Of course, all of this is born of some version of the old Unitarian idea of the Brotherhood of all men and the Fatherhood of God over all men. If all men are indeed Brothers than it is hard to argue that I am more obliged to my Brother than I am to a stranger in Timbuktu. A Christian version of the Brotherhood of all men states I have more in common and so more obligation to the Christian in Iran then I have to my own unbelieving conservative Father.
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Of Dysmorphic Delusions, Transgenderism, and Madness
The dysmorphic delusions that sufferers of diseases like bulimia and anorexia find a connection with those men and/or women who insist they are not men or women. In both cases (anorexia/bulimia and transgenderism) the sufferers feelings about themselves exist only in their minds and existing in the mind no one can tell them that objectively the case is not as their delusions are telling them. The difference however between something like bulimia or anorexia is that society is still willing to tell the afflicted that they are not right in the head whereas with the transgenders society has now decided to join them in their delusion. With transgenders like the seismic anomaly (Richard Levine) serving as a four-star admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps it is now those who won’t play along with their make believe distorted vision of reality who now are deemed “not right in the head.”
As such the radical subjectivism at the heart of intersectionality, WOKE ideology, and gender theory now unchallenged and affirmed as a real state of affairs has abolished the possibility of disinterested debate by its ability to recast any disagreement by appealing to sanity. If the deluded register a claim to suffering if their delusion is not affirmed as being insensitive to their lived experience then all must bow before their claim of suffering. As such we are now in a position of either joining the delusion of the mentally ill or being accused of being trannie-phobes, haters, and downright mean.
In Favor of Censorship & Having Eyes Wide Open on What Liberty Means
Should Christians desire to win the culture wars against the WOKE cultural Marxists crowd they have to be done with classical liberalism as a worldview and embrace censorship once in power while suppressing ideologies, organizations, and persons who would subvert the Christian vision. In short Christians must practice cancel culture just as is prescribed in God’s Word. In God’s Word if someone, for example, committed a sexual crime their life was canceled. This kind of mindset must be take up again by Christians if they are to defeat those who would practice cancel culture by seeking to economically and personally destroy those who oppose sexual perversion.
The idea of absolute freedom of speech has never been practiced in American History. Early American communities has crimes against taking God’s name in vain. Woodrow Wilson’s Attorney General, A. Mitchel Palmer threw known communists out of America because of their radical speech and actions that were attempt to overthrow American interests. And today it is no different. Political Correctness does not champion an expansion of free speech. Political Correctness instead exchanges one contextual inhabitation wherein a certain kind of Christian speech dwells for a different contextual inhabitation wherein a certain kind of anti-Christian speech and behavior can dwell. Think of Political Correctness not as broadening the standard for free speech and liberty but rather as introducing a new anti-standard standard for free speech and licentiousness.
To paraphrase G. K. Chesterton we must seek to censor “the thought that stops thought.” We must give up classical liberalism (which was always a myth) and embrace once again God’s Law as the norm that norms all speech and behavior norms.
Now, some will think this sounds harsh and even, dare say it, Puritanical, but keep in mind that this is exactly what is being done to the Christian sense of proper speech, liberty, and decency by the anti-Christ left to the Christian. The anti-Chris left has succeeded in ushering in a liberty that finds kiddies being brought before perverts in order to hear the perverts read during Drag Queen Story Hour. The anti-Christ left has succeeded in brining an “expanded standard” that allows teenage boys to use the girls locker-rooms while the teenage girls are changing. The anti-Christ left has succeeded in shutting down speech that opposes these kinds of things from happening.
Is freedom of speech as wrongly absolutized really something that Christians want to support if it leads to where we are at? We must turn the censoring tables on the enemy. We must quit with the freedom of speech nonsense and begin to censor our enemies just as our Fathers did before us.
The culture war will not be won by aligning with Libertarian who, at least according to their principles have to allow every speech and behavior under the sun (as if that were possible).
If Christians who fancy themselves biblical and so conservative hope to recover anything akin to standards that they need not be embarrassed by then must not only articulate a moral and political vision that are wholesome by God’s standard but they also must suppress and censor and practice cancel culture on individuals, ideologies, organizations, and institutions that subvert our Christian vision.
The WOKE crowd doesn’t give a Schrödinger’s cat about rationality or logic. This isn’t about a debate. This is not about logic or rationality. This is about whatever it takes to strip the remnants of Christianity and Christendom from the current social order. This is about raw power. If tomorrow raw power requires holding one side of the stick to beat Christianity it’s all good. If the day after tomorrow what is required is holding the opposite side of the stick it remains all good.
Rev. Sacha Walicord Joins Rev. McAtee’s Decade Long Work in Denouncing R2K From the Pulpit
Start at the 19 minute mark.
Finally, somebody else is saying it from the pulpit.
Glad to have you joining me in the pool Sacha. The water is fine.