Tonight I was interviewed on the Nationally broadcast “Political Cesspool.” Below is the question I was asked to cover. I did not get to all my material since this was only a ten minute spot.
What does the 2020’s hold for Christianity and the Church?
Well, I can only answer this question based on the current trajectories I see. What I see currently is denominations heretofore considered conservative embracing Critical Race theory and Intersectionality as the cultural Marxist tools by which the broader culture can be understood. What I see are denominations heretofore considered conservative that can’t find the will to discipline those who want to continue to embrace their queer identity. What I see are denominations heretofore considered conservative that can’t find the will to discipline those who have Social Justice Warrior pastors sprinkled throughout their midst. What I see are a significant number of denominations, heretofore considered Conservative who refuse to deal with theologies which are Gnostic (R2K) Roman Catholic (Federal Vision) and Cultural Marxist (Liberation Theology).
So, all that to say that the modern visible Church in its most historically conservative expression in the West is mess and personally I see little on the horizon that is going to change any of that. Especially, since it is the so called wise-men and gurus of the Church who are so often leading the charge in re-shaping Christianity in a sub-Christian direction.
Secondly, the demographic change in the country is affecting the Church as well. Of course this is all being aided by the Church through their Voluntary Agencies. The affect of this demographic change is translated both in the Church and the broader culture as a lurch to the left. This means the Church will continue to tack to the left and this will manifest its most clearly in the continued pursuit of demonizing the heirs of Europe. The historic Americans will continue to be told to repent for the alleged sins of their forebears. That the immigration demographic will push left is proven by the known voting patterns of old Americans. All of this means, that just as in the broader culture the old Americans are being squeezed out of leadership, so it will be in the Church. Increasingly, white Christians will either conform to the New World Order Christianity or they can worship in their living rooms alone. Those who stay with the Church during this transformation can expect Christianity according to the NKVD to be the grist that comes from the pulpit.
Thirdly, the Church or Christianity will not be saved by the on the ground political realities. Both the “Never-Trumpers” and the “Trump is our deliverer” have got it wrong. Trump is neither the Messiah, nor is he Satan incarnate. The Never-Trumpers among the Evangelicals get it wrong because they are in opposition to what Trump is as a symbol and the “Trump is our deliverer” get it wrong because Trump is much the opposite of what he symbolizes. Add to that the ministerial attendants who keep time with Trump are of the “Israel is God’s people” type while the ministers who write editorials opposing Trump are of the SJW type. The Biblical Christian needs to realize that he has no dog in this fight. His dog died a long time ago.
The para-church organizations who are usually considered our friends will be of no help to Christianity and the Church. And, in point of fact I don’t think they care about that. These organizations are too often led by men who have a Darwinian worldview and they have speakers and writers who are more concerned with socio-biological evolution as a tool of analysis than they are concerned with the Word of God. Further, many of them boldly admit that they are not interested in positing any future vision of America on Biblical Christianity and the Kingship of Jesus Christ but rather prefer the broad tent approach that allows leadership to any pagan white man so long as they prioritize the white man quite apart from a Christian confession. Whiteness alone apart from a Biblical confession cannot rescue us and will only contribute to our destruction.
Fourth, in the 2020’s most denominations of any size at all will have accepted, whether in a defacto or dejure sense, the LGBTQ sodomite community in their midst. Any adherence to Biblical teaching on gender and sexuality will find one routinely being labeled a sexist and bigot.
Fifth, the antithesis will come to the fore. Wickedness will wax and wax while righteousness according to God’s law will become brighter and brighter even if not numerically on the rise. The corresponding truth to this is that it is likely the Biblical Church will experience persecution that is primarily though not exclusively economic. Biblical Christians will find it hard to function in the work place.
Sixth, the Church will continue to be antinomian. There was a time when the Church gathered every week they would hear God’s law proclaimed. God’s law is seldom heard in the Church today and Christians fail to govern their life by God’s explicit law.
