Pure Conjecture

When Bill Clinton was going through his impeachment imbroglio I alway had the sense that conviction in the Senate was never going to happen because it was a case where the Senators realized that Bill Clinton would take everyone down with him. The lack of voting for impeachment was more a case of everyone protecting their own backsides then being particularly concerned about Bill’s backside. Nobody is going to pull the rug out on anybody else because everybody is standing on the same rug.

I had seen this kind of behavior before in a business setting where because employees and management alike had the goods on one another, employees and management alike were covering each others backs.

Be patient…I’m going somewhere with this.

Now Hillary shows up and she is beat, and yet, she hangs around. Why is that?

Could it be that Hillary, unlike Barack, knows where all the bodies are buried and knows who buried them. (Considering that we are talking about the Clintons I need to tell you that the first sentence in this paragraph was a metaphor.) Could it be that like the impeachment process where Bill knew that the result of his going down would be his taking everybody with him, that Hillary knows that if she doesn’t get the nomination people are going to be exposed?

I think they call it ‘Blackmail.’

It’s pure conjecture but it makes more sense then anything else that is being offered out there right now as an explanation as to why either

1.) Bill wasn’t convicted in his impeachment trial

2.) Hillary is still being seriously considered as the possible presidential candidate even though there is no mathematical way that she can catch Obama in the delegate count.

Something has to account why she believes that she can still get the nomination.

If you believe that it is really going to be the case that super-delegates will vote for her because she has a better chance in the general election I think you need to give up your heroine addiction for awhile.

Remember, politics is a leverage game. Its all about who has the leverage.

I’m guessing Hillary and Bill have boatloads of leverage.

In my fevered mind all of the above would also explain why the back water media (CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, etc.) are giving her all the negative coverage. They want Obama, not because they are infatuated with Obama. They want Obama because they are tired of being tied to somebody who has them by the short hairs.

Remember … its pure conjecture.

Hypocrisy on Stilts

From an article dated 11 April, 2007 recording a interview with Barack Hussein Obama.

“I understand MSNBC has suspended Mr. Imus,” Obama told ABC News, “but I would also say that there’s nobody on my staff who would still be working for me if they made a comment like that about anybody of any ethnic group. And I would hope that NBC ends up having that same attitude.”

“He didn’t just cross the line,” Obama said. “He fed into some of the worst stereotypes that my two young daughters are having to deal with today in America. The notions that as young African-American women — who I hope will be athletes — that that somehow makes them less beautiful or less important. It was a degrading comment. It’s one that I’m not interested in supporting.”

“And the notion that somehow it’s cute or amusing, or a useful diversion, I think, is something that all of us have to recognize is just not the case. We all have First Amendment rights. And I am a constitutional lawyer and strongly believe in free speech, but as a culture, we really have to do some soul-searching to think about what kind of toxic information are we feeding our kids,” he concluded.

So, Senator Barack Hussein Obama believed that Don Imus should have been fired for referring to female Black Basketball players as ‘nappy headed ho’s,’ but the vile vitriolic hatred that spewed from Jeremiah Wright’s mouth must be understood in the larger context of American racism?

I know … I know … the double standard is a black thing and so I wouldn’t understand.

If you haven’t been able to tell, I am definitely exercised over this bilge.

Hillary ain’t never been called a trigger

As I noted yesterday, race is continuing to seep into the Democratic Presidential sweepstakes.

Since yesterdays post about Geraldine Ferraro saying that “If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position,” Ms. Ferraro has resigned from her loose connections with the Clinton campaign.

Today, however there is more news on the race front. As I have mentioned before Barack Obama has a black racist as a Pastor. It seems that Obama has been attending this Church for twenty years and considers Rev. Jeremiah Wright a sort of mentor. This Rev. Wright Married the Obamas, baptized their children, and his Church has been the major recipient of the Obama’s charitable giving over the years.

Now, this is no casual relationship between Pastor and parishioner. Barack Hussein Obama obviously likes what he sees in his Pastor which is confirmed by the reality that Rev. Wright is now connected to the Obama campaign.

