Stalin’s Show Trials & The Modern Visible Church

When Stalin put on his show trials, confession was the only reasonable response coming from men innocent of the charges brought against them. (Which is different from being innocent of any crime. Those convicted in the show trials many times over deserved death.) If one believes the Party is God — and all good communists do — if the Party says you sinned then all that is left for you to confess. One just does not protest one’s own innocence when God says you’re guilty.

In the same way many Christians, particularly those who have grown up in conservative Reformed Churches, view the Church. If the Church says you’re guilty of sins – sins that it just so happens that the Cultural Marxists say you’re guilty of — then you’re guilty. You don’t fight back. You take your stinging rebuke and say, “Thank you Sir, may I have another.” At least that is the fashion in which some operate.

But what if the Church, like the old Soviet State – Party, is just compromised and so wrong? Is it right and proper to apologize for acting and speaking the same as the Prophets and Apostles spoke? Is it right and proper to accept the discipline of an Institution itself that Jesus Himself is embarrassed by? Why should Christians accept the judgment of Sessions and Consistories who are themselves saturated with the Zeitgeist?

I have seen, in the past few years, sundry attempts, both successful and unsuccessful, of Reformed Churches going after laymen for holding positions on race, nationality, and patriarchy that only two generations ago would have been seen as Biblical and normative.

Further I’ve noticed a pattern. First, someone gets wind of something someone said, usually in some kind of social media context and not infrequently as occurring in some kind of setting that was supposed to be private. Second, said person either snitches on a conversation that was supposed to be private or passes it on too someone who does the same. Third, the private correspondence becomes very publicly known. Fourth, the context of the text is completely stripped away so that stripped away from the context (which might have included humor, or sarcasm, or tongue in cheek communication) the text is seen as outrageously scandalous. Fifth, the person who is bringing attention to the matter goes all “point and splutter” combined with hyperventilating and all the while breathlessly repeating “can you believe this,” and “how dare you.” This has the intention of starting a “point and splutter” avalanche so that myriad others join the original “pointer and splutterer” all pointing and spluttering about that which nobody can give a substantive Biblical reason for their pointing and spluttering. Imaging a roomful of Junior High girls hearing a rumor that a mouse is loose in their locker-room and the attendant shrieking and gasping which would follow. And here’s the kicker, later it is found out that it really wasn’t a mouse but a large dust ball.

The subsequent step then is for the authorities to step in. These are authorities who have been all conditioned by the pointing and spluttering and who themselves have zero ability to think critically. The only real difference between themselves and the original accusers is that they have adopted a more refined and erudite cultural Marxist Christianity that instead of pointing and spluttering prefers to clear their throats with dignity all the while using the word “Jesus” a lot in explaining the sin of the poor fly who is now stuck in the spider web.

And now the show trial begins. Our brier patch occupant enters into the star chamber. “CONFESS CONFESS CONFESS” cry out the modern Torquemadas. The Stalin show trials are under way. Acquittal is not possible since the jury has already been told by the Cultural Marxist clergy how the trial must end. Besides, as mentioned above the jury itself has been indoctrinated from the culturally brainwashed pulpit not to mention that the jury pool has been poisoned by the already released putative damning correspondence that has been stripped of its context. The verdict is inevitable only to be possibly avoided by a larger desire on the part of the Institution staging the performance show trial to avoid the publicity and possible embarrassment of a drawn out trial if the accused dare to mount a defense that included file cabinets full of quotes from the Church Fathers supporting the position of the accused.

If the accused doesn’t mount a defense he must grovel and apologize for his “sins,” against God and mankind. Now, the kicker here is that the apology often really amounts to lamenting your thought crime for all the world to see and the purpose of it isn’t so much to satisfy somebody who was genuinely wounded as it is to make an example of those who would dare walk contrary to the sanctioned narrative of our PC overseers – PC police who are now Elders in our churches.

The accusation without context might be, “Your guilty of demeaning a people group with your language,” never mind that St. Paul called all Cretans liars and Jesus referred to a gentile woman and her kind as “dogs.” Only a context can guide us in adjudicating if a people group was demeaned without cause. The accusation without context might be “your guilty of being sexist,” never mind that Western civilization for millennium, following Scripture, insisted that women should operate under male covenant headship. Only a context can guide us in adjudicating if sexist things were really said. The accusation without context might be, “He said that, ‘God does not embrace all peoples as equal,” never mind that depending on the the context it is true in the proper context that God does not embrace all peoples as equal. (And for the record, the idea that any Calvinist would choke on the idea that doesn’t love all peoples equally need to return the reality that God hated Edom but loved Israel.)

