McAtee Contra Yarhouse

One gay historian identifies four forms of homosexuality across cultures and throughout history.60

The first is age-structured homosexuality. This is seen, for example, in age-related initiation ceremonies in some societies in New Guinea.

The second form is gender-reversed homosexuality. An example of this might be the North American Indian berdache (sometimes referred to as “two spirit” suggesting both a masculine and feminine spirit reside in the individual).

The third form of homosexuality across cultures is role-specialized homosexuality. According to Herdt, an example of this can be found in the Chukchee shaman whose vision quests direct him to engage in same-sex behavior for a time.

The fourth and final form of homosexuality can be seen in the modern gay movement. What is unique about this form of homosexuality, according to Herdt, is that it is a movement made possible by “disengaging sexuality from the traditions of family, reproduction, and parenthood.” The modern gay movement became a “social and historical likelihood” based upon this separation and in a cultural context of personal, sexual self-actualization.61

This self-actualization is organized around the self-defining attribution “I am gay.” This first trajectory, then, involves locating oneself as a member of the modern gay movement.62 It entails private sexual identification as gay and typically a public sexual identity as gay. It embraces a gay identity as a normative outcome for sexual identity development among those who are attracted to the same sex. Same-sex behavior, then, is believed to be a normal and natural expression of identity, of who one is as a person.

Dr. Mark Yarhouse
A Christian Perspective on Sexual Identity

1.) Note that with the first three examples, we have put before us, third world tribal pagan people groups. This is significant because what is being advocated with the budding acceptance among Christians of sodomy is the inherent testimony that sodomy has only been historically practiced as acceptable among third world tribal pagan (i.e. – non-Christian) peoples.

2.) Note that what is not said about the “Berdache” among the North American Indians, is that this was a word attached to this phenomenon by Westerners upon witnessing this aberration as among the savages. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica,

Europeans viewed any gender variation outside of the male-female binary and any sexual practices and behaviors other than the culturally accepted relations between men and women as deviant. For them, the term berdache was one of judgment, one that condemned individuals who occupied those roles, as well as the cultures that accepted them. As colonization continued, berdache people and traditions were pushed out.”

So, our Christian Fathers witnessed this behavior and immediately labeled it as deviant and condemned it. They doubtless did so because they understood it was a behavior that was contrary to God’s revelation. However, some 400 years later we have Christians like Dr. Mark Yarhouse and countless other movers and shakers within Evangelicalism who are seeking to return the Church of Jesus Christ to a time when tribal third world non Christian people groups embraced this deviancy as a norm.

Note the Encyclopedia Britannica goes on to inform the reader,

In American Indian cultures, many nations accepted the practice of multiple sex and gender roles. According to American cultural anthropologist Serena Nanda, American Indian cultures generally did not use sexuality in their definition of gender roles.

So, like those early American Indian cultures, who were challenged with a Christianity, which rightly rejected this division of sexuality from gender roles, the modern American Church is seeking to practice, under the tutelage of the leadership of their clergy corps, a 17th century third world pagan American Indian ethic.

3.) Now turn your attention to the only sodomy that has arisen in the context of 1st world Christian civilization. That sodomy is a sodomy that has arisen by the very reality that Christianity has undergone declension. This is seen in the fact that, historically speaking, this newer version of sodomy has arisen in the context of the breakdown of the American family – a breakdown that can only be accounted for by the removal of Christianity and its ethos from the chief governing structure of Christianity; to wit, the Trustee family. We are explicitly told by Herdt that the modern sodomite movement is to be explained by, “disengaging sexuality from the traditions of family, reproduction, and parenthood.” In other words the modern sodomite movement in the West could not have expanded without the corollary contracting of muscular Christianity. Those traditions of “family, reproduction, and parenthood,” were traditions that existed upon and descended from a Christian world and life view. We have been pulling out the strands of that Weltanschauung and the consequence has been the breathing into life of normalization of institutional sodomy – and that in the Church. The family has become almost completely atomized and the result is the sovereign self-actualized and autonomous individual practicing the perfect ethic of anti-Christian and anti-community behavior.

From the Mailbag; Hey Hey, Ho Ho, Western Worship Has Got To Go

Dear Pastor,

“I was told in a theology of ministry course that I am taking as an elective that the church in its worship should not be attached to western European models.”

Can you tell me what was heretical about what I said happened in my theology of ministry course?

Thanks in advance,

Confused in Bible College

Dear Confused,

1.) It is impossible to not have some culture influence our worship. As Western Man has been saturated with Christian worship for over 1000 years and as Western men are the ones who have dedicated the most time to thinking about what Biblical worship looks like I think it is reasonable for Western men to continue worshiping in Western Christian categories.

