A Christian and a Postmodernist Walk Into a Bar… The Postmodernist says …

I’ll have a Bloody Mary. The Bar Keep says… “You find a girl named Mary, and I’ll bloody her up.”

The Postmodernist responds … “But that’s not what I mean.”

The Barkeep says… “It is in my worldview.”

Last night I tied into a Postmodernist who is a “Seminary Resident” at one of the local liberal churches in Charlotte and the conversation was a laugh riot. See if you agree.

Adam Droscha said,

First of all, it is psychologically impossible to completely erode one’s worldviews or structures and systems of belief.

BLM responds,

That is a magnificently large non-truth. Our whole current University systems, exceptions notwithstanding, specialize in doing just this. There are also other examples. If one is conversant with Mao’s re-education camps or any of the communist’s dealings with interrogation one knows that the statement that “it is psychologically impossible to completely erode one’s worldview is crapola. Even well-delievered propaganda can completely erode one’s worldview.

AD writes,

Secondly, (1) pretty much all ideas are purely subjective. Even concepts of metaphysical categories, absolute/objective truths, etc. are always subjectively described, or subjectively thought of…..

all worldviews are subjective. There are not premodern and modernist objective worldviews, and a singular subjective postmodern worldview. Peoples’ worldviews have always been subjective.

Bret responds,

Jacques Derrida … Michael Focault … please call your office.

Of course, all of this Adam is just your subjective opinion and so not one I need to take seriously. 

Adam Droscha wrote,

Bret, psychologically speaking in the context of my conversation with Matthew, what I said is true.

Bret responds,

Well, only as your subjective worldview subjectively tells you it is true. Of course, if all worldviews are indeed subjective then any talk about true is qrxiye hiyhd auty,ty6 bnwopsm arf.

AD wrote.,

The human mind is hardwired–it was quite literally in the neurophysiology of the human body–to assimilate new information into existing frames of reference.

Bret responds,

Well, that may be the case in your subjective worldview but it is not necessarily the case in any number of other subjective worldviews.

Look, old chap, if all worldviews are subjective, as you insisted earlier, then there is no objective reference point that you and I can appeal to in order to find common meaning. In your subjective worldview, the word “colossal” could mean ‘purple’ wherein in my subjective worldview ‘colossal’ could be ‘menstruation.’

In my worldview, your statement is still nonsense as any familiarity with Mao’s reeducation camps or the work with POWs in prison camps or even any familiarity with the work of effective propaganda reveals as I noted earlier. You’re just wrong AD. Goebbel’s Ministry of Information proves that the human mind is malleable to an incredible degree. In point of fact, the novel 1984 labored to show how malleable minds were. Quick… how many fingers am I holding up?

AD wrote

Yes, critical theories and post-structural theories originate in academic circles. To say that there are university systems that specialize in “eroding one’s worldviews, or structures and systems of belief” is a pretty self-serving, sweeping, and propagandistic claim severely lacking in context and, as I’m sure, firsthand experience.

Bret responds,

You know nothing about me. Nothing about my research. Nothing about how I know about the University system. The above statement is ignorance of stilts. Not only that, you missed the part where I said: “exceptions notwithstanding.” I did not make a Universal statement. I made a general statement.

AD writes

Yes, I’m familiar with both Focault’s and Derrida’s work (which should not be flippantly lumped together), and I’ve studied both to an extent. Invoking them here changes what I said not at all.

Whose opinion you take seriously is up to you, man. But you inserted yourself into this conversation and chose to read my comments and reply. If you don’t take it seriously, go about your day. Just know the feeling is mutual.

Bret responds,

The only thing you are familiar with is your subjective opinion. In your worldview, no communication can happen because all worldviews are subjective. If all worldviews are subjective no communication can take place because the minute I receive your subjective Worldview my subjective worldview alters it into something else subjective other than your subjectivity.

And don’t you dare disagree with me because that is just your subjectivity telling you that I am wrong.

Go away … in your worldview communication is a myth.

Adam Droscha

Lol. Imagine being this immature and expecting people to take what you say seriously.

