Peace W/ God Through Our Lord Jesus Christ

Romans 5 Therefore, having been justified by faith, [a]we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ

II.) What is the basis of this Peace promised?

So, here is this promise of Peace among the Nations and we must pause to ask ourselves, “On what basis is this peace achieved.”

And the answer to that is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ holds that God is at warfare with man because of man’s rebellion against God. Because of man’s defiance of God, there is and can be no peace between God and man. God is implacably opposed to rebel man.

For those outside of Christ, God hates. That hatred is reciprocal as those outside of Christ are at war with God.

Peace can only be sued for on God’s terms and God’s terms are the demand that those who want to be free of God’s hostility towards them and have forgiveness for their rebelliousness against God is the finished work of Jesus Christ.

Christ came to be the peace child between God and man. By His work on the Cross Christ quenched the anger of God and so, as a substitute, became the appeasement of God as sent by God for those who would sue for peace.

God could not offer peace to rebellious man except on His terms. And His law terms required that His violated law be satisfied and so Christ came in His first advent to be God’s sacrifice for the sins of His people.

And so God Himself makes the peace. We do not have peace because of our repentance though certainly, repentance is a necessary consequence of our having peace with God. We do not gain peace by our obedience to God’s law though obedience is a necessary consequence of having peace with God. The only sufficient and necessary means to having Peace with God … the only way we can be delivered from God’s active warfare against us … the only way that a nation will ever beat swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks is by placing themselves under the protection of the Lord Christ who gave Himself up as the substitute for warmongering rebels like us.

And even the placing of ourselves under the protection of the Lord Christ is subsequent to be placed under His protection by His irresistible sovereign grace.

Then having Peace with God we can wage peace for God with our fellow man.

Ten Books For Elisa

1.) Biblical Theology: Old and New Testament — Gerhardus Vos

This will give you an insight on how to read the Scriptures in a way that you won’t typically find coming from the pulpit. Vos gives us Biblical theology as opposed to Systematic theology. It is not that systematic theology is bad (it is to be prized) it is just that it is not the only tool in the toolbox. Biblical theology reads Redemption like a novel seeking to identify underlying architectonic themes and then tracing their progress, growth, and advance in the Scriptures. When done right (and nobody does it better than Vos) it is an exciting way to read the Scriptures. (But beware… there are hosts of people out there who really do a hatchet job on the Scriptures using this methodology.)

2.) Prevailing Worldviews of Western Society Since 1500 — Glenn Martin

This is Martin’s 101 work on Worldviews and the way they work. Martin was my mentor in undergrad and so I am prejudiced in favor of his work. This book will begin to peel the onion on how ideas have consequences and will demonstrate how it is we must be careful in what we believe.

3.) Poverty of Multiculturalism — Patrick West

A short book that punches way above its weight. This will begin to give you and idea of what multiculturalism is, its roots, and where it is taking us. I couldn’t put this book down once I started it.

4.) Winter in Moscow — Malcolm Muggeridge

Muggeridge initially swallowed the Communist Utopia dream and then later, upon visiting Russia, had his eyes widely opened. This is Muggeridge’s novel pulling back the curtain on the then new USSR. Written as a novel it is an easy read but again Muggeridge, like his contemporary Orwell, is telling a much deeper story then what appears on the surface. Should be ranked with “Animal Farm,” and “1984.” Under-rated and ignored because it was less than flattering on the Moscow Utopia.

5.) Read something by P. J. Wodehouse

Except for Samuel Clemens, I’ve never read anybody who made me laugh who I knew was setting out to make me laugh like Wodehouse. I’m giving you some reading that can be heavy on the soul. I’ve found that if I can occasionally set the burdens aside and laugh awhile I will be more confident and less dour. His stuff on Jeeves is hilarious. His material on Uncle Fred is likewise the stuff that belly laughs are made.

6.) The Death of Death in the Death of Christ — John Owen

After reading this all you will do is laugh at Arminians. Owen is a 17th century Puritan and he writes like one. Never met a period he like and finds commas to be his soulmates. Still, if you can get through this your faith will be stronger. You can usually find this in paperback.

7.) Secular Discussions — R. L. Dabney

Dabney was the 19th century version of Rushdooney. After reading this book you’ll declare that Dabney was a prophet. He takes on issues that still bedevil us today and traces all the implications and in doing so you see he was exactly right and should’ve been listened to. This is around 500 pages but the nice thing about it is that you can pick it up and read a chapter that interests you and come back to the book later and not have to worry about having lost the train of thought. Each chapter is a self-contained essay and not dependent upon the previous chapters. He takes on issues like Government schools, women voting, social order, how the war against the Constitution will change the culture going forward, etc. A truly beautiful book. If you absorb Dabney you’ll be able to identify Cultural Marxism when you see it.

8.) Nihilism; The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age — Eugene (Fr. Sephraim) Rose.