These types of charges are not so much accusations interested in a dispassionate pursuit of justice as they are attempts to assassinate the character of the one being charged. They are ecclesiastical versions of Christine Blasey Ford vs. Brett Kavanaugh or Anita Hill vs. Clarence Thomas. There purpose isn’t to arrive at justice. There purpose is to rend reputations and defile character, while protecting the narrative that historic Christianity and the carriers of it were and are nekulturny, bigoted, and destructive. All of this “evidence” as set before the oi polloi Elder rubes who couldn’t begin to tell the difference between evidence and circuses.

Personally, I’m tired of it. I’m tired of the attempt, sometime successful and sometimes not to destroy otherwise good men. I’m tired of the visible Church playing the role of Andrey Yanuaryevich Vyshinsky in a Stalin show trial. I’m tired of this ridiculous narrative that is only not Three Stooges comical because it is taken so serious by the brain dead brainwashed. I’m tired of scads of people ignoring scads of evidence from scads of witnesses, now long dead, that this Cultural Marxist narrative is completely innovative and a stranger to Church History only arriving on the scene sometime around 1950. I’m tired of the assertion that there is something criminal in loving your kin more than loving the alien and stranger, that there is something troglodyte in believing that there are distinct male and female roles which should be honored, and that there is something inherently sinful about Western Christian civilization.

God grant us Reformation.

The Battle For Christendom

Author — Perry Josue

Grim shadows lie across the West;
Darkness beats within its breast.
No succor comes to its fallen folk;
No fire nor flame the zeal to stoke –
Its dormant knights to action brave
Their land to free and quickly save.
The men are worn with cares and blind;
Comfort’s ease is all they mind.
They laugh with joy – in madness’ grip
As their children slide and fall and slip
Away to Satan’s charms and power
And seek their wealth in Babylon’s bower.

Hark yet the cries of the faithful few,
Who hold the truth their father’s knew!
The battle cry leaps upon their lips,
Strong their arm and bright the tips
Of their father’s swords – sharp, agleam
With Christ’s firm hope and Kingdom dream.
Ready now, you men of remnant born!
Raise the banner and look not forlorn.
Man’s courage lasts but a wav’ring hour
But finds its strength in Jesus’ power.
The savage hordes and traitors’ ranks
May break the body, and yet give thanks.
Look! Your graves you dig in Truth’s defense
Are but a small yet blessed expense.
The faithful thousand with the knee unbent
Their blood poured out but their souls unspent –
The martyr’s copy of the Lord’s great Cross, 
In death is victory and no bitter loss!
Death itself is the tam’d slave of Grace;
Step close now and behold its face.
Tremble not before suff’rings’ teeth;
Hold fast the Faith and redeemed belief.
Stand unmoved for Christ – for kith and kin!
So shall you fight, so shall you win!

Your sacrifice a new dawn will bring
A blessed kiss from Christ our King.
Your tombs will echo loud the praise
Of your descendants taught to raise 
Their voice in song to God alone,
While He sits and smiles upon His Throne.

John Calvin Goes All Godzilla On James White’s Bambi

John Calvin vs “flighty and scatterbrained dreamers” (James White being our example today):

”The renewal that is the reality of true Christians is one that obliterates social, ethnic, and historical connections — the beautiful and radical unity that marked the apostolic message is based upon a truth that sociologists and politicians cannot grasp.”

Dr. James “Flighty and Scatterbrained Dreamer” White

“Regarding our eternal salvation, it is true that one must not distinguish between man and woman, or between king and a shepherd, or between a German and a Frenchman. Regarding policy, however, we have what St. Paul declares here; for our, Lord Jesus Christ did not come to mix up nature, or to abolish what belongs to the preservation of decency and peace among us….Regarding the kingdom of God (which is spiritual) there is no distinction or difference between man and woman, servant and master, poor and rich, great and small. Nevertheless, there does have to be some order among us, and Jesus Christ did not mean to eliminate it, as some flighty and scatterbrained dreamers [believe].”