Here we have this cozy relationship between these two men. Isn’t it profitable for us that Rev. Wright’s sermons have been transcribed over the years so that we can have a peek into the kind of Spiritual mentor that Obama has esteemed over all these years?

Quoting Rev. Wright from some of his sermons,

“Barack knows what it means living in a country and a culture that is controlled by rich white people, Hillary would never know that. Hillary ain’t never been called a nigger. Hillary has never had a people defined as a non-person.”

“Hillary is married to Bill, and Bill has been good to us. No he ain’t! Bill did us, just like he did Monica Lewinsky. He was riding dirty.”

“God d&*% America for treating its citizens as less than human. (We’re living in the) “US of KKK A.”

So here we have this Holy Man who has been so profoundly influential on Barack Hussein Obama. We know that the Obama’s have been listening to this kind of Black whitey hatred for 20 years. Now, we can understand, perhaps, why Mrs. Michelle Obama recently said,

For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country, because it feels like hope is making a comeback.”

If I sat under the kind of preaching that constantly gave doses of how Black people were victims and were being hustled by White people I likewise might say for the first time in my life I was proud of my country, if I saw my spouse making headway in a campaign for President.

Rev. Jeremiah Wright is a window into the soul of Barack Hussein Obama. It is a dirty window, that not even a forced resignation of Rev. Wright could clean. For twenty years Wright has been, in Obama’s own words, his “sounding board”, “moral compass”. “mentor”, and “spiritual inspiration.”

II.)Political Calculations

Of course this does irreparable harm to Obama both now but more so if he makes it to the general election. As this becomes more widely known you can forget about the White Middle Class Union workers of Pennsylvania voting for Obama in the upcoming primary. Also if he makes it to the general election the rantings of Rev. Wright will be played every day on every radio talk show in the nation, with the results, as I’ve said before, that White America will not elect a Liberal Democrat Black man.

In the end Obama is no different then Jesse “New York City is Hymie Town” Jackson or Al “Tawana Brawley” Sharpton. In a sane country these revelations would destroy a candidate, reducing him to being able to garner only black voters.

BUT America is not sane so who can say what will happen.

Election Cycle 2008

“If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position.”

Geraldine Ferraro
1984 Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee

For decades the Democrats have pushed the idea of affirmative action and race and gender quotas which teaches that people who are of politically correct skin hue or who have the politically correct genitalia must receive primary consideration for competitive government contracts, and placement in University programs above people who are more qualified then those whose skin hue isn’t dark enough or above those who used to be required to ride side saddle in order to be considered a lady.

Now they are in the position of complaining about the very standards that they helped to create. Ferraro is correct… if Obama weren’t a black man he would not only not be being considered to be qualified to be President but he also would not have been considered qualified to have been a U.S. Senator. His primary qualification to be President is that he is a Black man living in the midst of White, nominally Christian people who have been convinced that they need to feel guilty about being White and Christian and who further have been convinced that the way that their corporate guilt can be atoned for is by providing reparations by way of voting for an inexperienced black guy with a Muslim name that doesn’t strike them as being either to black or to Muslim.

The really ironic thing in all of this is that the Democratic party is going to rip itself apart trying to determine which minority (women or blacks) are the greater victims, who because of that higher victim status, deserve to have one or the other of their unqualified candidates at the top of the ticket. In any other election cycle a Al Gore or a John Kerry would cakewalk into the White House against a Republican party candidate that doesn’t appeal to his own base. Not so in election cycle 2008.In this election cycle the Democrats, because of their quota requirements, are going to offer up a candidate who is unqualified and who will represent a party that will be divided because some great victim group who will once again be victimized. Does anybody think the black vote is going to turnout for the Democrats if Hillary gets the nomination? Will the feminists be energized if Barak gives Hillary the shaft?