Seventh, as long as the Church keeps embracing negative eschatologies it will continue to be defeated.
Of course there are solid churches out there and for those we are immensely thankful.
In the words of Dickens, “If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future, than what I see for the future is more of the same.
Now, having said all that we have to remember a couple things
First…. God can do anything. If you had asked me in the year 1510 what the 1510’s hold for the Church and Christianity I would have given a very bleak report. In 1510 nobody could have seen a Luther arising before the decade was out.
Second, God, throughout history has raised up a champion for every destroyer who shows up on the scene. In the 18th century God raised up Edmund Burke to provide the intellectual firepower to overthrow the thinking of the Jacobin Revolutionaries.
In the 19th century God raised up Groen Van Prinester and Dabney to provide the firepower to answer the triumphant Jacobins and abolitionists.
In the 20th century God raised up Van Til, Clark, Rushdoony and Bahnsen to provide the intellectual firepower to answer the Marxists.
There is great reason then to hope.
Thirdly, on this score and finally, we have to remember that none of this is outside the sovereign God’s purview. What we have is what He wants according to His ordained decree. According to His revealed precepts we are to operate consistent with His Law.
Category: Uncategorized
Dark Souled Storm
Europe’s Sons, adopted by God
Have abandoned faith, and forgotten Kin
Now bear the Father’s wrath and rod
Until repentance for such sin
Judgment takes the form of a dark souled storm
Europe undergoes Abaddon’s locust swarm
Will a word of warning come from God’s Kirk?
An expected siren from the place of truth?
Alas, the prophet’s voice is now berserk
And the Holy desk is now carnival booth
Judgment takes the form of a dark souled storm
Altering the Kirk into Apollyon’s form
A consecrated remnant can still be found
A band of blades for Christ supplied
But enough to halt Hell’s Cerberus hounds?
And to turn back the rising dark souled tide?
Relief must come from He who calmed the storm
And those committed to Christ’s Reform
Arise ye clan of bards, prepare for siege
Ye sons of Christ and Europe’s blood
We must defend our Lord and Liege
We must roll back the Dragon flood
For Christ and Country and Kith and Kin
For ours as yet unborn we must win
Integration Downward Into The Void
“Cain’s nonchalant words, and his great-great-great grandson’s boast frame Cain’s line, and mark its spirit and its descent into moral and spiritual abyss. The irresponsible, ‘Am I my brother’s keeper,’ of Cain attempts to deny murder (Gen. 4:9); while Lamech’s ‘I have killed a man for wounding me,’ glories in murder (Gen. 4:23). This is certainly not the dominion intended for humanity in Genesis 1-2.”
Stephen Dempster
Dominion and Dynasty — p. 71
Dempster here provides a textual example of what Cornelius Van Til tagged as “integration downward into the void.” This idea conveys the truth that when man is steadfast in refusing to repent the only option he has left is to increasingly leverage the depth of his expressed sinfulness. This happens both individually and personally as well as generationally. If a pattern of sin is established and not deviated from the consequence will be an intensification of sin in subsequent generations. This is what we see with Cain’s line as expressed in the quote above. Lamech outstrips his ancestor in sin. He has integrated downward into the void of sin. Cain sowed the wind and Lamech is reaping the whirlwind.
This downward integration into the void continues ever downward in Genesis until we can read a few chapters later,
Gen 6:5 Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great upon the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was altogether evil all the time.
This downward integration is the reverse of what C. S. Lewis captures in his description of heaven when in the “Last Battle,” the cry upon entering Aslan’s country is “further up and farther in.” We could say that Lewis is describing integrating upward into real reality. Downward integration into the void is integrating ever downward into the void of the unreal. And that is what we find in Genesis above; “Further down and farther out.”
This idea of the downward integration into the void doesn’t end with the texts above. We find it hinted at several places in Scripture. In the Gospels we find an downward integration.
Luke 19:14 But his citizens hated him, and sent a delegation after him, saying, ‘We will not have this man to reign over us.’