Another short book that packs a wallop. Rose is Eastern Orthodox but his analysis of modern culture will help you see through the fog that is Cultural Marxism. Trenchant observations everywhere in the book. My copy looks like a pencil vomited all over the pages. I love this book. Underneath Cultural Marxism lies the worldview philosophy of Nihilism. Rose tells you what that is, and what its implications are and how it is eating the West alive.

9.) Read anything by Christopher Dawson. I might recommend starting with “Religion and the Rise of Western Culture.”

Dawson is brilliant. British academic who taught at the most prestigious Universities both in Britain and in the States. Few academics match Dawson in terms of cultural and civilizational analysis. Unfortunately Dawson was Roman Catholic and sometimes that leaks through, but on the whole his work is spot on and again contributes to seeing through the lies of this age. Dawson knew what it was that made Christendom Christendom and he lamented over what he saw, even in his time, as the undoing of the faith that created Christendom. This book will also help you see through the demonic worldview that is cultural Marxism.

1o.) Christianity and Culture — T. S. Elliot

Another beautiful book that should be read before anyone mounts a pulpit. Elliot, like several of the books I’ve listed here (per your request on subject matter) explores the relationship between Christianity and culture. This book will help you smell out R2K, as R2K denies there is a intimate relationship between culture and belief.

There is so very much more Elisa. I’ve tried to give you a starter kit. I’ve tried to give you several books that are shorter in length so you can see that you are making headway while at the same time trying to make sure that these shorter books are still heavy in content. I admire your desire to see through the fog that this culture — both in the Church and outside the church — is offering up.

May God bless you in your reading and your children for your reading.

Kobe Bryant; The Great American Hero?

Psalm 52

5 God shall likewise destroy you (evil man) forever;
He shall take you away, and pluck you out of your dwelling place,
And uproot you from the land of the living. Selah
The righteous also shall see and fear,
And shall laugh at him, saying,
“Here is the man who did not make God his strength,
But trusted in the abundance of his riches,
And strengthened himself in his wickedness.”

It is amazing to me the adulatory craze that is being lifted for Kobe Bryant. Now, granted, sudden deaths of anybody on the younger side of life is a sad event. However, it is not healthy for a culture to mourn the wicked except as the mourning represents a sadness that someone has gone into eternity apart from knowing Christ. If we, as Christians, were to take Psalm 52 seriously we might well be laughing at the news of Mr. Bryant’s death. However, here the Psalmist and Scripture is clearly counter-intuitive to our modern sensibilities.

Lets keep in mind that while Mr. Bryant as an athlete excelled on the Basketball court he was hardly a role model by any standard. His own wife accused him of multiple illicit liaisons with women not her. There was also the well known rape allegations against Mr. Bryant which, while not pursued in criminal court, did result in a settlement as a result of civil action by the Colorado woman assaulted. Let’s remember the description given of this violence,

When asked about bruises on the accuser’s neck, Bryant admitted to “strangling” her during the encounter, stating that he held her “from the back” “around her neck”, that strangling during sex was his “thing” and that he had a pattern of strangling a different sex partner (not his wife) during their recurring sexual encounters. When asked how hard he was holding onto her neck, Bryant stated, “My hands are strong. I don’t know.”

This wasn’t a comparatively polite”date rape.” This was gorilla violence in the extreme as a perusal of the account will explain in detail. Let’s be polite and just say it was a few weeks before the victim could sit comfortably for very long.

They used to call Mr. Bryant’s pursuit of multiple paramours “whore-mongering,” but that is no longer polite.

Now, some will object to my mentioning these realities on a few counts. First some will object that “none of us should want to be remembered when we die for our sins,” and, on the whole, all things being equal, who could ever disagree with that? I know I don’t want to be remembered for my sins in life — secret or public.

But not all things are equal here. What is happening via the adulation is that a serial adulterer and rapist is being elevated to some kind of secular saintly status. I object to that strenuously. My objection is augmented by the fact that those media trollops who are spilling all the adulatory ink attempting to elevate Mr. Bryant into a Cardinal in the church are the same media trollops who went apoplectic upon hearing a decades old tape of Trump talking about grabbing females by their femininity! (Kudos to Lea Land for that last sentence.)

Let’s keep in mind, concerning the objection that protests, “none of us should want to be remembered when we die for our sins.”

1.) Kobe if he was Christian was Roman Catholic — ergo not Christian.

2.) If he was repentant I wouldn’t note what is noted above but as lots of rapists die daily I don’t get the adulation of this rapist apart from acknowledging his crime.

3.) If Stalin had confessed Christ after all his mass murders would that mean upon his death it would be unseemly to mention his mass murders — especially if praise was the sound going up upon the news of Stalin’s death?

4.) The guy excelled at putting pigskin as inflated through a circle. He’s a hero for that reason?

I would rather not be remembered for my sin either … UNLESS, the adulation upon my death (I know … unlikely) was so great Christ gets lost in the adulation.