2.) If it will not be Western man who will it be? The juju syncretism of the Philippines and Mexico? The Haitian Witch Doctor culture in the Church? Certainly your Prof can’t be so stupid as to think there is worship from nowhere. Well, if culture is going to affect our worship which culture has been most shaped by Biblical categories?

3.) If non-Westerners want to worship according to their culture then let them build their own churches and offer strange fire to the Lord.

4.) In all this we must remember that theology is that which determines culture. So… it is not just a matter of culture influencing worship. It is a matter of theology influencing worship. Why not follow a culture which has been shaped by Christian theology?

5.) In the end he’s just saying, once again, that all cultures are equal and no culture should have pride of place.

6.) Enjoy with me the irony of this chap teaching this while your sitting in your very Western classroom, reading very Western books, under the tutelage of a man trained himself in the Western system in a college that would never exist had it not been for the creation, by the West, of the University system.

From The Mailbag; Anabaptist Fanboy Spanks Pastor Bret

Dear Pastor,

Have you any belief in God or the Sovereignty of God whatsoever and do you not believe the scriptures that declare God gives life and takes it away?

Did you believe Jesus when he told us to turn the other cheek, to not resist evil?

How can you call yourself a Christian when out of love for your own life you refuse the very commandments of God. I walk out that door each day with no gun because as a Christian it is God who gives my life and takes it away and if he chooses to take it away via either a Church shooting or a car crash then so be it, who am I to disagree with the timing of the one who created the entire universe?

Just so you know, you are not just arguing Dr. Piper here, you are arguing the very word of God. After Jesus commanded a sword be bought he healed the ear of the slave on whom it was used and warned the disciples that whoever lives by the sword, even to defend the most high, will die by it which is why none of the disciples after this incident ever took up a sword or anything else in defense of either themselves or anyone else but instead they laid down their lives and resisted not evil exactly as their master had commanded.

Sincerely yours,

Edna Scopoi

Dear Edna,

You ignorant slut. (Sorry … sometimes I can’t stop myself from channeling Dan Aykroyd.)

I know it may come as a surprise to you but Christianity is not defined by the pacifistic Anabaptist categories you have adopted. In point of fact, at one point in time Anabaptist “theology” was considered heresy. This, in part, explains my longing for the good old days when the Reformers used to use the “three-times Baptized” technique on the Anabaptist’s. (Just kidding — kind of.)

God does indeed give life and take it away. However this does not mean that I am to idly stand by and watch when someone is attacking my wife and family with intent of bodily harm because I want the attacker to have a chance to go to heaven. Indeed, Scripture informs me that it is my responsibility to provide said attacker with the opportunity to meet the Almighty, if he is has intent of rape or murder on his mind, as inflicted upon the judicially innocent.

Allow me to introduce you to the Westminster Confession. You’ve probably never heard of it being an heretical pacifistic Anabaptist. I trust you have the capacity to look up the texts that correspond to the numbers. These texts from the Bible prove you are ignorant about what Scripture teaches on self-defense or defense of the judicially innocent.

Q.) 135: What are the duties required in the sixth commandment?

A.) 135: The duties required in the sixth commandment are, all careful studies, and lawful endeavors, to preserve the life of ourselves [1] and others [2] by resisting all thoughts and purposes,[3] subduing all passions,[4] and avoiding all occasions,[5] temptations,[6] and practices, which tend to the unjust taking away the life of any; [7] by just defense thereof against violence

1. Eph. 5:28-29 2. I Kings 18:4 3. Jer. 26:15-16; Acts 23:12, 16-17, 21, 27 4. Eph. 4:26-27 5. II Sam. 2:22; Deut. 22:8 6. Matt. 4:6-7; Prov. 1:10-11, 15-16 7. I Sam. 24:2; 26:9-11; Gen. 37:21-22

Q.) 136: What are the sins forbidden in the sixth commandment?

A) 136: The sins forbidden in the sixth commandment are, all taking away the life of ourselves,[1] or of others,[2] except in case of public justice,[3] lawful war,[4] or necessary defense;[5] the neglecting or withdrawing the lawful and necessary means of preservation of life;[6] 

1. Acts 16:28 2. Gen. 9:6 3. Num. 35:31, 33 4. Jer. 48:10; Deut. ch. 20 5. Exod. 22:2-3 6. Matt. 25:42-43; James 2:15-16; Eccl. 6:1-2

So, Enda, we see you are gravely ignorant on what the Scriptures sanction about protecting one’s wife from a rapist by blowing his head off his shoulders.

Now, as to your twisting of texts let us consider them.