John 18:40 “Not this Man, but Barabbas!” (Give us Barabbas)
Matthew 27:25 And all the people answered and said, “His blood be on us and on our children.”
Notice the obvious here. In Luke’s Gospel Christ is on the cusp of His Triumphal entry and He tells a parable that relates directly to their refusal to have Christ reign over them. However, from this point the integration downward into the void begins. In John’s Gospel we are told that not only would they not have Christ rule over them, it is also the case that they prefer a thief and murderer to Christ. Matthew gives us the final cut in downward integration into the void. It is not enough that they would refuse Christ to rule over them, not enough even that they would prefer a criminal to Christ, they even go so far as to call down generational curses upon their children in their ever increasing downward integration into the void.
Changing directions on this theme, if we consider this downward integration into the void as a philosophical phenomenon of modern man we would observe that modern man has made this idea a principle so that he believes that out of chaos, order comes. In other words modern man believes that upward integration is achieved by downward integration. This is seen in the deluded theory of evolution where chaos breeds ever increasing order.
If one believes that out of chaos, order comes, such as we find with the theory of evolution, then one will by necessity seek to sink man into his most chaotic condition and this means that fallen humanist man in his guru capacity of psychologist, school teacher, or clergy will seek not only to understand man in terms of his most chaotic essence but will provide analysis and instruction that goads man towards chaos. This means man is not to be understood in terms of His rational maturity as governed by God’s law but rather man is to be understood in his most immature expression. This means man is to be understood in terms of his most base emotions and lusts and not per a biblical informed reason. Further, if man is to be healed then man must be set free to give in to his carnal impulses and lusts for it is only by a downward integration into the void – a returning to chaos — that man can be healed. Integration downward into the void means a jailbreak on maturity and responsibility into immaturity and irresponsibility for the very purpose of pursuing wholeness.
It is not only Van Til who understood this. Aldous Huxley in his Brave New World was giving us Van Til’s “Integration downward into the void,” in a novel form. Huxley, reduces men in his dystopian future to the untrammeled functioning of their hormones. Huxley gives us Social Order maintained by the onward pursuit of the downward integration. Kurt Vonnegut also captures some of this in his “Harrison Bergeron” short story where mature reasoning abilities are crippled in order to reduce man to his base instincts.
We are living in an age that programatically pursues integration downward into the void. It takes a determined Christian effort to live contrary to that constant downward integration.
All this stands in contrast to Biblical Christianity. One way that Christianity differs from Religions and philosophies that posit that man evolved from primeval chaos is that Christianity finds chaos being structured by order so that chaos is structured from and by the God of order. The implication of this is that for Biblical Christians, when confronted with the breakdown of social order, there is a return to order (God’s law) to answer the questions of breakdown and revolution. Not so for the Religions of chaos. For the philosophies and religions of chaos order can only be achieved by returning to chaos and by the downward integration into the void. Chaos in a social order is thus healed only by more chaos and Revolution.
As an example, several years ago, I attended a school board meeting that was discussing the need for sex education in the classroom. The problem that was being addressed was the increase of out of wedlock pregnancies and STD’s among students and the solution that was being offered was to teach the students how to have “safe” sex. You see, the problem was one of chaos and the answer being offered was a return to chaos to solve the problem of chaos. This is because, at a presuppositional level, the modern humanists believes that order comes from chaos and so more chaos is the answer to chaos.
This process
is the “integration downward into the void,” with the void
representing chaos. Fallen humanist man will always embrace more
chaos and Revolution to deliver him from chaos because
humanist man believes that out of chaos order comes.
This explains our daffy culture. Sodomy becomes a problem and the solution we embrace is Transgenderism. Marriages as an institution begins to go all chaotic and so we embrace sodomite marriage in order to “stabilize” marriage. Family breakdown is everywhere and so we redefine family to include two Lesbians and their in vitro fertilized “offspring.” Integration downward into the void. Chaos breeds a return to chaos in hopes that order will emerge.