A second objection is that “now is not the time for theological reflections, but rather for allowing people to grieve and to process the death.”

I just disagree that there is ever a time that isn’t proper for theological reflections. The time to stop misdirected adulation is when the adulation is happening. Again, as I said earlier. One can admit that there is always a certain sadness in death. Further, one can acknowledge that such sudden death bring us all face to face with our own mortality. (I suspect a good deal of the public grieving might be connected to this.) However, these realities must not stop us from suggesting, with whatever tenderness and winsomeness we can that it is not proper to praise the wicked dead.

A third objection is that, in terms of the rape case, the female involved was just asking for it and she got what she deserved. Allow me to concede that women can be flirts and that kind of flirtation can lead to all kinds of bad things. However, having said that, even a loose woman who flirts can be raped and at the end of it all rape is rape.

Now, I can hear through the screen, people yelling at me saying the only reason I’m going on and on about this is that I am a racist. On that score, all I can offer is that I would be typing the very same thing if the athlete in question had been named Ben Roethlisberger instead of Kobe Bryant.

Our heroes are a reflection of our culture. Mr. Bryant was no hero.

Considering Rev. Strevel’s Article on “Grace & Race”

A few months ago, Rev. Chris Strevel decided he was going to weigh in on the wicked sinfulness of Kinism. I no longer identify as a Kinist since so much slander has been heaped upon that label. I’ve just decided to give it up rather than try and save it from the calumny, slander, libel and straw-man caricatures heaped on it by the Cultural Marxists and their legion of fellow “Reformed” travelers. So, instead of cleaning out the Augean stables of the misinformed, malignant and useful idiots, I’ve decided to open new stables with a new classification called “Familialism.” Now, sure as every Captain has a Tennille and as sure as every Green Hornet has a Kato and as sure as every R.C. Cola is accompanied by boiled peanuts Familialism will be slandered, libeled, purposely misinterpreted and soiled by the Cultural Marxists and their fellow travelers, but then we will just move on to Oikophilia. I have as many classification as the Communist have false fronts.

Having said that, though the concept itself, quite independent of the affixed category label needs to be defended and so I pause to defend the concept (again) against the usual ill informed, misinformed, and unwilling to ever be informed suspects. This time we have (again) another “Reformed minister” seeking to shine the light of Jesus on the evils of Christian social order. Our most recent contestant is one Rev. ChrisStrevel.

I will fisk this article in order to politely offer that the author is an Emperor who is wearing no clothes. Rev.Strevel’s article is titled, “Grace and Race.”

Rev. Strevel writes, (Hereafter — RCS)

The apparent lone gunman in the recent California synagogue shooting was a 19-year old member of a Reformed Presbyterian church. Assuming his on-line manifesto is a true statement of his views, he was motivated by a white nationalist, Jew-hating, conspiracy-obsessed worldview. One version of this social philosophy goes by the name of Kinism, which maintains that God intends for the various races to remain distinct. Its adherents blame a worldwide Jewish cabal for virtually every ill of our society, call interracial marriage between Christians intrinsically sinful, and believe that the European race and subgroups within it are intrinsically or at least historically superior to other races.

Rev. Bret responds, (Hereafter — RBM)

1.) How can it be denied with a straight face that historically speaking, White Western Christian Civilization has not been superior to African “civilization,” Chinese “civilization,” or Australoid “civilization?”

And it all depends on what he means by intrinsically superior as to whether or not that is so. Certainly White Christians are not made of better ingredients but if you combine the impact of generations of Christian civilization on the gene pool I suspect that makes a difference.

If the architecture of Gothic and Baroque cathedrals, the literature of Dante, Shakespeare and Milton, the science of Galileo and Newton, the legal systems of Rome and the Common Law and the philosophy and theology of Augustine, Aquinas, Calvin and Edwards do not attest the superiority of traditional, white European Christian culture over every other culture in the past 1500 years, then just what would Rev.Strevel uphold as an example of practical, temporal accomplishments of Christian society?

2.) If White Christians have NOT been superior to other races in terms of creating Christian civilization then who has been superior or is that not a question we are supposed to ask? And if nobody has been superior or inferior in terms of building Christian Civilization then are we not right back to the ‘all cultures are equal nonsense?’

3.) The Kinists I have known do hate Talmudists who embrace that Jesus is boiling in Semen in hell, just as they hate those who embrace the Koran, just as they hate Atheists who are seeking to run Christianity out of the public square. I should think Rev.Strevel would hate the wicked as well.

4.) The White Christian Kinists I have known do embrace White Nationalism just as my Black Christian Kinist friends embrace Black Nationalism and my Filipino Christian Kinist friends embrace Filipino Nationalism and my Indian Christian Kinist friends embrace Indian Nationalism. I’m not sure where the evil is in any of this. Maybe Rev.Strevel can identify the problem here. Is his problem with just White Nationalism or all Nationalism’s? And if he has a problem with White Nationalist but not other Nationalists why is that? On the contrary if he has a problem with all Nationalism does that mean Rev.Strevel is an Internationalist in his social order philosophy?

