Wilson Draws Antithesis in Wrong Place

Doug Wilson — the self professed archetype of all things conservative in the Reformed Church today, writes an article titled “From the Pit” in which he makes some good points and some not so good points. It is because Wilson is now seen by many as the touchstone for all things Biblical  Christianity that I constantly return to tweaking Doug.

I must say, before I start, that I find Doug to be a funny man. His writing is clearly a gift from God. He has a marvelous way of turning a phrase. I think because of that people may well lose Rev. Wilson’s bad argumentation in all that cleverness. There are a only a few things I take exception with Doug in this article.

Doug Wilson writes

When young white straight men are continually harangued for their whiteness, and their straightness, and their men-ness, and are constantly told that they are the cancer of the cosmos, and that the world would be a better place if they all just went and filled up a bucket and stuck their collective head in it . . . well, certain things tend to follow. One of the things that happens is that these young men get angry, and do not see that this is a trick. It is a trap. It is a stratagem, a subterfuge, an inveiglement, a ploy, a gambit. Don’t do it. It is a machination; it is a ambuscade.

McAtee responds,

First, lets be clear that it is not young white straight men that are harangued for their whiteness and their straightness and their men-ness. Doug misses a HUGE reality here. The enemy that Doug rightly locates (CRT /  commies) are only penultimately interested in whiteness, straightness and men-ness. Ultimately the commies are interested in destroying whiteness, straightness and men-ness is because those categories are normatively where the Biblical Christians can be found. (This is not to say that there are not POC who fall into the categories of straightness and men-ness. It is only to say that if you’re going to after the straightness and men-ness category most the people you are going to find in it by sheer numbers is white men.) If the commie enemy could wipe out the Biblical Christians without naming whiteness, straightness and men-ness you can be sure that they would do so in a skinny minute.

Now the reason this is a HUGE whiff on Doug’s part since Doug wants to suggest that since the commies are going after whiteness, straightness, and men-ness that therefore this is not an Christian antithesis issue. However, this attack on whiteness, straightness, and men-ness is a antithesis issue and so the response of white, straight, Christian men is proper when they push back against that bilge by defending all white, straight, Christian men. This includes the bilge pumped out by Wilson himself when he attacks white Christian men who support Biblical Kinism. When Wilson attacks Biblical Kinism (is there any other kind?) he is at that moment joining league with the very commies he rightly denounces in his column.

Young men (and we old men) should be angry. Just as angry as we get when we read how the Commies went after Christians in Russia (Lenin), China (Mao), Zimbabwe (Mugabe) Ethiopia (Mengitsu), Cuba (Castro) etc. If white straight Christian men are not angry then there is something wrong with their Christianity.

Let white boy summer roll into white boy Autumn, Winter, and Spring.

Doug Writes,

Because they do not see the trap, they react in the other direction. Told that whiteness is a cancerous disease, they react into the just-as-silly idea that whiteness is somehow a virtue. But no. They are not being tricked into denying their whiteness. They are being maneuvered into adopting the structure of their way of understanding the antithesis. They are being tempted to push the vertical line over in order to make it horizontal. If the lines are horizontal, it doesn’t matter at the end of the day which side of that line you are standing on—the whole thing is fruitless and stupid. As Sartre once put it in a moment of lucidity, without an infinite reference point, every finite point is absurd.

McAtee responds,

Here Doug is just wrong. I run in these crowds and I can tell you that the disposition is not the embrace of the silly idea that whiteness is a virtue just on that basis. No, what is happening instead is that Christian white men are having their “When the Saxons Began to Hate” moment. Young Christian White men (and some of us not so young) are beginning to hate because they love Christ and hate what Christ hates. Very few of Christian white men are wearing their whiteness like a chip on their shoulder. Instead, they are realizing, properly so, that by God’s grace alone they are the inheritors of a glorious history of which they do not need to be ashamed. As existing among Biblical Christians this snap back isn’t about thinking there is automatic virtue in being white. These guys we are talking about believe in total depravity and original sin. These guys we are talking about merely desire to say … “My Fathers, though sinners, were used of God and though being dead still speak to me and I’ll be damned if I am going to be ashamed of them simply because the commies — POC or White — pour slime all over them.”

