Is The Great Replacement Theory True? — Part I

I am going to post III short videos from three random sources in order to demonstrate that the idea of the Great Replacement theory is not some tin foil hat conspiracy theory.

For those of you who don’t know the Great Replacement theory is the theory that says there is an agenda that exists to sublimate and replace white people across the Globe (especially in their homelands in the West) with non-Caucasian third world people.

The truth that is not being told in this Great Replacement theory is that the underlying reason the Talmudists and non-Caucasian third worlders’ desire to rid themselves of white people is the hatred of the Talmudists and non-Caucasian third worlders of Jesus Christ. It is Jesus Christ who, by grace alone, has raised up the White man to spread Christian civilization. By destroying the White Man, the enemies of Christ fully expect to overthrow the Kingship of Jesus.

Of course, countless white grazers co-operate with this Great Replacement agenda, having been convinced that it is the loving and noble thing to do to support the elimination of their existence. Why, the love of Christ requires us to self-immolate as a people. The love of Christ requires us to sacrifice our children’s inheritance to the Christ-hater. Loving Christ means throwing ourselves and our descendants on the Bonfire of the racial vanity.

Here is part I

Anthony Bourdain: “In 70 years there will be no white people anymore” (

Revolutionary Impulse Towards Global Amalgamation

One pursuit that has always been consistent as found among the Revolutionary guild is the dream of eliminating distinctions among races, ethnicities, and peoples. This is not merely my opinion. In a moment I will provide an avalanche of quotes that will prove this to be the case. What I want to do now is tee these quotes up by pointing out the reality that it is the clergy and the church now who are hot in pursuit of the same thing. It is a preponderance in the clergy who are telling us that God loves inter-racial marriage and there is nothing in the slightest wrong with that. Indeed, it is to be preferred in order to break down pre-existing barriers. Churches now that are people group integrated are Churches that are automatically superior to churches that are not people group integrated.

Already some will experience the vapors but what I’ve written above. But all I am pointing out is that this mindset that praises the pursuit of ethno-cide of all ethnicities has always been the pursuit of the Marxist Revolutionary and inasmuch as we in the Church are pursuing the same end in that much we declare ourselves to be functional Marxists.

This is not a condemnation of those Christians who have married inter-racially. Obviously, the grace of God is not defeated by those normatively unwise marriages nor by our contribution to the pursuit of eliminating distinct racial-ethnic lines of both husband and wife. In heaven, because of God’s grace, there will be many many children of mixed-race marriages.

We should note also that were we living in normal times where people understood, as their ancestors did, the necessity to normatively, regularly, and routinely marry among their own people the problem of people not doing that would not be as acute. However, we live in an age where one has to be lobotomized in order not to see the agenda that exists to encourage the One World Order necessity of the whole world being melange-ed into a mutt existence. We see this push for miscegenation in the college catalogs that come to our doors. We see this push for miscegenation on the billboards dotted across the nation. We see this push for miscegenation in the ads that come in the magazines we read. We see this push for miscegenation repeatedly in the films and TV shows with which we indoctrinate ourselves. And as said earlier, we see it now praised in the Churches we attend. If you’re Asian and not dating a black chick there is something wrong with you. If you’re a white woman and refuse to date a sub-continent Indian then you are obviously a bigot. If you go even further and suggest dating like this is not a good idea and marrying like this is even a worse idea you are worse than a plague.

As we said at the beginning though that has always been the plan of the Revolutionary. Throughout history, the Marxist Revolutionary has touted the elimination of races, ethnicities, and people-groups in favor of literally bleeding all colors into one.

So, if you dear reader are in favor of this melanginization — this muttifying of all mankind, then your allegiance to the cause of Marxism is no longer in doubt. You are a functional Marxist. Remember it is not possible to arrive at the muttifying of all mankind without the muttifying that happens in each miscegenated marriage. So, you get no relief from the reality that you are a Marxist by saying, “Well, in this one case I think it is alright, but everywhere else is a problem.”

The quotes below demonstrate that the Marxist agenda has always been to do what the Church now favors. Of course, the reality of these quotes won’t make much difference to people. The quotes will just be ignored. Some will even go so far as to say … “Well, the Marxists didn’t get everything wrong and this is something they got right.”

Read it and weep;

1.) “Princes and nations will disappear without violence from the earth, the human race will become one family and the world the abode of reasonable men.”

