The dysmorphic delusions that sufferers of diseases like bulimia and anorexia find a connection with those men and/or women who insist they are not men or women. In both cases (anorexia/bulimia and transgenderism) the sufferers feelings about themselves exist only in their minds and existing in the mind no one can tell them that objectively the case is not as their delusions are telling them. The difference however between something like bulimia or anorexia is that society is still willing to tell the afflicted that they are not right in the head whereas with the transgenders society has now decided to join them in their delusion. With transgenders like the seismic anomaly (Richard Levine) serving as a four-star admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps it is now those who won’t play along with their make believe distorted vision of reality who now are deemed “not right in the head.”
As such the radical subjectivism at the heart of intersectionality, WOKE ideology, and gender theory now unchallenged and affirmed as a real state of affairs has abolished the possibility of disinterested debate by its ability to recast any disagreement by appealing to sanity. If the deluded register a claim to suffering if their delusion is not affirmed as being insensitive to their lived experience then all must bow before their claim of suffering. As such we are now in a position of either joining the delusion of the mentally ill or being accused of being trannie-phobes, haters, and downright mean.