5.) In terms of “conspiracy,” Scripture clearly teaches that Conspiracies exist. We read of the Kings conspiring together against the Lord Christ in Psalm 2. We read of the Jews conspiring to kill Jesus and then conspiring to lie about Jesus’ Resurrection. For Rev.Strevel to complain about people who believe in conspiracy testifies Rev.Strevel’s own lack of familiarity with the Scripture which teach the Conspiracies happen routinely.

6.) Of course the opposite of the belief that God intends for the races to remain distinct is to believe that God desires for the races to be mixed so that all colors bleed into one. Rev.Strevel’s seeming conviction here seems to stand in contrast with Acts 17:26,

26 From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.

7.) It is true that some Kinists call all interracial marriages between Christians sinful. It’s also true that some Kinists don’t call all interracial marriages between Christians ‘sinful.’ Some Kinists will say instead that normatively inter-racial marriage between Christians is not wise, but if contracted should be supported as much as feasibly possible. The Kinists who refuse to say that interracial marriage between Christians is sin are not energetic in their support of contracting such marriages because statistically speaking such marriages typically don’t have as high of a success rate as intraracial marriages. Rev.Strevel commits the logical fallacy of a hasty generalization here. He shouldn’t feel too bad about that because legion is the name of those who do the very same thing.

8.) I suspect that Rev.Strevel likewise believes in White superiority and I believe that we could call as a witness for Rev.Strevel’s belief in White Superiority Rev.Strevel’s own library. Rev. Streevel’s library of theology books, which will likely be from at least 99% white authors, will testify to the fact that Chris already understands white superiority. His bookshelves are testifying every day against his contrary assertion that he does not believe in White superiority.

9.) The idea that the shooter at Poway was animated by Kinism is pure slander and a violation on Rev. Strevel’s part of the 9th commandment. That has become rather routine in certain quarters of the Reformed Church. No Kinist embraces the notion that an individual randomly going all murderous is the answer to where we are currently at in this moment.

RCS writes in his Grace and Race article,

“Were it not so divisive, dangerous, and detrimental to the gospel, this social theory would be laughable. The church of the Lord Jesus Christ is one body made up of various tribes, tongues, nations, and races (Rev. 7:9).”


1.)Strevel asserts that Kinism is divisive, dangerous, and detrimental to the gospel,without proving it. Our honored Reverend by asserting Kinism is divisive, dangerous, and detrimental to the gospel has just indicted the very Christian social theory that has guided Western Christian Civilization for 1000 plus years. I tend to think instead that it is Rev.Strevel who is laughable.

2.) Apparently Rev.Strevel finds Dr. Gerharrdus Vos to be laughable,

“Nationalism, within proper limits, has the divine sanction; an imperialism that would, in the interest of one people, obliterate all lines of distinction is everywhere condemned as contrary to the divine will. Later prophecy raises its voice against the attempt at world-power, and that not only, as is sometimes assumed, because it threatens Israel, but for the far more principal reason, that the whole idea is pagan and immoral.

Now it is through maintaining the national diversities, as these express themselves in the difference of language, and are in turn upheld by this difference, that God prevents realization of the attempted scheme… [In this] was a positive intent that concerned the natural life of humanity. Under the providence of God each race or nation has a positive purpose to serve, fulfillment of which depends on relative seclusion from others.”

-Geerhardus Vos,
Biblical Theology

Don’t miss that Dr. Vos says that the social theory that Rev.Strevel’s is pushing is “pagan and immoral.” Dr. Carl F. H. Henry, like Dr. Vos has no problem with the social theory thatStrevel refers to as “laughable.”

When the magazine, Christianity Today, turned to the question of segregation in 1957, Dr. Carl F. H. Henry wrote that civil rights legislation ending segregation would be morally problematic,

“Forced integration is as contrary to Christian principles as is forced segregation,” he argued. “A voluntary segregation, even of believers, can well be a Christian procedure.”

3.) No Kinist has ever denied that the body of Christ is one spiritual body made up of various corporeal tribes, tongues, nations, and races. However, the unity of this spiritual body of Christ does not negate the reality that as that body incarnates itself on earth it incarnates itself in keeping with national and ethnic Churches. Rev.Strevel seems to mistake unity for uniformity. There can be unity among distinct National ethnic people group Churches. Most Reformed Pastors used to be aware of the theological concept of the One and the Many.

4.) If Rev.Strevel happened upon a group of Korean Kinists worshiping together in a Korean Reformed Church would this upset him? If not then why does Rev.Strevel get so exercised by the fact that White Westerners might likewise desire to worship together as a distinct people under the Lordship of Jesus Christ?