Already I can tell you that the Presidential election of 2008 is not going to about who can win but rather it is going to be about who can avoid losing. On the Republican side there will be no great passion for McCain by his base and on the Democratic either candidate will be damaged goods no matter what face they will try to put on it when it is all said and done. Voting will come down to a decision of who people hate less.

If you are a Christian why not vote US Constitution party and be able to live with yourself after you come out of the voting booth?

We’re In The Army Now

“The coming of National-Socialist State should not fall into the error of the past and assign to the Army a task which it does not and should not have. The German Army is not to be a school for the maintenance of tribal peculiarities, but rather a school for the mutual understanding and adjustment of all Germans. Whatever may have a disruptive effect in national life should be given a unifying effect through the Army. It should furthermore raise the individual youth above the narrow horizon of his little countryside and place him in the German nation. He must learn to respect, not the boundaries of his birthplace, but the boundaries of his Fatherland; for it is these which he to must some day defend.”

Adolph Schickelgruber (nee – Hitler)
Mein Kampf

“Military service was an essential civic duty, and it was the responsibility of the Army to educate and to unify, once and for all the population of the Reich.”

Sir Winston Churchill — British Prime Minister
The Gathering Storm — pg. 143

I am an opponent of Christians in These United States encouraging their children to consider military service. I know that when children hit 18 they can decide for themselves on this issue over their parents objections and pursue a military hitch or career. Yet, parents can have a huge influence on their children years before they reach the point of considering the military as part of their future.

The reasons I am opposed to the covenant seed going into military service is,

1.)US military is the enforcement agency of the US State.

Christians have to begin to realize the vast implications of what the US State is doing. The US State, comprised of people from both major Parties, are currently seeking to turn America into a pluralistic national entity along with the countries of Mexico and Canada. This arrangement would be prelude to the Babel like larger vision of building a Global Nation State. Christians should oppose this for the same reason that God opposed the same kind of attempt pursued as recorded in Genesis 11. The attempt to build a Global Nation New World order is in direct defiance of God’s unique sovereignty. Such a World State clearly has God like aspirations that would require men to live, move and have their being in the State. No thoughtful Christian can or should support this by being part of the enforcement arm of the State used to muscle acquiescence to the larger program. To join the US military at this time puts one in the position of helping to build an Idol that is intent on replacing the God of the Bible and so, as a general rule, Christian young people shouldn’t join the military.

2.) Per the quotes above the Military, like the educational system in America, is a place where loyalty to the Nation State is to be built over confessional, regional or familial loyalties. The feminization that one finds in the US military is not being done because it works. It is being done so that all those who do a hitch in the military can be brainwashed that this kind of interchangeable male and female parts in part of what it means to be ‘American.’ The same holds true for the homosexulization that one finds in the military with the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy. I am convinced that the current primary role of the US military is, like the secondary educational system in America, is to make, by the State’s autonomous standard, ‘good citizens.’ Since this standard is not particularly beholden to a Christian mind, I’m not sure why Christians would want to go to a place where they are going to be bullied into a belief system not their own.

I fully understand and recognize that exceptions would exist for this general policy. There may be Christian young people who may believe themselves called to go into the US military with the idea that they are going to honorably serve their country and if that means disobeying unconstitutional orders then they are willing to face the consequences. I don’t meet many 18 years olds like that but I’m quite willing to admit that they could exist. Also, I suppose the argument could be made that going into the military in a field (like the Army Band) where one would not be as directly involved in what I’ve mentioned is acceptable.

Overall, I’ve come to conclude that since both the US educational system and the US military are committed to the same goal of making ‘World Citizens’ who will aid in the building of the pagan New World Order that Christians will think long and hard about attaching themselves to such agencies.

I realize that this veiw is probably not a popular position. I realize that Christians have and do serve faithfully in the US military. I don’t think Christians who are serving and who have not thought this through are evil. I’ve come to believe however that the interest of the US State are diametrically and diabolically opposed to the interests of the Kingdom of Christ, and as Christians can’t serve two masters I think it is time we started thinking about which of our citizenships we should prioritize in this world.