
Intersectionality is a framework for conceptualizing a person, group of people, or social problem as affected by the number of putative discriminations and disadvantages they have suffered. It takes into account people’s overlapping identities and experiences in order to understand the complexity of the prejudices they face and then based upon the number of putative prejudices they have faced they are given more or less credibility in terms of their truth status. Truth thus is weighed not by any objective reality (since objective reality doesn’t exist for the Intersectionality club) but rather is weighed by credits earned depending on one’s alleged victimization status.

So, the way I like to put this is Intersectionality is an Epistemology … a way of knowing, and so gives us the rules for Texas hold’em Victimization Poker.

In regular poker, we know that

Royal Flush. The best possible hand in Texas hold’em is the combination of ten, jack, queen, king, ace, all of the same suit.

1. Straight Flush. Five cards of the same suit in sequential order.
2. Four of a kind. …
3. Full house. …
4. Flush. …
5. Straight. …
6. Three of a kind. …
7. Two pair.

In Intersectionality we can know how we know by considering the victimization status of people involved.

1.) A white woman trumps a white man
2.) A non-Caucasian male trumps a white woman
3.) A non Caucasian female trumps a non-Caucasian male
4.) A white sodomite and a non-Caucasian is a draw
5.) A crippled non-Caucasian Lesbian trumps a non-crippled non-Caucasian Straight

And the equivalent of one of a kind in Intersectionality is Heterosexual Christian White Male.

So Intersectionality answers the question of “how do we know what we know,” by considering which party in the contest is more victimized than the other. Once that is determined then knowledge appears since in “Intersectionality poker” the person with the most victimized status points is the person who is correct in whatever they are stating. There is no such thing as truth, there is only how much victimization status the persons in the conversation can tally.

But what does Scripture teach on Intersectionality?

“Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly.” Leviticus 19:15

The great accusation of those practicing Intersectionality as a way of epistemology is that all we have in way of “truth” is social constructs. The claim is that “truth” is not really “truth” but merely power arrangements that favor the dominant majority in any given culture. As such “truth” is merely a completely manufactured construct that needs to be deconstructed in order for people who are minorities to get justice. This thinking can be applied to everything from Mathematics to Logic, to Race, to ethnicity, to culture, to faiths. All is social construct that tends to favor the majoritarian expression in any given culture per the “thinking” of Intersectionality fanboys and Critical theory aficionados. The victim critics alone have the ability to see this “truth as power play” move and address it properly with the cleansing power of Intersectionality and Critical theory.

The problem here of course is that Intersectionality and Critical theory are easily hoisted upon their own petard with just a moment’s reflection. If all is merely a social construct per these philosophical geniuses then the idea of identifying social constructs is merely a social construct. If there is no objective truth then whatever Intersectionality and Critical theory is giving us can in no way be adjudicated as objective truth. In point of fact Intersectionality and Critical theory are merely a hamfisted attempt at seizing interpretive and so cultural power. Intersectionality and Critical theory are merely instances of “Hath God really said,” dressed up in ugly evening gowns.

At this point the sensitive person screams out, “What about all the injustices that Intersectionality and Critical theory” rightly points out? Well, first we should note as a general principle that the wicked are always going to scream that the righteous are victimizing them. It is one way that the wicked can get a hearing. Second we should note that not all that the wicked scream and complain about is true. There is a great deal of scholcky history, sociology, and cultural analysis going around which has the problem of just not reflecting reality. Legion is the name of white guilt narratives that are given credence which have absolutely zero relation to reality. Third, as has been hinted at we need to realize that there is an agenda here that includes overthrowing what little remains of Christianity and Christendom in the West in favor of recreating Christianity in the image anti-Christ and recreating Christendom in the image of Satan-dom. Fourth, where we find genuine and unique victims they should be offered a sincere apology. I do believe that Christians should be apologized to for all the opprobrium that has been cast upon them by those who are practicing Intersectionality and Critical theory.

There is one more thing that needs to be said about Intersectionality and Critical theory for this essay. We need to keep in mind that the effect of Intersectionality and Critical theory will eventually have upon any given multicultural society is to created the Hobbesian condition of the war of all upon all. Intersectionality and Critical theory creates suspicion, inflames animosities for perceived past grievances, and works to make it impossible to communicate over the simplest of differences so that we arrive at the point that not even men and women can communicate with one another because of the differences brought to the fore by Intersectionality and Critical theory. Intersectionality and Critical theory introduce disharmony of interests and build impenetrable and impregnable walls between individuals and people with the even the slightest of differences. A social-order infection with Intersectionality and Critical theory will eventually be a social-order engaged in Civil War.