-Adam Weishaupt, quoted in Paul Johnson, Intellectuals (London: Orion Books Limited, 1993), p. 32.

2.) Capitalism developed the ever more inhuman polarization of the sexes. The cult of making distinctions, which serves only for oppression, is now being swept away by awareness of resemblance and identity.

M. Walser

Uber die neusten Stimmungen im Westen
In: Kursbuch, Bd. 20, 1970, S. 19-41.

3.) ”What will be the attitude of communism to existing nationalities?

The nationalities of the peoples associating themselves in accordance with the principle of community will be compelled to mingle with each other as a result of this association and hereby to dissolve themselves, just as the various estate and class distinctions must disappear through the abolition of their basis, private property.”

~ Frederick Engels in “The Principles of Communism”, 1847

4.) “The equality of races and nations is one of the most important elements of the moral strength and might of the Soviet state. Soviet anthropology develops the one correct concept, that all the races of mankind are biologically equal. The genuinely materialist conception of the origin of man and of races serves the struggle against racism, against all idealist, mystic conceptions of man, his past, present and future.”

—Mikhail Nesturkh, Soviet anthropologist, 1959

“The Origin of Man” (Moscow)Mikhail Nesturkh, Soviet anthropologist, 1959:

5.) “The aim of socialism is not only to abolish the present division of mankind into small states and end all national isolation; not only to bring the nations closer together but to merge them….”

Vladimir Lenin

The Rights of Nations to Self Determination — pg. 76

6.) “… Just as mankind can achieve the abolition of classes only by passing through the dictatorship of the proletariat, so mankind can achieve the inevitable merging of nations only by passing through the transition period of complete liberation of all oppressed nations, i.e., their right to secede. “

Vladimir Lenin

The Rights of Nations to Self Determination

7.) “Hess had taught Marx that socialism was inseparable from internationalism. Marx writes in his Communist Manifesto that the proletariat has no fatherland. In his Red Catechism, Hess mocks the fatherland notion of the Germans, and he would have done the same with the fatherland notion of any other European nation. Hess criticized the Erfurt program of the German Social-Democrat Party for its unconditional recognition of the national principle. But Hess is an internationalist with a difference: Jewish patriotism must remain. He writes,

‘Whoever denies Jewish nationalism is not only an apostate, a renegade in the religious sense but a traitor to his people and to his family. Should it prove true that the emancipation of the Jews is incompatible with Jewish nationalism, then the Jew must sacrifice emancipation… The Jew must be, above all, a Jewish patriot.’

I agree with Hess’ patriotic ideas to the extent that what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. I am for every kind of patriotism – that of the Jews, the Arabs, the Germans, the Russians, the Americans. Patriotism is a virtue if it means the endeavor to promote economically, politically, spiritually, and religiously the welfare of one’s own nation, provided that it is done in friendship and cooperation with other nations.”

~Richard Wurmbrand, Marx & Satan, pp.54-55

8.) This from Igor Shafareivich’s “Socialist Phenomenon,” Shafareivich is commenting on that which is characteristic of all International Socialist expressions,

a.) The national question: ‘National differences and antagonistic interests among various peoples are already vanishing more and more and more thanks to the development of the bourgeoisie, to freedom of commerce, to the world market, to uniformity in the mode of production and in the corresponding conditions of life. The supremacy of the proletariat will accelerate the disappearances of differences.’

9.) “Even the natural differences within species, like racial differences…, can and must be done away with historically.”

K. Marx’s Collected Works V:103,

As cited in S.F. Bloom’s The World of Nations: A
Study of the National Implications in the Work of Karl Marx, Columbia University Press, New York, 1941, pp. 11 & 15-19:

10.) Nikita Krushchev

“Full-scale Communist construction constitutes a new stage in the development of national relations in the U.S.S.R., in which the nations will draw still closer together until complete unity is achieved…. However, the obliteration of national distinctions and especially of language distinctions is a considerably longer process than the obliteration of class distinctions.”

The fact that all this has come into the Church is seen by the two quotes we finish with. The Church somehow thinks it can baptize this Marxism and Christianize it.

11.) “The more Christianity spreads, the more these racial, ethnic, and national distinctions will be erased because no culture will be left untouched by the Gospel. When all (cultures) are affected, they will be one culture — Christendom.”