Our expectation needs to be, short of God given Reformation that we will continue in the West to go from chaos and revolution to chaos and revolution. Integration downward into the void will continue.
Gnosticism and the Western Church
“The Gnostics soon posited a third opposition: The Savior God of the New Testament vs. The Creator God of the Old Testament.”
Pierre Courthial
A New Day of Small Beginnings — pg. 221
This is how it now works. The Savior God of the NT saves us from the Creational categories ordained by the Creator God of the OT. Courthial’s one simple sentence observation summarizes the Modern Evangelical and Reformed Church and in the train of this observation comes the necessary conclusion; “The Church in the West is Gnostic.”
The place that this Gnosticism is most apparent is the Western’s “Churches” hatred of Nationalism. Who we are, by way of our race and ethnicity, is a creational category with which God has made each one of us. Hatred and denunciation of race and ethnicity, along with increasingly shrill calls to denounce gender and patriarchy, are neon signs that the Western thing called the Church hates God’s creational categories and with that hatred the thing called the Church has become Gnostic.
You do remember Gnosticism don’t you? It was a heresy so dangerous in the early Church that St. John, upon finding out that the Gnostic Cerinthius was in the same bath house he was occupying for his daily ablutions went flying out of the bathhouse screaming for all to flee explaining that Cerinthus was inside and he didn’t want to be killed when the building collapsed under the righteous judgment of God!
Gnosticism was the ancient error that matter doesn’t matter and more than that was a positive evil to be shed. And in the spirit of Gnosticism we are being told by the modern cognoscenti that who we are in our ethnic (National) and racial makeup is a positive evil. We are being told that being saved and so Christian transcends our ethnicity and race. It’s as if some kind of made up Gospel Coalition in some tree-house somewhere has made a new club that requires for membership the oath, “the people I get saved will be taught salvation means that they are stripped of their national identity, familial identity, and gender identity (and don’t forget to tell them to send all their money.”)
The Modern Reformed Church could have given a few tips to the Albigensian / Cathri.
Seemingly everywhere in the contemporary Reformed and Evangelical Church (is there a difference any longer?) the siren song goes out on the dangers of Nationalism and / or love of one’s own people. From little known OPC Pastors in Buford, Geogria listing all the sins of our European Fathers without so much as a tip of the hat to their grace driven accomplishments, to the President of Southern Seminary going all “Danger Will Robinson” by writing how “toxic American Nationalism flies in the face of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” From the Pope in “Moscow on the Palouse” who never met a false dichotomy he wasn’t infatuated with to the theological law firm of Labberton, Moore, Carter, and Galli everywhere those reputed to be pillars in the Faith are seeking to make sure that the thought of Nationalism as a biblical option for social order among Christians “sleeps with the fishes.”
But this is not how the Church has spoke in Church history. Indeed, the Church Fathers spoke quite to the contrary as the below quotes – quotes which could be duplicated endlessly — begin to give a hint of,
“The ancient fathers… were concerned that the ties of kinship itself should not be loosened as generation succeeded generation, should not diverge too far, so that they finally ceased to be ties at all. And so for them it was a matter of religion to restore the bond of kinship by means of the marriage tie before kinship became too remote—to call kinship back, as it were, as it disappeared into the distance.”
Augustine – (A.D. 354 – 430)
City of God, book XV, Chpt. 16
“Since the intensity of an act results from the principle of action, and the principle of action is union and similarity, we ought to love in a higher degree and more intensely those who are more like us and more closely united to us.”
Thomas Aquinas 1225 – 1274
Commentary on Galatians
“According to every law, including the law of God, and the natural order of things, Czechs in the kingdom of Bohemia should be preferred in the offices of the Czech kingdom. This is the way it is for the French in the French kingdom and for the Germans in German lands. Therefore a Czech should have authority over his own subordinates as should a German.”
