McAtee On The Rosebrough vs. Mahler Debate V — Christians & The Authority of the State

As we start part V we note that in the introduction of the debate Rosebrough went out of his way to say this interview was not a debate.  Rosebrough’s protestations at the beginning that this was not a debate with Mahler are irrelevant. This was a debate and the reason Rosebrough later wanted to insist that it wasn’t a debate is because Mahler wiped the floor with Rosebrough. It was bad and the real badness of it begins to be seen in this segment.

I will give Mahler this… he excels at what Lawyer’s excel at. He is a master at argumentation. We see in Mahler the classic example of lawyer advice on how to argue;

When the facts are against you, argue the law.
When the law is against you, argue the facts.
When the facts and the law are both against you, argue policy

I would also say Mahler’s ability to keep his composure in light of Rosebrough’s obvious exasperation and incredulity were points in favor of Mahler’s presentation. There were times when Mahler was clearly wrong but his ability to calmly drive his errant points home worked in his favor.

In this segment Rosebrough is exposed pretty badly by Mahler. In this segment we learn that both Rosebrough and Mahler are Statists. Though Mahler does not state it I’m pretty confident that he would contend that the colonists were in unbiblical rebellion for rising up against King George. Meanwhile, Rosebrough insists that the Colonialists were correct for rebelling against King George as following their lesser Magistrates. Yet, Rosebrough also said here that he would obey Stalin and Hitler. Rosebrough would obey Stalin and Hitler but not King George III? That is more than a little arbitrary. It seems that Rosebrough picks and chooses on his own authority what rules of Caesar he will obey and what he will not obey.

Actually, he and Mahler agree here seen in Mahler’s clear inference that Stalin should not have been obeyed. (Mahler references Solzhenitsyn’s counsel.) Mahler and Rosebrough just have different standards for what should and should not be obeyed. As for myself, I would have counseled Christians to disobey all these tyrants.

There was argumentation here on the meaning of Romans 13. Rosebrough was clearly in the wrong here as he seeks to suggest that Romans 13 teaches that Christians must submit to tyrants. In fairness to Rosebrough he seemed to be confused here. At one point he said that Christians should submit to tyrants on matters like speed limits and where they can. At other points he said things like, (paraphrasing) “if the Magistrate wants to kill me as a Christian the Lord will take care of him,” suggesting that the Christian should passively accept his unjust execution.

We’ve written a great deal here on Romans 13. Here are just two of the posts. There are others that can be found by putting “Romans 13” in the search engine here at Iron Ink.

Romans 13:1f … Then and Now

Romans 13 & The Possibility of Civil Disobedience

Rosebrough clearly stated that he would obey Hitler and Stalin but not George III. I would say that Christians had no business obeying Stalin, George III, or Hitler. Especially when Hitler said… “Bring your lame, halt and blind so I can kill them.” Roseborough actually said that it is sin to resist a murderous magistrate.

I would contend that if the Emperor wants to kill you for preaching the Gospel and you willingly surrender to the Emperor to be killed you have just violated the 6th commandment. Rosebrough is confused on this subject as seen in this statement;

“I am not called to armed insurrection on the basis of the fact that the state is opposing Christianity.”

So, the fact that the State is killing millions of babies does not allow us to rise in armed insurrection to oppose the State? The links posted above explain my reasons for so thoroughly and adamantly disagreeing with Rosebrough here.

Rosebrough does allow for a seeming exception with the Colonialists rebelling against George III suggesting that it was not sedition for the Colonialists to rise up against George III since the Colonialists were following lesser Magistrates.  I am pretty sure that King George III and British Parliament would have still called the Colonial rebellion “sedition.”

This section is very important in my opinion. I am of the conviction that pulpits across our land ought to be reverberating with the same kind of counsel that Reformed and Lutheran pulpits reverberated with when the clergy at that time was referred to “the Black Robed Regiment.” We live in a time when pulpits should ring with the counsel of rising up against the tyrant state that we are currently living under. Guys like Rosebrough counsel passivity in the face of the most God-awful and dishonoring behavior as coming from the State. God’s people need to be told by God’s spokesman while speaking from God’s holy desk that tyrants have no license from God to destroy the weak, to persecute Christians, or to tyrannize the public as they are currently doing and have been doing for quite some time. Debate can be had as to how best go about this and the timing of this but the necessity for it can not be disputed.

Potpourri … Random Observations On Random Subjects

“When you come in and say, oh, you know, these (trannie) men are—these are (trannie) men competing against women, you’re assuming that the women are weak and just can’t do anything…”

Whoopi Goldberg
The View

I think we need to agree with Whoopi Goldberg here. That is the assumption behind the outrage of men competing against women. It is true that compared to men in sports, women in sports are weak and just can’t do anything. Whoopi is right here.