21st Century “Christian Reconstructionist Theologian”

12.) “We hear much about “identity politics” today. Christianity beat the movement to that concept by many centuries. Our identity is not ours to choose, however. Our identity is not determined by our genetics or our economic status. No, the Christian message about identity is an easy one: Christ is all and in all. He is our identity. His sacrifice redeems us, His intercession assures us, and as we live in recognition of His centrality in all things, the human-derived divisions that plague all of mankind are put aside. We come to one table, as one people, and the only lens we need for that is the one that shows us the Lord of glory, Jesus.”

21st Century Baptist High Profile “Apologist”

As long as this continues the Church is Ichabod. If you’re in a church that supports this leave now before the Marxists convince your children of the need to “bleed into one.”

A Small Look at Transcendentalism

“Standing on the bare ground — my head bathed in the blithe air and uplifted into infinite space — all mean egotism vanishes. I become a transparent eyeball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or parcel of God.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson
American Transcendentalist
Nature — Chapter 1

As a worldview the Rationalism of the Enlightenment had lost its steam by the early 19th century. Starting from the epistemological assumptions of Rationalism the Scottish Philosopher Hume had “proven” that it is not possible to know anything with certainty. This exhaustion of Rationalism resulted in a pendulum swing to the irrational in the Worldview called Romanticism in Europe and called Transcendentalism stateside.
Epistemology was moving from the right reason and natural law of deistic Rationalism to a becoming one with the pantheistic oversoul of Romanticism.

In the States Romanticism nudged the Christian-Rationalist conglomerate off center stage and yet not without being changed slightly by the interaction with the Christian-Rationalist conglomerate worldview. This resulted in Transcendentalism here in the States. Epistemologically, the Transcendentalists released man from his slavery to right reason and natural law as well as any idea of supernatural revelation and replaced all that with a mystical and intuitive epistemology where man knows because he becomes one with the oversoul. Ontologically, the Transcendentalists reinterpreted the Rationalist-Christian conglomerate view of nature from a Deistic mechanistic and static view of nature which operates on the Newtonian like basis of immutable and indestructible reality to a pantheistic view of nature that insists that nature is a living organic thing wherein union is to be pursued so that a oneness with the cosmic mind is to be attained. Man, nature, and any idea of god are the same.

In Christianity there is a move from the mindset of Old School Presbyterianism to the second great awakening revivalism. In the University setting there is a swing from logic to poetry. In the field of politics there is a swing from each man finding his proper place in the natural order of things to each man being together one with the cosmos and as such a new drive toward the brotherhood of all men. This, ideologically speaking at least, in turn, set the stage for the mad dash at all costs to free the slaves since Transcendentalism taught that the slave and the non-slave were alike one and as one were together God. The Civil war is thus seen as a worldview conflict where the North is animated by the worldview fire of Transcendentalism seeking to crush the older Christian-Rationalist conglomerate world and life view of the antebellum South.

If the watchword of the 18th century colonies was Jefferson’s “pursuit of happiness,” the watchword of the 19th century in the states was freedom. However, this freedom was defined not in the context of a Christian worldview but in the context of an absent God, with freedom thus being absolutized and achieved by the god-State filling the absent God vacuum. If freedom is needed it will be the state that provides the freedom. As such the 19th century in the States is an era of incredible “reform.” from the reform resulting in the death of 700K Americans to “free the slave,” to the reform of the eventual banning of alcohol, and the pursuit of women’s suffrage to reform brought into the realm of education — all these reforms were pursued in the name of the sovereign individual securing freedom.

The ironic thing about freedom absolutized as under the rubric of Transcendentalism is that the more people were “freed” the more they were brought into chains. The freeing of the black man is an example of this. What is called “the Civil War,” did not free the black man so much as it enslaved the white man along with the black man to the tyranny of the God-State. The black man did not lose his Plantation master. The black man along with the white man became slaves to their Plantation Master in Washington DC. Slavery thus was not eliminated. Slavery was expanded. The same is true of the liberated woman. Feminism did not free women. It brought them into greater bondage to the state. The state became the new and more oppressive husband to women. Eventually, the oppressive god-state would even rip children from liberated women’s wombs. But it all started in taking authority away from the husband in the home by giving women the vote.

The Christian Rationalist Conglomerate World and Life View

Three major expressions of the Enlightenment and its Rationalist world and life view.

I.) French Revolution
II.) The Darwinian hypothesis
III.) The Marxist Analysis of history

Four major consequences of the Enlightenment and its Rationalist world and life view in the American colonies.