So, Doug, we participants in White Boy Summer, are not haters in the commie sense of that word. We have plenty of comrades who are POC. We are not throwing them under the bus that wants to take us to the gulag. We are just hating that which is evil. Neither have we drawn the antithesis in the wrong place. We understand just fine — thank you very much — that the enemy is not non-white people but instead the enemy is the Commie — “Red, Black, White, Yellow, or Brown.” We also understand however that for reasons that have been examined elsewhere POC have largely, though not exhaustively been enlisted in the Cultural Marxist’s long march through the institutions.

The question is Doug; “Do you understand who the enemy is. Have you drawn the antithesis in the proper place? Do you understand that white, straight Christian men are being attacked primarily because they are Christian?”

Transcendence in Scripture

When we speak of God’s Transcendence we find the Scripture dripping with the idea and teaching that God is transcendent. Far beyond what was read this morning we find the idea of God’s transcendence dancing throughout the Scripture.

Allow me to give you just a small tour of some of the passages that we see that testify to this attribute of the God to whom we are called to serve.

It is He who sits above the circle of the earth,
And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers,

Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain

And spreads them out like a tent to live in. Isaiah 40:22

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9

I Chronicles 29:11 Yours, Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty, indeed everything that is in the heavens and on the earth; Yours is the dominion, Lord, and You exalt Yourself as head over all.

Solomon confesses that God transcends containment by the temple

II Chronicles 2:6 But who is able to build a house for Him, since the heavens and the highest heavens cannot contain Him?

I Kings 8:27 But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, heaven and the [a]highest heaven cannot contain You, how much less this house which I have built!

Job 11:“Can you discover the depths of God?
Can you discover the limits of the Almighty?
They are as high as [a]the heavens; what can you do?
Deeper than [b]Sheol; what can you know?

Elihu declares the Lord to be beyond reach

The Almighty—we cannot find Him;
He is exalted in power
And He will not violate justice and abundant righteousness. Job 37:23


145:Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised;
And His greatness is [a]unsearchable.

113:4 The Lord is high above all nations,
His glory above the heavens.

97:9 For You, Lordare most high above all the earth;
You are exalted far above all gods.
13 Let them praise the name of the Lord,
For His name alone is exalted;
His glory is above the earth and heaven.

Stephen reciting Solomon’s testimony

Acts 7:49Heaven is My throne,
And earth is My footstool.
What house will you build for Me? says the Lord,
Or what is the place of My rest?

Acts 17:24 God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands.

Jesus Christ is above all, in the place of highest honor and authority thus as God is of course Transcendent. We see this in

Ephesians 1:20 which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above all principality[a] and [b]power and [c]might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.

Hebrews 7:26 For such a High Priest was fitting for us, who is holy, [a]harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and has become higher than the heavens;

So, there you have it… the repeated testimony of God’s authoritative word is that God is Transcendent. Of course none of this denies the truth that God is also God immanent. Scripture asks the rhetorical question, “Am I God far off and not also a God nearby saith the Lord.” This speaks of God’s immanence – that He is closer to us then our next breath.

That God is also immanent is declared by God Himself in Isaiah 57:15

For this is what the high and exalted One says—
he who lives forever, whose name is holy:
“I live in a high and holy place,
but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit,
to revive the spirit of the lowly
and to revive the heart of the contrite.

He who is the blessed and only [e]Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords, 16 who alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see, to whom be honor and everlasting power. Amen. I Timothy 6:15

But this morning we consider the reality of God’s Transcendence. Luther would speak of God being so Transcendent that Luther could speak of God as “God hidden.” We speak this way, consistent with Scripture in order to warn against the idea that God is merely man said loudly. We speak this way, consistent with Scripture in order to eliminate the idea that somehow man can arrive at a place where he can say with finality that He knows God completely.

