Keep in mind that learning never ends.

Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne, Yet that scaffold sways the future, and, behind the dim unknown, Standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above his own.
Keep in mind that learning never ends.
Main Texts
1.) Antony Sutton
Read these two texts. Why do you think I would make these required reading on this subject. Who do you think this points towards in terms of having a financial interest in the War. What does it suggest that the same entities funded both sides of the war? Write a paper detailing the financial origins and funding of WW II and the players behind the funding.
2.) Hebert Hoover
Read this text. How responsible does Hoover believe FDR was for WW II? Write a paper exhausting the failures of FDR in keeping the USA out of war. Include in your paper the policies FDR pursued the inevitable inspired war. Answer the questions … “Did FDR know the Japs were coming to Pearl Harbor?” Did FDR want the Japs to bomb Pearl Harbor?” “What convinced the Japs to go after Pearl Harbor as opposed to Russia?”
3.) Thomas Mahl
Propaganda is always the first battlefield in war and Truth is always the first casualty of war. Summarize Mahl’s arguments on how the Brits, in conjunction with the White House, lied us into WW II.
II.) Supplementary Texts
1.) Vikto Suvorov
On the Easter Front Suvorov argues that Hitler struck Stalin because he knew that Stalin was going to strike him.
Give a chapter by chapter summary of Suvorov’s arguments.
2.) Pat Buchanan
Covers some of the same ground as Hoover’s book. Repetition bears memory. Give a chapter by chapter summary of the book. One paper for each chapter.
3.) M. Stanton Evans
Evans chronicles that the Communists were running not only the Soviet Russian end of the war but were also severely manipulating our end of the war as well.
Be prepared for an oral exam on this book.
4,) Burton Folsom
How did these united States change because of WW II? Folsom examines the myth behind WW II getting us out of the Depression. Write a 3 page summary on each chapter.
4.) David Irving — Volumes 1 & 2
Give a 45 minute presentation to the class on what you learned about Churchill and WW II because of this read.
5.) James Bacque
6.) Julius Epstein
7.) Nikolai Tolstoy
These three books tell of the brutality of the Allies during WW II and go a long way towards addressing the question, of whether or not in WW II, it was possible to be on the side of the angels. 3-5 page summaries of each chapter of each book.
8.) Cornelius Ryan
No report required. Assigned to give you a feel for the combat.
9.) A Third of the Holocaust
The longest lasting effect of WW II was the impact of the “Holocaust” on the West. Is it possible to answer the questions raised by this documentary?
10.) Operation Hell Storm
Class discussions on the last two videos.
Main Texts
1.) Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes — Jacques Ellul
2.) The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America — Daniel Boorstin
Required Texts
1.) The Father of Spin – Larry Tye
Intent — Biography of one of the most influential Propagandist in the 20th century
2.) Propaganda — Edward Bernays
Intent — The technique and “how to” of how Bernays did Propaganda
3.) The Crowd — Gustav LaBon
Intent — How the public mind works in the context of large gatherings. How propaganda can manipulate the public mind in the context of large gatherings.
4.) Rules For Radical — Saul Alinsky
Intent — Alinsky’s propaganda methodology in order to manipulate Organizations and Public Opinion of Organizations. Community Organization 101.
5.) Confrontational Politics — H. L. Richardson
Intent — “How to” book on how to use propaganda in confrontational settings. Gives tips on how to organize with propaganda.
6.) The News Twisters — Edith Efron
Intent — Demonstrates the subtle presence and success of Propaganda by the Mainstream media upon the American voting public. Dated book. Still highly relevant.
7.) Why Johnny Can’t Think — Robert Whitaker
Intent — Demonstrates the bias and propaganda in the University system. Insists that every message received must be received by examining the presuppositions of the person or vehicle sending the message. Begins to give a outline on how to be immune to Propaganda.
8.) Amusing Ourselves To Death
Intent — Reveals that Americans are a Propagandized people and explains how Television is a propaganda machine. Television makes people immune to Truth and creates a society that requires a constant diet of propaganda.
9.) The Medium is the Massage — Marshal McLuhan
Intent — How the vehicle of the Message affects the Message sent. Propaganda, to be effective, has to be married to the right vehicle.
Note — See the course curriculum offered on Worldview Thinking and Presuppositionalism to provide the answer how one immunizes themselves to propaganda. This course will make you aware of Propaganda but it will not by itself make you immune to Propaganda.
Required Video
1.) The Century of the Self
Intent — 4 hour video that demonstrates the vast and deep role of propaganda in the 20th century. Should be viewed at least twice.
Basic Weekly Assignments:
Unlike previous courses this course insists on the importance of each and every book and the video for a complete understanding of Propaganda. As such each and every book requires Chapter summaries.
A final 30 page paper is required that explains what Propaganda is, how it works, the relation it bears to truth, if any. The paper will also require a demonstration and brief explanation of the techniques of successful Propaganda.