I.) The Advent of the Christian-Rationalist conglomerate epistemology

This moved the colonies from a Holy Commonwealth where God’s revelation was the cornerstone for the ordering of the whole social order to a dualistic epistemology wherein what is offered is the idea of a sacred realm and a secular realm. The sacred realm is ruled by God’s revelation while the secular realm is ruled by right reason and natural law.

II.) A shift from Biblical Christianity to Evangelical Christianity

This shift was pietistic in nature. It shifted the Christians understanding of the impact of Christianity from a totalistic world and life view to a understanding of the impact of Christianity that dealt with the inward gaze as combined with “getting souls saved.”

III.) It birthed the American “Revolution”

The American Revolution was actually a reactionary counter-Revolution against the forces of pure Rationalism in Europe in defense of a uniquely American Christian-Rationalism conglomerate. The American Revolution was also the continuation of the Christian principles of the English civil war of 1640 and 1688. Crown and Parliament had decided to pursue a illegitimate sovereignty over the colonies, as the Crown violated previous political covenant arrangements as expressed in colonial charter documents.

The American Revolution sought to Institutionalize the inherently unstable Christian-Rationalist conglomerate. It succeeded in the short term but being inherently unstable it could not (and did not) last long.

IV.) It birthed the American Constitutional Order and System

The American Constitutional Order and System when looked at closely reveals that Christian-Rationalist conglomerate worldview that made colonial America. For example the American Declaration of Independence is clearly a Lockean document that can only be understood from a Rationalist world and life view. On the other hand the US Constitution is clearly a document that has the idea of Holy Commonwealth inspiring it. The ideas contained and expressed by the US Constitution have a long Christian worldview history.

So, the Rationalist and Christian conglomerate lay cheek by jowl in the American Constitutional Order and System and as said it was inherently unstable. The two worldviews could not coexist for long. The tension found in the conglomerate make for the unfolding of America’s history for the first four score years until that conglomerate was finally ripped apart by the rise of the Transcendental worldview in America followed by the French Revolution in America sometimes called the Civil War. With America’s Civil War the Christian-Rationalist Worldview was in principle thoroughly crushed. The working out of the implications would be only a matter of time.

The reality that the American Constitutional Order and System was birthed as a Christian-Rationalist conglomerate is seen in looking at many of the founders. On one hand there are clearly Enlightenment men like Jefferson, John Adams and Franklin. On the other hand there were Biblical Christians like Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams and John Randolph of Roanoke and there were men who were themselves a conglomerate mix like James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and probably George Washington.

Dr. Adi Schlebusch Assaults the Gates of Hell — Part II

We continue to review Dr. Schlebusch’s “Assailing the Gates of Hell; Christianity at War with the Left.”

In chapter 2-3 Dr. Schlebusch turns to identifying the enemy of Christianity, Christendom and the West having given a brief history lesson in chapter 1 explaining how we have gotten to this point. In chapter 2 the enemy is identified as classical Marxism while chapter 3 the enemy has morphed into cultural Marxism. In my own reading it has been suggested that both incarnations of Marxism (classical and cultural) flow from the pen of Marx with classical Marxism being tied to Marx’s later writings while cultural Marxism is an expression of Marx’s earlier writings. The main difference between the two is that while classical Marxism focused its materialistic dialectics on the realm of the economic so that man is understood as exclusively as a economic matter in motion being, whereas cultural Marxism moved the focus away from Marx’s original dialectical materialism back to Hegel’s idealistic materialism but as focused on man’s cultural existence. Following, the Marxist Gramsci, the cultural Marxists no longer viewed everything through an exclusively economic grid choosing instead to contend that the Marxist Utopia would only be achieved by poisoning the cultural inheritance of the West. In the words of cultural Marxist Willi Münzenberg, the cultural Marxist resolved to, “organize the intellectuals and use them to make Western civilization stink.” Only then would the West fall to the Marxist vision. Whereas classical Marxists viewed man as an economic being, the cultural Marxists viewed man as a cultural being.

Dr. Schlebusch in chapter 2 first explains how the effects of the French Revolution resulted in the rise of the God-state inasmuch as the philosophes and illuminati had succeeded in tearing the family, clan, community, and church via social contract theory from having any jurisdictional authority in the life of the individual, leaving thus the vulnerable contextual-less individual with only the state as that institution providing atmospheric context to find meaning. In such a way the state became God walking on the earth. However, the project of the Masons and illuminists failed as the vision of egalitarianism became an unobtainable promise, as was planned from the outset by the architects of Enlightenment Liberalism.

