Category: Quotes & Commentary
Bahnsen on Ethics Arrived At Apart from God
With painful irony we note the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer: “Man has learned to cope with all questions of importance without recourse to God. . . . [God] is teaching us that we must live as men who can get along very well without him.” The pathos of these words is that they were penned in Bonhoeffer’s Letters and Papers from Prison, penned after Hitler’s Gestapo, learning to get along very well without God, had imprisoned Bonhoeffer, thereby preventing the completion of his book on Ethics and resulting in his hanging in 1945. When the questions of ethics are answered without recourse to God, the following views of the state become inevitable:
The State incarnates the Divine Idea upon earth (Hegel).
The State is the supreme power, ultimate and beyond repeal, absolutely independent (Fichte).
Everything for the State; nothing outside the State; nothing
against the State (Mussolini).
The State dominates the nation because it alone represents it (Hitler).
The State embraces everything, and nothing has value outside the State. The State creates right (Franklin Delano Roosevelt).
Thus Bonhoeffer’s assertion represented the very outlook which condoned his immoral execution. The source of moral authority and law within a society will either be theistic or political; when the former is repudiated, the latter allows of no logical barrier from tyranny.
Greg Bahnsen, Theonomy in Christian Ethics
Interacting with Rev. Isker’s “Boniface Option”
Sundry Observations on the French Revolution
Otto Scott
Pocket College
This quote teaches us that Clergy who are unfamiliar with the French Revolution should get out of the pulpit until they familiarize themselves with the French Revolution because what is happening in the West is that Christianity is being reinterpreted through the grid of the French Revolution and the ignorant Clergy is complicit because they don’t know better, and in not knowing better they don’t understand the urgency of the times to bring God’s Word to bear. God’s Word teaches that revolution begins in the desire to revolt against God’s authority. Because of this Scripture is anti-Revolutionary.
LOL — This Committee of Public safety was that Statist agency that was responsible for the flow of public blood in the streets compliments of Madame La Guillotine.
Obama Healthcare anyone?
III.) “What Marx was to the Russian Revolution of 1917, Rousseau was to the French Revolution of the 1790’s. Like Marx, he was a parasite who never worked an honest day in his life. He was an expert at leeching off his aristocratic buddies, and wrote a series of treatises which blamed the evils of property and civilisation for the corruption of man. He wrote these while living in the lap of luxury with the aristocratic women he seduced.”
Moses Apostaticus
It was all a lie.
As long as Equality is pursued neither Liberty nor Fraternity is possible. Equality negates Liberty because Liberty creates unequal stations, accentuates different abilities, and creates classes as some men use Liberty to excel while other men use Liberty to stagnate. Equality negates Fraternity because Equality breeds envy against those who have used Liberty to excel and envy always destroys Fraternity.
A Flurry of Wilmot Robertson & Friends Quotes
Back in 2016 I read Wilmot Robertson’s “The Dispossessed Majority.” Below are some quotes from Robertson along with some of those who shared his convictions. Before anybody informs me, I am well aware that Robertson likely was not a Christian. However, just as the Hebrew’s plundered the Egyptians so I often read outside of the believing community in order to plunder and I do so reinterpreting their mistakes due to my Biblical grid. These are only a smattering of the quotes that could be pulled.
1.) In 1970, Lindbergh published his Wartime journals, in which he insisted that his noninterventionist views had been fundamentally correct and that the US had actually lost WW II, since it had merely destroyed a lesser menace to help establish a greater one. He particularly stressed the irreparable genetic loss suffered during the war by the Northern European peoples. Lindbergh’s written word repeated, and did not modify his 1941 accusation that Zionists had been a major force in involving the US in WW II
British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlin apparently shared some of Lindbergh’s views as to the origin of the conflict. According to Ambassador Joseph Kennedy. Prime Minster Chamberlin told him, “America and the World Zionists had forced England into war.”
The Dispossessed Majority
Herbert Hoover’s “Freedom Betrayed”
2.) Wilmot Robertson, in his book, “The Dispossessed Majority” was explaining anarcho-tyranny long before Sam Francis started writing about it. Robertson doesn’t use the phrase but it is clearly what he is articulating. Robertson called it, “The Adulteration of the Law.”