5.) Dr. John Frame doesn’t seem to have the problem with the social theory which Rev.Strevel can’t swallow,

“Scripture, as I read it, does not require societies, or even churches, to be integrated racially. Jews and Gentiles were brought together by God’s grace into one body. They were expected to love one another and to accept one another as brothers inthe faith. But the Jewish Christians continued to maintain a distinct culture, and house churches were not required to include members of both groups.”

John Frame
“Racism, Sexism, Marxism”

RCS writes,

Since all “speak the language of Canaan,” whatever their particular language may be, inclusion based upon “one Lord, one faith, and one baptism” is the most fundamental bond of all who call Jesus Christ “our elder Brother.” When our earthly connections lead to hate and bloodshed, we have denied the gospel of grace. When race, rather than God’s marvelous grace, defines us, we have denied our essential and eternal brotherhood. Neither Christ nor his apostles ever called the church to remain “ethnically pure.” This is an impossible dream based upon fear and pride, not upon God’s word.

RBM responds,

1.) No Kinist ever denied that entry into the Church is by the blood of Jesus Christ nor that said entry makes people of different blood, race, tribe and language spiritually one in Christ. Yet, spiritual unity does not mean that our differing bloods, races, tribes, and tongues disappear. Rev.Strevel seems to forget that grace does not destroy nature but restores nature.

2.) No Kinist has ever advocated hating other Christians from other National or racial or linguistic or tribal churches. It’s a lie to imply that they have. Christian Kinists consistently affirm that it is the essence of love to our Christian neighbors to respect who the Creator God has made them to be. We do no insist that they have to become White before they become Christian and we do not expect to be told we must become polyglot in order to become Christian.

3.) There is the faint whiff of gnosticism in Rev.Strevel’s approach here. Rev.Strevel seems to be implying that when we become Christian all the categories we were created with blow away like smoke. Grace destroys nature. God’s grace is our primary definer but being primarily defined by grace doesn’t mean secondary corporeal definers cease to exist. Charles Hodge understood this,

Paul had two classes of brethren; those who were with him the children of God in Christ; these he calls brethren in the Lord, Philip, i. 14, holy brethren, &c. The others were those who belonged to the family of Abraham. These he calls brethren after the flesh, that is, in virtue of natural descent from the same parent. Philemon he addresses as his brother, both in the flesh and in the Lord. The Bible recognizes the validity and rightness of all the constitutional principles and impulses of our nature. It therefore approves of parental and filial affection, and, as is plain from this and other passages, of peculiar love for the people of our own race and country.

Charles Hodge
Commentary Romans 9

Would Rev.Strevel accuse Dr. Charles Hodge of denying our eternal and essential brotherhood? Is Rev.Strevel entangled in some form of Gnosticism?

4.) Rev.Strevel writes of “our essential and eternal brotherhood.” Now, some may think this a quibble but since the creature is not and can not be eternal (Eternality being an non-communicable attribute) how is it that he can write of “our eternal brotherhood?”

5.) It seems to me that when Christ told the Apostles to disciple the NATIONS he implied that they would be discipling ethnically distinct people groups who were people groups, at least in part, because of their descent from a common ancestor.

6.) Can Rev.Strevel show me in Scripture where we have the authority to destroy the Nations in favor of a Marxist dystopia where ethnic distinctions are cast into oblivion? If in the book of Revelation we find the presence of Nations what authority do we have to disregard ethnic groupings? How can Jesus Christ be King of Kings if people groups disappear? Jesus Himself in Matthew 25 judges the Nations. How can Jesus do that if Nations as ethnic groupings disappear?

7.) I fear that this hatred of the Nations as God as ordained nations is based on Rev.Strevel’s fear and pride and not on God’s Word. That the early Church respected ethnic groupings is seen in Paul’s dealing with the Gentiles where he did not require them to become cultural Jews before becoming Christians. God Himself is a respecter of Nations as He sees fit to sustain their existence into the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21-22).

RCS writes,

Historically, the church has ever sought to bring in all within its pale, so that our fallen hatred of other races and tongues might be replaced by the communion of the saints. Some of our great theologians in the past and most faithful brothers in the present have been of non-European descent. I feel hardly any affinity with my white unbelieving neighbors, but much more with those who share “like precious faith,” whatever their nationality. It is God’s grace that makes one people to rise by faith and enjoy his earthly blessing (1 Cor. 4:7). Should that people reject his grace, like present-day Europeans and Americans, their race will not preserve them from sinking into blindness and barbarism.

RBM responds,

1.) No Kinist disagrees with the first sentence above. Black Kinists, White Kinists, Yellow Kinists, Brown Kinists have the most intense Christian fellowship I know and that without ever giving up being Kinist. Rev.Strevel’s implied insistence that Kinists are haters is a hateful thing for him to be saying against other Christians.