Main Texts
1.) The Doctrine of Justification by Faith — John Owen
2.) The Doctrine of Justification — James Buchanan
3.) Justification — Francis Turretin (Author), Jr. James T. Dennison (Editor), George Musgrave Giger (Translator)
Assignment — Read the main texts. Write a 25 page paper explaining and defending the Biblical Doctrine of Justification by faith alone.
Supplemental Texts
1.) Romans: Atonement and Justification: An Exposition of Chapters 3:20 – 4:25 — Martyn Lloyd Jones
2.) Faith Alone: The Evangelical Doctrine of Justification — R. C. Sproul
3.) Justification by Faith Alone — Jonathan Edwards
5.) The Current Justification Controversy — O. Palmer Robertson
6.) By Faith Alone: Answering the Challenges to the Doctrine of Justification — Guy Waters (Editor)
7.) Justification Reconsidered: Rethinking A Pauline Theme — Stephen Westerholm
1.) Go online and find a rabid Roman Catholic and get into a debate on Justification
2.) Go online and find a rabid Federal Vision proponent and get into a debate on Justification
3.) Write a 10 page paper on the Controversies surrounding Justification (Books 5-7)
1.) What Still Divides Us?
A Protestant & Roman Catholic Debate : Are the Scriptures Sufficient? Are We Justified By Faith Alone?
Assignment — Listen to the debate section on Justification
The Opposition
1.) The Federal Vision — Steve Wilkins (Editor) — pages 151-262
2.) Council of Trent — Look up Cannon’s 9, 12, 14, 23, 24, 30, 33
1.) 4 page paper on each of the three Chapters in the Wilkins book refuting Federal Vision errant versions of Justification
2.) Refute the Council of Trent Canons
3.) 5 page paper locating the harmonies you see between Trent and Federal Vision
Purpose — To root and ground the reader in the fundamentals of Biblical Christianity. It is hoped that by absorbing the material of this course the result will be a Christian who is set upon Christianity as the life of the mind.
Goal — upon completion of the course the student will begin to understand that Christianity and the Christian faith is one wherein one finds their complete identity.
1.) By What Standard? — R. J. Rushdoony (Epistemology)
a.) 1 typed page chapter summaries.
b.) Upon completion a 4 page page paper on the importance of Epistemology.
2.) Understanding and Applying the Bible — J. Robertson McQuilkin (Hermeneutics)
a.) 1 typed page (200 words) chapter summaries
b.) Upon completion a 4 page page paper explaining basic hermeneutics and the importance of hermeneutics for reading the Scriptures aright.
3.) Knowing God — J. I. Packer (Theology Proper)
a.) 1 typed page chapter summaries
b.) 4 page paper on the Attributes of God
4.) O. Palmer Robertson — The Christ of the Covenants (Covenant Theology)
a.) 1 typed page chapter summaries
b.) 4 page paper giving an overview of covenant theology
5.) Putting Amazing back into Grace — Michael Horton (Basic Reformed Theology)
The author of this book ^ is R2K. I most certainly do not recommend anything he writes touching his theological dualism. Still, having said that I still think this book a good primer on Reformed theology.
a.) 1 typed page chapter summaries
b.) 4 page paper on the graciousness of Grace. Make sure to include a section explaining how in Reformed Theology when it comes to salvation “God does all the doing.”
6.) A Summary of Christian Doctrine — Louis Berkhof (Systematic Theology)
a.) 1 typed pages chapter summaries
b.) 4 page paper delineating why these doctrines are necessary for the Christian life
7.) When the Time Had Fully Come: Studies in New Testament Theology — Herman Ridderbos (Biblical Theology)
a.) 1 typed page chapter summaries
b.) 4 page paper explaining the Reformed “Now, Not yet.”
8.) The Cross of Christ — John Stott (Soteriology)
a.) 1 typed page chapter summaries
b.) 4 paged paper setting forth a basic understanding of the centrality of the Cross Work of Jesus Christ
9.) Holy Spirit — John Owen /abridged version (Pneumatology)
a.)1 typed page chapter summaries
b.) 4 page paper on the person and work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer
10.) Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God — J. I. Packer (Evangelism)
a.) 1 typed page chapter summaries
b.) 4 page paper explaining why Reformed folks are evangelistically minded
11.) The Pursuit of Holiness — Jerry Bridges (Sanctification)
a.) 1 typed page chapter summaries
b.) 4 typed page paper explaining the different nuances of Holiness and why it is necessary for the Christian life.
12.) The Basic Ideas of Calvinism — H. Henry Meeter (Holistic Calvinism)
a.) 1 typed page chapter summaries
b.) 4 typed pages that demonstrate that you understand that Christianity is a religion that is totalistic in its claims over every area of life.
— Warning on this book; Ignore Meeter’s “insights” on Economics
This list could be used in a High School curriculum for covenant children in Christian families.