A thousand times NO. As God is transcendent man the creature can only make but small beginnings in knowing God. The result of this admission is a proper submission of the creature before the creator. The creature, given that God is Transcendent will always be in the place of being awed by God and overwhelmed by what he has yet to learn of God.

When we speak of God’s transcendence we understand that Transcendence is a theological term that, when referring to the Christian God, states that God is outside of the universe and is independent of it and its properties. God is thus “other,” and “different” from His creation. He is independent and different from His creatures (Isaiah 55:8-9). He transcends His creation. He is beyond it and not limited by it or to it. God as the creator is sui generis … one of a kind.

There is thus in the truth of the creator God’s transcendence the immediate need for the creature to fall on his face before His majesty … His splendor … His opulence.

Immediately, I hope that we begin to see that this God … the Transcendent God is a God that Western man has long ago forgotten. It is the God that is not spoken of in Churches where we casually and haughtily come into His presence with our hyper relaxed worship atmosphere. When the Priests of all came into the Transcendent God’s presence they did so with a holy dread. When we come into the Transcendent God’s presence we come so lightly with such disregard.

And while we would not push away moderns from our gatherings because of our lifting unnecessary barriers of clothing and habits that might communicate awe and respect of God transcendent we should still strive as a people to capture God’s Transcendence in our Worship. I long for getting just a little of Isaiah’s worship which wrung from him the cry “Woe is me for I am undone,” in our Worship. This was Isaiah’s response to coming face to face with God’s transcendence.

When we talk about God’s transcendence of course we are not talking about His remoteness as if He is far removed from us distance wise … as if He exists beyond our solar system. When we talk about God’s transcendence we are talking about the nature and quality of God’s being. His person … His being is exalted. Isaiah spoke of His being as being “High and Lifted up.” There we find the language of Transcendence.

God is Transcendent because unlike us He has un-created being. We are created beings and as such we are earth bound in our creaturliness. But God is spoken of as Transcendent precisely because He knows no and has no creaturely limitations. Moses had some understanding of that which we speak of now. It is this that was part of the reason that Moses trembled in God’s presence. It is this Transcendence that stands as the foundation of God naming Himself “I am that I am” – Meaning that He is defined only in the context of Himself. As transcendent He is the source of all definition and so is beyond definition and is the transcendent “I am that I am.”

This same Transcendence our Lord Christ claimed for Himself when He took to Himself the name “I am.” This transcendence came leaking through and frightened the three disciples out of their whits on the Mount of Transfiguration. It is this Transcendence that found those that came out to arrest him, instead falling at His feet.

Here we find the record and reality of God’s transcendence in the Scripture and yet that transcendence sits upon us and the modern church so lightly. We sing playful songs while we stoke up the smoke machine and glitz with the light show. We bring in ballet dancers such as Tim Keller did thus removing the Word from its central place. We put men in the pulpit who admit that they have attraction for other men and who even speak of “gay culture” being brought into the Kingdom of God. All of this are merely the symptoms of a people … a church who have lost a sense of God’s transcendence.

The modern church has no gravitas precisely because it no longer seeks to come to terms with God’s Transcendence. Having lost God’s transcendence we have become weightless ourselves. We leave no footprints for the generations to follow because God sits so lightly upon us.

The irreverence of the modern person in the pew is shocking. The lack of any sense of God’s Transcendence colors nearly everything the modern Church does.

In our prayer lives then we should be begging for a kind of Reformation that bespeaks once again the great and awesome reality of God’s transcendence. Indeed, without God’s transcendence once again coming to the fore in the minds of God’s people I think I can authoritatively say that we will never see Reformation. The Reformation we need, needs to be characterized by this sense of God’s transcendence that leaves us so awestruck that our thinking becomes leavened with where God leverages His transcendence – that is in His Law Word.

