Well Known Politico Undergoes Brain Surgery

Mary Jo Kopechne, 68, is reported to be recovering nicely from brain surgery preformed at Duke University Medical center. Kopechne comes from a storied political family in America and has served ably has a US Senator from Massachusetts since 1962. Kopechne’s brilliant career was marked by a auto accident early in her career where a young relatively unknown secretary named Edward Kennedy drowned in suspicious circumstances in Chappaquiddick. Kopechne was at the wheel when the car she was driving went off a bridge and was submerged in shallow water. Mary Jo Kopechne managed to escape while her date drowned in the car after surviving for nearly two hours taking refuge in an air pocket. Suspicions have survived for years that Kopechne was intoxicated and only reported the accident hours later when she had become sober. Rumors continue that Kopechne used inside influence in Massachusetts to avoid prosecution of serious charges. Kopechne was married at the time of the accident.

All of America, having forgotten the obscure Kennedy, continue to pray for Mary Jo Kopechne’s full recovery from her brain surgery.

Washington Post Confirms Instincts

I’ve been saying for some time that even though White Marxists have won the Presidency in America a Black Marxist can’t win the Presidency in America. Now, I don’t want any Marxist winning the Presidency, and though I shouldn’t need to say it I am happy to report I would be glad to pull a lever for a Walter Williams or a Thomas Sowell if they were running against a White Marxist. The article below confirms on some level what I have instinctively known and have been saying for quite some time, which is a Black Marxist with a Muslim name can’t win the Presidency in America. I link it here because I haven’t read any place else the kind of analysis that agrees with observations that I’ve been giving for some time.


Now, in order to cover myself I personally think it odd that a person who would vote for a White Marxist wouldn’t likewise vote for a Black Marxist but it is what it is. Perhaps the reason is a sense of ethnic homogeneity? Perhaps people will vote for a White Marxist and not a Black Marxist with a Muslim name because the White Marxist still is wearing their face with their features.

Here is quote from the article that supports that observation,

“One Pittsburgh union organizer told her he would not vote for Obama because he is black, and a white voter, she said, offered this frank reason for not backing Obama: ‘White people look out for white people, and black people look out for black people.

And again,

Karen Seifert, an Obama volunteer from New York, was outside of the largest polling location in Lackawanna County, Pa., on primary day when she was pressed by a Clinton volunteer to explain her backing of Obama. “I trust him,” Seifert replied. According to Seifert, the woman pointed to Obama’s face on Seifert’s T-shirt and said: “He’s a half-breed and he’s a Muslim. How can you trust that?”

Again, I am not condoning the response that the article reveals. I’m just saying it is the way things are, and I’m saying that somebody is confirming what I’ve been saying for some time. It is interesting also that Hillary knows the same thing. This is seen in her quote this past week relating an AP article,

“that found how Sen. Obama’s support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me.”

“There’s a pattern emerging here,” said Hillary. “I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on.”

Also earlier Hillary took time to talk about having a broader base to win on. She argued that her coalition is broader and stronger against McCain that B. Hussein’s. One of her chief lieutenants, Paul Begala, even went so far as to contrast Hillary’s coalition with the ‘Egghead and Black coalition’ that B. Hussein was building. It is clear that Hillary likewise realizes what this Washington Post article reports on.

Still, as I’ve likewise said before, B. Hussein Obama, even though he is black could still not lose this election due to the very weak candidacy of his Republican opponent. In other words, all that is working against Obama as reported in that article still might not be enough to keep him out of the White House (now there’s some irony) since McCain is running away from his base and since McCain looks like he will wage his candidacy according to the PC rules that will not allow him to criticize the black guy for fear of being labeled a racist by the major media outlets..

For those who will get some satisfaction on me being wrong — remember I didn’t think Hillary would lose the nomination, and while I’m still not convinced she will lose it is becoming more and more difficult to see how she wins.