Also, though we should note here that there is something implicit in what Whoopi is saying and that implicit something is that gender is a social construct. Because gender is a social construct women can compete against men in women’s sports. So, we have gone from a time where people believed (rightly) that race was biological and so not a social construct to a time where we now are believing that gender, like race, is not biological and is a social construct. I would argue that you can easily connect the dots between “Loving vs. Virginia,” and men competing in women’s sports.


“The ‘order of loves’ is not a mere divine command but one that coheres w/ our nature as bounded social beings — the sort of beings that maximize our good among people who share a second nature, that is, particularities.”

Stephen Wolfe
X post

BLMc responds

… MERE divine command?

Wolfe’s Natural Law skubala goes so far as to make God’s command “mere” in comparison with the fact that such and such coheres w/ our nature as if something cohereing w/ our nature is of a higher import than divine command. Divine command, per Wolfe, is mere, while “according to our nature” is pre-eminent.

Am I reading this wrong?


And even now the ax (covenant sanctions) is laid to the root of the trees (Israel). Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Mt. 3:10

“Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you (Israel) and given to a nation (Gentiles) bearing the fruits of it. Mt. 21:43

Infant Baptism proves that God is done with Israel as a covenant nation. The covenant was taken away from Israel and given to a people formed by peoples who would produce the fruit of it and so the old covenantal rites were dismissed in favor of new covenantal rites and yet those new covenantal rites have continuity with the old rites just as a butterfly has continuity with once being a pupae.


Look, I’m against the slaughter of the Alawites in Syria by Muslim nutjobs but to call these Syrian Alawites “Christian” is to do significant damage to the word and meaning of “Christian.” If these people lived here we would only call them “Christian” the way we call Mormon’s “Christian.”


“America is a meat-grinder.”

Ron Burns
Cultural Marxist Black Clergy Activist

“Thank God my grand-daddy got on that boat.”

Muhammad Ali


I think we have to admit that the Reformed Denominational leadership going after and seeking to destroy the careers of people like Garris and Hunter are operating, whether they intend it or not, from an anti-Christ set of convictions.


Ironically enough, the pursuit of diversity in the “Conservative” Reformed Churches today is really nothing but the pursuit of wiping out the distinct ethos, history and culture of Christian White people descended from Europe. Reformed Churches don’t care about diversity. They care about extinguishing White people. Whether they know it or not they are fulfilling their role in our replacement.


I stand w/ Thomas Massie against Trump on the Budget Bill. Being fiscally responsible is always the right thing to do. Go Massie. Demonstrate you’re not a Trump Bot and support Thomas Massie on balancing the budget.


Clay Libolt suggests that the Penal Substitutionary Atonement makes God mean. This in spite of the fact that God’s grace, we are told, will reach to a number no man can count. One could only conclude that Penal Substitutionary Atonement makes God “mean” if one begins with the premise that God owes fallen man anything. After all, how can it possibly be considered mean to give to someone what they deserve? 

Answering An Objection To Presuppositionalism Raised By A Natural Law Fanboy

 “It’s (presuppositionalism) epistemological brain rot. They (Presuppositionalists) assume a coherence theory of knowledge, which redefines and subjectivizes knowledge, grounding it in your own “worldview” consistency rather than the objective world.

I once asked a staunch presup guy if an unregenerate person can understand the number 4. The response I got: “The unbeliever can’t A C C O U N T for the number four or understand why it is meaningful”. And it does quickly turn into arrogance on the popular level, spraying genetic fallacies in every direction.”

Natural Law Fanboy

1.) Inasmuch as one’s worldview is consistent with and reflective of the objective world I don’t see how this is a problem. Is it the case that our Natural Law Fanboy (NLF) believes that an objective world can be arrived at by beginning with the subjective categories of the fallen self as the epistemological legislating authority?

2.) It is only the Christian presuppositionalist who can have an objective world since the Christian presuppositionalist presupposes that an objective God has created an objective world and made it knowable by an objective revelatory word. The objectiveness of the world can only be obtained as in a presuppositionalist world and life view since only the presuppositionalist is beginning the reasoning process by presupposing an objective God who created an objective world that can be known by objective revelation.