Away then with all expressions of Christianity and Revival that would play upon our emotions while leaving us absent of this sense of God’s Transcendence. Away then with any Reformation that leaves our thinking unaffected by God’s transcendence so that we think we can have Reformation and our humanistic authority at the same time.

If we should ever learn this Transcendence of God we will experience what Scripture sometimes refers to as the Dread of God. Even this idea runs contrary to what the modern church offers. The modern church demands that people leave church feeling good about themselves. The modern churchmen is forever asking, “What did I get out of the service,” and the last thing they want to get out of the service is the dread of God. But I tell you, when we understand increasingly God’s transcendence it is the dread of God that will be our company. We will not be chirping about “our best life now” or about our “purpose driven life.” Instead a vision of God’s transcendence will shatter our little worlds with the dread of God.

Already, I hear the catcalls from the internet cheap seats. What is it with you McAtee that your always so negative … so pessimistic. I get that frequently.

To which I respond that I can not offer you the healing found in Jesus Christ until I first diagnose and then treat your disease. Your disease is that your God is weightless. You have lost His transcendence. You are unfamiliar with the Holy dread of God and before you can be of any use to the Kingdom you must face this reality of God’s Transcendence and become familiar with it.

He whom God will heal He first wounds. And so I seek to wound you with the reality of God written large … of God who sits upon the rim of the earth … of God Transcendent.

When I speak of this dread of God as our response to His transcendence I speak as the Scripture speaks.

In Genesis 31 God is defined as the fear of or the dread of Isaac.

In Genesis 38 after encountering God in the account referred to as Jacob’s ladder Jacob said “How dreadful is this place!”

And Peter cried out … “Depart from me Lord for I am an unclean man.” (Luke 5:8)

John the Revelator falls down as dead when he comes face to face with the Transcendent Lord Christ.

Here you see it. This dread of God. Men coming face to face with the Transcendence of God … the awfulness of God … the absolute otherness of God… what some of our Christian poets have called the “mysterium tremendium” – the tremendous mystery.

Upon this happening the creature sees himself in light of the reality of God and he experiences a dread that will drive from him any future dread of anything else he might ever come up against.

The man who has come face to face with the transcendence of God and has found solution in the cross provision of Jesus Christ is a man who knowing real dread will never dread anything else again.

Where is the Holy dread of God in the Church today. Where is the man who dreads dishonoring God transcendent? Where is that man? Where is that Church? Let loose the dread of God that comes with coming to terms with the transcendence of God and the effect will be a Gideon’s army that will sweep away all that opposes it.

Now, we might ask should we have to live forever in this dread knowing God’s transcendence. Well, the answer is yes and no. The answer is “no” in the sense that no man can live in that state 24-7. Further, the Christian who has come face to face with that initial dread knows that He has peace with God in the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ lets us know that God is no longer a terror to us.

But the answer is “Yes,” in the sense that the God we serve remains Creator and we remain creatures. For that reason there should forever be an episodic sense when we become familiar anew with the distance between God as Creator and ourselves as Creature… a periodic outburst, perhaps only to ourselves, admitting and confessing the sense of God as transcendent … that God will always be other and never be man said loudly.

God’s Transcendence means that we can’t guess at God. Man cannot, by his philosophical musings or his artistic intuition arrive at God. Instead this Transcendent God must make Himself known before we can have any beginning idea of who He is. God, because Transcendent is inscrutable… His ways past tracing out if we were left to ourselves to try and trace out His Transcendent ways. It is why first, Isaiah, and then Paul could write,

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” for “as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Is 55:8-9). 

 “Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out! Who has known the mind of the Lord?” (Rom 11:33-34).

What are the consequences then to owning a Christianity absent the Transcendence of God? I have already hinted at this but let us speak plainly and explicitly.