Ayers, Obama, McCain & Election 08

At this web site http://www.chicagomag.com/Chicago-Magazine/August-2001/No-Regrets/ you can see William Ayers, a former 60’s radical, in a photo op to promote his recently released book. Ayers has once again entered the American limelight due to his well known friendship with B. Hussein Obama.

Doug Wilson over at his mablog site gets all hot and bothered over Ayers standing on the US flag. Wilson splashes his testosterone all over his post as he professes that if he had been present at the photo-op he would have knocked Ayers off the US flag he was standing on. Wilson thinks it is dishonoring to the King for Ayers to show that kind of disrespect — never mind that the King is seeking to exterminate the Christian faith. Now, I agree with Wilson that Ayers actions is disrespectful but I am more concerned about the disrespect that Ayers has for noble men who died than about the disrespect for the Emperor.

The real problem with Ayers standing on the flag is he stands on the flag for the wrong reasons. If Ayers had the same reasons for standing on the flag that the Confederate soldier gave for saying he ‘wouldn’t wipe himself with the American flag’ when required to take a pledge of loyalty to the flag, Ayers at would at least be understandable. Ayers problem is that America isn’t anti-Christ enough and for Ayers the flag represents what is wrong with the limited remains of the Christian influence on America.

As mentioned earlier Ayers has connections with Obama. It is interesting that while one stands on the American flag the other goes out of his way to not wear the American lapel pin. Does this mean that B. Hussein Obama has the same kind of contempt for America that his buddy William Ayers does? Ayers and Obama together provide a kind of poster child for the kind of winning coalition that apparent Democratic presidential nominee is trying to cobble together. Ayers is now an academic and B. Hussein continues to garner about 93% of the black vote. What Ayers and B. Hussein together symbolize is the ‘egghead and black coaltion’ that Paul Begala recently noted the Democrats can’t rely on in order to win the 2008 election.

Now, in a normal universe one would think that friendships with a guy who takes photo-ops standing on the US flag (William Ayers), and marriages with a woman who wasn’t proud of being American until her husband began to win primaries (Michelle Obama), and close ties to black national pastor racists (Jeremiah Wright), and financial involvement with a slum lord (Tony Rezko) would torpedo the candidacy of most Presidential hopefuls. Not this year. This year Obama has the advantage of running against a Rebulican candidate who is running away from his base. As such Obama, if he gets the nomination, still has a chance to not lose. I say ‘not lose’ because the guy who is elected in this election will not be the guy who wins but will be the guy who doesn’t lose.

For voting Christians this presidential election cycle is another example of ‘not having a dog in this fight.’ Christians with a Biblical world view simply cannot support the liberal cadaver from Arizona or the poster child Senator for affirmative action from Illinois. For Christians our dog is either Bob Barr of Chuck Baldwin.

Damage Control

Fact — Rev. Jeremiah Wright is exposed saying some loony tune things.

Fact — B. Hussein Obama doesn’t slam his former Pastor for saying loony things instead choosing to draw parallel lines between Wright’s racist comments and his grandmother’s racist comments.

Result — B. Hussein Obama begins to lose the White Middle Class Blue collar vote.

Campaign Obama’s Solution?

Trot Rev. Wright out once again into the media spotlight to say the same kind of things he was caught saying earlier. This affords candidate B. Hussein Obama the opportunity to get another crack at the denunciation speech where he clearly and unequivocally denounces Wright and distances himself from his former pastor. This is the speech that he should have given but failed to give the first time around.

Essentially this whole scenario is, what golfers call a ‘mulligan.’ A mulligan is where you hit the first tee shot so badly that you take a do over. B. Hussein Obama so royally messed up on ‘the pastor issue’ the first time that all of this is being staged a second time to give him another crack at being righteous before the white middle class bule collar vote. It also gives him leverage against the Republicans in November if he gets the nomination because he can deflect criticism by saying, ‘well, the first time I was trying to be gracious to my former pastor. I believe that long time friends should be dealt with gently. But, when my pastor continued in his errors that I tried to cover with love I did denounce him.’

In my opinion this is all staged. It is all grist for the voters.