Bret, I see what you’re doing, and please understand that I’m trying to politely level with you here. In absolutely no intelligent, good faith conversation about the topics we’ve discussed here is your response considered a logical byproduct. If you are so ill educated, if your knowledge is so lacking, that you don’t know that subjectivity and objectivity are not polar opposites, and that subjective experience is essentially an a priori truism in philosophy, psychology, sociology, epistemology, communication science, and other fields, that is your own problem, man. Absolutely nothing you insinuated about communication breakdown resulting from acknowledging the subjectivity of experience and worldviews bears any reflection on reality. Good day to you, and may God have mercy in your soul.

Bret responds,

Meh … shrug … that’s just your subjective worldview talking. Come back when you have something more than a subjective opinion to offer.

It is so hilarious that you are shocked at the thought that people would take me seriously when at the same time I howling at the thought that anybody could take a ruddy thing you are saying seriously, or that you can even take yourself seriously. You freely admit that all worldviews are subjective and then expect people to take your words seriously. If everything is subjective Adam then you’re trying to communicate with me is like you being a man of water talking about a man of water in an ocean of water climbing out on a ladder of water into an upper story made of water. If all is subjective then all is the same. There is no ability to distinguish between what you mean and what I hear you as meaning. It’s water everywhere.

What you’re saying is that there is some subjectivity in your objective and some objectivity in your subjective? If that is so then you really can not call them subjective and objective but instead kind of subjective and kind of objective. But if objective gets in the subjective and subjective gets in the objective then what does subjective and objective even mean… and according to whom? By what standard can I or anybody determine how much subjectivity is allowed in the objective and how much objectivity is allowed in the subjective? And again, I say to you, this is all born of your subjective worldview. Were I to agree with you I could do so while disagreeing with you according to my subjective worldview.

You have no ground of authority Adam. No place to stand. You have turned all those fields you mentioned (philosophy, psychology, sociology, epistemology, communication science, etc.) into tarot card reading, necromancy, seances, mind-reading, and occultic levitation.

If the subjective experience is prior to any Objective then how could you possibly know what you are experiencing? You can’t talk about subjective without an objective to give identity to your subjective and you can’t whistle it either.

Adam Droscha

I’m sure you actually think that’s clever. Whenever my ignorances are exposed to me, it definitely helps my case to quit taking the conversation seriously. You should definitely keep doing that.

Bret responds,

Sorry, Dude, I don’t take the errant presuppositions of Humanism seriously. I am a Christian after all. We believe we have an objective word from God.

In the beginning, was the Logos and the Logos was with God and the Logos was God.

I’m doing all I can to mock you and you think I’m taking this seriously?


“Alex; I’ll take, “Things that give you whiplash for 1000 please;” James White’s Comments on CRT

The epistemologically self-conscious paedo-Reformed have often wished that Roger Williams would never have been let off the boat that brought him here. Baptists – even the best of them – with their contradictions and inconsistencies drive us nuts.

The series of quotes below from Dr. James White provides just such an example. White fancies himself a critic of Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, and Cultural Marxism in general. Dr. White even signed the Dallas Statement which inveighed against the issues just mentioned.

That Dr. White looks to be on the side of the angels on this subject is seen by a tweet thread from 2018 where he wrote;

“If powerful (and wealthy) multi-national interests who benefit from cultural decline and degradation in the US find Neo-Marxism a useful tool for the creation of division and anarchy, should we stop identifying it for the fear of offense?”

James White – 2018 Tweet

“We who are opposing this very American, very sociological, but (we believe) very unbiblical movement do so because we see it requiring a new paradigm, a new way of interpreting the entire gospel message.”

James White – 2018 Tweet

Of course, we plebes who sit on the sideline and watch can’t help but cheer for these kinds of blows well laid. “Hip Hip Hooray,” and all that.

However, our cheering suddenly dies in our throats when we go on to read what else white says in the same tweet thread;

“The renewal that is the reality of true Christians is one that obliterates social, ethnic, and historical connections — the beautiful and radical unity that marked the apostolic message is based upon a truth that sociologists and politicians cannot grasp, and cannot overthrow.”

James White from 2018

Concepts of ‘whiteness’ or ‘blackness’ are DESTROYED by the radical equality of every sinner’s need and Christ’s perfect provision. Our identity is NOT determined by our ancestors—we have been transferred out of the kingdom where such relationships rule and divide.”