1.) Limited and small views of God are dishonoring to God with the result that the god man considers is not the God we find in the Scriptures.

God minus this incommunicable attribute of transcendence is not the God of the Bible and so the service of God minus transcendence is service as unto an idol. Those who serve such a God as thus idolaters.

2.) Limited and small views of God make for small and insignificant men. Man can only be as great as the God he knows, worships, and serves. If man’s God is absent transcendence then man will always be a prisoner to the little times in which he lives since a man will never transcend his times apart from a God who is transcendent. Another way of saying this is that without God transcendent man is a prisoner to his times. He will merely be a reflection of whatever fallen culture he inhabits.

If you desire greatness … and what man doesn’t, then you must discover the humbleness that comes with reckoning with the transcendence of God. If you desire to be one of God’s mighty men doing deeds of renown that are spoken of generations later in poems and narratives then find and see and reckon with the transcendence of God and then your own littleness.

There is nothing wrong with the desire to have conquered kingdoms, slain dragons, and rescued damsels in distress. Men are made for such things. The wrongness is seeking to do them apart from swearing one’s allegiance to the totally transcendent God thus desiring a greatness for yourself apart from making the name of God great. You will never make your name great … never do truly awesome deeds until you first come face to face with God’s transcendence.

May God grant His Church a return to the God who sits upon the rim of the earth.

Rocky Mountain Pastor Shows Immediate Enmity to Biblical Christianity

“R2K is a name given by the reconstructionist of the tradition. I hold classical confessional Reformed theology. So, “yes,” I would agree with David Van Drunen because he agrees with the tradition which agrees with classical theism and classical Christ and culture distinctions. Theonomists of all stripes, Wilsonites, and their ilk with their FV, paedocommunion, Kinism, antebellum flavoring are all un-confessional. Just follow the confessions and you will be safe. Don’t follow men. Follow the Reformed Church. Our church basically opposes all things CREC.”

United Reformed Church Pastor

Rocky Mountain States

1.) R2K is a name given by people who are orthodox in their theology unlike this chap and all R2K fan boys.

2.) David Van Drunen is at the very least heterodox and for my money is a heretic. He most certainly does not agree with classical confessional theology and neither does he rightly navigate Christ and culture distinctions.

3.) Wilsonites are Kinists? LOL … Someone tell Doug Wilson he is being accused of being a kinist. This accusation alone proves that this clergy is an absolute dolt. Everybody in the world except this guy knows that Wilson hates him some kinists. So, if the Pastor Chowderhead is so incredibly wrong about Wilson on this score how much more is he wrong on anything else he says?

4.) Not all theonomists are Federal Visionists which has been demonstrated repeatedly with well known theonomists even writing books condemning Federal Vision. This is Pastor Numbchucks going all red herring.

5.) Just follow the confessions and you will be theonomist and kinist. See Martin Foulner’s little book, “Theonmy and the Westminster Confession.”

6.) Follow the Reformed Church?

You mean the one which can’t discipline pastors who shout before God and men that they are attracted to other men (PCA)? You mean the one which is sore afraid of the charge of “racism” that they condemn it in their General Assembly before even finding out the facts as to whether or not wild accusations of racist behavior were true (OPC)? You mean the one which supports R2K hand over fist (URC)? Which Reformed Church are we to be following?

7.) I also oppose many things CREC but if one opposes all things CREC then one must even oppose where the CREC gets matters correct (like manfully opposing R2K).

So my friend sends this URC R2K Pastor Palooka in one of Rocky Mountain States a couple of my take downs of David Van Drunen  on Iron Ink to refute his missive above and here is how Pastor Numpty responded;


“2K is classical. It’s the two swords doctrine of the medieval ages. Luther is the one who started calling it 2 K. Calvin calls it the twofold kingdom. Hardly enlightenment. It sounds like the guy in Michigan is confused. Probably enjoys informal fallacies. You can take or leave us. We will not budge. We hold tightly to the confessions. Read Calvin’s Institutes, read Luther, DVD or any of the scholastic reformers.”