2.) Some … but of course most of our great theologians have been of European descent. Even those theologians who weren’t of European descent most of them would still be descended from Japheth. Still, we tip the cap to any God fearing theologian who God has raised up to teach His people. I know I’ve profited greatly from chaps like Thomas Sowell.

3.) We agree with Rev.Strevel that God is judging present day Europeans and Americans for rebelling against God’s grace. We also insist that God is judging the non-Caucasian peoples by making them a people with no roots or sense of belonging.

4.) Rev.Strevel admits that he has hardly any affinity for his white unbelieving neighbors. However, Rev.Strevel doesn’t mention how much affinity he has for his non-white unbelieving immigrant neighbors. Why is it that I tend to believe that Rev.Strevel has more affinity for his non-white unbelieving immigrant neighbors than he does for his unbelieving white neighbors.

5.) And here is an interesting question. Does Rev.Strevel have more affinity for his own family who are believers than he has for non-white immigrant believers? And if he does should he feel guilty? And if he doesn’t, then how is Rev.Strevel not a Kinist?

RSC writes,

“To some disturbed, frustrated, or marginalized individuals, violence appears the sole remedy to preserve American and specifically white, European, Christian culture.”

RBM responds,

One can’t help but wonder if in this statement Rev.Strevel is indicting Charles Martel, Charlemagne, John Sobieski, Jean LaVallete, Don Juan, St. King Louis, Godfrey of Bouillon , Baldwin, Philip I, Raymond IV and countless numbers of other Christian men who used violence as the sole remedy during their time to preserve European Christian culture?

This is not to sanction violence, it is merely to say that as the book of Ecclesiastes teaches there is a time and a place for everything under the sun and so we should be careful about making blanket condemnations.

RCS writes,

“Compounding these evils, a growing number of American Christians have embraced the lie that race, along with gender and sexual orientation, is an artificial construction… “

RBM responds,

At this point Rev.Strevel’s eyes seem crossed. Chris seems to have contradictory ideas on what he’s talking about. Race and ethnicity matter except when they don’t matter. They’re important except when they’re not. It is but it isn’t. It will but it won’t. It can but it can’t. They do but they don’t. One can only admire this Kalergi Clergy brilliance.

RCS writes,

“With respect to the hordes of displaced people throughout the world, we must recognize that men and women will seek greater freedom and prosperity. War, disease, poverty, persecution, and tyranny have often resulted in mass migrations.”

RBM responds,

And further we must recognize that men and women will seek to protect their borders in order seek the same greater freedom and prosperity. Also, we must realize that tyranny is driving mass migrations.

RCS writes,

“What is our national identity? Free bread and schools for everyone? Let us be very honest and clear. Neither whites nor blacks are indigenous to this land. The Europeans came here and claimed land that others occupied, perhaps haphazardly and not like we occupy our lands with clear title and fences, but they were here. We often went to war with them and met their self-defense efforts with bloody violence. Discipleship efforts were made by some, but the musket was the final solution.”

RBM responds,

1.) Let us keep in mind in the paragraph above that Strevel sounds like a Cultural Marxist. He has bought into both their nomenclature and their worldview.

2.) There were people who occupied the land before the Indians who occupied the land. What of their claim? Some research suggest those earlier people were Europeans.

3.) We went to war with them because they were SAVAGES, as noted by Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, and were killing our ancestors. Yes, I’m sure that pagan white people took advantage of them as well at times but to suggest that it was a one way street is just historically stupid and indicates a laziness in consulting the original sources. Has Rev. Strevel read the character of these people he is weeping over? These people groups were not the noble savage as romanticized about in Kevin Costner’s “Dances with Wolves.” They were, in many instances, a savage and ruthless people given to torture and violence.

RCS writes,

” One also thinks of the Southwestern United States and our infamous Mexican wars. Perhaps God is giving these lands back to their original inhabitants. “

RBM responds,

1.) Our infamous Mexican wars? Why does Rev. Strevel just assume that the Mexicans were innocents and we were the evil persecutors? Again .. this is the Cultural Marxist line. According to Rev. Strevel should we start speaking of St. Santa Anna?

2.) Perhaps God is seeking to wake us up so that our lands aren’t surrendered to the pagans?

RCS writes,

“Frankly, those who are so anxious to defend their white heritage had better reckon with its very checkered past and apostate present. It is easy to blame “them,” but let us look in the mirror. Jews and immigrants are not to be blamed for our present ills. Blame professing Christians, if you want to blame anyone, for they had the keys to our national door. It was white Christians who lost mainline denominations to liberalism and venerable institutions to strident progressivism and radicals. It was white Christians who lost this nation to the forces of globalism, centralized banking, paper money, and political polytheism. We have no one to blame but ourselves. We did not listen to our Lord. “If you continue in my word, you shall be my true disciples.”

RBM responds,

1.) This is true but the conclusions Rev.Strevel draws from it are asinine. So, because our Father’s sinned by giving up their heritage therefore we should not seek to gain it back by indicting the Talmudist and the pagan Minority who are trying to destroy us? Doesn’t repentance look like no longer giving in to God’s enemies? Yes, we sinned but repentance means running out God’s enemies.