The people who are adherents of Intersectionality and Critical theory are people who are the enemy of peace, often ironically enough as they are pursuing “peace.” Inasmuch as Intersectionality and Critical theory are most often used to overthrow Christ and His Kingdom such people are enemies of Christianity.

If Intersectionality and Critical theory win the day everyone loses.

God & Law & Social Order

“So as sick & disgusting as bestiality is, I’m not going to advocate making it illegal & killing people who practice it. I want to preach the gospel to them, instead. There, I said it. Now either scram, all you yellow-bellied cockroaches, or fight like men.”

Rev. Chris Caughey

“Law expresses Lordship. Show me the operational law of a culture and I can show you what is driving that law, that is to say, the Lord of that Culture. Because the Lord of that culture sanctions and approves the law of that culture.”

Dr. Jeffrey Ventralla

Just as it is true that the operational law of a culture reveals who is the Lord of that culture so it is true that if one shows me the origin of any human right I can show you the God of that culture since the creation of “rights” are accomplished via law. Law requires a Transcendent every time. Now that Transcendence may not be an Objectively Objective Transcendent. Indeed more often than not in modern cultures the Transcendent is a subjectively Objective Transcendent but it remains a transcendent, even if false.

So, where does the right to Universal health care come from? It doesn’t come from Scripture. Where do Homosexual rights come from? They don’t come from Scripture. In both cases and in most cases in our culture rights come from the God-State and if it is true that rights come from the God-State than Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Dachau were positive goods since the State sanctioned them. The Gulag archipelago was a positive good since it was sanctioned by the God-State.

All of this is why it is hopeless to try and scrub “God” or “religion” from a culture. It is hopeless because every social order / culture requires a law order in order to function. At the moment a law order is in place at that moment a “god” and a “religion” is at work. Even if the social order was guided by anarchy (an arrangement which never lasts long) the fact that no one may bring order to anarchy is a law that is revealing a “god” and a “religion.”

We should also add that as the above is true it is also true that some god and some religion always orders the public square. This needs to be said due to the fact that there are currently some “Reformed” sects which are suggesting that the public square can be naked of a particular god and a particular religion. Per this “school of thought” the public square is ruled by God’s a-religious natural law which means that the public square is neutral in terms of preferring a particular God, or religion. However, such a position allows a vacuum to be created which allows particular gods of false religions to govern the public square. Per Ventralla’s quote and the following observations this putative adherence to a neutral naked public square means that the new God and religion in town is the sovereign State with its ability to create law de-novo quite apart from any consideration of God’s authoritative Law.


We are the oi polloi
They often call us “fools”
But what do you expect?
We went to public schools

Kennedy was killed
By the magic bullet pristine
Later found in mint condition
On a stretcher at the scene

The Lusitania was for passengers
And was an Innocent of war
It was not carrying contraband
Despite photos from the ocean floor

We are the oi polloi
They often call us “fools”
But what do you expect?
We went to public schools

All the roads were closed
Out of DC that fateful night
Except the very one
Booth used for his harrowing flight

The Federal Reserve was born
With the Titanic ship disaster
The Opposition to the Fed
Were Guggenheim, Strauss and Astor

We are the oi polloi
They often call us “fools”
But what do you expect?
We went to public schools

9-11 was an awful tragedy
An act that required requite
But Jets dont’ typically burn
With the signature of Thermite

Pearl Harbor found us sleeping
A victim of the Japs
Never mind FDR knew
And designed that installation nap

We are the oi polloi
They often call us “fools”
But what do you expect?
We went to public schools

Transcendence — Objective and Otherwise

What are the implications for rejecting Objective Transcendence?

1.) The Elimination of the Creator-creature distinction

As transcendence is an inescapable category when we drop Objective Transcendence the only place left to lodge Transcendence is in man the creature. Man the creature thus becomes, functionally, man the Creator fully vested with Transcendence. God has been swallowed in anthropology.
2.) We make a “subjective” Objective and measure all by that

God alone is our absolute Objective. If God is no longer accepted as Transcendent then subjective man will provide the subjective Objective Transcendent and all will be brought before the bar of man to determine its usefulness, truthfulness, and legitimacy.

3.) We eliminate mediating Institutions

If there is no objectively Objective Transcendence none of our mediating Institutions can properly reflect Transcendence. This means family, Church, guilds, Associations, Schools all begin to lose their authority as the authority they were dependent upon is eclipsed.