Pastor Twonk

URC Clergy

Pastor Twonk can say this with a straight face despite the fact that it’s pretty clear that what Calvin meant by “2K” is not the same as what Westmin-Cal. or David Van Drunen hold as R2K fanboys.

Just ask these guys if they’d like America to be Calvin’s Geneva and watch them begin to stammer.
  • The idea that historic 2K and R2K are the same creature is just stupid on steroids. Imagine, if you will, a Muslim not wanting an Islamic nation, or an atheist not wanting a secular nation, or a Jew not wanting a Jewish world.

  • It’s asinine for a Christian to not want a Christian nation. And it’s even more asinine for Reformed Christians like Pastor Twonk to say they they hold to the historic Reformed position and claim Calvin on their side when Calvin’s Geneva was literally the model of theocracy that Reformed Christians sought to model.

    It’s as clear as sunrise over Lake Michigan on a cloudless day that what John Calvin meant by “2K” is not the same as R2K. For this clergy member to claim that R2K is historic Confessional Calvinism is like saying that Miley Cyrus is an example of someone graduating from a fine finishing school.

Jordan Peterson & Rev. McAtee Detail the Cultural Marxists Accusations Against Western Man

Jordan Peterson recently summarized the contest that the West now faces against wickedness in high places. I have repeated that here with a few additions and emendations of my own.

The governing ideology in the West right now characterized as Cultural Marxism has these three explicit accusations that drive their whole worldview agenda;

Accusation #1 —  Human culture, particularly in the West is best construed as an oppressive patriarchy motivated by the desire, willingness, and ability to use power defined as the compulsion of others against their will to attain what are purely selfish and self serving ends.

Note here that Biblical patriarchy is explicitly taught in Scripture as God’s order for all societies. As such this accusation is an accusation against God that God has structured the world wrongly.

Now, certainly we can agree that satanic patriarchy breeds oppressiveness and is animated by the sinful use of power to wrongly treat others to gain purely self and self serving ends. However, the answer to satanic patriarchy is not satanic matriarchy or satanic egalitarianism. The answer to satanic patriarchy is Christian patriarchy. The need of the hour for the West is Biblical patriarchy that is motivated by the desire, willingness, and ability to use power defined as the compulsion to serve God and so serve mankind to the end of glorifying God and building beautiful culture.

The ironic thing about this accusation of the Cultural Marxists is that they are using this accusation as a guilt inducing tool wielded by egalitarians who hate all patriarchy with the purpose, desire, willingness, and ability to use their power — defined as the compulsion of others against their will — to attain what are purely selfish, self serving and Satanic ends. The Cultural Marxists are accusing Christians what they themselves are guilty of. This is a classical Alinksyite move.

The Cultural Marxist use as examples for their accusation all social order realities. The Cultural Marxists insist that marriage is just a form of slavery, that friendship is just a form of exploitation, that Christianity is just a form of wicked domination, that a free Market is just a form of deception and theft and that political disagreement has always been just a pretext for war.

The Cultural Marxist historian then runs all of contemporary history  through this prism so that all of world history is seen to be the result of this oppressive patriarchy and its use of power to compel others for selfish ends particularly as pursued by the White Christian male.

Accusation #2 — Human activity, particularly of that in the West, is fundamentally a planet despoiling enterprise.

Of course this accounts for the multi-decade Malthusian hyper-ventilating about Global Warming (later Global climate change). Since the 1970’s when TIME magazine following Paul Ehrilich’s chicken little warnings about the end of the world due to the new coming ice age to the more recent warnings about the polar ice caps melting Cultural Marxists have playing this tune relentlessly.  This accounts for the Alexandria Occasional Cortex and “the Squads” demand for a Green New Deal. This accounts for the silliness that is electric cars and the effort to destroy the fossil fuel industry thus returning the West and all mankind back to energy-diminished stone age like existence. This thinking is behind the United Nations Agenda 2030 and is used as a red herring for Klaus “I can’t believe they believe me” Schwab’s “Great Reset.”   This accusation accounts for Biden’s mad spending plans on mass transit as mass transit promises to get people out of their cars resulting in the packing of people into urban centers as living in rural America is too expensive with gas at exorbitant prices.