Jesus told His disciples not to look for personal revenge. When I am defending the judicially innocent I am not looking for personal revenge. I am defending the judicially innocent against the malignancy of evil. When I am defending myself from the attack of the wicked which is intended to kill me I am not returning evil for evil. I am returning kindness for evil since stopping the malignancy of the evil lunatic is a kindness to them and to others. It would be evil for me to allow the lunatic to continue their rampage.

I believe the command to “turn the other cheek,” was given with the intent of ending personal and individual affronts (not rape and murder) that found people obsessing over paying people back. Jesus is denouncing the impulse in us that always desires to “even the score.” He is NOT teaching that we should go all Quaker and turn a blind eye to someone raping our wives and daughters before our very eyes. Only a Psychopath could really believe that.

Secondly, I bet you wear your safety belt when you go driving around town. Who are you to work against the timing of God who may desire to take your life. How dare you wear that safety belt against the clear commandments of God? How dare you work against God’s timing to take your life in a car accident?

You ask me, “who am I to disagree with the timing of the one who created the entire universe?” My response is, “who are you to think you know the timing for your death of the one who created the entire universe?”

Finally, you cite the whole incident with Jesus, Peter, Malchus and the cutting off of Malchus’ ear.

1.) This does not apply because Jesus was submitting to the Father’s will to be hoisted upon the Cross. When I am defending the life of someone I’m pretty sure that they are not on their way to die for the sins of the world. If I ever come across someone who is about to die for the sins of the world you can be sure I won’t defend them.

2.) Those who live by the sword will indeed die by the sword as the life of Abraham Lincoln illustrates so well. However, self-defense or the defense of the judicially innocent is not living by the sword.

Now, here are some questions for your Anabaptist folly. I’ve already given you a boatload of Scripture above that you have to provide some twisting in order to avoid but here are a few others. What do you do with Jesus saying to His disciples,

Luke 22:35 And He said to them, “When I sent you out without money belt and bag and sandals, you did not lack anything, did you?” They said, “No, nothing. Luke 22:36 And He said to them, “But now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along, likewise also a bag, and whoever has no sword is to sell his coat and buy one. ”

Then there is the inspired Scripture which teaches,

Jeremiah 48:10: Cursed be he that doeth the work of the LORD deceitfully, and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood.

Finally there is the issue of cowardice. People who refuse to defend the judicially innocent from mayhem and attack strike me as cowards and Scripture speaks very plainly about cowards,

Revelation 21:7 The one who overcomes will inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he will be My son. 8 But to the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and sexually immoral and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their place will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This is the second death.”

Enda, you really need to reconsider this line of thought.

Teleology Is Everything

“The end determines all that precedes it.” — Romano Guardini

1.) If you have a pessimistic eschatology everything else you believe will be defeatist.

2.) One’s teleology determines the meaning of everything up to the final end which your teleology anticipates.

3.) This explains why eschatology precedes soteriology.

4.) This means that God had in mind the end from the beginning and nothing, therefore, in God’s revelation can be properly understood apart from a proper eschatology. Yes, folks, your millennial views matter.

5.) This means that eschatology is not something you study only at the end since the end is always in everything else.

6.) This means eschatology is central. Theological prolegomena which ignores teleology is worthless.

7.) This means if your Pastor doesn’t understand this that you need to find a different Pastor.

8.) This means you should read Geerhardus Vos.

The Ongoing Validity of God’s Law

Romans 6:14 For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.

The Gospel is temporary, but the law is eternal and is restored precisely through the Gospel. Freedom from the law consists, then, not in the fact that the Christian has nothing more to do with the law, but lies in the fact that the law demands nothing more from the Christian as a condition of salvation. The law can no longer judge and condemn him. Instead he delights in the law of God according to the inner man and yearns for it day and night.”

Herman Bavinck

When St. Paul writes about being “free from the law,” he is not at that point teaching us that being Christian means being antinomian. The “freedom from the law” that Paul is referencing here has to do with the freedom from the condemnation of the law. This is a condemnation that is a reality for all those outside of Christ. Man, as being mortal is always governed by some law and so it is literally not possible to be free from law in the sense of having a lawless existence.

Freedom from the condemnation of the law is the good news the Gospel brings. Outside of Christ, we are forever burdened by the accusation of God’s law that we are guilty of not keeping God’s law. In Christ, we are free from that accusation and condemnation that we are guilty of because of our violating God’s law, and we are free from the condemnation of God’s law precisely because Christ is the one, in His crucifixion, who, as our substitute, already received in Himself the penalty and condemnation that was properly designed for us due to our breaking of God’s law.

Having been set free from the condemnation of God’s law we are now at liberty to walk in terms of God’s law without any fear because there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus and who no longer walk consistent with our sinful former appetites but who now walk according to our law honoring desires as we are new creations.