This in turn leaves us naked against whatever subjective we have transferred Transcendence to — most commonly the State. No mediating Institution can stand against the new creaturely (subjective) Transcendence.

4.) Absolute Authority is vested in the New subjective Objective Transcendent (i.e. The State).

This explains, at least in part, why in the old USSR the early revolutionaries when falsely accused during the Stalin show trials refused to defend themselves. Those early revolutionaries had made the Soviet Communist State their God and if their God said they were guilty of crimes against the State then they were guilty of crimes against the State. One does not argue with one’s Transcendence.

5.) The Elimination of all justification for true Moral authority.

If there is no true Transcendence than no appeal beyond the subjective Objective Transcendent is allowed. All moral authority is creaturely authority. This of course births relativism in ethics. The Marquis de Sade becomes the norm.

6.) Man is absolutized, either in his individualistic expression or in his collectivist expression. Man is the new subjective objective Transcendent.

Eulogy Margaret Donna Lombardi

In the Psalms we discover a genre called, “Recital theology.” This genre finds the Psalmist reciting to himself and to the assembly the past riches of God’s favor, kindness, and covenant faithfulness. Part of the purpose of these Psalms was to hardwire in God’s people future confidence in God and His ability to provide in the midst of difficulties and trials.

Listen to a snippet of this recital theology,

136 O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. 5 To him that by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy endureth for ever. 6 To him that stretched out the earth above the waters: for his mercy endureth for ever.  10 To him that smote Egypt in their firstborn: for his mercy endureth for ever: 11 And brought out Israel from among them: for his mercy endureth for ever:

As believers in Christ, all God’s people should have their own recital theology. A personal theology that recites the way God has kept His promises thus

1.) glorifying God for His covenant faithfulness,
2.) reminding us of our dependence upon Him,
3.) and giving us a holy moxie for the future.

Donna … Mom had her recital theology and she took joy in reciting it.  She recited how the Lord Christ had provided Witham eggs for meals when they first arrived in Lewiston Auburn when the family budget was tight.

136 O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.

She recited how the Lord Christ constantly made provision for the fledgling newly opened Church and their new Pastor and wife.

136 O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.

She recited how the Lord Christ provided for her and Dad after they retired from South Lewiston by opening up Ministry opportunities unexpectedly in both Canada and at Gibbs Mill.

136 O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.

She saw God’s remarkable providence and so recited how the Lord Christ opened the way for Dad to find a slot at Marshwood.

136 O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.

She saw the Lord Christ’s hand of providence everywhere and witnessing God’s faithfulness she responded by God’s grace alone by being faithful.

One of the ways she exhibited her faithfulness was by reciting God’s faithfulness.

She kept God’s faithfulness before her. We will be singing a few of Donna’s favorite hymns that are soused with lyrics that testify to God’s Faithfulness,

Day by day, and with each passing moment,
Strength I find to meet my trials here;
Trusting in my Father’s wise bestowment,
I’ve no cause for worry or for fear.
He, whose heart is kind beyond all measure,
Gives unto each day what He deems best,
Lovingly its part of pain and pleasure,
Mingling toil with peace and rest.


  1. Every joy or trial falleth from above,
    Traced upon our dial by the Sun of Love;
    We may trust Him fully, all for us to do;
    They who trust Him wholly find Him wholly true.————-All of the way my Savior leads me
    And He cheers each winding path I tread
    Gives me strength for every trial
    And He feeds me with the living bread
    And though my weary steps may falter
    And my soul a-thirst may be
    Gushing from a rock before me
    Though a spirit joy I see

    We might also mention also the Titus 2 dynamic Donna personified so well,

    Paul writing to Timothy,

Titus 2:2 But speak thou the things which befit the sound doctrine:  … that aged women likewise be reverent in demeanor, not slanderers nor enslaved to much wine, teachers of that which is good; that they may train the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sober-minded, chaste, workers at home, kind, being in subjection to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed

Clearly, the premise here is the idea that normatively, and possible exceptions notwithstanding God’s revelation teaches the idea of gender roles. There is such a thing as Biblical manhood and Biblical womanhood.

Donna Lombardi embodied this concept found in Titus 2 of Biblical feminity. She wasn’t afflicted with the modern muddled idea that women are free when they serve their employers but slaves when they help their husbands.