James White

Holy Bogomil Batman! What Cathari demon suddenly possessed White in that thread? Is James a secret member of the Paulicans? There is more of Jan of Leyden in those last two quotes than there is of Jesus Christ.

You see, this is what makes us go very slowly when we are around Baptists. They are prone to these kinds of crazy Ivans.

Let us examine briefly these last two quotes;

I.) The renewal that is the reality of true Christians most certainly does not obliterate social, ethnic and historical distinctions. That kind of sentiment is straight-up Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels.

You tell me, dear reader, who is Dr. James White channeling?

1.) ”What will be the attitude of communism to existing nationalities?

The nationalities of the peoples associating themselves in accordance with the principle of community will be compelled to mingle with each other as a result of this association and hereby to dissolve themselves, just as the various estate and class distinctions must disappear through the abolition of their basis, private property.”

~ Frederick Engels in “The Principles of Communism”, 1847

2.) “The equality of races and nations is one of the most important elements of the moral strength and might of the Soviet state. Soviet anthropology develops the one correct concept, that all the races of mankind are biologically equal. The genuinely materialist conception of the origin of man and of races serves the struggle against racism, against all idealist, mystic conceptions of man, his past, present and future.”

—Mikhail Nesturkh, Soviet anthropologist, 1959
“The Origin of Man” (Moscow)Mikhail Nesturkh, Soviet anthropologist, 1959:

3.) “The aim of socialism is not only to abolish the present division of mankind into small states and end all national isolation; not only to bring the nations closer together but to merge them….”

Vladimir Lenin
The Rights of Nations to Self Determination — pg. 76

4.) “… Just as mankind can achieve the abolition of classes only by passing through the dictatorship of the proletariat, so mankind can achieve the inevitable merging of nations only by passing through the transition period of complete liberation of all oppressed nations, i.e., their right to secede. “

Vladimir Lenin 
The Rights of Nations to Self Determination 

5.) “Even the natural differences within species, like racial differences…, can and must be done away with historically.” 

K. Marx’s Collected Works V:103,

As cited in S.F. Bloom’s The World of Nations: A

Study of the National Implications in the Work of Karl Marx, Columbia University Press, New York, 1941, pp. 11 & 15-19:

What White is advocating as Christianity, knowingly or unknowingly, is Communism.

II.) When White talks about unity in the quote above he is not talking about any unity that any Reformed Christian every embraced. Instead what the man is talking about is uniformity. White is talking about the unity of the garbage can/scow. It is the unity of everything being in a non-distinguishable mess of corruption.

Contrast White’s statement about the beautiful and radical unity that marked the apostolic message with a statement by John Calvin;

Regarding our eternal salvation, it is true that one must not distinguish between man and woman, or between king and a shepherd, or between a German and a Frenchman. Regarding policy, however, we have what St. Paul declares here; for our, Lord Jesus Christ did not come to mix up nature, or to abolish what belongs to the preservation of decency and peace among us….Regarding the kingdom of God (which is spiritual) there is no distinction or difference between man and woman, servant and master, poor and rich, great and small. Nevertheless, there does have to be some order among us, and Jesus Christ did not mean to eliminate it, as some flighty and scatterbrained dreamers [believe].”

John Calvin (Sermon on 1 Corinthians 11:2-3)

III.) While our identity is not absolutely determined by our ancestors it is simply the case that in many respects our identify is determined by my ancestors. Physical characteristics like my height, my eye-color, my IQ range etc. were all determined by my ancestors. The Gospel does not put me in some kind of Gnostic world where my physical identity makers as inherited from my ancestors goes away. In the same way, many non-physical characteristics inherited from my ancestors don’t disappear with inclusion into Christ. I am Scot-Irish. My stubbornness/determination comes to me naturally and the Gospel, while working to sanctify that stubbornness/determination is not going to make it go away. White is wrong.

IV.) When White says, “we have been transferred out of the kingdom where such relationships rule and divide.” he is once again in error. Certainly the wall of division that divided Jews and Gentiles has been broken down. We now all have access to the Father through Christ. However, that does not mean that we have been transferred out of the Kingdom, where for example, only one born of one’s own nation should rule that nation.