RCS writes,

“If we humbly accept his chastening, then he deals with us as with his beloved children (Rev. 3:19). His main work is not to preserve a particular nation but his holy nation, his blood-washed church. She will survive and thrive if she builds upon him as her Rock and Redeemer. We shall face opposition for our allegiance to him, especially in these times. If you are going to die, however, or go to prison, let it not be because you fought as a foolish partisan for whiteness but as a faithful servant of the King of kings.”

RBM responds,

1.) What if you fight as a partisan for your fellow White Christians against those who would destroy the Christian faith by destroying the historic carrier of Christianity — White people?

2,) Again, the assumption here by Rev.Strevel are Baptistic. He is emphasizing the acts of individuals and missing that God saves by nations.

RCS writes,

Citizens of this country are rightly alarmed by mass illegal immigration, for we have laws that allow for peaceful integration into our society. However, as we cannot pay our own national bills, how can we take multitudes under our roof when our house is falling down? If our concern is cultural preservation, the question must be asked, “What culture?” A Christian nation? Whiteness is not Christian.

RBM responds,

1.)Strevel hints at the disaster that illegal immigration is as combined with mass welfare for all. Such a combination guarantees the eventual collapse of what we know as these united States of America.

2.) It is true that “Whiteness is not Christian,” though during the last 750 years if one wanted to locate Christian civilization one had to go to White countries. It is true that we are no longer a Christian nation but that is, in part due to people like Rev. Strevel not seeking to salvage the shards of Western Christian civilization that yet remains. We will have no hope of Reformation if Rev. Strevel’s ideas about ethnicity being marginally important are hearkened to.

RCS writes,

Churches must minister the gospel and tangible love to the oppressed who come here seeking refuge. God has brought these strangers here, even as we once came as strangers and pilgrims. We must also recognize that this will create problems, for most races – ask anyone living in New York City – prefer to maintain their separate customs and connections. This is not racism. It is the way God made us. His grace in Christ as it subdues our hearts to teachableness will certainly help us live together peacefully, but his grace does not nullify our race, preferences, and laws. And where we do not all speak the language of Canaan, of
God’s true grace in Christ, this places a tremendous discipleship responsibility and pressure upon us. We must love and minister while we maintain clear separation from evil, disciple the lost, and wait upon God to sort out the mess created by rebellion against him.”

RBM responds,

1.) Yes churches must minister the Gospel to all who come under her voice.

2.) The talking of the “oppressed,” proves that Strevel has fallen into the language pit of the Cultural Marxists. God does not care about the reprobate oppressed any more than the reprobate oppressors as they are all outside of Christ

3.) God has brought these strangers here? Well, yes, according to His decree but not as consistent with His precepts. When we failed to stop this immigration horde we were violating God’s law.

4.) To compare our arrival here with the current illegal immigrant horde is apples and sandpaper. We came to a wilderness and carved civilization out of that wilderness. They are coming to civilization and turning it into a desert again.

5.) Law preferences? This guy is a theonomist? He doesn’t understand that law preferences occur because of the different Gods who are served?

6.) We are to wait on God and not clean up this mess ourselves as we adhere to God’s revealed precepts?

RCS writes,

“He has aligned and realigned men and nations many times before, and he is doing it again. It is an uncomfortable process,”

RBM responds,

What is happening is NOT the realigning of nations it is the destruction of nations. One would think a wise man would understand the difference. And as men of God we need to resist the destruction of nations for a new world order. I don’t see Rev. Strevel getting close to resisting destruction.

RCS writes,

If we humbly accept his chastening, then he deals with us as with his beloved children (Rev. 3:19). His main work is not to preserve a particular nation but his holy nation, his blood-washed church. She will survive and thrive if she builds upon him as her Rock and Redeemer. We shall face opposition for our allegiance to him, especially in these times. If you are going to die, however, or go to prison, let it not be because you fought as a foolish partisan for whiteness but as a faithful servant of the King of kings.”

RBM responds,

1.) Rev. 3:19 doesn’t say what Strevel says it says.

3:19 Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent.

Accepting God’s chastening does not mean we give up on our people — neither Christians nor our non-Christian kinsmen. Instead we plead with them to repent that God might visit seasons of restoration upon us. Strevel seems to suggest that repenting means we roll over and just accept conquest by those who clearly hate Christ.

2.) What if you fight as a partisan for your fellow White Christians against those who would destroy the Christian faith by destroying the historic carrier of Christianity — White people? Why is it foolish to be a partisan for White Christians but not foolish to be a partisan against White Christians?

3.) Again, the assumption here are Baptistic. He is emphasizing the acts of individuals and missing that God saves by nations.

