In speaking of the Enlightenment author Rudolph Soan wrote;
“A natural law, a natural state, a natural society, and a natural religion shown as the great ideas on the intellectual horizon, and carried away the world of the 18th century in a movement of passionate endeavor. These battles prepared the way for the rise of modern Humanity.”
This quote demonstrates for us how it is R2K is a return to the Enlightenment project. R2K, with its full throated praise for Natural law and fallen man’s ability to read Natural Law aright as pertaining to all spheres save for the Church indicates its commitment to a Christ-less natural social-order as governed by a natural state under the auspices of a natural religion that serves as the great North Star for a religion-less people.
Of course the implication of all this R2K “thinking” is that natural law for the public square supersedes God’s law, and as against a Godly social order R2K posits that as we live in the common realm, we live and move and have our being in the humanistic natural state.
In the words of R. J. Rushdoony;
Because of its hostility to faith, the Enlightenment stressed reason as a great arbiter as well as the supplanter of Revelation. Natural law replaced Gods law, the state as Gods’ ministry of justice was replaced by a state defining law, creating law, declaring what is Good and evil for itself, and natural society, that is, life lived in terms of nature; replace life as envisioned by God’s law. Religion instead of being ordered by God’s grace and law, instead of being derived from revelation, now found its source in nature.
R2K, being a “theology” inspired by Enlightenment categories, makes the very same move for the common realm.
R2K is not Calvinism, nor is it basic Christianity. Instead R2K is Christianity reinterpreted through the lens of Enlightenment categories. In brief, R2K is heresy.