed a man who would make Buckwheat from the Little Rascals sound eloquent. Secondly, Obama is advantaged by a media that is almost as inarticulate as he is and this monosyllabic media keeps on saying over and over again what a great speaker Obama is. I suppose, that just as in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king, so in the land of the inarticulate the barely articulate is taken for Cicero. The media keeps on swooning over Obama’s speaking ability over and over and so pretty soon most people take it for the truth. Thirdly, Obama is advantaged by his audience. A people who had not experienced generations of being dumbed down would never consider Obama’s ability in speaking to be deserving of anything better than a leading role in the Vermontville Adult community theater. Fourthly, Obama is advantaged by being black. Nobody really believes that if Obama were white people would consider him a great speaker. No, this is a case where we dare not speak the truth for fear of violating the affirmative action code.

Obama Re-making America

President B. Hussein Obama’s recent move to provide massive mortgage bailout funds is another example of theft as it steals from the producers of society who pay their mortgages month in and month out in favor of those who can’t pay mortgages on houses they should have never been given loans on. This policy is nothing but a “house give away” welfare program and is an example of Obama keeping his campaign promise to “Joe the plumber” to spread the wealth around. This is classic re-distriubtionists economics and is a violation of the Eight Commandment.

Everybody knows that 275 billion is a drop in the ocean of bad mortgage debt. What the 275 billion will inevitably do is save the houses of those are currently in the worst mortgage debt situation while sacrificing those with mortgage problems which are not as severe and will only reach a critical state after the 275 billion for the welfare mortgages have been sopped up by the welfarists and cheaters. This means we are going to be rewarding those that took out loans they had no business receiving and now have been in houses beyond their means for a few years at the expense of those who took out reasonable loans and who have been in homes 10-15 years.

Do not think this policy is accidental. Obama has promised to remake America. Obama’s vision of America is basically a cultural marxism vision of life. The cultural marxist vision of America is one that champions putting the bottom rail up top. The cultural marxist vision believes that those who are members of the middle class are there by way of fraud and oppression of the lower classes. Obama’s vision is to switch these economic classes so that the bottom tier is on top of the currently higher rail. Cultural Marxism also believes that the middle class ethics need to be replaced with a more bohemian and relative ethic and so I look for this administration to continue to pursue the kind of educational policies that Obama championed when he worked with William Ayers crafting curriculum for Chicago Public schools.

“However, Kurtz’ report provides a very interesting look at the early political life of Barack Obama. He had already entered politics at the time he joined the CAC, and even at that stage had allied himself with ACORN, which has found itself at the center of more than a dozen voter-fraud investigations. Obama also allied himself with Ayers and helped the former Weather Underground fugitive push forward with his plans to radicalize an entire generation of schoolchildren in the area through the CAC. Note well the parallels to community organizing that play out in the activities of the CAC, and recall again how Obama claims that activity as a major qualification for the presidency.

Ayers wanted teachers trained to instruct against “oppression” and to push schoolchildren towards political beliefs Ayers valued — apparently valuing them higher than actual education. Barack Obama agreed, and for several years worked in close partnership with Ayers to implement that educational policy. Even had Ayers never tossed a single bomb, this kind of educational philosophy would likely raise eyebrows with most parents, who desire a real education for their children and not some sort of political indoctrination camp. With the context of Ayers’ violent radicalism, however, it makes the CAC even worse — a breeding ground for future Weathermen, ready to follow Ayers’ lead when the time comes for the revolution that Ayers and his wife (and co-terrorist) Bernardine Dohrn to this day desire.”

The key in following Obama in the years ahead is his promise to “Remake America.” Obama envision an America where the precepts of racial and cultural marxism prevail over the nation and this will be consistently pursued in the name of equality and egalitarianism. The fact that his policies thus far are consistent with that goal should not surprise anyone.

Conference Call With Michigan US Congressman Mark Schauer

I just hung up from a conference call with US Congressman Mark Schauer. I don’t know how it is I was phoned. The whole process was set up by his office. Apparently, people throughout Michigan were randomly called and were allowed to listen in on the conversation. There appeared to be a mechanism where one could ask the Congressman questions and in answering the question you were allowed to hear the Congressman’s response to political questions. We were periodically told that if we wanted to ask a question we should push #3. I pushed #3 but never got a chance to ask a question. I wanted to ask the Congressman where in the US Constitution he and the government found the authority to spend 800 billion dollars. I also wanted to ask what a provision to create health care bureaucracy was doing in this legislation.

Anyway, having said all that, allow me to tell you that if the microcosm of the Michigan citizens I heard tonight is representative of the American public at large, we are so toast as a nation. The Michigan citizens who asked questions (assuming it wasn’t rigged) were all statist. They all asked in one form or another what the stimulus package was going to do for their special interest. An auto worker from Eaton Rapids phoned in and wanted money for the auto industry. A senior citizen from Grand Ledge phoned in wanting to know what money was in the legislation for senior citizens. (She also was offended that people wanted to criticize the President, who was, after all, only trying to do what the great Franklin Roosevelt did.) A guy from Washtenaw called in complaining that Wall Street shouldn’t have got bailed out but rather guys like him should have got bailed out. A guy from Charlotte called in who has been trying to sell a house for over a year and he wanted to know what the government was going to do to help houses sell more briskly. Are we beginning to see a theme here?

As long as Americans believe it is the job of the state to provide nourishment and it is their job to suck at the teat of government we will continue to spiral into tyranny and oppression. I fear that the one two punch of government schools and mass media over the course of several generations have effectively rendered the citizenry (at least the sampling from Michigan I listened to tonight) brain dead. There is no desire for freedom, but instead a long plaintive cry to be fed, taken care of, and to have their diapers changed. People really have come to believe that in the state we love and move and have our being. People really have come to the point where they are looking to the state for salvation. This mindset which I repeat endlessly as being part of the American psyche, was born out in spades in this telephone conference this evening. It was most discouraging.

Congressman Schauer was unfailingly courteous, but then nobody he spoke to was disagreeing with the BS he was shoveling. Congressman Schauer made it clear that there is going to be a huge push for alternative energy. Carbon fuel is out and bio-fuel, wind energy, and other forms are in. According to Congressman Schauer this bill provides money to invest in “green cars.” Congressman Schauer noted that it was his hope that some of those cars would be built in Michigan. Interestingly enough there was a great deal of talk about ending free trade in favor of fair trade. Congressman Schauer said a great many things that were untrue. I don’t think Congressman Schauer purposely is a liar but rather it is my opinion that his false worldview causes him to speak lies that he genuinely believes are true. Most of his lies had to do with how this spending is going to help the economy and how this is all the previous administrations fault and how doing something is better than doing nothing and how every $1.00 spent by the government will result in a $1.50 return in the economy. This is Keynesianism that has long since been proven as completely false. Congressman Schauer also faulted people who just wanted to continue to pursue the failed ‘tax cuts for the rich’ policy pursued by the Bush administration. The obvious answer to this is that tax cuts without spending cuts was irresponsible — indeed almost as irresponsible as pursuing a policy to go deeper in debt through irresponsible spending legislation in order to solve being in debt.

What is sad about all of this is that these people have so few that can challenge them from rank and file America. What is sad is that Americans are largely drones that have been reared and trained to keep the machinery of our fascist culture running and consequently have not be reared and trained to ask questions about the nature of the machine. People need to quit warning about coming fascism or socialism. We already are far into Huxley’s Brave New World.