John Hus (1369-1415)
Jan Hus: Religious Reform and Social Revolution in Bohemia, p. 96
“It is the duty of parents to be more concerned and to pray more for the salvation of their children, than for the children of their neighbors; as it is the duty of a minister to be more concerned for the salvation of the souls of his flock, and to pray more for them, than those of other congregations, because they are committed to his care. So our near friends are more committed to our care than others, and our near neighbors, than those that live at a great distance; and the people of our land and nation are more, in some sense, committed to our care than the people of China, and we ought to pray more for them, and to be more concerned that the kingdom of Christ should flourish among them, than in another country, where it would be as much, and no more, for the glory of God. “
Jonathan Edwards (1703 – 1758)
Thoughts on the Revival; part iv. Section 3
To argue that the Scriptures are opposed to Nations and Nationalism and so the Church should be opposed to Nations and Nationalism is just a determined torpidity that should not be found among the clergy. Sigh, but one should one expect from pigs but grunts?
However, we need not only look to quotes of the Church Fathers which could be reproduced endlessly we might also consider how the Church has sang through the centuries. Contrary to what we might Imagine John Lennon has not been our Choirmaster through the centuries.
Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
Instead we have sang with verve about winning the nations. Again, these could be repeated endlessly.
Processional for Saint’s Day
What rush of hallelujahs
Fills all the earth and sky!
What ringing of a thousand harps
Bespeaks the triumph nigh!
O day, for which creation
O joy, for all its former woes
A thousandfold repaid!
We’ve A Story To Tell To The Nations
We’ve a Savior to show to the nations,
Who the path of sorrow has trod,
That all of the world’s great peoples
Might come to the truth of God,
Might come to the truth of God.
From Greenland’s icy mountains
From Greenland’s icy mountains,
From India’s coral strand,
Where Afric’s sunny fountains
Roll down their golden sand;
From many an ancient river,
From many a palmy plain,
They call us to deliver
Their land from error’s chain.
Well, if the Church has not had this visceral Gnostic hatred of Nations and Nationalism in the past where does all this “hoist the Jolly Roger and give no quarter to Nationalism” that we find in the contemporary Church come from? Well, people don’t like hearing this but this hatred of Nationalism comes from those who historically have vowed to destroy the Church. Again, please keep in mind that the quotes that follow could be repeated many times over,|
“The aim of socialism is not only to abolish the present division of mankind into small states and end all national isolation; not only to bring the nations closer together, but to merge them….”
The Rights of Nations to Self Determination — pg.
the natural differences within species, like racial differences…,
can and must be done away with historically.”
K. Marx’s Collected Works V:103,
As cited in S.F. Bloom’s The World of Nations: A
of the National Implications in the Work of Karl Marx, Columbia
University Press, New York, 1941, pp. 11 & 15-19:
”What will be the attitude of communism to existing nationalities?
The nationalities of the peoples associating themselves in accordance with the principle of community will be compelled to mingle with each other as a result of this association and hereby to dissolve themselves, just as the various estate and class distinctions must disappear through the abolition of their basis, private property.”
~ Frederick Engels in “The Principles of Communism”, 1847
“The equality of races and nations is one of the most important elements of the moral strength and might of the Soviet state. Soviet anthropology develops the one correct concept, that all the races of mankind are biologically equal. The genuinely materialist conception of the origin of man and of races serves the struggle against racism, against all idealist, mystic conceptions of man, his past, present and future.”
Mikhail Nesturkh, Soviet anthropologist, 1959|
The Origin of Man” (Moscow)Mikhail Nesturkh, Soviet anthropologist, 1959:
There you have it. The Christianity that is being proclaimed from those reputed to be experts and as picked up by their “Can’t shoot straight” sycophant preacher boys is the message preached by Rev. Mephistopheles from time immemorial. Pogo was never more spot on… “We have met the enemy and he is us.”