Dt. 17:15you are to appoint over yourselves the king whom the LORD your God shall choose. Appoint a king from among your brothers; you are not to set over yourselves a foreigner who is not one of your brothers

A foreigner many be a Christian but the fact that that foreigner is in the Kingdom of Christ does not mean that his relationship with Christ means that he can rule in a Kingdom with which he is not indigenous. Being a Christian doesn’t mean there are not going to continue to be proper divisions among Christians.

In the end White’s problem is that he is contending that Grace destroys nature whereas the Reformers always insisted, quite to the contrary, that Grace restores nature.

Honestly, it is hard to determine how one man in the space of a few minutes can vehemently oppose CRT while at the same time argue from the principles of CRT as if they are the very essence of Christianity.

Biden Administration Calls For Censorship

“This is not just about what the government can do, this is about companies and individuals recognizing that the only way we get past misinformation is if we are careful about what we say and use the power that we have to limit the spread of misinformation.”

Vivek Murthy
Biden Administration U.S. Surgeon General
Complaining about Joe Rogan’s podcast on Alternative Medicines

Everyone knows that Big Tech is carrying the censorship water for the repressive tolerance (Marcuse) of the left. This is a dog whistle by the Biden administration for Big Tech to slap down any media platform that dares disagree with Big Brother’s narrative. Can you say censorship?

Biden’s Surgeon General,  Vivek Murthy is a second-generation Indian whose parents hale originally from Karnataka, India. Murthy is now in the US screaming as Surgeon General for an end to America’s first amendment guarantee of Freedom of speech. Murthy however is clever enough to insist that the FEDS not get their hand’s dirty censoring instead passing it off to big Tech as the FEDS attack dog.

How long until we get to some kind of social credit program that finds us, like the Chinese, being gigged for speaking our minds in such a way as to violate government standards?

Luther on Imprecatory Praying

We should pray that our enemies be converted and become our friends and, if not, that their doing and designing be bound to fail and have no success and that their persons perish rather than the Gospel and the kingdom of Christ.”

Martin Luther
Luther’s Works, vol. 21: The Sermon on the Mount and the Magnificat, ed. J. Pelikan, A. T. W. Steinhaeuser (St. Louis: Concordia, 1956), p. 1100.

Those who refuse to pray imprecatory prayers are those who are an example of people who are seeking to be “nicer than God.”

The refusal to pray for the destruction of God’s enemies who refuse to turn and be converted is a demonstration of preferring a carnal sympathy for the wicked above making a stand for the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Why should the wicked who refuse to bow the knee continue to be busy about their plans to tear down God’s Kingdom without knowing that the righteous are pleading for their plan to ruin God’s Kingdom advance be ruined?

There is no neutrality in our prayer life. If we are going to pray “thy Kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” then we must pray God at the same time for the destruction of all those who would not labor with us to see God’s kingdom come.

Of course, we pray first for their conversion. They are miserable in their sins and it is a requisite and heartfelt kindness to them for us to pray for God to be kind to them by rescuing them from sin just as He was to us in rescuing us from sin. By the same reasoning, it is a requisite and heartfelt kindness to God to pray that the persons of His enemies perish rather than the Gospel and the kingdom if they kick against the goads of God’s command for all men everywhere to repent.

As Christians, we should have great pity for those outside of Christ. Greater still though should be our compassion for the triune God and His authority. Every tear dropped for the wicked and their conversion should be matched by two tears dropped for God and the advancement of His Kingdom and the making known of His glory.

Touching imprecatory prayer Martin Luther was right and Mike Horton and R2K is in error.

“The imprecatory prayers, invoking God’s judgment on the enemies, are appropriate on the lips of David and the martyrs in heaven. However, they are entirely out of place on the lips of Christians today, guided as we are not by the ethics of intrusion but by the ethics of common grace.” 

Dr. Michael Horton

Graduations; Making it by the Skin of my Teeth

It is April of 1977. Sturgis H.S. Graduation is in June. The foster family I am living with receives a letter from the School board telling them that “Bret may not be graduating in June as he is failing a class and will not have enough credits. We are also concerned that he may not meet the GPA allowed to walk.”

My foster parents were understandably freaking out. These incredibly kind people hadn’t bargained for a permanent resident and the plans were I would be on my way to college in August.