Her husband in 2010 eulogized her for this Titus 2 virtue. In a letter to her, Tony quoted Proverbs 31:28-29

Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and praiseth her. Many daughters have done virtuously but thou excellest them all 

And then penned these words to his wife,

“Those verses give you the combined feelings of Mark, Jane, and John plus mine. They reveal how you raised them pouring your life into their upbringing. You could have insisted on going out to work, but you didn’t. Never have I heard them say anything negative about the way you raised them. You were always there when they needed you.”


Donna … Mom, was a Pastor’s wife during a time when Christian wives more often than not properly embraced the reality that their role was to be a helpmeet to their husbands, most commonly working in the background so that the ministry of Christ could go forward.

D0nna didn’t seek the limelight. She was too busy putting together the evening treats for the company who would be invited by her husband every Sunday after evening service, or turning down the beds and tidying up the rooms that the visiting missionaries would be staying in for the annual Missionary conference.

Donna shaped as she was by the Titus 2 ethic found in God’s assigned role for her the ability to find in her kitchen a sanctuary… In a well-set table, she was able to glorify God… In tending to her children she discovered God’s sanctification and in pleasing her husband she was adorned with Holiness.

Tony saw this in his wife and thanked her for it in 1980 writing, 

“I appreciate you in all the hard work you do in an out of the house. In the home, I appreciate the neat cupboard, the clean clothes kept nicely separated in the drawers, clean dishes, fresh bedding, clean clothes to wear, your excellent cooking, and maintaining the house to look and feel like a home. 

I also appreciate your spiritual sensitivity and your desire to nurture and see the children mature spiritually. God has given you the gift of counseling, especially to girls and (young) women.

Donna didn’t seek to be the main attraction. She was too busy practicing piano for Sunday Church service or too busy watching the littles in the nursery during Church, or too busy typing up the bulletin for Sunday Church services.

Jane’s Mom didn’t seek the limelight. She was too busy cooking meals or cleaning the scrapes and bruises of her own congregation consisting of Mark, Jane, and John. Humility was a watchword and she was ever vigilant in practicing humility so that her husband might better be Christ’s voice to the congregation.

But make no mistake about it… there would have been no Pastor Lombardi doing the work of the ministry of Christ at South Lewiston Baptist Church if there had not been a Donna Lombardi doing the work of the ministry of Christ spending her time being conversant with humility. She was an example of the woman being made for the man (I Cor. 11:9).

She kept a well-run home. Everything had a place and there was a place for everything. As I dance with my memories in the future of the Lombardi home I will always remember a home that was clean, uncluttered, and peaceful. For those with a literary bent, the Lombardi home was Rivendell.

She was not only a faithful mother but a faithful daughter and daughter-in-law as well. She doted on her Father when in his later years he would come to visit seeking to do all she could to make him comfortable. Several times a week she would be on the phone with her mother checking in on her. Then doing that again when the generational clock turned so checking in on her children. She loved Tony’s family as her own and demonstrated that by involving herself in their lives.

Wife, Mother, Grandmother, daughter, sister… these things seem so common to our ears but in an age where we find family disintegrating all around us isn’t it a pleasure to hear of a time and a person who prioritized God’s priority?

Walk into any of the living spaces of her home and there you will find photos of her husband, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, as well as parents, nieces, and nephews.

 In some places, they call this “Old-School.” I just call it Biblical feminity. There was nothing flashy or inspiring about it all until you took the time to see what you thought you were seeing but had missed seeing… In St. Peter’s words what you were seeing was the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in God’s sight.

What she wanted most for her family was what any Christian mother wants for her family and that is that they would know the surpassing riches of God’s grace, as demonstrated to us by His kindness in Christ Jesus.  Like any Mother, she wanted all her family present when the circle is finally unbroken.

She didn’t walk on water. Like us all, she had her moments when the ministry got the best of her.  As Luther said in describing all Christians, she was at the same time sinner, at the same time saint. That being true could I pour a little Donna Lombardi in our womenfolk and wives in the West today I would pour liberally.

To God be all the Glory,


God of the generations, now that you in your infinite wisdom have gathered to yourself another of the aged saints we pray that we remaining would find ourselves faithful in light of your faithfulness to us in Christ. Grant us your favor to walk in light of your reality. May the glory of your majesty weigh heavy upon us so shaping us to be your people. Be pleased to teach us to think as Christians and to be your witnesses to those who only know the trinkets of this present age. By thy faithfulness and by thy Spirit grant us your grace to be faithful to the very end until you summon us to your presence.

In Christ’s name,