This second accusation presupposes that the Human race is a threat to the attainment of ecological utopia that existed prior to the human population explosion and the ecological utopia that might again exist if we can just get a serious population reduction.

The Cultural Marxist is arguing that man, by his building of his industry across the planet has initiated a Global Climate change threat that requires the Malthusian directed reduction of man’s carbon footprint so that the planet doesn’t implode from man’s polluting presence.

Accusation #3 —  The prime contributor that makes up the tyranny of both the oppressive patriarchy and structures all of our social interaction — past and present — and the unforgivable despoiling of our beloved mother earth is damnable Christian white male ambition that is competitive, dominating, power mad, selfish, exploitive, and is further characterized by a continual raping and pillaging of all that it comes in contact with.

Peterson here combines Accusation #1 and #2 into a synthesis category. The bottom line is that it is the Christian white male who is guilty of all that is wrong with the world and as such it is the Christian white male especially of all people who must be exterminated like cockroaches at a wedding feast.

Rev. McAtee Answers Questions in Preparation for a Radio Interview

Years ago, I participated in a interview on a media format. Below are questions that they sent me to prepare for the interview and the answers that follow were limned out before the program in order to prepare for the questions.

“What is your hopefulness for a return to a Christianity that is once again characterized by covenantal kinism.”

Well, our hope ultimately can be based on nothing but God’s Word and God’s Word teaches that the knowledge of the glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. As it is the case that covenantal kinism is nothing but Biblical Christianity I can be certain that where Biblical Christianity comes to the fore so will covenantal kinism. Covenantal kinsim will be part and parcel of the postmillennialist tide. Scripture teaches in Daniel about the Great rock cut out of the mountain which destroys the idolatrous nations and eventually fills all the earth. Scripture teaches that Christ must reign till he puts all things under His feet. Scripture teaches that the little Mustard seed becomes a tree that is home to the nations. Scripture teaches that all the nations will come to Christ to be taught the Scripture (Micah 4, Isaiah 2). Scripture teaches that Christ being victorious will go from victory unto victory and so our hope for a renewal of Christianity rests in God’s promises from Scripture. Now this does not mean there will not be times of the waning of Biblical Christianity and we are living through one of those epochs now but as Scripture teaches … tears may last through the night but joy cometh in the morning. I may not live to see Global Reformation in my lifetime but I know because of the promises of Scripture that Christ’s Word will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. That is the ultimate ground of my hopefulness. The penultimate ground of my hopefulness is knowing some of the saints that God has raised up for just such a time as this. If the Kinist movement was a Baseball team they’d exceed the 1927 Yankees in sheer quality. Our wives, and daughters and mothers in normal times would be considered Queens and the mothers of Kings. People like my wife and daughters, like the wife of John MacGregor in Atlanta, and Miss Emily Henry in the deep South, and like Miss Raudi there in Carolina. These are quality women who love Christ and demonstrate that in their homes and to their husbands. We are surrounded by quality men who know what they believe and why they believe it and what they don’t believe and why they don’t believe it. Read the writings of Davis Carlton, Luke Malsbury, Ehud Would, Darrell Dow and the Henry Brothers, Mickey and Robert. These are intelligent and humble people. Many or most of them should be in pulpits but they often can’t even find churches to attend. Tonight you’re reading a poem by Mark Chambers which would make Rudyard Kipling weep. Spend some time getting to know Dr. Shivers,  Joshua Parries, John Macgregor. Arnold Jagt has given us a great gift in organizing and releasing www.Pocketcollege.com. If Arnold never did another thing besides giving us pocket college and marketing Robinson curriculum he would have a great legacy indeed. The Elders, Mike and Dave, at the Church I serve are wonderfully solid men. My son Anthony is wise beyond his years and will be around another 60 years or so to be God’s witness. My sons-in-laws Ben and Joshua are good men. There are so many names. The problem is that we are so spread out. And lets not forget the handful of ministers out there. If all Lutherans could be Lutherans like Ross Mahan is Lutheran concourse with the Lutherans would be far easier. If all Baptists could be Baptists like John Weaver and Peter Hammond talking with the Baptist would be an easier time. These are great men… all the men I’ve mentioned are great men and so hope is to be had. So you ask me what my hope is for covenantal kinism, my answer is two fold. Ultimately my hope lies in God’s Word and His postmillennial promises. Penultimately my hope rests in the people God has raised up for just such a time as this. The godly Christians who God has opened the eyes to the wonders of His truth regarding peoples and nations are marvelous people and their greatness and excellence reveals what a Great God we serve. That God could take such a motley crew as ourselves and turn us into Kings and Captains, as well as Queens and Mother’s of a god-fearing people bespeaks God’s amazing Grace.