I told them … “No problem. I have it all under control.”

They were understandably not convinced.

A little background reveals that the reason I was so low on credits is that I had serious injuries in my Freshman and Junior years that found me unable to take courses like “typing” or “gym” or anything that required physical exertion. Consequently, for at least two years I was at school 6 hours a day but only taking 3 hours of coursework. Nobody ever checked up on that and all I thought was, “FREEDOM.” All that free time was spent playing euchre, paper football, and hob-knobbing with friends who only got 1 hour off every day.

The school board really had pulled the panic button and so scared my Foster family. Maybe they thought I was going to fail a couple of courses in that last semester? I ended up with 18 credits which was the exact number needed in order to graduate. My GPA? A stellar 1.82

All those gym courses from my Freshman and Senior years had saved me.

In June I graduated having passed one uncertain class and finishing a nose hair ahead of the required GPA.

College Graduation was a similar matter of just getting out by the skin of my teeth.

At the beginning of College, I was no better of a student than I was at the end of High School. In retrospect, I viewed Christian College as just a glorified summer church camp. That went on for the first couple of years wherein I failed more credits (classes) than I passed. I had taken it upon myself to major in the arduous degrees of Foosball, Donkey Kong, and assorted hijinks. Most of those classes were held in the student center where the radio blasted Rock -n- Roll whenever it was open. I did become quite accomplished in Foosball where in a mixed doubles campus tournament my partner and I finished second. (I had a wicked push shot from the front line.)  I mastered the Donkey Kong computer game routinely getting past the top level. AND nobody excelled me in hijinks. Indeed, it became a standing joke that if anything untoward happened on campus I was sure to be called into the Dean’s office to be grilled about what I knew. Along the way, I learned that at some point I had been put on a secret probation list. I kid you not.

It wasn’t until the end of my Jr. year it began to slowly dawn on me that I might not graduate if I didn’t kick things into high gear. I began to roll. I took a summer psychology course that would transfer that summer while working 7o hours a week and then in that last year I took 44 credits. There were several classes that were meeting at the same time that found me registered in both classes because I needed to expunge a former failing grade. Graduation required 124 credits to get out. It looked like I’d be graduating with exactly 124 credits. For years afterward I would have nightmares that I failed one of those courses that final year.

However, in March 1982 two months before college graduation in May, the Dean of Students (Rocky Kent) calls me in and tells me … “There is some doubt that we will allow you to graduate despite your big push this last year since you have not attended chapel in the years you have been here.”

Now, Rocky really was a good chap. A quite likable fellow even if he was the target of a good bit of ribald teasing. Being on friendly terms with “the Rock” the following conversation ensued;

Bret — “Chapel was required? Why didn’t anyone ever tell me? I mean I knew they wanted us to go but Rocky, do you realize how boring that Chapel routinely is?”

Observational aside — (Rocky was the College Basketball coach and was well known for working on drawing up his plays during chapel.)

Rocky — “That doesn’t matter. You were required.”

Bret — “So, after I’ve spent all this money and effort you’re suggesting you’re not going to let me graduate? I’m sure there are some lawyers who could make some money off of this scenario.”

Rocky — “Tell you what… if you promise to attend chapel the last two months before you graduate we will call it even and let you graduate.”

Bret — “That’s an awfully high price you are driving there but in order to show that I’m willing to go above and beyond … you’ve got a deal.” Those last two months of mandatory chapels were a raking of my soul. You have no idea how boring Wesleyans can be in their chapel services.

6 weeks later I walked earning my B.S. in History, Religion/Philosophy, and Political Science. However, even that was contested as the Registrar who had known me fairly well (and wasn’t really a fan) insisted up and down that there was no way I would be awarded three majors. She kept protesting and I just kept responding with … “Gee, Sue, you’ll have to take that up with my Academic Advisor as he’s the one who is guiding me in all this.”

Each time I responded with that phrase she became more and more adamant as seen in the increase of the volume and the pitch of her voice. One would have thought that we were negotiating over the possibility of her losing her virginity.

I finally received my three degrees with a B- average but she was so bitchy about it she had to scrawl the word “unique” on my record. I always laugh at that because I seriously doubt that anyone ever saw her scribble of “unique” on my records.