3.) If our unregenerate person in question is a materialist he certainly can’t understand the number 4 since the number 4 is not a material reality. Now, he may well use fourness in any number of ways but his avowed worldview of materialism means that he indeed can’t account for the number 4 that he uses with regularity. If our unregenerate person in question is a spiritualist (believing that all reality is spiritual) then the number 4 is a spiritual reality but then so are the numbers 5 – 9 and every other number and as all is spiritual then any distinctions between any of the numbers is completely arbitrary on the part of our New Age friend.

So, “no,” the unregenerate person cannot “understand the number 4,” though we are glad to concede that the unregenerate person seldom acts consistently with his unregenerate Natural Law world and life view. Because the unbeliever acts inconsistently with his self-avowed world and life view you can find him everywhere fouring and fiving all over the place.

Of course it is Greg Bahnsen himself who said that the unregenerate can indeed count but he cannot account for his ability to count. Bahnsen was correct and I should think that folks dealing with Bahnsen seldom got away with accusing Bahnsen of “spraying genetic fallacies in every direction.”

Of course it is the view of the presuppositionalist that it is the Natural Law types who are the arrogant ones. Here we find folks who are championing the idea that starting from their subjective selves and their fallen minds they can arrive at the objective. But fallen man is like a zero in a multiplication problem. No matter how many other numbers one puts in the equation that 0 is going to make the answer 0.

The fact that fallen man gets right whatever it is he gets right is not explained by fallen man’s native epistemological ability. No, fallen man gets right what he gets right because he surreptitiously borrows from the Christian world and life view in order to get his Christ denying world and life view off the ground and operating.

It reminds us of the old joke Van Til used to enjoy telling.

One day a bunch of scientists came to God and said; “God, we have decided we don’t need you anymore. We have arrived to the point where we can create life and we are now quite done with any need of your services.”

God looked upon them amusingly and said … “Very well then, let us have a contest. You create life and then I’ll create life.”

This was amenable to the Natural Law scientists and so they agreed.

At that point they grabbed some dirt in order to create life whereupon God objected saying… “Oh no you don’t. That is my dirt. You get your own dirt.”

Natural Law fallen man may indeed get things “right” but they only do so by using borrowed capital from a Christian world and life view.

Whose brain is rotting now I wonder?

Economics Is A Tricky Business

True story;

It’s the 18th century in British ruled India. In Delhi, the Brits have a problem. It seems that there are far too many Cobras in the streets of Delhi and these Cobras are presenting a health crisis.

So, the Brits, always so wise in their administration of their colonies, arrive at an idea. They decide to offer a bounty for every dead Cobra that is turned into their designated Cobra centers.

This works great … for awhile. Dead Cobras are being turned in. People are making some money from the exchange. Delhi is becoming comparatively pestilent free of Cobras. However, during the period in which there was a bounty on cobras, the number of rats in Delhi increased and with it an outbreak in the bubonic plague. When the bounty ended, the number of rats significantly decreased.

Also, someone gets the idea of breeding Cobras as a lucrative option. The reasoning went like this …. “We will breed Cobras which have monetary value, and then once they reach a certain maturity we will kill the Cobras and turn them in for the English bounty.” The English bounty was working as a subsidy on Cobras and whatever a government subsidizes it gets more of.

Suddenly the English offices were flooded with dead Cobras and the British realized that it was necessary to end the “dead Cobras for money” program.
The problem was though that the Cobra breeding farms had mushroomed throughout Delhi. Now, these farms had a product (live Cobras) which had no monetary value. Who wants to keep all kinds of live Cobras around? So, the Cobra breeding farms just released their formerly lucrative product, with the end result that Delhi’s Cobra problem was greater after the English “Cobras for Cash” program than it was before the program.

The moral of the story …. Beware the law of unintended consequences.

By Today’s Standards Jesus Was A Racist

And He answered and said, “It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.”   Matthew 15:26

Dogs (κυναρίοις). A contemptuous diminutive, rendered by Wickliffe, “whelpies,” or, as we might say, “curs.” This was the term applied by the Jews to the Gentiles, even as Turks nowadays talk of “dogs of Christians,” and as in later times, by a curious inversion, the Jews themselves were generally saluted with the opprobrious name of”dogs.” Some have seen a term of endearment in the diminutive “little dogs,” as though Christ desired to soften the harshness of the expression by referring, not to the prowling, unowned animals that act as scavengers in Oriental towns, but to the petted inmates of the master’s house. But Scripture gives no warrant for thinking that the Hebrews ever kept dogs as friends and companions, in our modern fashion; and our Lord adopts the language of his countrymen, to put the woman in her right position, as one with whom Jews could have no fellowship. To take the blessings from the Church of Israel in order to give them to aliens was to throw them away on unworthy recipients.

Pulpit Commentary