Make no mistake about it. This is the issue of our day. This is to us living in 2020 what the Deity of Christ was to Athanasius in the 4th century, what anthropology was to Augustine in the 3rd century, what Justification by faith alone was to Luther in the 16th century, and what the battle for the Bible against Neo-orthodoxy was in the 20th century. This is one of those, “If we get it wrong here we will never make progress until we turn back and get it right” moments.
One might think, with the paragraph above that I have left hyperbole for inanity but think about it for a second.
1.) Gnosticism is the oldest and has been the greatest threat to the Church throughout the centuries. It keeps coming back in one form or another.
2.) If matter doesn’t matter than all matter is equal matter. If matter doesn’t matter then women are men and men are women and so Beth Moore in the pulpit is only a matter of personal taste. If matter doesn’t matter than all peoples and cultures are equal and so the cultures created by James Cone or Richard Nikolaus Eijiro, Count of Coudenhove-Kalergi are equal to the cultures created by Abraham Kuyper and James Orr.
3.) The Unitarian view of God that Gnosticism implies completely absents the whole notion of plurality that is found in the God of the Bible. Should we accept this Gnostic “theology” offered up by the doofuses in our midst we end up with a God who is a singular Demiurge. If we make that mistake we are no longer Christian.
Why is it so difficult to return the age old Reformed concept that grace does not destroy nature but restore nature? Being a Christian doesn’t mean I lose my National or racial identity. It doesn’t mean that I can quit being a boy or girl. It doesn’t mean that age no longer is a consideration. An older wisdom understood that,
“The revelation of Christ does not abrogate the natural and present life, but makes it recognized and practiced, from the viewpoint of Christ, exactly in its divine significance.”
Herman Ridderbos
Paul; An Outline of His Theology – p. 307, 315
Being in Christ means who I am in my ethnicity and race is now practiced from the viewpoint of Christ. It doesn’t go away. It become what it was originally intended to be sans the Fall. Being in Christ means who I am in my sexuality and gender is now practiced from the viewpoint of Christ. It doesn’t go way. It becomes what it was originally intended to be sans the fall. I am not more noble and more Christ-like all because I love my Fathers and share similitude with my ancestors. I am not more noble and more Christ-like all because I am androgynous.
God is not a singular Gnostic Demiurge but is a God of plurality. He likes our distinctiveness because as a God who loves matter He created us with varied corporeal and material plurality.
At least that is what the Church believed up until 1950 or so.
Forbidding The Strong God
“Multiculturalism focuses on disenchanting the Western tradition because it alone has a hold on our spiritual and political imagination and provides us with a home. So, for example, progressives in Europe attack strong expressions of Christianity but accommodate rigid and illiberal forms of Islam. They do this because Christianity is a strong God of the West whose return must be prevented. “
R. R. Reno
Return of the Strong Gods — p. 118
This quote inadvertently confirms what I’ve long been insisting. Multiculturalism (the Child of Cultural Marxism) exists only penultimately to get rid of White people. The ultimate target of Cultural Marxism is Christ and Christianity and Christendom. White people aren’t hated because they are White. White people are hated because they are Christian. They are the carriers of Christian civilization. As such they must be wiped out. Not for the crime of being White, but instead for the crime of being Christian.
Note, here that R2K aids and abets this Cultural Marxist multiculturalist agenda when it agrees (as it ALWAYS DOES) with the idea of ridding ourselves of Christendom. Let it be said here though, that without Christendom, Christianity wanes and become just another kooky cult like L. Ron Hubbard’s Christian Scientism or Anna Bell Lee’s Shaker community. If Biblical Christianity is going to wax then it must build a Christendom to express itself. If R2K is successful Christianity will be the religion of only hobos, derelicts, and moon-bats. A religion that cannot incarnate itself into a distinct social order is a religion that is Gnostic. May God cast R2K as a kooky religion into the dustbin of cultic “Christianity” and grant repentance in the R2K community, who in the name of Christ are pulling down Christ from His throne and may He damn R2K’s dancing partner Cultural Marxism who right now is playing girl on top in many putatively conservative Reformed denominations.