John Calvin (Sermon on 1 Corinthians 11:2-3)

To sum it up, James White believes for a Christian “the renewal” (i.e., regeneration) obliterates our social, ethnic, and historic connections, that is who God has created us in our corporeal realities. On the other hand John Calvin says that those who believe what White believes are “flighty and scatterbrained dreamers.”

Psst … Dr. Andy… It’s Not Quite That Cut And Dry

“The Bible is anti-revolutionary from cover to cover. While Christians must disobey the state when the state demands what the Bible forbids, or forbids what the Bible demands, we may not take up arms as individuals to protect against persecution.

Alternatively, lower territorial magistrates (like a state’s governor or city’s mayor), if they are Christian or Christian-influenced or otherwise law-based liberty-lovers, must protect citizens under their care from political tyranny at the hands of a larger political jurisdiction, but this is a principled, governmental military action, not individual retaliation or mob rule. Principled opposition to tyranny is precisely what happened at the American War for Independence, which is often wrongly identified as the “Revolutionary War.”

The French had a revolution. We did not.Individual Christians may not take up arms against the state, which is God’s minister. But we should pray and work for magistrates that will protect Christians (and all other citizens) from political tyranny.”

P. Andrew Sandlin
Public “Intellectual”

1.) Psst … Andy, doesn’t the Bible forbid persecution of Christians by the state?

So, we can take up arms to protect ourselves against persecution because the bible forbids persecution but we can’t take up arms because we are individuals protecting ourselves against persecution?

2.) Just to go on record… Andy’s opinion has not been universally shared by Reformed Theologians of the past. John Knox for example thought Andy all wet.

In John Knox’s “Appellations to the Nobility and Commonality of Scotland,” Knox extended to ordinary people the right—indeed the duty—to rebel against unjust rulers. As he told Queen Mary of Scotland later, “The sword of justice is God’s, and if princes and rulers fail to use it, others may.”

“In this idea (resistance to female rulers), a principle emerged that Knox would make more of in his “The Appellation” — he no longer considered tyrannicide as the exclusive mission of divinely inspired individuals, but the vocation of every saint who would assume it.”

Kyle & Johnson
John Knox; An Introduction to his Life and Work — pg. 99

What if the state merely supports the idolatrous practices of the church? Then the people must resist. Even lowly individuals — if they speak as God’s ambassadors — have the authority to rebuke princes for their transgressions…. the real treason was not to oppose idolatrous monarch to the death.

Kyle & Johnson
John Knox; An Introduction to his Life and Work — pg. 102

“Failure to resist idolatry incurs corporate guilt and will be punished collectively.”

John Knox

“Let a thing here be noted, that the prophet of God sometimes may teach treason against kings, and yet neither he nor such as obey the word, spoken in the Lord’s name by him, offend God.”

-John Knox

In “The Appellation” Knox denounced the orthodox doctrine of (that required) Christian obedience (to wicked rulers) as sinful. He declared blind compliance to a wicked command to be sin. God has not required obedience to rules when they decree impiety. To say that God does is no less blasphemy than to make God the author of sin. Moreover, if the nobles and people comply with their sovereign in manifest wickedness, they will be punished along with him.

In “The Appellation” Know also laid the foundation for the theme of his “Letter to the Commonality,” which declared “None provoking the people to idolatry ought to be exempted from the punishment of death.” The personal status of such an individual was of no consequence, be they monarch or commoner. Moreover, the punishment of idolatry and blasphemy does not pertain to only kings and rulers. Rather, it relates to all persons according to their Christian vocation and the opportunity afforded to them by God to administer vengeance. CITING DEUTERONOMY 13, KNOX ISSUED THE CALL FOR REVOLUTION — HE DIRECTED MOSES’ COMMANDMENT TO SLAY IDOLATERS TO ALL PEOPLE, NOT JUST T THE NOBLES.

Yet Knox never called for indiscriminate slaughter. He distinguished between the treatment to be accorded idolaters, who had never known ‘true religion,’ and those who had known it but has forsaken it.”

Kyle & Johnson
John Knox; An Introduction to his Life and Work — pg. 104

In “The Appellation,” Knox now gave the covenant new political implications. Previously, the covenant obligation only demanded separation from idolatry. But now the godly (nobles and people) must punish idolatry.