Finally, there was Seminary. This became another skin of the teeth moment in terms of Graduation. Grades or credits here were not the problems. I graduated with plenty of credits to spare and I had a solid 3.4 GPA. Because of taking on employment with United Airlines in Columbia, SC I added an extra semester to my three years taking two easy/cheesy courses that last semester. I filed all the requisite papers and I was all in the chute to graduate that following May.

However, I hit a snag. It wasn’t chapel this time. I had got a signed excuse from the Dean of Students because of my work schedule. (Chapel in Seminary wasn’t a lick better than Chapel in undergrad.) The snag I hit this time was named Dr. Jay Sensinig. Dr. Jay had shown up my final year to take over what is now called the practicum program of Seminary. When I was in seminary it was called “Field Education.” Here was a course that wasn’t a course. One did not pay for the credits of Field Ed. One did not have assigned classes for Field Education but I found out too late that, due to Dr. Jay’s improvement of the system when he took over one did have to turn in paperwork. Now, in my defense, I did not spend very much time on campus after the 1st year and as such, I wasn’t really tuned into new requirements. Therein lie the snag. I had turned in zero Field Education reports and without those Field Education reports, I was told, I could not graduate.

So, I did the natural thing. I went to see Dr. Jay. Dr. Jay was adamant that I turn in three years of Field Education reports. Now, you can ask my wife, but trust me when I tell you I just don’t have a memory for the kind of busywork that the Psychologist Dr. Jay was asking of me. I had been busy in the Church I had attended but in terms of providing the lesson plans for three years, and the detailed work explaining my going door to door evangelism, or teaching children’s Sunday School, or serving on the Church’s steering committee well that was completely gone.

So, I had to write a novel for Dr. Jay. You know, historical fiction? I made up lesson plans (who remembers what they taught in children’s Sunday School from three years ago? For that matter, who makes up a lesson plan when teaching 8-year-olds?), I gave the highlights I could remember from my door to door Evangelism Explosion work, I gave what info I could for other things but some of those things were still pretty sensitive as the Church I served went through some very hard times and I didn’t want to be spilling that stuff everywhere …. especially for the shrink Dr. Jay.

I finally put it all together and set up a time for a meeting up with him.  I sat it all on his desk and he let me know that it wasn’t satisfactory and that quite without looking at it. It seems he didn’t like my attitude. I know … hard to believe right?

And so there I was ready to walk in May of 88 but Dr. Jay would not approve and so I didn’t graduate in 1988. Nor in 1989 as he was still holding it and I was now 6 months into being called to Pastor a church. Finally, in 1990 he relented and gave his stamp of approval.

Later I found out that there had been a confab meeting about what to do about my status and my degree. I found out because the chap who had been the Dean of Students (Dr. Joe Parker — a great bloke) had taken the Southern Baptist pulpit 9 miles up the road from where I was serving in an Independent Presbyterian Church. Joe and I worked together on joint community projects and services along with a chap from the Episcopal Church and a fellow from the PCA work up the road. Joe was also still working as the Dean of Students when my case came up as to whether or not they were going to give me my sheepskin. There was a great deal of anguish coming from Dr. Jay (did I tell you he was a shrink by trade?) and from a chap named Lee Toomey who ran the work service program on campus. Lee complained that I was less than enthusiastic and cooperative when it came to my giving the school free labor that I was informed existed after I moved from Maine to South Carolina. Lee was also in charge of parking and I had a bad habit of parking in the wrong spots. Lee didn’t like that. Mea culpa, mea culpa, maxima mea culpa.

So, those were two strong voices speaking out against me being conferred. However, I had the office of the Dean of students speaking for me. Dr. Earl McQuay was the senior guy in the office and Dr. McQuay had been part of a student small group that I led for one year in Seminary. Dr. McQuay was a dear man who had suffered the loss of an adult son years prior. Some of that loss came out in our small study group and we wept with one another. Both Dr. Parker and Dr. McQuay were genuine friends though each was a generation older than me and they stuck with me though Joe Parker told me that “it was a close call. I didn’t know if you were going to make it.”

So, in 1990, 30 months after I completed my course work I was finally given my Seminary degree.