This failure of Liberalism created a vacuum that was filled by the next ideological Golem, Marxism. Whereas Liberalism had gone after the Aristocratic class in order to establish egalitarianism, upon that failure Marxism went after the Bourgeoise capitalist class in pursuit of the same egalitarian reality. In order to arrive at this desired egalitarian reality the Marxists as materialists invoked their famous scientific socialism to serve as the new norm that would norm all norms. It was scientific socialism and not God’s revelation, that would usher in the new egalitarian world. Here Dr. Schlebusch uses wonderful quotes from Francis Nigel Lee, Herman Bavinck, and Rushdoony to support his argumentation. Of course this scientific socialism in turn yielded to scientism and eventually people began to clue in that scientific socialism and scientism were hardly objective given the Marxist dismissal of God as the governing reality but instead were only as good as the godless scientists like Trofim Lysenko who were jerry-rigging the results of their “science.” Meaning was now man-made.

Dr. Schlebusch points out that all of this was merely the manifestation of Marxism’s warfare with God’s revelation. Marxism, being both atheistic and materialistic having eliminated the God of the bible from their consideration were at war with God’s revelation. The contest was and remains between God’s revelation vs. man’s autonomous self-revelation.

Dr. Schlebusch then gives some space to explaining the absolute necessity of private property. Necessary, first because it is the explicit teaching of Scripture. Necessary, secondly, because private property is the only way wherein initiative to improve one’s property is secured. Being property-less in a Marxist system leaves one as existing in a state wage slave status. Marxism has demonstrated that reality everywhere it has been tried.

Dr. Schlebusch closes chapter two by giving a quick overview of the Bolshevik Revolution demonstrating how it was consistent with the tenents of Marxism. He then turns to give a foretaste of cultural Marxism which he examines more closely in the next chapter.

Dr. Schlebusch opens chapter 3 by giving the methodology of the cultutral Marxists. Whereas the classical Marxists had used a sledge hammer to seek to advance their revolution against revelation the cultural Marxists, having altered slightly the usage of the dialectic to point it at culture worked like a canker worm to hollow out from the inside Western civilization. This is sometimes referred to as “the long march through the institutions.” Cultural Marxists would change the context of modern man not via the  guillotine and gulag but would bring change by making Western civilization stink so that Western man would himself demand the change that Bolsheviks had failed in permanently bringing in.

At this point Dr. Schelbusch brings forth the fact that many names that are behind the cultural Marxist push (and it was true of the classical Marxist push as well) were and remain Jewish. Dr. Schlebush names the Jewish influence in the area of pornography, and entertainment — two major areas used in the cultural Marxist subversion of the West. Wisely, Dr. Schlebusch cites other sources (Marhoefer and Gabler) in order to sustain his argument here. Dr. Schlebusch reminds his readers that the Hollywood “Hays code” was implemented in order to place barriers on Jewish coarseness. Eventually, the Hays code fell and Hollywood returned to where it was before the Hays code was implemented complete with blasphemy of Jesus Christ and sexual debauchery at every turn. All of this is footnoted from impeccable source material. This is not nekulturny Jew bashing. This is providing the cold hard facts of the cultural Marxist deterioration of Western civilization as pursued by those, who have for centuries, hated Jesus Christ and have taken that hatred of Jesus Christ out on Christendom.

Dr. Schlebush next takes a quick look at how the Jewish media reports “the news,” by examining briefly the Nick Sandmann’s event and the George Floyd event. He could just as easily chosen the Kyle Rittenhouse event or the Ahmaud Arbrey event or any number of other events that finds the media putting the Christian white man in their sites. Dr. Schlebusch ends this chapter by next putting the government schools and Universities as well as the Churches in the West in the dock. He brings forth evidence that these institutions have also likewise fallen to the subversion of the cultural Marxists.

For those who have followed Iron Ink over the years you know that we have been banging the same drum that Dr. Schlebusch bangs in this volume. Here at Iron Ink we have chronicled the same demise of Christendom. We have put the same guilty parties in the dock. We have been screaming our lungs out to awaken the moribund West. We are more than delighted for Dr. Schlebusch singing from the same hymnbook.

If you don’t have this book… if you are new to this line of argumentation then you desperately need to read this primer and get up to speed quickly. The hour is late. We need all hands on deck to fight the enemy.