4.) If a Nation has been Christian in its history then it is a false dichotomy to posit that God’s main work is NOT to preserve a particular nation but it is to preserve the Church. If the nation has been largely Churched — an expression of the Kingdom of God – then it seems that God’s main work is to preserve both.

The Reformed clergy, generally speaking, are terrible to the point of horrid on this subject matter. Most of them have adopted, in one form or another, the nomenclature and mindset of the Cultural Marxist worldview to one degree or another. That this is so is seen in Rev. Strevel’s piece, but he is only one example of many.

This reality communicates a broader and deeper problem in the Reformed and Evangelical community. That deeper problem is the inability to think critically outside the boundaries that are being set for us by the cultural gatekeepers of an increasingly wicked culture. Because the clergy corps has become hemmed in by the strictures placed on us by our cultural Marxist enemies they are reinterpreting Christianity through the prism of Cultural Marxism with the effect that Christianity is no longer Christianity. Because of these blinders much of the Christian clergy just ignore any evidence to the contrary that testifies against their “new and improved” Christianity opting instead to ignore the quotes, testimonies, and sermons of Church Fathers from previous generations.

This subject of races, peoples, and nations up until 1950 or so was one where the Church actually had a subject where following Saint Vincent of Lérins we had a slice of the faith “that was being held which has been believed everywhere, always, by all.” However, to our modern clergy all of that is irrelevant.

God grant us grace to think His thoughts after Him.

Dawson, McAtee and the Chemical Compounds that Create Civilizations

“It is true that Europe was also a society of nations and that therefore the racial element, the bond of common blood, like the bond of common speech and common fatherland, played an important part in its development. But both civilization and nation are like chemical compounds which owe their very existence to their synthesis and any attempt to resolve them into their compound elements involves their destruction.”

Christopher Dawson
The Judgment of the Nations — pg. 143

Dawson’s warning is worthy of hearing. It is possible to distinguish the elements which comprise a nation or a civilization, breaking them down, for observational and analytical purposes, into their constituent parts of culture, faith, and race (or even more precisely; ethnicity) but there is a difference between making a distinction concerning these chemical compounds and seeking to isolate these chemical compounds as unrelated to the other impacting chemicals. For example, faith is a distinct chemical in this compound (sticking with Dawson’s analogy) but as culture, (as another distinct chemical) is the outward expression of a people’s inward beliefs, faith cannot be totally divorced from the discussion of culture, just as culture cannot be totally divorced from a discussion on the faith it is reflecting. As another example, the faith that is held and acted upon is the faith that exists in corporeal, material genetic people and who they are genetically impacts their faith just as their faith impacts their corporeality. As another example, culture is intimately related to ethnicity. Can anyone imagine the Japanese doing Cajun culture, or the South Sea Pacific Islander doing Cowboy Rodeo?

Faith, Ethnicity and Culture are all wrapped up together and the idea that these are all “social constructs” is something only a pure Gnostic or pure Materialist would argue. A pure Gnostic handles this by saying, “Change the thinking (the Theology / Ideology) around and presto change-o you can change Japanese civilization into a Civilization which speaks Cajun and eats gumbo. A pure Materialist handles this by saying, “change and rearrange the environment that the South Sea Islander lives in and he too will become a lasso twirling, tobacco chewing, bronco busting Cowboy.” It’s all so reductionistic. Twist a few knobs, and turn a few dials and we can re-make the world by our expertise at social engineering.

This is what the Alienist does. The Alienist doesn’t recognize the chemical compound that civilization and culture is and equipped with his Gnosticism or Materialism (and oddly enough sometimes both at the same time) the Alienist comes rushing in to break apart the chemical compound of which Dawson speaks. For the Alienist there is nothing supernatural about civilization and nations. For the Alienist they are simply the result of time plus circumstance plus chance. They are a social construct. Tinker around with the circumstance and you can produce anything you want. Hell, you can even produce men who need to have tampons in their bathrooms.

However the theo-ethno-cultural realist agrees with Dawson. There is something about civilizations and nations, resulting as they do from a combination of theology (faith), ethnicity, and culture that accounts for the differences in social orders. Further theo-ethno-cultural realists believe that, at least as it pertains to Christian cultures, that there is something about Christian cultures that has a supernatural air about them. They most certainly are not social constructs that can be understood solely by reading post-modern sociologists.

Like it or not, there is among individual people groups a common blood which in God’s ordination shapes and influences people groups as to who they are. Common blood is not the only reality that binds people together but it is an absolutely key component along with faith and culture. That is the compound of which Dawson speaks.

Just as man could not be man apart from both the dust of the earth and the breath of God so man cannot be man apart from both his ethnic identity and the kind of religion – spirituality that has possessed him and which he has possessed and the culture that those together produce.

All of this is basic Christianity. That is all it is and where people have a problem with it today they need to take it up with the Church Fathers, many of whom recognized this same dynamic, and before them with the eternal God who teaches it everywhere in Scripture.