The covenant provided an important theological argument for Knox. It enabled him to overcome the idea that only the lesser magistrate can revolt, thus leading him to advocate popular rebellion as a means for removing idolatry and tyranny. Knox insisted that not only the magistrates, but the people are also bound by the covenant to uphold the rule of godliness and to revenge any injustices done to God’s majesty or laws. The covenant binds not only the chief rulers but the whole people to punish idolatry and tyranny.

Kyle & Johnson
John Knox; An Introduction to his Life and Work — pg. 105

3.) “The nature of wicked princes is much like to warthogs, which if they be suffered to have their snouts in the ground, and be not forthwith expelled, will suddenly have their snouts in all the body; So they if they be obeyed in any evil thing be it ever so little will be obeyed in all at length.”

John Ponet
Magisterial Reformer

4.) Romans 13 teaches that the civil authority is “the minister of God to thee for good”, that it is the “minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil” and that rulers “are not a terror to good works, but to the evil”. When the civil government becomes anti-Christian and defends all manner of wickedness while persecuting the righteous, then it is no longer “the minister of God to thee for good”, it is no longer “a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil” but it has become “a terror to good works”. In other words, it has become the opposite of the entity of which we are told that we “must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake”.

We do not owe obedience or subjection to any such Satanic monstrosity and we ought to oppose it any way that we are able to do so.

Perhaps Dr. P. Andy, in the future, should be a little more careful in making assertions?

Is God A Racist?

I.) “The inhabitants of Crete, of whom he speaks with such sharpness were undoubtedly very wicked. The Apostle, who is wont to reprove mildly those who deserved to be treated with extreme severity, would never have spoken so harshly of the Cretans, if he had not been moved by very strong reasons. What term more reproachful than these opprobrious epithets can be imagined; that they were “lazy, devoted to the belly, destitute of truth, evil beasts?” Nor are these vices charged against one or a few persons, but he condemns the whole nation.”

John Calvin
Commentary Titus 1:12

“Condemns the whole nation.” Why isn’t John Calvin considered a racist? Why isn’t he sinning because he is guilty of the sin of demeaning other peoples group? By today’s standard, the Holy Spirit, St. Paul, and Calvin are all guilty of racism.

Could it be that it is not sin to make general observations that are negative about people groups if those observations are demonstrably true? If this is so then the whole sin of “racism” may well be utter nonsense and absurd. If this is so then maybe the whole notion of racism as sin may indeed be a Trotskyite invented sin so as to contribute to the destruction of the Christian faith.

II.) “The Cretians are always liars: lying is a sin common to human nature, and appears in men as early, or earlier than any other; and all men are guilty of it, at one time or another; but all are not habitually liars, as it seems these Cretians were: lying was a governing vice among them; they were not only guilty of it in some particular instances, but always; … it (lying) was a sin they were addicted to: some countries are distinguished by their vices; some for pride; some for levity, vanity, and inconstancy; some for boasting and bragging some for covetousness; some for idleness; some for effeminacy; some for hypocrisy and deceit; and others, as the Cretians, it seems, for lying; this was their national sin.”

John Gill
Racist commentary on Titus 1:12

So, explain to me when it is observed, based upon demonstrable evidence that people groups today might be prone to sloth, or violent crime, or being grifters it is sin to say that “X” people group are criminal, or lazy or violent?

Further, if it is accurate to generalize like this why would it be wrong to profile individuals from distinct people groups?

III.) “The very word “to Cretize” (kretizein), or to play the part of a Cretan, was invented as a word synonymous with “to deceive,” “to utter a lie;” just as corinthiazein. “to play the part of a Corinthian,” signified to commit a still darker moral offence.”

Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers

Note what St. Paul does in Titus 1:12 is that he negatively characterized a whole people group and he does so by and under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

What else can we conclude with this kind of language, as analyzed by today’s standard, that God is a racist?

Allow me to submit that the Titus 1:12 passage all by itself makes hash out of the modern charge of racism unless we are willing to conclude that God Himself is a racist. Noticing the obvious is not sin. Identifying demonstrably true characteristics of people groups, even if negative, is not sin.

If it is sin, then God is a sinner.