“What do you think is the leading challenge to overcome in the Church in the West today as it pertains to race realism?”

Cultural Marxism is, without doubt, our greatest worldview challenge because it is in Cultural Marxism that we find the heart and pulse of Alienism… the desire so Atomize men that they no longer have identity except as that identity is understood against the background of the pagan tyrant State.

Cultural Marxism is the belief that all our cultural productions such as the arts, our varying Institutions, our whole understanding of reality and ideas are emanations of underlying power structures. Reality thus is a social construct comprising of how power impresses itself on man collectively and individually. This means we must scrutinize and judge all culture and ideas based on their relation to power.

Following from this premise, Cultural Marxist advocates for the “persecuted” and “oppressed” must attack forms of culture that enforce the values of the ruling class and disseminate culture and ideas that support “oppressed” groups and “progressive” causes. Since White people have held all the power therefore White people must be seen as an evil to be wiped out.

From this definition we see that for the Cultural Marxist objective Transcendent truth does not exist. Rather truth is whatever the power brokers can impress upon the times. If there is no objective truth then the whole notion of “power” is completely arbitrary, and so power becomes defined as whatever the Cultural Marxist as God does not like.

Another great challenge is Gnosticism, putatively the polar opposite of the Materialism of Cultural Marxism and yet it’s constant bed partner.

Gnosticism is playing its dangerous game by insisting that only spiritual realities matter and therefore those creational material categories we received at birth are merely social constructs that can be changed around at will. The Gnosticism shows itself when people suggest that ethnicity doesn’t really matter for Christians.

What is it that has led to this vitriol against Nationalism?

Well, I’m not sure it is vitriol against all Nationalisms or rather just vitriol against white Christian nationalisms. If you view films like the Black Panther it is clear that Black Nationalism is a positive good. The theology of James Cone will quickly inform you that Black Nationalism is a positive good. Listen to Louis Farrakhan and it becomes clear that Black nationalism is a positive good. The vitriol is for Christian white nationalism and that is because it has been Christian at its foundation.

What did some of the Church Fathers think about ethno-nationalism?

See the entry on Iron Ink titles; “So say we all.”

Why is it that White people are so hated?

White people by God’s grace alone and in the context of His providence have been the carriers of Christianity. They are perfumed with Christ. They have built the great civilizations. They are envied by those who have not. Envy finds delight in the pulling down of the superior even if it doesn’t mean the rising up of the inferior. And Christian white civilization purely out of God’s grace has been superior to all other civilizations. This a fact that requires humility and repentance because of whom much is given much is to be required. Christian white people are going to be beaten with many stripes because they have turned their backs on God… in the words of Solzhenitsyn, they have forgotten God and so are fast becoming the tail and not the head.