3.) 1965 Hart-Celler Renounced what had made America Great. It wasn’t huddled masses of every culture, creed and religion. The tide had finally turned. Talmudist were behind the Hart-Celler initiative.
Enoch Powell Grasped this truth in 1968 in his “Rivers of Blood Speech”. Few Listened.
Wilmot Robertson wrote a large book about the problem in 1971 called “The Dispossessed Majority”. Few read it.
Jean Raspail wrote of the impact of a “Borderless Babel” where people were guilt ridden by the word, “Racist” in his “The Camp of the Saints” in 1973. People were simply outraged.
The conversation is not new. We’ve only begun to see the implications of what we’ve gladly given up in Christ. It’s not pretty.Even Thomas Boston went all prophetic on this subject,
“There is not a natural man, but would contribute, to the utmost of his power, to the building of another tower of Babel, to hem it in. On these grounds I declare every un-renewed man an enemy to God.”
Early 1700s
Christ bearing peoples who give up their proclamation that Christ is the only way and that all the cultures and peoples of the world in their cultures and peoples must acknowledge that fact or else be guilty of “conspiring against His Crown rights” ( Psalms 2 ) are Alienists. To be at war with Kinism is to be at war with Jesus Christ.
4.) “The kind of learning that prepares a people to prevail and endure must be primed by centuries of common history and millennia of common ancestry. Desegregation kills it by destroying its binding force–the homogeneity of teacher and pupil. The disappearance of this vital bond from the American classroom may prove to be the greatest educational tragedy of all.”
The Dispossessed Majority
Think of public schools as spiritual kidnapping or Spiritual abandonment when done willingly by parents.
5.) “It is obvious that the chief result of a general confiscation of firearms would be the disarming of white Protestants. It is equally obvious that this is precisely the goal of the gun control lobby. If the Majority is disarmed, nothing will stand between us and the criminal but a massive, mushrooming police bureaucracy. Many of our cities have already shown signs of becoming the Praetorian Guard of the liberal-minority coalition.”
“Gun Control” (1975)5.) “As Communism waned and Zionism took its place as the dominant vehicle of Jewish Messianic politics in the latter part of the 20th century, the suspicion would grow that the Jews were interested in integration for every group but itself. The corollary to that belief was that Jewish organizations could attack both ‘black,’ and ‘white’ nationalists groups as ‘racist,’ at the same time that Israel promoted the same sort of apartheid.”
The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit — pg. 813-814
“The only allegations of racial differences which do not provoke a bitter reaction from the intellectual establishment are those proposing the superiority of the Jew.”
The Dispossessed Majority — pg. 23
6.) (Those) “who stubbornly go on believing that a set of highly sophisticated institutions developed by and for a particular people at a particular point in time and space is operational for all peoples under all circumstances” (are delusional).
The Dispossessed Majority7.) “The kind of learning that prepares a people to prevail and endure must be primed by centuries of common history and millennia of common ancestry. Desegregation kills it by destroying its binding force–the homogeneity of teacher and pupil. The disappearance of this vital bond from the American classroom may prove to be the greatest educational tragedy of all.”
The Dispossessed Majority
8.) “The best hope for the survival of the white race in America is the peaceful fragmentation of the nation into ethnostates, separate and independent states based on geography and on the racial and cultural homogeneity of the various population groups. The Melting Pot failed because the ingredients refused to dissolve. A mosaic, defined in Webster’s Third International Dictionary as “an artificial patchwork,” has not succeeded because the individual pieces were seldom defined geographically, and their political and cultural autonomy was undercut by the integrationist tendencies of big government, the pernicious influence of the national media, particularly network television, and the rabid antiwhite racial leveling preached in the Halls of Academe. For more on this subject, see Chapter 39 and the author’s book, The Ethnostate, Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc., Cape Canaveral, Florida 32920.”
Dispossessed Majority Wilmot Robertson (Kindle Locations 1052-1058).
9.) “The institutional Christianity that flourishes today is no longer the same religion as that practiced by Charlemagne and his successors, and it can no longer support the civilization they formed. Indeed, organized Christianity today is the enemy of the West and the race that created it.